Dominion of the Damned (24 page)

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Authors: Jean Marie Bauhaus

BOOK: Dominion of the Damned
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So, they can’t fly or change into mist, or bats, or anything like that.”

Zach laughed. “Ah,

What about mind control?”

He seemed to think about that one a moment. “I haven’t seen any evidence for it.”

What kind of evidence would you look for?”

I don’t know. Maybe lost time? Sleepwalking, missing memories, that sort of thing.”

Hannah frowned. She hadn’t experienced anything along those lines. “What about hypnotic suggestion? Like, forcing themselves into your thoughts. Or your dreams.”

For what purpose?”

Seduction, maybe? Or to make us think warmly toward them, open ourselves up to them?”

Zach swiveled his stool to fully face her, and seemed to study her. “Is this about the doc?”

Hannah’s whole body tensed up. She hoped he didn’t notice. She forced herself to relax as she said, “It’s about
. And he is one.”

But he’s not like the vampires you dealt with at that prison camp. I’m surprised you haven’t figured that out by now.”

She sighed. “I know he
kind and decent. But how much of that is just an act?”

If it’s an act, it’s a hell of a good one,” Zach said. “And what purpose would it serve?”

Hannah shrugged. “Lull us into a sense of false confidence? Get us to trust him?”

? I mean, newsflash: the vampires are in charge. They don’t need to trick us, they can just force us to obey.”

But if we think they care, we’ll be more cooperative, less likely to rebel. We can still reproduce, but they can’t, not without winnowing their food supply. Sooner or later, we’re going to have the numbers for a revolution. It’s in their best interests to keep us compliant.”

Zach looked at her suspiciously.

Wait. Are you, like, one of those people who think the government shot JFK and staged 9/11?”

No. Well,” she admitted, “my dad was. But I’m not talking about the government. I’m not even talking about
. Vampires are baby-eating, raping sons of bitches, and they need us to survive. And
a vampire.”

You don’t really believe that, do you?”

Um, some of them tried to eat Noah, and one of them tried to rape me, so yes, I believe it.”

I mean that the doc is anything like that,” Zach said.

She sighed. “
No. Not really.” She stuffed a slide in the box a little harder than she should have. “I don’t know what to believe about him. I’m just saying, how can we
? I mean, how do we even know he hasn’t cast some kind of hypnotic spell over us or something?”

What, like we’re all under his thrall?” Zach laughed. “You’ve seen too many Dracula movies.”

Maybe. I just don’t see how it’s possible for there to be
good vampire out of the whole bunch.”

But there’s not just one. You’ve met Carl, right? He’s a pretty nice guy, although he’s a little belligerent if you get him drunk. But all the vamps around here are decent people. That’s why the doc hired them. As for the
, it’s the doc’s theory of self-selection.”

His what?”

Okay. Say you have someone infected with the vampire virus, who just happens to be a total psychopath. They go looking for someone to keep them company, you think they’re gonna target some straight-laced church-goer? Of course not. They look for somebody they can have a good time with, who doesn’t have any moral hang-ups. So they turn another psychopath. And so on, and so on.” He paused. “Come to think of it, that also explains why most of them are so damn good looking. Anyway,” he said, shaking his head as if to shake off the stray thought, “every now and then, a good person gets infected. It’s not like the movies. They don’t lose their souls or become demon-possessed. They’re still themselves. And since the vampires with morals are less likely to pass on the infection, the good guys are way outnumbered by the amoral baby-eating bastards. But the good guy vamps
exist. And the doc is one of them.”

He sighed. “Anyway, the only
he has me under is the fact that he saved my ass from becoming shambler meat. And then he gave me a job to keep me out of the kind of place you just came from. It’s called

Hannah didn’t have an answer for that, so she went back to sorting slides in silence. Everything Zach said made sense. If she was being totally honest, she would have to ask herself, was it Alek she was afraid of? Or was it the undeniable feelings she was starting to have for him? If he wasn’t stirring something up in her on purpose... it scared her to think that it was all her. That she could be attracted to someone so... other than human. What did that say about her? Especially when there was a perfectly sweet and cute and
boy right there who wanted to be with her.

What do you know about him?” she asked. “Where did he come from? If he’s such a good man, how did he end up getting turned?”

Zach looked startled by the sudden barrage of questions, like he’d thought the conversation was over. He stared at her a moment, then shrugged. “He doesn’t talk that much about his past. I know he was a Holocaust survivor. I think that’s why he’s on such a crusade to shut down the interment camps. He takes them personally.

As for how he got turned, you should probably ask him that.”

Hannah fidgeted with the slides. “I would, but that just seems too personal, somehow.”

Maybe,” agreed Zach, “but somehow I don’t think he’d mind it all that much, coming from you.”

Why is that?”

Did you ever think,” said Zach, “that maybe the reason you think about him all the time is because you have the hots for him?”

Hannah nearly dropped her box of slides. “What?”

I mean, he definitely has the hots for you.”

What?” She stared at him in horror, but she wasn’t sure whether it was at what he was saying or the fact that he was actually saying it out loud. “He does not!”

Zach laughed and turned back to the microscope. “Oh, he does.”

Someone knocked on the door. Hannah was relieved for the interruption, until she looked up and saw Chris, and a sudden wave of guilt seized her. He looked out of breath, like he’d run the whole way there.

What are you doing here?” she asked.

Mom sent me. It’s Noah—”

Hannah jumped up from her stool, guilt forgotten. “Is he okay?”

He has a really high fever. Is the doc up yet?”

No,” said Zach, “but it’s time to wake him. You two go on. I’ll go get Doc.”


Hannah ran out of the lab, and kept running until she reached home, with Chris right behind her the whole way. She followed the sound of Noah’s crying to the bathroom, where she found Paula trying to soothe him while holding a wet washcloth to his head. The bathroom felt muggy, even with the window open, and condensation covered the mirror. “He’s having a hard time breathing,” she explained. “I thought some steam might help unclog him, but his fever’s too high for that. We didn’t have any baby medicine at the store, so I sent Chris to fetch the doc.” She looked over Hannah’s shoulder at Chris. “You were just supposed to get him, you weren’t supposed to scare her half to death.”

He wasn’t up yet,” said Chris, defensively. “Besides, she
there. How was I supposed to do one without the other?”

As they bickered, Hannah took Noah into her arms. He was burning up. “It’s okay Boo,” she murmured. “Sissy’s got you.” She shook her head. “He’s never been sick before. I don’t know what to do.”

Keep that washcloth cold, and keep rubbing him down with it,” said Paula. “Hopefully the doc’ll have some Tylenol in his little black bag. That would help.”

As if on cue, Hannah heard her front door open and close, and a moment later, Alek appeared in the bathroom doorway, looking like he’d just rolled out of bed and thrown on yesterday’s clothes.He shouldered his way past Paula and Chris while Zach looked in from the hall.

What’s wrong with him?” Hannah’s voice grew thick as she fought hard to keep from adding her tears to Noah’s.

Alek put a hand on Noah’s forehead, then set his bag on the counter and pulled out an ear thermometer. “Did you get him vaccinated today?” Hannah sniffed and nodded. “It’s probably just a side effect, then. Although it could be an allergic reaction.” He took Noah’s temperature and frowned at the reading. “We need to get his fever down. Do you have ice?”

There’s some in the freezer. Just a couple of trays.”

I’ll get it,” said Paula, who had moved out into the hallway with Zach and Chris. She told her son, “You go home and get all the ice we have.”

Alek moved to the tub and turned on the cold faucet. “Bring him here.”

Noah shrieked as they immersed him in the cold water. Hannah tried to soothe him as they added ice to make it even colder, but it didn’t do any good. As she leaned over the side of the tub to keep his head and chest out of the water, Alek retrieved a stethoscope from his bag and listened to Noah’s chest. “His lungs are clear. That’s a good sign.” He turned back to his bag and took out a clear plastic bottle filled with purple liquid and a dropper. He filled the dropper and handed it to Hannah. “Cold medicine and fever reducer,” he explained. “See if you can get him to swallow it.”

It was a struggle, and they had to refill the dropper a few times as purple syrup dribbled uselessly down Noah’s chin and over his cheeks, but they finally got it in him. Alek used a suction bulb to clear his nose, then checked his temperature. “He’s still feverish, but he’s out of danger. You can take him out of there now.”

Hannah blew out a big sigh of relief as she drew Noah out of the water and wrapped him in a towel. His shrieking cries had subsided to fussy whimpers and the occasional wail. “Thank you,” she told Alek as they followed him out of the bathroom.

It’s my job,” he said, dismissing her gratitude.

But I wouldn’t have known what to do for him. He was so hot… could he have died? If we didn’t bring his fever down in time?”

He paused in the hallway and pursed his lips, apparently deciding what to tell her.

The truth,” she insisted.

Slowly, Alek nodded. “Yes. Or he could have suffered permanent brain damage, or become epileptic.”

Hannah shuddered and hugged Noah close. “All that from a shot?”

Side effects are rare, and it’s even rarer for them to be this severe. It was more likely an allergic reaction. Although it could also be because his immune system simply hasn’t had a proper chance to build itself up. The good news is, he should be stronger after this.” He leaned closer and took hold of her elbow to give it a reassuring squeeze. “And he’s safe. None of those things happened. He’ll be okay.”

Thanks to you.” As her gaze locked onto his, she remembered the conversation she’d been having with Zach before all of this started. Particularly the last part, what he’d been telling her before Chris interrupted them. She felt her cheeks flush, and buried her face in Noah’s towel.

Hey,” Zach called to them from the living room. “Is there anything you need me to do?”

No,” Alek told him. “The crisis has passed. I think now it’s just a matter of getting him to sleep.”

Hannah looked around and realized it was just the four of them. “Where are Chris and Paula?”

They went home. Paula said they’d just be in the way, but I’m supposed to go get them if you need them. Chris wanted to stay, but his mom practically dragged him out.”

Hannah nodded.

You can go, too,” said Alek. “I’ll stay, in case he has any more complications.” He turned to Hannah. “If that’s all right with you.”

Again she nodded, without hesitation. She realized how much she really did trust him on an instinctual level. She also realized how much she really didn’t know about taking care of a sick baby. She needed help, and it comforted her to have a doctor standing by.

All right,” said Zach, heading for the door. “Good luck, and let me know how it goes.” He let himself out.

Hannah turned to Alek. “What do we do now?”

Make sure he can breathe, and try to get him to sleep.”

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