Don't Know Much About History, Anniversary Edition: Everything You Need to Know About American History but Never Learned (Don't Know Much About®) (115 page)

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Korea, 298, 367, 389, 391, 474; North, 413–19, 476, 586, 602–3; South, 413–417, 474, 535; War, 401, 410, 413–20, 422, 424–25

Koresh, David, 548, 578–79

Kosovo, 555–56

Kotouc, Eugene, 493

Krakauer, Jon, 599–600

Krock, Arthur, 447

Krogh, Egil, Jr., 497, 505

Krstic, Radislav, 556

Krueger, Ivar, 344, 347

Ku Klux Klan, 252, 325, 329–30, 332, 464

Kurlansky, Mark, xxiii, 9, 10

Kuwait, 512, 540–43, 603

Ky, Nguyen Cao, 472, 473

labor movement, 258, 270, 276–80, 297, 328, 340, 354–55, 362, 419

Lafayette, Marquis de, 73, 77, 88, 122

Lafayette Escadrille, 310

Lafitte, Jean, 159

Laird, Melvin, 481

Landon, Alf, 357, 663

Lane, Harriet, 209

Langguth, A. J., xvii, 493

Laos, 469, 470, 476, 479

La Salle, 42

Laud, William, 35

Lawrence, James, 157

League of Nations, 317, 318, 320, 338, 361

Leary, Timothy, 501

Lease, Mary Elizabeth, 280

Lebanon, 319; hostages, 522, 591

LeClerc, General, 385

Lee, Anne Carter, 210

Lee, Charles, 72, 88–89, 92

Lee, Henry “Light-Horse Harry,” 75, 210

Lee, Mary Custis, 209–10

Lee, Mother Ann, 180

Lee, Richard Henry, 67, 82, 95

Lee, Robert E., 195, 209–10, 216, 225, 228–30, 232–33, 238–39, 243

Lee, Wen Ho, 582

Legal Tender Act, 230

Lehman bankruptcy, 622, 624

Leisler’s Rebellion, 52

Lend-Lease Act, 360–61, 365, 374–75

Leno, Jay, xviii

Leonhardt, David, 626

Lesseps, Ferdinand de, 293

Levitt, William J., 401

Lewinsky, Monica, 549–52, 554

Lewis, John L., 355

Lewis, Meriwether, 146–48

Lewis, Michael, 620

Lewis, Sinclair, 323–24

Lexington, 70, 80, 84, 93

Libby, Lewis “Scooter,” 607

Liberty Party, 190

Liddy, G. Gordon, 481, 498, 501–4, 509

Lieberman, Joseph, 569

Lincoln, Abraham, xxvi, 33, 147, 172, 187–88, 190, 195, 197, 205, 213–18, 220, 222–43, 249, 661; assassination of, xv, 239, 243–47

Lincoln, Benjamin, 110

Lindbergh, Anne Spencer Morrow, 342

Lindbergh, Charles A., 339, 341–43, 361, 363

Lindbergh, Charles, Jr., kidnapping, 342

Lippmann, Walter, 351

Little Rock school crisis, 431–32

Liuzzo, Viola, 484

Livingston, Robert, 95, 145, 549

Locke, John, 116, 120

Lodge, Henry Cabot, 286–88, 291–92, 446

Logan, John, 248

Longstreet, James, 195, 228, 243

Long Term Capital Management, 565

Lon Nol, 479

Lott, Trent, 555

Louisiana, 46, 163, 217, 615, 644, 661; Hurricane Katrina, 615–17; Purchase, 144–46, 160, 161, 163, 190; Territory, 42, 145

Louis XIV, king of France, 41

Louis XVI, king of France, 72, 102

L’Ouverture, Toussaint, 145, 173

Loving, Mildred, 611–12

Loving v. Virginia,

Luce, Henry, 401, 414, 447

sinking of, 308–9, 311–12

Lynch, Jessica, 606

Lynn shoe strike, 276, 334

MacArthur, Douglas, 316, 350, 368, 376–78, 386, 389–91, 395, 413–19

Madison, Dolley, xix, 158–59

Madison, James, 57, 114, 124, 126–29, 131, 136, 138, 143–44, 154–60, 651, 659

Mafia, 447, 450, 462

Magellan, 7

Mahan, Alfred, 286

Mailer, Norman, 402, 475

Maine, 163, 614

sinking of, 288

Malcolm X, 458–59, 484, 489

Maliki, Nouri al-, 608–10

Malone, Dumas, 135

Manchuria, 361, 389, 417

Manhattan, sold by Indians, 37–38

Manhattan Project, 372, 389, 391, 396, 409, 519

Manifest Destiny, 179–80, 190, 194, 206, 208, 259, 287

Mao Zedong, 390, 406, 414, 480

Marbury v. Madison,

Mardian, Robert, 507

Mariana Islands, 359–60, 384, 385

Marion, Francis “Swamp Fox,” 89

Marquette, Jacques, 41–43

Marshall, George C., 317, 369, 397, 403–4

Marshall, James, 194

Marshall, John, 143–44, 149

Marshall, Thomas R., 662

Marshall, Thurgood, 124, 425–26, 544

Marshall Plan, 403–4

Mary, Queen of Scots, 20

Maryland, 33, 46, 120, 128, 163, 221

Mason, George, 111–13, 115, 553

Mason, James Murray, 202

Massachusetts, 45, 67–71, 109–10, 128, 134, 156, 163, 613, 635; Bay Colony, 33–36, 44–45, 51, 53, 55–57, 61; Regulating Act, 68

Massasoit, 32, 50

Massoud, Ahmed Shah, 597

Mather, Cotton, 56

Mather, Increase, 54

Mayas, 13

Mayflower Compact, xviii, 31–32

McAuliffe, Anthony, 386

McAuliffe, Christa, 518–20

McCain, John, 568, 622–25, 664

McCarthy, Eugene, 476, 656

McCarthy, Joseph, 55, 328, 410–14

McChrystal, Stanley A., 601

McClellan, George, 195, 226–30, 238, 243, 661

McCloy, John J., 461

McCord, James W., 502

McCormick, Cyrus, 187

McCormick Reaper strike, 277

McCorvey, Norma, 499

McCullough, David, xxiii, 295

McFarlane, Robert, 518–22

McGovern, George, 481, 502, 663

McHenry, William “Jerry,” 203

McKinley, William, 281–82, 286–95, 303, 662; assassination of, 293

McKissick, Floyd, 484

decision, 426

McNair, Ronald E., 513

McNamara, Robert S., xix, 473, 476, 496

McNeill, William H., 7, 8

McPherson, James M., xxiii, 219, 240

McVeigh, Timothy, 580–81, 636

Meade, George, 232, 233

Medicaid and Medicare, 464

Medici, Lorenzo, 14

Medina, Ernest, 491, 493

Mello, Sergio Vieira de, 607

Mellon, Andrew, 349

Melville, Herman, 183

Memorial Day, 248–49

Menand, Louis, 220

Mencken, H. L., 323, 337, 351

Menéndez de Aviles, Pedro, 19, 40

Mennonites, 45

Metacom (King Philip), 50–51

Mexico, 10, 13–14, 18, 19, 149, 161, 302–3, 562; War, 176–79, 191–94, 196, 201, 206

Michigan, 179, 586; Territory, 164

Middle East, xx, 306–7, 319, 423, 510–14, 524, 539–40

military draft, 222, 227, 229, 231, 233, 242, 269, 316, 380, 415, 473, 475, 477, 478, 481, 483, 640, 651

Miller, Arthur, 55

Miller, Merle, 419

Milosevic, Slobodan, 556

Minuit, Peter, 37, 39

Minutemen, 69, 70, 71, 84

Miranda, Ernesto, 488

Miranda v. Arizona,

Mississippi, 163, 217, 464–65, 586, 615

Mississippi River, 19, 42–43

Missouri, 163, 219, 226; Territory, 164

Missouri Compromise, 161–63, 179, 207, 211

Mitchell, John (attorney general), 497, 502, 505, 507, 508, 510

Mitchell, John (labor leader), 297

Mitchell, Margaret, 188

Modoc myth, 9–10

Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh (KSM), 591

Mohawk Indians, 57

Mohegan Indians, 34

Mohican Indians, 21, 50

Moley, Raymond, 357

Molly Maguires, 276

Mondale, Walter, 664

(ship), 226, 227

Monroe, James, 128, 139, 145, 160–62, 164, 659; Doctrine, 160–61, 298

Monroe, Marilyn, 438

Montezuma, emperor of Aztecs, 18

Montgomery, Bernard, 380–81

Montgomery bus boycott, 428–30

moon landing, 494

Morgan, Daniel, 76, 89, 97, 98

Morgan, J. P., Jr., 269, 345, 348

Morgan, J. P., Sr., 258, 266, 269, 271, 281, 287, 297, 312, 328

Morin, Relman, 431

Mormons, 180–81; Trail, 179–80

Morris, Dick, 549

Morris, Errol, xix

Morris, Gouverneur, 115, 116

Morris, Lewis, 59

Morris, Robert, 104, 113

Morristown mutiny, 76

Morse, Samuel, 187

Morse, Wayne, 467

Morton, Levi P., 662

Morton, Nathaniel, 34–35

Moscoso, Luis de, 19

Mossadegh, Mohammad, 422–23

Mott, Lucretia, 334

Moulitsas Zuniga, Markos, 625

muckrakers, 150, 298–301

Murrow, Edward R., 412

Muskie, Edmund, 477, 508, 524

Mussolini, Benito, 324, 361–63, 372, 381–82, 394

My Lai massacre, xxvii, 476–77, 478, 480, 491–93

Nader, Ralph, 300, 486–87, 569, 571–73, 624

NAFTA, 547

Nagin, Ray, 165, 616

Napoleon, 144–45, 150, 153, 156, 158–60, 173

Narragansett Indians, 34, 35, 50

NASA, 517–20

Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 423

Nast, Thomas, 274

Natick Indians, 66

Nation, Carrie, 331–32

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 124, 302, 425–26, 429, 484

National Industrial Recovery Act, 354–55

National Organization for Women, 456

National Recovery Administration, 354–58

National Rifle Association, 631

National Security Agency, 409, 595

National Security Council, 593, 603

Nation of Islam, 458–59, 489

Nativists, 181, 207, 209, 325

Navajo Indians, 259

Netherlands (Dutch), 20–21, 29, 36–39, 45, 46, 49–51, 61, 77, 102–3, 136, 364, 373, 404, 602

Neutrality Act, 363–64, 372

Nevada, 193, 586

New Amsterdam, 37–39, 46, 49–50

New Deal, xxv, 324, 353–59, 455

New England, 26, 33–37, 41, 50–57, 61, 124; Confederation, 34

Newfoundland, 9–10, 22, 40

New France, 41

New Hampshire, 46, 85, 128, 163, 573, 613, 656

New Jersey, 39, 46, 72–73, 75, 128, 130, 163, 613, 614

New Jersey Plan, 114

New Mexico, 19, 192, 193, 202, 305

New Orleans, 145, 159, 227, 284, 615–18

Newport, John, 23

New Sweden, 39, 45, 46

Newton, Sir Isaac, 120

New World, named, 15, 17

New York, 36–39, 46, 72, 74, 75, 85, 88, 127–31, 134, 163; draft riots, 233, 269

Nez Perce Indians, 260

Nicaragua, 161, 287, 294, 305; Contras, 522–27

Nichols, Terry, 580

Nimitz, Chester, 376, 383

Nixon, Richard, 252, 406–8, 419–21, 442–47, 450, 477–82, 492–93, 496–98, 500–510, 513, 525, 546, 553, 568, 663–64

Noonan, Fred, 359

Noriega, Manuel, 543

Norris, Frank, 300

Norris, George W., 315

Norse sailors, 8–9

North, 187–89, 218–22

North, Lord, 68, 77

North, Oliver, 523–27

North Atlantic route, 12–13

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 403, 536, 555–56, 598–600, 602

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