Dominique (24 page)

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Authors: Sir Nathan

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Dominique
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Oh, wow!
I’d clean forgotten he was dropping by.
“Um, do I need to do anything, Master?”

Taking my shoulders in his hands, he quietly cleared his throat before saying, “Let’s get that egg out of you first.
Lay back pet, you can do it.
You can see what it looks like.”
I did as he asked and slid two fingers inside me, wedging out the toy.
Blushing hard at how wet I was, I handed it to him and he chuckled.
“We’ll be having lot’s of fun with this.”
He took out his handkerchief and cleaned it, then slipped both into his pocket.

“Oh yes, I can just imagine, Master,” I said, grinning.
I yawned and stretched my arms overhead.
I was starting to look forward to seeing Paul again.
Andrew passed me a
from the end of the bed and I cleaned myself up a bit.
“All done!”

“Not yet, you’re not.”

“Um, what would you like me to do, Master?”

“I feel like teasing you all day, Dominique.
So,” he said, reaching for the bedside drawer.
“I’d like you to pop these in.”


, thank you, Sir,” I replied, gratefully taking my Ben-
balls from his hand.
I started wondering what he had planned.
I’d be sizzling by the time Paul arrived!

“It’s a nice hot day.
How about putting on your bikini bottoms, the high cut ones and a nice tight t-shirt.
You can pick it out.”

“Gosh, um ... if you think ... I mean, okay!
I know just which one, Master!” I giggled and bounced around like a schoolgirl.
I loved dressing up for Andrew.
It was so much easier than trying to decide what to wear myself.
Usually it was just he and I, so I didn’t mind what he chose.
I mean, one thing I
miss was standing in front of a mirror, trying on outfit after outfit, trying to decide what to wear.
And anyway, no matter who else might have been with him, Paul was coming over!

In a few minutes I was ready for Sunday morning pastries in the backyard.

“Good girl!
Let’s go eat!”

“Yes Sir!” I replied military fashion and we grinned at each other.
Wait till Paul sees me like this!
I thought.

Dominique’s eyes lit up when I reminded her of Paul’s visit.
At that moment, it took all my willpower not to say something.
But it wasn’t the first time.
Since the night he visited, each time I mentioned Paul’s name she became coy and withdrawn.
Though she appeared to be trying to hide it, she was eager to see him again and it made me feel uncomfortable.
Last week I called him and we talked it over.
I’d been pretty unsure about the scene Paul came up with, even though it sounded like fun.

I let him talk and he informed me of some great news and he had a great idea of killing two birds with one stone.
As I listened, I
that at the very least it would be a great scene.
Even if I were wrong, I hoped Dominique would enjoy it in the end, learn much, and forgive me for doubting her.
As she and I walked down to the barbeque area, I considered all the angles and figured it was a win-win situation.
At the first opportunity I would let Paul know he could proceed.

And it was a perfect day: very warm with a light breeze and brilliant sunshine.
Dominique finished putting sunscreen on her arms and legs and picked up the
. guide from the wrought iron table while picking at a Danish.
I had grabbed the sports pages and was brushing up in case Paul wanted to talk sports.
Glancing over at her, I smiled.
She looked gorgeous in her designer sunglasses.
I wanted her feeling hot and she sure looked it.
Her neck had a pinkish hue that matched her cheeks and when she looked at me, her dusky blue eyes smiled as much as her mouth.
Hmmm ... How much should I tell her?

I was reading some rubbish about Harrison Ford but I wasn’t really concentrating.
I really loved being outside, sitting with Andrew at the garden setting.
He would tell me to get my outdoor cushion if he wanted me kneeling, but today I was sitting on a comfortable chair in the sun.
Images of Andrew and Paul working on me kept flashing through my mind, and my nipples were aching.
my legs and squeezed a little.
The way Andrew had me dress told me it was going to be an interesting day, and my pussy was interested!

“Yes, pet?”

“I, um ... I have a confession to make.”
I wanted to tell him I was all hot and bothered.

“Can it wait, Dominique?
Paul should be here soon.”

“Oh, um,” I hesitated.
He’s not in the mood.
“Y-Yes, Sir.
Yes, of course it can.”

“‘Yes, Sir’ would be fine Dominique, unless your confession is urgent.”

“No, Sir.
Sorry, Sir.
Um, it can wait.”

“All right.
We’ll talk about it when Paul and
have left.”

“Who is
?” I blurted, immediately blushing.
There was a woman coming over?
Who is she?
Oh, damn.
Does that mean I won’t be getting his attention?
But it was so fun!

“Speak respectfully, pet.”

“Sorry, Sir.
I ... I was just wondering who
might be, Sir.
You haven’t mentioned her name before.”

He nodded.
“They are old friends.
Apparently he saw her again at a bash recently.
Apparently they hit it off quite well.”

“Oh, um ... Will we be expecting them soon, Sir?”
Will he still use me?

“Yes, pet.
They should be here shortly.”

God, I had so many questions.
I could hardly contain myself!
“Would you say they are an item, Sir?”
Will he still be coming over?

“An item?
I’m not sure.
But I think we’ll find out.”

“Well, he certainly deserves a good submissive, Master.”
I bet she’s not as pretty as me.

“Someone like you, Dominique?” he asked, raising his eyebrow.

Andrew telegraphs his displeasure to me so clearly, why can’t I just shut up?
Until then I hadn’t
I was digging a hole for myself.
Yet I couldn’t stop.
I hoped he couldn’t read my mind.
“Oh, um.
Well, I just meant with him being a good friend of yours and um ... He’s a good Dom, and he deserves someone who can make him happy.”
Pleased with what I came up with, I picked up my coffee to take a sip.
I hoped I’d dodged a bullet.
At least Andrew seemed more interested in what I was saying, rather than what I

“Oh really ...”

“Um, yes Sir.”
I had an idea.
“And um, I think it would be nice to have a submissive girlfriend who lives a bit closer than
, too.”
Unless she’s a bitch.


, I see ...”

“It’s just that, well, sometimes it gets a bit quiet and lonely when you are away on business, Sir.
I would dearly love to have a friend, a close friend, in whom I could confide ...”
I was on a roll now.


“Yes, Sir.
You know what I mean, like a girlfriend I could go shopping with, or-”

“Dominique,” he interrupted.

“Y-Yes, Sir?”

“Don’t say, ‘
You know what I mean.’
I don’t like the sound of it.”

“I’m sorry, Sir.”

“It’s all right.”

“All I meant was-”


... relax.”
His eyes followed me as I put down the
. guide and took a deep breath.
I don’t know why I was getting worked up.
I didn’t want to be in trouble when Paul arrived.
That would ruin everything.
I bit my lip and Andrew spoke in an understanding tone.
“I can see how it would benefit you to have someone with whom you might share things.
And you haven’t been out with your vanilla friends in a while either.
Perhaps you should do that soon.”

“I still talk with them on the phone.
But yes, I’d like that.
It’s not the same though.
I-I’d like someone I could talk with about

“Do you find our communication inadequate, pet?”

“Oh, gosh.
No, Master!
Definitely not.”
Just shut up!

“Then I suppose I am wondering why you believe you need someone in this role in your life, pet.”

I had to fix this.
“It’s not that I
Not at all.
Just that I would
Um, in the future.
That’s all.”

“Hmmm ... All right.
Well, I’ll think about it.
Perhaps you should have asked me about this first, pet.
Rather than having me drag it out of you.”

“Yes, Master.
I’m sorry, Master.”
I hadn’t really thought about it
It was just a fleeting thought I’d ran with.
But I’d painted myself into a corner and was glad I wasn’t in trouble.
God, what had come over me?

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