Don't Forget to Dream (12 page)

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Authors: Kathryn Ling

BOOK: Don't Forget to Dream
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I am sure you could use some refreshment my boy,

the Lady said signalling for one of the serving maids to bring a jug over. The girl quickly brought over the jug of ale for the Prince, curtsied and departed.
a long drink before wiping his lips on
his sleeve. At the end of the action he glanced up guiltily to his grandmother who raised her eyebrows questioningly.


he murmured quickly.

I should think so my boy. I can see you have been spending too much time with the guards. That sort of behaviour will not be welcomed at the upcoming festivities,

she scolded gently.

Yes, of course, father

s birthday celebration.
must be only days away,

Callum replied, happy to change the subject under discussion.

It is in two nights. That is actually what brought us down here this morning,

Lady Emelia said including Rhyla with a brief gesture.

How so,

Callum asked.

Rhyla had never been to the Great Hall so I thought it best to introduce her to it when things were not quite so frantic,

y Emelia smiled warmly to Rhyla.
reminded her of how Lydia used to smile at her when she had learnt something new. Rhyla returned her smile if a little weakly and quickly focused on dusting off a small piece of fluff from her skirt. Unfortunately the Lady did not seem to recognise her unease and continued on.

I am going to have her seated with Mistress O

Mara but I think it best we see about arranging a suitable lad or two to dance with her. I would hate to see her sit the night out at her table.


s head snapped up in horror at the thought.

Oh no...
. Oh please my lady, don

t do that,

Rhyla pleaded glancing quickly to Callum for support.

But my dear, you don

t know any of these young men. You are very pretty so I am sure they will ask you, but it would be better to make arrangements before the night, otherwise you don

t know who you could be dancing with.

Rhyla wished the floor would open up and swallow her. She went pale and felt slightly nauseous for a moment before indignation began to rise. How could her mistress say such in front of Callum? She kept her eyes firmly on the floor.

Callum spoke before she could arrange her thoughts.

Rhyla knows me doesn

t she, and Martin of course, I am sure we count.

Yes I suppose so,

Lady Emelia said thinking on it.


Callum said to get her attention. She looked up at him through her lashes, fearing what he may say next.

You wouldn

t have had the opportunity to see a Royal Ball. If you would like I coul
d show you some of the basics, s
o you wouldn

t have to learn on the night. Only if you would like to of course,

he added hastily as his confidence failed him.

What a wonderful idea,

exclaimed Lady Emelia before Rhyla could respond.

You could make a start now. Oh yes, just wonderful. Come on my dear,

she encouraged as Rhyla desperately floundered for some way to escape the upcoming humiliation.

Before she could manufacture a suitable excuse Callum was standing before her with his right hand held out waiting to take hers. Very slowly she placed her hand in his and stood. As he led her from between the chairs and into the open space between the tables a light tingle ran from her hand down her arm and through her entire body. Pivoting gracefully to face her he took her right hand in his left, placed her left hand gently on his shoulder and encircled her waist with his right arm.

Only inches separated them.
looked up unto his eyes to find them smiling down at her. She could
feel his breath upon her cheek;
his lips so close she saw the slight tightening of them as her body folded into his. The heat of his body radiated through the layers of fabric between them. The size and strength of his muscled body enveloped her so completely in the few heartbeats that had passed. Never before had she been so close to a man, held so securely that she felt no harm could eve
r come to her
Never before had she wished time to stand still. For an instant she thought he trembled but quickly dismissed it as fantasy.

We shall take this slowly,

he whispered.

Just follow as I lead.
with your left leg into me as I step back with my right.

Rhyla followed step after step as he guided her around the room.

His men started pounding out a beat with their boots or jugs. It wasn

t long before he made things more complicated by adding turns that soon had Rhyla laughing and breathless at the same time. Dancing in Bendarin had never been like this, so free and wonderful. She could have danced with him for hours, never tiring of his laughter and feel of his body as he guided her onwards.

Suddenly the beat stopped and Callum drew Rhyla

s rapture to an end by stopping as well. He still held her tightly while he looked to Martin to see why t
hey had ceased playing the beat.
page stood with the Captain of the Guard.

The King is ready to see you now,

Martin responded to the silent question apologetically.

Callum nodded once and looked back at Rhyla.

Thank you,

he said simply, only loud enough for her to hear.

Rhyla blushed and looked down at his chest, still inhaling deeply from their exertions,

It is I who must thank you. I have never danced like that before.

Then you are a natural,

he paused lowering his hands slightly but not quite pulling away from her. His tone hardened a little but his voice remained soft.

I only regret that I will not be able to dance with you first at the feast. But I am sure Martin will if you would like,

he added hastily.

Rhyla looked up into his eyes to see the laughter had turned to sad regret. Reality returned with a harsh impact as she absorbed his meaning. She started to draw away from him and for a brief moment he held her tighter before letting her go with a painful sigh.

I would be grateful to Captain Martin if he could find time to dance with me. Lady Emelia would be disappointed if I did not have at least one dance,

she said attempting to feign simple gratitude as a sharp pain blossomed in her chest, threatening to build tears upon her lashes.

As she began to take another step away from him he quickly took hold of her hand,

Rhyla wait.

No, please don

t. Thank you once again for the dance,

she said in a level tone before dropping to a very poignant curtsey.

My Prince,

was all she could manage before turning her back on him. She quickly returned to Lady Emelia, keeping her back straight and her head held high, all the while wishing to do nothing more than flee like the stupid little girl she felt inside.

Chapter 5


The next two days found Rhyla focusing on her work with a renewed intensity. She sat quietly in the women

s hall embroidering the final detail of the shirt Lady Emelia had asked her to complete.
Rhyla remained
silent at the edge of the circle of women as they chattered constantly and often excitedly about the
celebrations. The women's hall was suitably furnished with several well padded chairs for the ladies comfort, several smaller chairs and stools for the ladies maids, a couple of large thickly woven carpets, and an ornately carved table with matching chairs and sideboard. The carvings of the furnishings were predominately a floral and vine covered motif, occasionally a finely carved bird or small animal would be depicted.

Queen Aletta, a handsome woman with the blue eyes of her mother that she had passed on to her son, along with her black hair
, spent little time in the
hall over those days as her time was diverted by overseeing the necessary preparations. She had spoken little to Rhyla in the few weeks that she had been in the Palace, aware of her presence but with little time to spread her attention to her mother

s new companion. On the day before the ball she found time to visit the


hall to check on the progress of the embroidery and general sewing that would be required for the evening. New shirts, jackets and dresses were being completed for every member of the Royal Family.

Rhyla was remembering the work she had done for her father and Lydia. Her mother, Karin, had been a decent seamstress but their clothes had been practical and hard wearing, not fine and beautiful like the shirt she held. Her father and mother would have laughed to see such material in their house but she knew Lydia would be proud that what she had taught Rhyla was being put to such good use.

Rhyla was still lost in her memories when a gentle, warm, motherly voice spoke behind her.

You do such beautiful work my dear.

Rhyla accidentally stabbed her finger with the needle as she jumped. She hastily sucked the end of it to stop the blood ruining the shirt, as she quickly stood up and dropped a deep curtsey.

Thank you, your majesty,

she said removing her finger and squeezing the end of it to stem the droplet that was forming.

It is an honour and a pleasure to work here with such fabrics and threads.

Callum will be so please to have a new shirt for the festivities. It was taking mother such a long time but now with you here to complete the detail for her, we have no need for concerns.

The Queen was smiling pleasantly at Rhyla but she was not as enthusiastic in return.

I do what I can your majesty.

She hesitated a moment before casually asking.

You said this shirt was for Prince Callum?

Yes my dear, didn

t she tell you?

No, she did not.

I don

t suppose it really matters but as a
priority we all sew our husband


she said indicating the other ladies in the room.

As Callum is still unwed mother has been doing his work. Just ensure that you deliver it to him as soon as you are finished.

Yes your majesty.

I do hope he appreciates the work that has gone into it and he needs to be aware of who is responsible for such lovely detail. But men rarely see the finer points and I am afraid that my youngest is no different. The girl that
finally marries him will have to be firm to keep him in line, but at the same time content th
at he will often ride out on an
assignment from his father or
an endeavour
of his own choosing. It will take someone very special to change him.

But why would anyone want to change him? Surely they should love him for the man he is?

Queen Aletta looked at Rhyla with a mixture of amusement and astonishment.

Love would be ideal but I haven

t seen any sign of it in my boy. Don

t mistake me, he has a great capacity for love and I know that if he ever finds it, it shall be a wonderful event. But he is a prince and does not have the luxury of waiting for love to find
he does not seem inclined to attempt courting. The Lady

s Madeline and Sarah are of suitable houses and are of marr
ing age but they fail to hold his attention,

she said despairingly.

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