Don't Hurt People and Don't Take Their Stuff: A Libertarian Manifesto (29 page)

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as IRS targets, 60, 72

and libertarians, 164, 217–18

and progressives, 24

usage of term, 120

Constitution, U.S., 129, 205

and Bill of Rights, 132–36, 196

and Congress, 136

copyright clause, 202–3

and presidential powers, 209–10

and property, 196–98

contracts, 11

control, 76, 84

copyright protection, 202–3

Cox, Stephen, 42

creative disruption, 30, 31–32, 125

Cruz, Ted, 148, 171, 178, 211

author’s interviews with, 152, 153, 157–58, 164, 165, 169

Cummings, Elijah, 78

Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), 203–4

Daily Kos, 149

Davis, Danielle, 222–23

Davis, Joel, 222–23

Davis, Miles, 30–31, 44, 125

“death panels,” 86

debt ceiling, 176

Debt Commission, 176

Defense Department, U.S., 93

Delta Air Lines, 77

Democratic Party, 121–22, 213

Douglas, Michael, 162

drone strikes, 135, 137–41, 144

due process, right to, 9, 135, 143

Durbin, Dick, 67–68

EBay, 199


costs of, 106–7

parental control of, 187–89

Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA), 201

Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), 126, 146, 204

Ellis, Joseph J., 55

Emanuel, Rahm, 132

eminent domain, 197

Enlightenment, 124

entitlements, 181–83

entrepreneurship, 17–18, 125

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 82

Evans, William, 149

fair use doctrine, 203

faith-based initiative, 22

Fannie Mae, 186–87

Farmer, Robert, 45

Federal Advisory Council, 106

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 51–53, 65, 100, 226

Federal Data Services Hub, 93–97

Federal Elections Commission (FEC), 67, 68

Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP), 70, 71, 88, 183

Federalist, The,
12, 143

Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), 191

Federal Reserve Act, amendment (1977), 191

Federal Reserve System, 190–93

federal sugar program, 81

Feinstein, Dianne, 130

Ferguson, Andrew, 124

Fifth Amendment:

due process clause, 135

and privacy, 189

and self-incrimination, 135

takings clause, 196


Paul’s use of, 137–40, 143–45, 146, 147

Thurmond’s use of, 141–42, 143

First Amendment:

freedom of the press, 133

free speech, 63, 74, 78, 100, 128, 133, 204

on redress of grievances, 17, 52

religious freedom, 133

right of assembly, 63

flat tax, 178

Forbes, Steve, 173

Ford, Gerald R., 218

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), 9, 135–36, 190, 215

Foundation for Economic Education, 37

Founders, 18, 55, 80, 198, 202

Fourth Amendment:

and privacy, 75, 134, 201

searches and seizures, 133, 189

Frank, Barney, 16

Franklin, Benjamin, 9, 223–24, 225

Freddie Mac, 186–87


and community, 148

free society, 123

of the individual, 55, 128, 129

and information, 126, 146, 148

and music, 32, 33–35, 38

not free, 43, 49

power vs., 54

principle of, 18

protection of, 129

responsibility of, 58

and social intelligence, 123

FreedomWorks, 38, 149, 157

and “Burn Your ObamaCare Card,” 110–12

critics of, 46–47, 212

and federal budget, 176

polling by, 108

star tattoo, 223

Free Enterprise Institute, 153

Friedman, Milton, 153

Game of Thrones,

Gandhi, Mohandas K. (Mahatma), 26

Garcia, Jerry, 44

Garrow, David J., 52

Geithner, Timothy, 174

General Motors bailout, 185

George Mason University (GMU), 37–38, 148

Gerritson, Becky, 72–73

Getty, J. Paul, 65

Gibb, Andy, 29, 30

Gillespie, Nick, 114

Gingrich, Newt, 100

Golden Rule, 23

gold standard, 192


abuse of power in, 53–54, 73, 75–76, 97, 120, 142, 204–5

checks and balances in, 23

complexity of, 76–78, 92

consolidation of power in, 9, 15, 55, 76, 97, 117, 121

data collection by, 198

debts of, 101–3

distrust of, 23, 54, 92, 97, 117, 119, 178

employees of, 72;
see also
civil servants

empty promises in, 206–11

expansion of, 25, 55–56, 77, 105, 129, 137, 213, 215

information sharing within, 96–97

limits on, 12, 129, 137, 163

and marriage, 22–23, 120

as opposite of liberty, 75, 76, 199, 204

out of control, 97–98, 128

and privacy invasion, 95–97, 128–29, 200

private contractors used by, 96–97

roles of, 2–3, 8, 20

skepticism of, 54, 97, 119

stealing by, 10–12

surveillance authorities of, 9, 74, 117, 119, 126–29, 135–36, 189–90

as Them vs. Us, 55, 73, 219, 221

Graham, Lindsey, 75, 129–30, 140

grass roots:

civil disobedience, 110

critics of government, 83, 149, 160, 194, 212, 213

and elections, 157–58

libertarians, 56, 219

and social media, 147, 203

and Tea Party, 56, 62–63, 213

Grateful Dead, 43–44, 110, 126

Great Recession, 105, 106–7, 109

Green Party, 149

Gross, T. Scott, 115

Grove City College, 35–37, 148

GSE Bailout Elimination and Taxpayer Protection Act (2011), 186–87

130, 136, 149

Haidt, Jonathan, 19

Hamilton, Alexander, 196

Harvard University, survey by, 118–19

Hastert, Denny, 211–13

Hayek, Friedrich A., 4, 6, 153, 155

on government planning, 92, 123–24

on monetary policy, 192

on social justice, 15

on the “spontaneous order,” 44, 125

“Why I Am Not a Conservative,” 23–24

Health and Human Services (HHS), U.S. Department of, 87, 96, 112

health care:

accountability in, 84

control of, 84–85

distance between patient and doctor, 85, 180

employer-sponsored insurance, 85, 87

government takeover of, 171–72, 213, 215

and identity theft, 94

Medicare, 89, 103, 181, 183, 215

patients in charge of, 179–80

portability of, 114

and pre-existing conditions, 86, 114

privacy of records, 90

rationing services (“death panels”), 86

and taxes, 85

third party payers in, 179

see also
ObamaCare, 91, 112, 118

Hensarling, Jeb, 186

Hentoff, Nat, 129

Holder, Eric, 63, 137, 144–45

Holocaust, 39–42

Homeland Security, Department of, 93

Hoover, J. Edgar, 52, 53, 65, 76, 128

Hope and Change Agenda, 109

Huckabee, Mike, 144

Hunt, H. L., 65

IBM, 87

identity theft, 94–95

Identity Theft Resource Center, 94

Ingram, Sarah Hall, 71

insider trading, 174

Institute for Humane Studies, 37

Institute for Justice, 197

insurance companies, and health care, 85, 86, 87, 92

intellectual property, 202–3

Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 58–68

abolishment of, 177–78

and civil forfeitures, 198–99

complex laws of, 78, 81, 177–78

and Data Hub, 93–97

and discrimination scandal, 90, 95, 99, 116

enforcement powers of, 90

establishment of, 80

expanding power of, 213

and identity theft, 94–95

income tax, 80, 177

misconduct hearing, 91

and ObamaCare, 70, 75, 89–91, 94, 109

and penalties, 94

as political weapon, 59–66, 67, 68, 70–71, 72, 74, 82, 90, 95, 99–100, 226

and privacy invasion, 90, 94, 200–201

school reports to, 62

Search Warrant Handbook, 200–201

tax code, 79–83, 177–78

and tax-exempt status, 58–61, 67, 78


access to, 147, 200

and censorship, 203–4

control of, 200, 202, 203–4

government undermined by, 25, 151, 202, 226–27

influence of social media, 144, 145–50, 214

and intellectual property, 203

and right to know, 199–204

structures disrupted by, 97–98, 123, 125–26, 143, 146, 150, 199

surveillance via, 126–27, 130

Issa, Darrell, 64

jazz, 30–31, 44, 125

Jefferson, Thomas, 54–55, 129, 194, 196, 223

job creation, 105

“Join, Or Die,” 225

justice, 7–8, 14–16, 130


karma, 19

Kelo v. City of New London,

Kennedy, John F. (JFK), 65, 67

Kennedy, Robert F. (RFK), 52, 65

Kenney, Karen, 61

Kerry, John, 183

Keynes, John Maynard, 84, 101–2, 175

General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money,

Kibbe, Barbara (mother), 27–28

Kibbe, Matt:

Give Us Liberty
(coauthor), 19

Hostile Takeover,

Kibbe, Sumner (father), 35

Kibbe, Terry (wife), 37

King, Martin Luther Jr. (MLK), 26, 50–55, 141

“I Have a Dream,” 50–51, 54, 55

IRS audits of, 65, 82, 100

and March on Washington, 50, 148

targeted by FBI, 51–53, 65, 100

King, Peter, 134

Klausner, Manny, 217


decentralization of, 25–26

as power, 152

right to know, 146, 199–204

Kotlikoff, Laurence, 181

Kutcher, Ashton, 17

Lavoie, Don, 123


complexity of, 82–83, 94, 97, 177

compliance with, 173–75

rule of, 11

social processes made into, 21, 199

Leahy, Pat, 201

Led Zeppelin, 35

Lee, Geddy, 34, 38, 40, 42

Lee, Mike, 176, 201, 211

author’s interviews with, 152, 154–55, 159, 168–69

Leno, Jay, 131

Lerner, Lois, 58–59, 62, 63, 67–68, 71, 76, 78, 128

liberals, 120

libertarianism, 56, 149, 156

and CNN poll, 119

and conservatism, 164, 217–18

IRS targets of, 72

Non-Aggression Principle in, 7–9

and Peart, 46

and questions asked, 170–73

twelve-step agenda of, 173–204, 205


individual responsibility for, 12–16

and opportunity, 19–20

protection of, 55, 226

and rule of law, 11

rules for,
Rules for Liberty

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