Donovan's Forever Love (4 page)

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Authors: Cooper McKenzie

BOOK: Donovan's Forever Love
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In the past, this would not have bothered me.
I would just go out and snag the next minimum wage job that came along. Today,
I was at a loss as to what to do. Thanks to Donovan and his questions and
insights about passion and life and careers, I didn’t want just another job. I
wanted to start a career. At my age, it wasn’t too late to figure out what I
wanted to be when I grew up.

Going to my purse, I took inventory as I did
each time I found myself in this position. I would get the three days of pay
the restaurant owed me, but I didn’t expect to get anything more. After all,
I’d only been there for two months. That last paycheck plus the thirty-four
dollars in my purse would not pay the bills that currently sat on the kitchen
counter. And what was I to do next week? And the next?

A tension headache that had begun at the base
of my skull during the phone call spread over my entire head in minutes. This
was unusual for the migraines I occasionally experienced, but then again, this
was an unusual case of stress I had just developed. Only strong drugs and about
twenty hours of sleep would release me from the grip of the intense, white hot
pain that was building. But before I could deal with this, I needed to make a
phone call.

Opening my cell, I scrolled through saved
phone numbers to Donovan’s name. He had programmed his cell number into my
phone on our second date, but I had yet to use it. We usually just met at the
restaurant or he would come here an hour after sundown if I wasn’t working.

His voice mail picked up on the second ring. “Please
leave your name and number and I’ll get back to you this evening.” Beep.

“Hi Donovan. It’s Jayne. I won’t be at the
restaurant tonight. I got fired. I can’t see you. I’ll call when I’m better.” I
hung up and turned off the phone. Then I retrieved a tall glass of water and a
pill from the bottle of prescription painkillers in the kitchen. After taking a
pill, I returned to the bedroom, curled up in the middle of the mattress, and
prayed for the dark silent haven of a drugged sleep.



A sharp thumping intruded into my drug-induced
sleep. Opening my eyes, I winced from the dim light provided by glowing eyes of
the electronic devices around the room. The painkillers had worn off and the
pain was back, pounding at my temples with each heartbeat.

Crawling from the bed, I shivered as cool air
hit my feverish body. I stumbled through the living room, wondering if I would
survive long enough to get rid of the visitor and take another pain pill. The
pounding was louder here and I traced it to the front door. Not caring that I
would probably scare the pizza delivery guy who was no doubt knocking on the
wrong door, I fumbled with the lock, then jerked the door open.

“What?” I growled. I slammed my eyes shut as
soon as the light from the hallway hit them.


By squinting my eyes, I could just make out
Donovan standing in front of me. He looked perturbed for a few seconds, then
his expression changed to surprise and then concern.

“Are you all right? You’re even paler than me.”
He stepped forward and wrapped me in an embrace meant to comfort.

Problem was, it didn’t work. I didn’t want
anyone to touch me. I just wanted another pain pill and the dark, silent haven
it provided. Maybe later I would want potato chips or a hot fudge sundae with
chocolate ice cream, double hot fudge and whipped cream, but for now I just
wanted the black oblivion of sleep. With a strength that surprised both of us,
I shoved Donovan away from me. My sudden action sent him off balance for a
second and he took two steps back to regain his balance.


“Not tonight, Donovan.” I tried to close the
door in his face, but he easily stopped it and pushed it back open far enough
to step through.

I turned away and stumbled to the nearest
piece of furniture to sit down. My head was pounding so much I wanted to howl
with the agony. Expending any kind of effort to make noise would just make the
pain worse. Instead, I sat and held my head, hoping to keep it from exploding.

I had to smile at the visual of my head
falling off my body and rolling across the floor like a bowling ball. Then I
wondered if Donovan would be able to put me back together again should that
happen. I slowly shifted my head, trying to find a position that would ease the
pain, even just a little. Unfortunately, there was no such position. All I
could do was take another painkiller and go back to sleep.

I felt the air move as Donovan knelt before
me, but he did not touch me this time. Smart man. “You’re ill.”

have a migraine, but there’s nothing you can do. I’ll be fine in a while. I’ll
call you tomorrow, okay?” I took my hands down from my face and looked at him
through the darkness. Pushing from the chair, I shuffled to the kitchen for the
bottle of pain pills that I carried with me back to the bedroom.

Donovan followed silently.

I took one from the bottle, but before I
could put it in my mouth, he took it away from me. “You won’t need this.” He
handed me the glass of water from the nightstand. “Drink this and get into

I did as he ordered. I was in too much pain
to argue.

Donovan waited until I was comfortable before
sitting on the edge of the bed. He laid his hands on my head, his fingertips on
my throbbing temples. When I tried to protest, he shushed me. He lowered his
face to look deep into my eyes, his eyes, bright and serious, almost excited.

“Relax, sweet Jayne. I can help you if you
will trust me.”

“Trust you?”

He began to massage my temples. A moment
later, he shifted and his thumbs began to brush across my forehead. “I am going
to ease your pain, but you have to lie very still.”

“Okay,” I breathed in response.

“Close your eyes and hold very still.”

I did as he demanded, trying to remain still
and relaxed. I was unprepared for Donovan’s cool finger sliding the collar of
my nightshirt out of his way so he could lick at the skin of my collarbone. When
twin pinpricks stabbed into my skin, I opened my eyes but found myself unable
to move. I could not lift my arms to push him away. The stabbing pain stopped
and then Donovan began to suck at my skin.

Erotic heat flashed from shoulder to tits to
crotch as he continued to massage my collarbone with his lips. Muscles all over
my body that had been tense, relaxed then tensed in sexual need.

Several long moments later, he lifted his head.
He licked his lips as he stared into my eyes again. “Sleep, Jayne. Relax and
sleep. You’ll be fine now.”

He sat up and began to massage my head again
as he murmured, in English as well as other languages I didn’t understand. While
my body was filled with sexual wanting, I could almost feel the pain flow out
of the top of my head like a cobra uncoiling as it was pulled from its basket. A
few minutes later, I fell into a deep sleep.


When I woke next, I was not alone. It took a
few seconds of disorganized thinking to realize that the headache was gone. Opening
my eyes, I found myself eyeball to naked hip with a man. Donovan was in my bed
working on his computer. Feeling drained from the pain, but horny at the
thought of this naked male at my disposal, I leaned forward and nipped at the
bare skin before me.

“Feeling better?” Donovan asked as he closed
the notebook computer and set it aside. Then he scooted down in the bed until
we were nose to nose.

“Uh-huh,” I replied before brushing my lips
over his. “What did you do to me?”

“In the old days it was called bloodletting. Doctors
used pans and knives and it was quite messy. Not wanting to make a mess of your
bed, I drained off just a little of your blood. It was quick and efficient and
apparently did the job.”

While I was sure I should be worried that
Donovan had sucked my blood, all I could really think about was that the pain
was miraculously gone and Donovan was in my bed, but I felt almost too relaxed
to move.

“So, what brought this on?” he asked, running
his fingers through my hair, brushing it away from my face.

“I got fired from the restaurant. I don’t
have enough money to pay my bills. I have no job lined up and no clue what I
want to do now. I want a career, not just another job that will pay the bills.”
I sounded whiney, even to my own ears, but I was tired of always being strong
and optimistic.

“You don’t need to worry any more. I’ll take
care of everything.” Donovan’s words were so reassuring that I did not question
how he was going to take care of everything. “Now roll over and let me take
care of you, okay?”

“Mmmm, okay,” I murmured, rolling to lie on
my belly.

As he had the night before, Donovan began
running his fingertips down my spine. A moment later, he began brushing kisses
over my back following the same path. One kiss for each vertebra as his fingers
led the way, continuing between the cheeks of my ass to play at the opening of
my already damp and blossoming cunt. As he intended, this love play reenergized
me, filling me with renewed strength and sexual need. My hips began to arch
back, trying to capture the fingers that toyed at the lips of my cunt.

His lips continued downward until he reached
my ass. After planting a kiss on each cheek, he spread my legs then shifted to lie
over me, aligning our bodies. He pulled his fingers from my now dripping cunt
and wrapped his arms around my hips to lift them to the proper angle. He
shifted again and slid his cock deep into my hunger slicked cunt.

After seating himself deep inside me, he
rolled us so we were on our sides like spoons, my back to his front. After
wrapping one arm around and up my body to cup a breast, he pulled his cock
halfway out and then slid home again in slow motion. This slow, leisurely
coupling was as sensual as our first fast, hard fuck had been. That night we had
leaned against a brick wall just a dozen yards from the Halloween Party Donovan
had hosted for the upper crust of New Bern, North Carolina society. Since then,
my all-consuming hunger had not lessened and I now understood why my
great-grandmother had never forgotten this man. What boggled my mind was how
she had found the strength, the courage, to walk away from such a fine specimen
of a man, even if he wasn’t strictly human.

As always with Donovan, no matter how long we
tried to hold off, orgasmic bliss found us quickly. In minutes, I was
convulsing with my orgasm. Donovan followed me over the edge into out of
control bliss just seconds later.

“Why can’t I go a night without you? You’re
ill and here we are fucking like rabbits,” Donovan said a few minutes later as
he eased his cock from me.

“You’ve gone three days without me before,” I
said in a contented whisper.

“Just because you were squeamish,” he said,
taking my earlobe and suckling gently.

“I’m sorry, but sex during my period has
never been appealing to me. And a vampire performing cunnilingus is beyond
bizarre in my book.”

“Just so you know, I’m willing any time you
want to try it,” Donovan said with a dark chuckle.

“Yeah, I bet you are.”

We rested quietly, allowing our bodies a few
minutes to recharge. Time in silence with Donovan was almost as exciting as any

Finally, he spoke. “I might have a job, if
you’re interested. It’s demanding though. Long nights but good pay and
excellent fringe benefits. Some travel involved as well.”

“Oh, what kind of a job?”

“Personal assistant to a rather eccentric
philanthropic bazillionaire businessman. And maybe I’ll even let you help me
give away some of my bazillions.” He spoke like a businessman even as his hands
began to roam my body again.

I rolled over to look Donovan in the face. I
needed to see if he was serious or not. He certainly looked like he meant what
he was saying. In fact, he looked smug and satisfied, like a cat who had just
finished off a pint of cream.

While he shifted to lay on his back, I pushed
myself up. The migraine was gone and my libido was revving up for more of what
I needed Donovan for most, mind-blowing sex.

“Is there any chance for advancement?” I
asked with a grin. I shifted to sit across his thighs and began to massage his

“Oh, I think there’s all kinds of advancement
opportunities for a hardworking, loyal employee such as yourself.”

“How do you know I’m hard working and loyal?”
I asked as I lowered my hands to pluck at his nipples.

“Umm, do you forget that I have been watching
you for the last three weeks? I’ve seen how you treat people, good and bad. I
also watched as you treated that homeless lady who comes and eats leftovers as
good as the millionaires who don’t even bother to tip you. You are just the
kind of assistant I need.”

“Do you often hold job negotiations like
this?” I asked, though I doubted he would be answering me anytime soon.

His cock quickly refilled with blood as I
moved my hands down to rub the sculpted muscles of his chest. My hands traced
down his body to his hips and then I focused on his long, thick cock with the
slightly flared head. Shifting farther down his legs, I leaned forward, parted
my lips and took his cock deep into my mouth.

Donovan seemed to lose the ability to speak. Instead,
he moaned in appreciation for the feelings that my mouth on his cock shot
through him. When I felt him grow close to his climax, I released him and
shifted forward to slide him deep into my cunt. Then I began to lift and lower
my body, riding him as one would any strong stallion. To help keep my balance,
I laced my hands through his, then held our joined hands on the mattress next
to his shoulders. My lips claimed his and our tongues mated and dueled from one
mouth to the other as our frenzy of sexual hungers spun out of control as they
had every time we were within touching distance.

“I love you, Jayne,” he cried as he was swept
over the edge of orgasmic control.

“I love you, too,” I responded as I followed
him into the abyss of sexual fulfillment.

We never talked that night about exactly what
the job entailed, but well before dawn, I agreed to be Donovan’s personal
assistant. It was just too good an opportunity to pass up.


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