Don't Forget to Dream (42 page)

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Authors: Kathryn Ling

BOOK: Don't Forget to Dream
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Rhyla smiled at the familiar sound of her

chatter, so different from when she was around their mistress.

I was a little hungry. What hour is it?

It is mid afternoon Rhyla. You slept all night and most of the day. Everyone has been calling to check on you, Lady Emelia
, Queen Aletta, Princess Sophia;
even Prince Edwin knocked but he didn

t come in. T
hat wouldn

t have been proper as the Princess had gone already. Captain Mar
tin stopped by a few times as well as
Master Thomas,

Elsie continued as she crossed the room and auto
matically began tidying away the
tray of food.

They are all so kind to take such an interest in one of us,

Rhyla replied as she stood.

Of course they take an interest, especially after what you did for the Prince.

Rhyla placed a gently restraining hand on her friends shoulder.

Elsie, I need to see him,

she said simply.

But you need to rest Rhyla. Lady Emelia insisted you be allowed to get as much rest as possible.

Elsie, I just need to see if he is alright, with my own eyes. That is all that I am asking,

she asked gently.


Who am I to stop you from going for a little walk to stretch your
I know you won

t risk over doing it.

Thank you Elsie,

she said taking her hand away,

Can I ask you to help me with something?

Of course, what?

I need help to get dressed,

Rhyla said simply, looking at her dressings.

The light b
lue dress with the white flower?

Elsie enquired before
crossing to their small cupboard.

It isn

t a party Elsie, just a walk.
I am just checking he is recovering,

Rhyla insisted.

I know, but I like that dress.

Rhyla knew she didn

t have
the strength to
argue. She
hoped to find him awake. She waited a little longer at Elsie

s insistence on
out her hair.

Elsie was unusually quiet as she escorted Rhyla along the corridors of the Palace, up a flight of stairs and along further corridors to Callum

s rooms.
The Palace was far from quiet. T
o Rhyla it seemed there were servants busy with their tasks on every corner, each one wishing her well
as she was helped along. She received a number of congratulations and
a couple of the younger girls even
shallow curtsy. Sh
e nearly turned back many times.
doubt before dinner everyone would know she
had been to visit Callum.
would again fuel the fire for those who loved to gossip.

Putting them from her mind Rhyla walked the last few steps and paused outside the door to his rooms. What would she say to him? What was
there to say? There was not a single word that could bring
happiness. But that was not why she was here, sta
nding in front of a closed door.
was there to put her mind at ease that he was indeed healing well
, so she could stop worrying.
That was the only reason
. She was not
there to simply gaze upon him;
to drink in his handso
me features as he smiled at her;
bewitching her senses. No
she would simply enquire as to his condition and wish him
a swift return to full health. This was a
suitable action for someone who had fought
side by side and lived to talk of it.

Glancing at her silent companion Rhyla was surprised at the reassurance in her smile and the squeeze Elsie gave her hand. Turning back to the door Rhyla lifted her hand slowly, pausing briefly before knocking. The minutes seemed to drag and just as she was debating returning to her room the door opened enough for a young man to look out. Ferran looked cautiously through the small crack before opening it further.

Hello Ferran,

Rhyla said smiling
She hoped her voice sounded warm
and concerned, not nervous as she felt, as a
gang of b
had decided to take flight in her belly.

Rhyla, Elsie,

he greeted them momentarily surprised.

I did not know you were up
and about. How are your injuries Rhyla, y
ou are doing well?

Yes I am thank you. I have slept a great deal but found the need to walk. I guess I just ended up here.

She tried to sound casual but knew she failed miserably.

I was wondering if you could tell me how Prince Callum was


ncern crept into his expression.

The Prince is sleeping at the moment. He has woken a few times, eaten a little and talked with King Liam on what happened. Master Roburt has given strict orders for him to remain in bed, undisturbed,

he added forcefully.

Rhyla smiled at him once again hoping it would help,

I was hopeful I might be able to see him for myself.
He was so weak when we returned.
I can

t stop thinking about it, how pale he was. I

m sure you can
understand why I need to see how he is
improving with my own eyes.

Ferran paused in thought, looking at Rhyla then quickly glancing at Elsie and down the corridor.

I doubt you can do much harm by a brief visit. But do not wake him. Master Roburt was very specific about his need to rest.

I promise not to wake him. I just need to see that he will make it.

Ferran opened the door further to allow Rhyla to enter.

I have chores to see too. I will see you later,

Elsie said before turning back down the hall.

Rhyla paused
far enough into the room to
allow Ferran to close the door. She waited politely, nervously,
to be shown the way
large pair of doors
on t
he opposite side of the room were a fair assessment of the rooms Rhyla was about to enter.
The reception room was large
, larger than
the other
Palace chambers she had entered.
A huge
marble fireplace
nestled against one wall
four well padded chairs facing
it. There was a small table and another four elegantly carved chairs across the room, presumably for private dining or a game of cards. A pair of matching gilt edged sideboards flanked th
e window with three stand-lamps giving off a gentle glow.
single large darkly patterned rug, a triplet of matching wall hangings depicting a hunting scene and a couple of simple stylised animal figurines completed the decor. It was a simple and somewhat understated reception room for a Prince, but it suited Callum.

Ferran caught her attention by clearing his throat,

This way if you please Rhyla.

He silently
her through the large pair of doors at the far end of the room. A large four posted bed dominated the darkened room. The curtains were partially drawn across the tall window making it difficult to see clearly the still form in the bed. There was a single chair already placed by the bedside and after a brief gla
nce at Ferran she crossed quietly
across the rug
, her
slippered feet
not making a sound


s breath skipped
momentarily as she caught sight of Callum

s handsome face, fram
ed by his unruly black hair, lying there so
worryingly pale. A surge of complex and often conflicting emotions flooded through her. She remembered the feel of his lips and the passion they shared for the brief minutes before that arrow found its target. Now she watched as he drew slow steady breaths, thankful at least that he looked more comfortable.

You may sit if you would like Rhyla,

Ferran said in a near whisper, indicating the chair.

Thank you Ferran,

she replied softly before cautiously sitting.

I will leave you to your visit. Please call if he stirs.

Yes, certainly,
I shan

t disturb him.

Ferran quietly departed leaving Rhyla alone with her thoughts and despair as she watched her Prince sleep. He lay on his back with the blankets pulled up over
his chest,
his arms on top of the covers.  His chest was bare apart from the dressings
that covered his wounds.
him decently in a shirt was not consider
ed as his injuries would need to be checked regularly. This was after all
his private chambers
she remembered.

Tentatively she reached out to lay her hand lightly on
he didn

t stir or even flutter an eyelid. Hopeful
she wouldn

t disturb him she gently clasped his right hand between hers. He was warmer than when she had last held him. With the realisation that he would indeed live, all of her restrained emotions burst from their bonds. Tears flooded down her cheeks as she accepted
how close he had come to dying; how close
they had
come to dying. She sat there for what seemed
hours, her mind in turmoil. One moment
she was
cursing the fate that had brought them to his point and
the next
thanking the stars that had brought him and his love to her. The constant conflict between her heart and her head was draining what
little strength she had left in
her. Leaning forward she lay her head on the coverlet, cradling his hand aga
inst her cheek.
and comforted by his closeness
she was aware
he had no knowledge of her presence.

Gradually her breathing slowed.
flow of tears stemmed and an emotionally exhausted sleep claimed her.


After an hour Ferran cautiously looked into his

room. Seeing Rhyla slumped over, asleep in the chair by his bed, her head resting by Prince Callum

s side
he took pity on the young couple. He had been Prince Callum

s mans
ervant for many years;
had been but
boy not long from the nursery. He had seen many changes in his young master since th
e arrival of this young woman at
the Palace. He knew the truth of his

and torn loyalties. Backing silently from the room he maintained his post in the reception room, intercepting well wishers as the evening drew on.


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