Don't... 04 Backlash (44 page)

Read Don't... 04 Backlash Online

Authors: Jack L. Pyke

Tags: #Romance, #Thriller, #Gay, #England, #Contemporary, #mm, #mi5, #ffp

BOOK: Don't... 04 Backlash
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The handcuffs
came off by Jack’s own hand. Gabe knew he’d been in enough training
scenes to know how loose to keep the cuffs if he thought his
boundaries would be pushed, and he’d shown the mindset to do just
that tonight. Control was his. Always.

Gabe gave a
gentle bite at Jack’s neck, but didn’t mark. “Now ask your Master,”
he said quietly.

Jack eased to
his feet and Gabe followed, taking a step back.

After giving a
look down at the cuffs he held, Jack went close to Gray, so close
that intimacy was cried in the gentle brush of Jack’s nose against
Gray’s cheek, in the slight run of the back of his hand against one
of Gray’s. Slipping the cuffs into Gray’s hold, Jack looked at

“Control is
mine, always,” he breathed. “But would you hold it in your hands
for me now, mukka? Would you lay me down and Master me?”

Gray reached up
and cupped Jack’s neck—then the change came instantly as a rough
kiss had Jack backing up against the wall. Gray pressed in fiercely
against Jack’s body, and it forced the breath out of Jack. Guided
up the wall, one of Jack’s hands was pinned above his head. Not
even needing to glance up, Gray slipped one cuff around Jack’s
wrist, then made sure Jack’s other hand joined it but remained
uncuffed. Both bodies were stretched to the full, Jack nearly
forced up onto his tiptoes as Gray stole Jack’s breath in every
other way. Gabe stayed long enough to see that Jack’s hands weren’t
cuffed together, that Gray’s restraint was enough, that the simple
threat of heavy kink fastened around his wrist kicked every part of
Jack into gear, and in return, fed Gray, then Gabe headed on out,
stopping by Jan.

“I’m taking the
keys to Gray’s summer house now,” said Gabe, “and I’m gonna fuck
the life out of my sub. That okay with you?”

Jan looked at
him, almost embarrassed by how he’d been caught watching.

“Look, Jan.
Don’t be afraid to be seen looking: they’re damn hot together.” He
ran his hand down Jan’s cheek and caught the flush of heat under
his touch as Jan frowned.

“That’s my
lover out there, Gabe. You don’t touch him,” a voice drifted over,
and Gabe smiled back in to Gray.

“That your
thank you for Jack, too? You’re welcome,” he said, then giving a
look at Trace, Gabe took Dare’s hand.

Trace stopped
him. “No touch with Jack?”

Gabe looked
back at Jack. “None but Gray’s was needed. How they’d touched last
time with handcuffs just needed to be confronted and given

said Jan, quietly.

“Context,” said
Gabe to him. “Give Jack a car indicator, and he’ll hold onto it,
twisting it every which way to see how it works. He knows he
controls the flick of the switch, the power behind the engine once
he’s got all that energy focused, with all the pieces in front of
him. So it was just back to basics needed with him: holding BDSM
equipment in his hand and feeling their weight, acknowledging their
potential, his control, and what the lifestyle itself represents
through that equipment.” Gabe looked at Trace. “But also
recognising how his control of the switch fires the Dom, but flick
it the wrong way... all the fear and damage that can be done to the
Dom because of it. He—”

“He just needed
reminding.” Jan said in a soft voice.

A slow smile
crept up on Trace’s lips. “Thank you. For touching a sub the right
way on his night of Claiming. A difficult call.”

“You didn’t
know he was going to be claimed, though,” said Jan.

Gabe gave him a
soft smile. “It was nearly midnight, with a call out to Regent
Manor, a meeting with other Doms and subs, with full access given
to friends who know about the MC... what did you think was going to
happen, Jan?”

He blushed,
seeming to connect all the dots. “It was my first collaring,” he
said, giving a self-conscious shrug.

There’s a big difference,” corrected Trace. “Being Gray’s lover,
you’ll learn to tell the difference over the next few months.”

A touch of
confidence eased into Jan’s eyes as Gabe smiled at Trace. “Can I go
fuck my sub now? I really need to fuck my sub now.” Trace was a
watcher on how Gray slipped his hands under Jack’s T-shirt.
“Missing Micah?”

Trace let out a
groan. “So fucking badly.”

“So go and call
him,” said Gabe. “Give him hell over the phone.” He looked back
now. “Jack’s going to be tied up for hours now anyway. Let Micah
know we’ll be back soon.”

A last look at
Jan, Gabe left him there, making sure Trace moved away from them
too. It was up to Jan now; he had to decide for himself whether he
was happiest to stay in open doors, listening, or whether what lay
beyond could help him see the past can be nothing but a prefix to
better memories.


Gray backed
Jack up to the bondage table, hand running down his side as he more
than encouraged Jack down. T-shirt and jeans were stripped off
next, and how Jack had worn no boxers during the Claiming had Gray
moving back in to slip his touch over Jack’s hips. Jack shifted up,
into him as Gray dragged hard marks across the toned ass under his

“Fuck.” Jack
instantly found his cock, playing a touch down it as Gray pressed
in close between Jack’s thighs. Jack’s heels were up on the table,
giving Gray such a stunning view of everything Jack had to offer.
Letting a smile creep up, he breezed a hand close to Jack’s tattoo
and Jack hissed. The hand that played his cock still had the cuffs
tethered there, and metal brushed against scrotum, causing Jack to
squirm more. Everything about him was shower fresh, so fucking
clean, and Gray eased down, brushing kisses from navel to pubic
hairline, loving Jack’s scent. Jack groaned and Gray stole a hard
kiss, getting such a drive out of feeling naked heat and a hand
press hard against his hips.

Jack still
burned from the Claiming, body rising up into every slight shift of
hip. It fuelled Gray into a rough press of hard cock against hard
cock. His suit jacket came off as he eased back up, then hands were
back running up and down Jack’s hips, lifting that heat up one
moment, pushing it down to control the next. He grinned down at

“Up for a
little cop on kink, stunner?”

Grey eyes
flickered open, then Jack was up, hand gripped around the back of
Gray’s neck for leverage, and a tongue found Gray’s, then Gray
found a lick run his throat, just above where Jack’s necklace
rested. “Just you, mukka.” The buckle to Gray’s belt was slipped
out, clasp undone to his trousers, then a hand was in, wrapping
around his cock. “Fuck, just you. No roles, no games. Just the
balls behind your love.”

Gray gripped
Jack’s hair, at first forcing his kiss up, forcing access to the
skin just above where the collar had once sat. He marked in a
different way, biting hard into Jack’s throat, needing the friction
of cock against cock as Jack swore and pressed his against Gray’s.
For a moment, the tangle of handcuff wrapped around their cocks,
fastening them together, then as Jack twisted his touch around
them, groaning into the bite on his throat, his fist found the
small offer of chain to the cuffs and he dug it hard into their
cocks, forming an almost perfect shared cock ring. Gray rode it
hard, cold metal infecting the heat burning under Jack’s touch. And
as he tugged hard on Jack’s hair, forcing him back to the table,
Jack was left to dig heels in again and ride the chain and fist
around their cocks.

A brush of hand
came at Gray’s back, drifting around his hip, and he frowned, for a
moment too far in Jack to connect the sensation; then he caught the
softness in brown eyes as Jan came to rest at his side.

The reaction
was without restraint or thought as Gray cupped around the back of
his neck and pulled Jan in for a kiss. Jan was there with him,
returning the heat, no longer trying to calm and slow it down like
in Jack’s remastering months back. Jan pulled away first, looking
down at how Jack played with himself on the table.

He moved away
for a moment, leaving Gray again running a hand near to the tattoo.
Just gentle but enough to bite at a deeper need in Jack. The sting
from the inking would be immense, but a touch close to it and—

“Fuck,” groaned
Jack, hips shifting up, cock riding cock.

It didn’t help
when Jan came back. He carried two items; one in a slim case, the
other came with a lid, and he flicked it open. Oil made contact
with Jan’s hand first, then he took Gray’s breath away as he moved
Jack’s touch and caught both of their cocks together, coating both
shafts and making the ride more intense as the glint of oil-slicked
cocks caught the light.

“Jesus, Jan,”
moaned Jack. Gray loved the sight and feel of Jan around them both,
then as Jan tipped more oil onto his fingers, this time brushing
gently against Jack’s most intimate access point, Gray leaned over
and bit gently at Jan’s ear.

Jan shivered
and Gray caught the shyness back in his smile as Gray pulled back,
now stroking at Jack’s inside thigh.

“Will you do
something for me, Jack?” Jan said so quietly. Jack lifted his head
up a touch, a little devilment playing there.

“If it’s
pointers on how best to change a tyre during a getaway, can it
wait? I’ll draw a few diagrams later.”

Jan opened the
case he’d rested on the table and pulled out a very slim silver
vibrator. “Will you play for me?” Gray hid his smile. It had turned
Jan on when Jack had said he’d played with himself, back when they
were at Jack’s. This was his personal ask, his pleasure to watch
Jack play, and be okay with being seen watching.

Jack’s cuffed
hand gripped firm onto the table above his head and he rested his
head back for the briefest of moments, all to control a very long
and deep breath, before finding Jan again.

“You... you
said you played alone with this.” Jan stroked at Jack’s other thigh
as he lowered his look. The brown to his eyes was full, dark, and
calling out a need to be held. “Turned me on like hell. Will you
play for me now, please?”

That same look
lowered Jack’s gaze, and the vibrator was taken from Jan as Jack
eased up onto his elbow. Gray removed his tie, then pulled
something else from his pocket whilst Jan was the one to make sure
the tip was oiled, then the shaft.

Giving a coy
grin, Jack eased back down. The vibrator found a very slow path
down Jack’s side, causing him to shiver. As it brushed to his
inside thigh, leaving a slight wet trail, Gray reached down and
slipped the collar around Jack’s throat, knowing he could handle it
within a scene. Jack barely noticed as Gray then hooked his tie
through the D-ring on Jack’s collar. Both ends wrapped effortlessly
around Gray’s fist, and he pulled Jack up off the table slightly,
giving him the extra leverage to reach between his thighs and

“Christ.” Jan
ran a touch over Jack’s abs. Gray was focused on the play between
Jack’s legs, how the vibrator was now on soft hum and teasing its
way over his balls. When it rested against Jack’s ass, Jack closed
his eyes, a heated blush coming to his cheeks. Penetration was so
gentle, slow, but deeper by the moment, the tip soon easing past
muscle and taking the whole, slim length.

Jan whispered
something, and his hand found Gray’s cock as Jack murmured, the
strain on the tie and collar forcing Gray to shift his stance as
Jack arched back, pouring all stress and strain into Gray’s hold.
This was the first time with the lights on, with Jan watching, with
Jack holding on to the look as he played.

Jack’s free
hand now slid down his shaft, splitting his fingers as he searched
lower for his scrotum. Heels dug in a little more, shifting Jack’s
ass up a little now he let the vibrator take him faster, matching
his hard draw on breath.

“Okay, okay,
baby. Easy,” whispered Jan, leaning in to kiss at Jack’s cock and
remove the vibrator. He was getting close, too close, and Jan had
learned to read the signs well, not allowing Vince or Henry to take
away the translation. A nibble was given to his shaft, or something
was as Jack groaned and breathed out—

“Waaaaay too
much focusing, Jan.”

Giving a
chuckle, Jan pulled back and gave a look at Gray before shifting to
the opposite side of the bondage table. A hand stroked gently at
Jack’s hair, but the look coming at Gray across the distance spoke
the language his own body cried out.

“I think your
Claim needs staking fully,” Jan said calmly, and Gray’s run of
hands up and down Jack’s side, coming to rest on his hips, had Jack
sucking in a breath and reaching up to Jan’s shirt and gripping

Gray dug his
fingers into the toned skin, loving the marks left there. It didn’t
go unnoticed how Jack played his cock with his cuffed hand, the
metal again brushing Gray’s cock, yet he held on to Jan where no
cuff touched his other hand. That ability to move and shift between
both worlds and yet bring them together, play them together.

Gray’s first
fuck into him was hard, deep, enough to make Jack cry out, half
pleasure, half in expected pain. But Gray knew Jack’s body, what he
could take, and the look in his eyes as Jack grinned at him called
him out on another hard fuck into him that set the rough scene.

Then the need
to burn through heat blinded them both. Gray took such a brutal
pace, but ended each deep hold inside of Jack with soft kisses at
his throat. The tension on the collar was released, Jack now up on
his elbows with Gray’s grip at the back of his hair, making sure he
stayed still for every claim made between his thighs... on his

Gray had barely
touched anyone, not since Jack had knelt in the kitchen and kissed
his way along Gray’s cock several months ago. Gray wouldn’t last
long for this first taste, the cry in his own body told him that,
how it felt too good to be up close and root-deep in Jack. The bare
bones of the sex was raw, brutal, but the hold...

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