Don't Moose With Her (Bearbank Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: Don't Moose With Her (Bearbank Book 1)
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Once in the car, Ethan wasted no time in driving off. After a while, Dana noticed that they didn’t seem to be headed home.

Looking across at him, she asked, “Where are you going?”

Shooting her a glance, he answered “Clinic.”

“I don’t need to go to the clinic,” she insisted. “You said yourself that the bullets just grazed me.”

“Better safe than sorry,” Ethan said firmly. “I’ll be happier when the doctor checks you out. My wolf is really pissed right now, sweetheart. I need this so please don’t argue.”

“Fine,” she sighed. She understood that his wolf was driving him, concerned with the safety of his mate. She would be the same if their situations were reversed. She didn’t really want to go to the clinic but she’d play along to soothe his wolf.




This time they saw a male doctor. A wolf. A young and handsome male wolf. Ethan’s own wolf snarled.

“If you want to wait outside…” the doctor began, smirking at Ethan.

“No,” Ethan stated flatly. He wasn’t leaving her, not even for a minute. She was hurt, she was in danger, and this doctor was practically eating her with his eyes.

Turning to Dana, the doctor said, “Why don’t you get undressed…”

He wasn’t even aware he’d moved until he heard Dana shout his name. He had the doctor pinned to the wall, his hand around his neck.

“Ethan,” Dana said, her hands pulling at his arm. “Let him go.”

Gradually, he persuaded his hands to release the doctor, who glared at him. They were both snarling.

“Knock it off!” Dana yelled. The snarling subsided but he continued to stare at the doctor.

“Maybe we could see someone else?” Dana suggested with a sigh.

“There is no one else right now,” the doctor said, smirking at Ethan again. The pup was really asking for it. “We’re a little short staffed today and the only other doctor here got called out to an emergency.”

Ethan looked at Dana. His wolf was seriously unhappy. He needed her to be examined but he didn’t want this doctor anywhere near her.

“Could you give us a minute?” Dana asked the doctor. “I’ll be ready when you get back.”

The doctor nodded and left the room. Ethan forced his fists to unclench and looked at his mate.

“You know I’m not interested in him, right?” Dana asked, stroking his arm. “He’s a bit creepy and he’s not the wolf I want. I’ve never liked him and I always avoid him when I can.”

Ethan exhaled. “Good. I’m sorry. This whole mate thing is testing my control. I’ve never felt so jealous.”

“I get it,” Dana soothed him. Her soft hand cupped his face. “I’m a shifter too. I know how it works. But if you want a doctor to check me out, it has to be him. Nothing is going to happen. You’ll be right here to make sure he behaves. Besides, if he tries anything, I’ll hit him myself.”

She smiled at him and some of the tension drained from him. He could do this. Probably.

“Ok, sweetheart,” he said, taking a deep breath. “I’ll try to behave.”

“Can you help me get undressed?” she asked. “Not completely but I need to take my jeans off so that he can see the leg wound. If you take my jacket off, I can drape it over my lap. That should do it.”

Ethan nodded and helped her back to the examination table. Once she was arranged as she’d suggested, he went to the door to let the doctor back in.

The doctor examined her arm first, cleaning it and wrapping a bandage on it. Then he moved onto her leg, giving it the same treatment. Ethan clenched his teeth as the doctor touched Dana’s leg. Was all that touching really necessary? When the doctor slid his hand up the inside of her thigh, Ethan couldn’t contain the growl that escaped him. Before he could move, there was a smacking sound and the doctor fell backwards, out cold and blood pouring from his nose.

“Told you I’d hit him myself,” Dana said with a shrug. He couldn’t resist kissing her, his wolf overjoyed that she’d put the upstart in his place.

When he pulled back, his mate was a little breathless and her eyes glazed over. Cool. He helped her back into her clothes and carried her out of the clinic, pausing to tell the receptionist that the doctor had taken ill. Oddly, the receptionist didn't seem surprised.

Once in the car, Ethan wasted no time in driving Dana home. They had something to finish.

Chapter 25



Dana spotted the package first. It was sitting on her doorstep, looking all innocent. She knew better.

“Ethan,” she said, looking up at him. He was carrying her again, insisting that she rest her leg. It was actually pretty sweet.

“I see it,” he said, expression grim. “I’ll deal with it.”

He carried her into the house and took her straight to her bedroom. He placed her on the bed and kissed her forehead.

“Why don’t you have a nap, sweetheart,” he suggested. “I need to call Leo and let him know what’s going on.”

She nodded. It had been a rough few days and she was really tired.

Ethan crouched beside her, lifting her face to look at him. “I promise you, Dana, I won’t let him hurt you again.”

“I know,” she whispered. She did. She felt safe with Ethan.

He kissed her gently and then stood. He helped her take off her jacket and boots. Honestly, she had been dressed and undressed so many times today that she wasn’t sure she ever wanted to change again.

“I’ll be in the living room,” Ethan assured her. “Call if you need anything.”

With that, he left her to rest. She pulled off her jeans and underwear but decided she was too tired to undress further. Curling up, hugging the pillow, she was asleep almost instantly.




Ethan opened the front door when he saw Leo approaching. He had called him as soon as he’d left Dana sleeping and asked him to drop by. It hadn't taken him long to arrive.

“Where is it?” Leo asked. He looked as tired as Ethan felt.

Ethan nodded his head towards the coffee table. “In there. She hasn’t seen it.”

Leo sighed. “What was it this time?”

“The box is full of packets of moose steaks,” Ethan growled. “The threat is pretty clear. She doesn’t need to know the details. Can you take this away with you?” He gestured at the box.

“Sure,” Leo said, walking over to it. “I’ll have them look it over for evidence but it’s probably a waste of time.”

“Probably.” Ethan rubbed his hand over his face. “I have his scent, I’d recognize it anywhere, but there are usually no forensics.”

“How is Dana?” Leo asked, looking into the box, a look of distaste crossing his face.

Ethan shrugged. “Tired, mostly. Her injuries aren’t too bad.” He shuddered, all too aware of how much worse it could have been. “I’m not even sure which of us he was aiming at. He barely missed me and grazed Dana twice. I don’t know if that was his intention or if he was looking to kill one of us.”

Leo scowled. “I think it’s more likely that he was aiming at you.”

“He doesn’t like my winning personality?” Ethan snorted. “The killer is focused on Dana.”

“Yes,” Leo agreed. “But shooting at her? No. That’s not his style and you know it. His kills are more personal than that. He abducts his victims and kills them face to face. He beats them almost to death before finishing it with a stake to the heart and cutting off their heads. He doesn’t randomly shoot them from a distance.”

Ethan swore. His partner was right and he should have known it. His only excuse was that his brain had stopped working the moment he met Dana. He paced the room, unable to stand still.

“He wanted me out the way to get a clear shot at Dana,” Ethan said. “He’s ready to abduct her, isn’t he?”

“We’ll keep her safe,” Leo said, watching him pace. “There’s a patrol car parked outside the house. Let me know if you need someone else to stay with her.”

“I can handle it,” Ethan insisted. No way was he leaving his mate’s safety in hands of someone else.

Leo shrugged. “I thought you’d say that. But if you do need help, I’ll be around.” He checked his phone before picking up the box. “I’m still waiting on forensics from Becca’s gifts. It’s a long shot but it doesn’t hurt to check. I’ll let you know if anything turns up.”

Once Leo was gone, Ethan went to check on Dana. She was under the covers, sound asleep, sprawled on her back, one arm thrown up beside her head. He kicked off his boots, undressed, and lay on the bed beside her, careful not to wake her. He hadn’t slept well the night before and he was exhausted. Before long, he had joined her in sleep.




It was getting dark when Dana woke up. She rolled onto her side, then pain had her hissing and scrambling to sit up. She had forgotten about her sore arm.

“What’s wrong?”

She stifled a squeak at Ethan’s voice coming from beside her.

“Sorry, sweetheart,” he soothed, sitting up beside her. “I didn’t mean to startle you. Are you okay?”

Dana pressed a hand over her racing heart. “Yes. I wasn’t quite awake and I forgot about my arm and rolled over onto it.” She glanced at him. He was naked. Gloriously naked.

His hand stroked down her back, soothing and arousing at the same time. “You slept for quite a while. Do you feel any better?”

“Yeah,” she answered, taking stock of her injuries. “As long as I don’t lean on my arm or leg, I’m fine.”

“Good,” he said, swooping down for a kiss. He paused just before he reached her lips and murmured, “Because we have unfinished business, you and I.”

Then he was kissing her. One of his hands was in her hair, holding her head steady for him. The other arm was wrapped around her, keeping her upright. Just as well because Dana felt like her bones had melted into goo. His tongue twined with hers, the kiss gentle at first and then building in passion. His hands slid down to the hem of her T-shirt, pulling it up. She lifted her arms and allowed him to remove the shirt. A glance at his face showed his gazed riveted on her breasts. He cupped them and squeezed them together before sliding his hands around to undo the clasp of her bra and slide it down her arms, careful to avoid the bandage around her arm. His hands slid upwards to cup her again, his thumbs lightly brushing her erect nipples. She shifted impatiently, the touch too light. More. She needed more.

Ethan chuckled at her sigh of impatience but increased the pressure, pinching her nipples like she wanted. It still wasn’t enough. It would never be enough. Still kissing him, she changed position, swinging a leg over to straddle his lap. She could feel his erection pressing against her and she rubbed herself against it. Ethan groaned into her mouth, one of his hands slipping down to run gently through her curls and dip into her wet heat. Now it was her turn to groan.

“So wet,” Ethan murmured against her lips. “I have to taste you.”

Before she could formulate a single thought, Ethan had her spun around and flipped onto her back. He spread her legs and looked intently at his prize. She was vaguely aware that she would normally be embarrassed at this point but she just didn’t care. She just needed him to touch her. Fingers, mouth, cock. Something. Anything.

“Ethan,” she whined.

“I’m here,” he answered, caressing her inner thighs. “So smooth. I can’t wait to have them wrapped around me.”

He bent his head and kissed along her inner thigh, before switching to give the same attention to her other leg. So close but not where she needed him.

“Ethan,” she growled, earning a laugh before he moved to her aching pussy. He placed a gentle kiss there, nuzzling at her. Dana was seconds from grabbing his head and grinding him into her when he finally increased the pressure, licking along her slit and then around her clit. She shivered in excitement as his tongue danced around her clit, the touches light and teasing. She lifted her hips a little higher, trying to increase the contact but Ethan’s hands pushed her back down and held her securely.

“My pace, sweetheart,” Ethan said, pressing a gentle kiss to her abdomen. “I’ve been looking forward to this. I’m not rushing it.” He pressed soft little kisses on her as he added, “I’m going to savour… every… single… second.”

“Fine,” Dana muttered grumpily, lying back and flinging an arm over her face. “Wake me when you’re done.”

Ethan laughed, a rich and deep sound. “Oh little moose, I can assure you that you won’t be sleeping through this.”

He returned his attention to her pussy but thankfully he did pick up the pace just a little. His tongue flicked her clit and circled the little bud while he stroked her slit with a finger. It felt good. So good. She could feel the pleasure building, slowly but surely, with every lick and every stroke. A finger dipped inside her, stroking at her inner walls as he sucked her clit hard. She squealed and bucked under him, her climax suddenly within reach. He renewed his efforts and before long the pleasure exploded from her. As she came down from her climax, she could feel his tongue thrusting inside her, prolonging the pleasure.

Ethan lifted his head, his expression so smug that she’d have slapped him if she still had control over her limbs. He crawled over her, looking every inch the wolf stalking his prey. Her climax had not dimmed her passion, even a little, and when he trailed his hand up her thigh and stroked her again, she moaned in anticipation. His kiss was hungry and she responded in kind. She felt him nudge her entrance and she tilted her hips a little, inviting him in. Slowly he filled her and she arched beneath him, revelling in the feel of him stretching her.

“God, Dana,” Ethan ground out. “So fucking tight.”

Finally, he was fully inside and he stopped for a moment, looking down at her. They both panted as they looked at each other. Then he began to move. Slowly at first and then with increasing speed.

“More, Ethan,” Dana breathed. “Please.”

“Anything,” he promised her, beginning to pound into her. His hips pumped between her legs, establishing a rhythm that drove her wild. She got lost in the sensations and all she could do was wrap her legs around his waist and hold on. The smell of sex hung heavy in the air and she could hear the sound of their bodies slapping together over and over again. Nothing had ever felt this good. He angled his hips slightly as he thrust into her and managed to hit just the right spot, making her gasp and claw at his back. The pressure built again and she knew she wasn’t going to last.

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