Don't Close Your Eyes (11 page)

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Authors: Lynessa James

BOOK: Don't Close Your Eyes
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An easy target indeed.  My sweet, naïve, girl was already forcing me to possibly kill someone not on the list for doing the very thing that Taylor had beat the shit out of someone for;  fucking with her.  She doesn't know it, just like she didn't know then.  I would prefer to keep it that way, as well.  Innocence was a luxury that I would love to afford her for as long as possible.  The prick was in the bar right now, watching her, flirting with her, studying her in a way that got under my skin so badly, it was all I could do not to haul his ass out of here with my gun to his head.

"Seemed to pick up on that bit myself.  Glad to know Gus is doing such a great job," I told him absently from where I saw that he was doing that exact thing right now.  "Listen, I will most likely be in here a lot more, for reasons that obviously don't need explaining, and I’d prefer if you continued to make sure that no one knows my true affiliation with this place.  It's bad enough that I can't go anywhere without being recognized in my own part of town, so I’d prefer to keep this area untainted for as long as possible.  Besides, the last thing I want is for these people to find out I am their boss's boss.  When I come in, I expect to be treated exactly as everyone else, I will pay just like everyone else does," I told him.  No need to worry about the drinking in your own establishment law since those guys were in my pocket anyway.  Besides, it’s not as though that were the thing anyone would be interested in arresting me for.  Tom nodded.  "If I am ever to blur those bloody lines, well, I don't want her knowing about it."  Tom snickered with another nod before he walked out on the floor to delegate a few more to compensate for the ever-thickening crowd.  My little Kinsley James was working behind the bar a mile a minute when I watched Taylor, being barraged by a large group of fans, walk up and order from her while her back was turned to him.  She turned around with a huge grin that I was instantly envious of him for.  So she was into him.  Damn it. 

She looked
pretty tonight.  Her hair was down, so much longer than I had thought it when in that ponytail, and she wore more makeup than she normally did.  Her eyes had a bedroom look to them that was completely arousing.  Speaking of arousing, I watched as she reached up to grab a bottle that was nearly out of her reach, and I was intrigued to see that she went up to the very tip of her toes as she did so.  There was
damn way...  Had she been in ballet at some point?  She did have a particular grace to her movements.  Shit, there was no way that she could be
perfect for me, was there?  Add that bullshit to the list of ways you drive me fucking mad, woman.  Her legs were so fantastic!  I desperately wanted to run my hands up them, to feel the power in those toned muscles, tame that fucking power down while wielding my own over her.  I wanted those damn legs open with me in between them, fucking her so damn hard.  I wanted to wipe that sweet smile off of her face and watch it twist in bliss as I made her come.  I wanted to pull my name from her, to feel her nails scratching down my back, to pull the hell out of her hair, to whip the hell out of that ass she was tormenting me with.  Oh, yes, violent sex with a whore was on my list of to-do's at some point to curb this shit.  Tom came back beside me, but kept monitoring, muttering something under his breath in irritation that I couldn’t quite make out.  I didn’t care.  I was just too lost in all that was my lust over the delicious Miss James.  I bet she was delicious... 

She absently ran a hand through her hair to move it from her face before setting Taylor's shots before him, and I watched his gaze stray to her breasts quickly before looking back up at her, she never even noticed.  I smiled as she worked the crowd for his drinks before she took some money from the overeager females at the end, and my heart stopped momentarily as her eyes connected with mine for just a second before turning to those women with a wry grin.  She glanced at me again, as though she wanted to study me more closely, but she was too busy to get the chance.  Was it possible she recognized me?  She had come within a few feet of me, and her perfume wafted over to my area.  Tom was distracted, so I inhaled deeply with my eyes closed, relishing in her for just another moment before opening my eyes to see Taylor lifting her over the bar as though she were nothing more than a little doll.  The jealous blokes around him sang his praises where she was concerned, and I chuckled as her whole face shown her shock for their crude behavior.  Oh, Taylor, why
particular female when you could so obviously have any other in the bloody place? 

As he walked up to the stage with her pressed firmly back against him, protectively so, I returned the paperwork to the office, then found a place in the bar to sit and watch protectively myself.  Had I ever used my evil for good before?  My evil didn't feel so good when I saw Jase standing between my girl's legs from where she sat on the edge of the stage while he charmed the hell out of her, ignoring all those other desperate women as though she were the only one in the room that seemed to matter to him.  Couldn't really blame him, could I?

The asshole I was keeping an eye on was closer to the stage now, and I had to give the cop some major props, because he seemed to have picked up on him and was watching him now, too.  Detective, according to my background check, so he should be pretty observant.  I was glad my girl seemed to be so surrounded by good protection, if there could be a positive in all of this.  I watched the officer as he moved to sit beside Kinsley and began playing with her hand as he silently communicated with Jase.  Interesting.  They never skipped a beat.  Maybe Taylor is in law enforcement as well?  Perhaps the two are just that close and able to communicate the way best friends can silently pull?  Either way, the detective was playing his fingers in her hand while Jase was busy trying to talk her panties off, it would seem, holding some card as though explaining something to her that she gave him an obedient smile to.  Smart ass or legit, either way I wanted that look for myself. 

She seemed eager and resistant to him all at the same time. 
!  She leaned forward, and her lips met with his cheek, her eyes were closed, and she lingered just long enough to give him the green light to try harder.  She pulled away to go back to work, but he tugged her back.  I watched as he raised his eyebrows in surprise before a slow grin warmed his face.  What the bloody hell had she said to him?  Was she coming onto him?  Oh shit, what the hell is wrong with me?!  Gone were the days when I was only happy that she wasn't married or engaged to someone as a girl like her ought to be.  To me.

I ran my hands over my face to clear that bullshit.  Wife?  Fiancée?  Damn it.  I had never considered myself husband material.  I needed sex now!  I needed to fuck this girl.  To get her out of my bloody head.  Hell, I needed to touch her, period.  Then there was also the other option that disgusted me to the core, but it made sense.  If I killed her, it would remove her fucking distraction for good, and I wouldn't have to feel conviction for all of the shit I was involved in.  I wouldn't have to worry about this pathetic jealousy, winning someone over, wanting to fuck her so much.  I could just keep my bad intact instead of pondering constantly about how in the hell to get out safely to steal this girl's heart for my own and keep her.  My tendencies were becoming more violent when I had to straighten anyone out due to the continuous frustration she was presenting me.  I had somehow thought that if I could find her again, that I wouldn't be like this again.  Like I’d been for weeks after losing her after the elevator.  Now I found it had only gotten worse.  I needed to vent.  I needed to beat the absolute shit out of someone, and right now, that someone was this stalker of hers.  Maybe I should outright beat him to death to remove his threat
curb these emotions I had never before dealt with in my bloody life.

"Alright, alright!  Sorry, I may have taken fifteen, but have ya'll
that cute bartender recently?!" Taylor shouted to the crowd charmingly while the bar erupted with praise and agreement.  I chuckled and lightened as I watched Kinsley's entire face go slack with her embarrassed shock once more.  I liked that face as well.  I wanted to cause that face.  She was adorable when she looked like that. 
, King, seriously?  You blasted pussy.  See, I was all over the fucking map where she was concerned.  One minute I am murderous in my frustration, the next I am completely melting as I look upon her, warm with this feeling I can only imagine is that dreaded word I do not particularly care to admit even in thought. 

I watched with a grin I couldn't help as he worked the crowd some more before pulling an attractive young woman onstage to play the tambourine for him.  "Kinsley, Baby, this one is for you!"  Nice.  Well played, you asshole.  She was embarrassed and flattered at the same time as he began "Are You Gonna Be My Girl."  I sighed, but smiled, as the alcohol was flowing right along with that money.  Good boy.  Not to mention it was fun watching two more men completely lose that filter in the name of that same woman; helped me to feel better about my own having gone missing.  They were completely fun to watch, and Taylor was a master at working the stage.  He owned the hell out of it and was definitely trying to get into that pretty redhead's panties as he made her crack up to the point of having to cover her face because he was being such a dumbass up there.  He was good.  Had to give him that much.

I listened to the words suddenly, and I hated how they fit.  I would love to take this woman home with me.  Looked as though she would absolutely be with another man very soon, however.  Would she ever be mine if I tried?  I knew how to charm the hell out of a woman, whether or not I had ever really applied it was null.  My father had taught his boys well in the ways of charm, flattery, and wooing a woman.  Hell, he still wooed the hell out of my mother to a disgusting extent, so I was fairly confident that if she ever gave me the shot, I might know how to win her.  Had she liked my roses?  The quote?  It was so damn true where she was concerned.  Jase Taylor seemed to be doing a very good job, though.

I had to laugh when that brave ass dropped to his knees as he screamed those last words into the mic and pointed at her.  I rubbed my throat reflexively, feeling for his voice in that moment.  That couldn’t have been an easy song.  Was she going to be his girl instead if I didn't make some sort of move quickly?  Why should I make a move?  Why should I try to make her mine?  Although a woman so naïve seemed an easy one to keep my Nightshade life a secret from...  Damn it, would I
to keep anything from that beautiful little bartender?

song is for the hot, little, redheaded, bartender," Jase told the crowd, interrupting my thoughts.  Oh, hell, he wasn't only dedicating one song to her, he was serenading her!  She laughed with a disapproving shake of her head as he began "Next To You."  I could agree with that.  I was surprised to find that his connection to her was not as superficial as I would have preferred, when he stated the next one was for his little sister's best friend, and began "You Really Got Me."  I was pleased enough for all the money he was making me, for Kinsley and the rest of the staff doing such a fantastic job at keeping up, but I was becoming... what?  Jealous?  Me?  Seriously?  Had I ever been jealous before?  How could I not be when he was in the middle of "Just the Way You Are" after having confessed before every bloody person in the place that he had pretty much been in love with her since highschool?  Apparently adored her even in some sort of awkward phase?  Perhaps what was worse, was the fact that she was so completely stunned, flattered, conflicted, that that flicker of doubt and unworthiness came across that pretty face to pain my heart all over again.  Oh, Love, how can you not see that it is we who are unworthy of you?  It could never be the other way around.  I wanted to pull her to me, to wrap her up, to tell her these things.  Assure her, build her up the way she deserved.  He had picked one hell of a song because she was really every damn bit of it. 

I looked around and realized I had lost track of the son of a bitch stalking her.  Shit!  King, how could you be so bloody foolish to allow such distraction?  I couldn't take anymore of this bullshit tonight.  I needed to quit watching someone else steal my girl right from under my nose.  Define irony.  The very man I was scouting for replacing me so I may be able to get out for this young woman to possibly give me a shot, was the one taking my shot away from me right now.  That prick stalking her had better steer clear of her tonight or else...






He was covering “Just the Way You Are” by Bruno Mars, but he was a dead ringer for the Boyce Avenue cover.  Was this guy for real?  It was so damn beautiful, and I was so touched I couldn’t seem to function right now.  I realized I was once again holding my breath when Kayleigh walked over to me and commanded me to breathe.  I exhaled heavily and supported myself against the bar while I watched in open captivation.  He grabbed the mic on the chorus and smiled at me through the beautiful words as though he meant them so fully.  I was blown away by how strong Jase’s voice was when singing a ballad.  He sang alternative and blues, so it was rare to catch him in one, but, boy, when you did...  I sighed dreamily.  I only had to serve a few drinks right now since everyone else was as captivated as I was.  He played his guitar with Keane as they both would come in on the chorus.  He flipped his hair and looked at me while he sang.  I couldn't look away.  I was touched.  Maybe he
into me!  I thought of everything, the sweet moments that I’d never read anything into.  The time he practically picked me up when I’d truly crumbled, thinking that he was just being a sweet friend who once again felt sorry for his little sister’s bestie.  Was it possible?  Had he really looked at
like that from back then?  Did he really think of me like
?  Or when he listened to this song?  When he
it?  Holy crap!  He cupped that mic in both his hands again and tilted his head back and closed his eyes while his beautiful voice floated heavenly over the whole bar.  Kayleigh looked over at me like I was in for trouble.  I widened my eyes in agreement and looked back as they closed it.  Silence.  When Jase pulled that mic away from his face, he smiled at the crowd and thanked them.  He took another drink before he smiled sweetly, so genuinely, as he picked softly at his guitar.

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