Dominance Never Dies (Masters and Mercenaries Book 11) (9 page)

Read Dominance Never Dies (Masters and Mercenaries Book 11) Online

Authors: Lexi Blake

Tags: #spies, #Masters & Mercenaries, #Lexi Blake, #Romantic Suspense

BOOK: Dominance Never Dies (Masters and Mercenaries Book 11)
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Case glanced toward Hutch, who pulled out his tablet and started working on it. He looked back at Mia. “Done, but you have to know if you get on that plane without me, I’ll be right behind you and I’ll do my damnedest to make sure you don’t get off that plane. I’ll do whatever it takes to see that you go right back to Austin.”

There he was. For a moment, she’d thought he was going to be human. “Or you can go straight to hell.”

Michael shook his head and leaned over. “We have got to work on your delivery.”

Case sighed. “I’m not trying to make this harder.”

“But he’s really good at it,” Hutch said with a smile.

Michael sent Hutch a warning look. “Don’t make this worse for him. What Case is trying to explain is that he’s very concerned for your safety and will do what he needs to do to make sure you don’t get hurt. It’s dangerous for you to go down there by yourself.”

“Is that what you’re trying to say, Case?” Somehow she doubted it.

He held her gaze. “I can’t let you run around Colombia by yourself.”

Ezra settled his bag over his muscular shoulder. “Then you can rest easy, Taggart. She’s got me. I’ll take care of her and you can go do whatever it is you do.”

“And who the fuck are you?” Case turned on the new guy.

If she didn’t deal with Case soon, he might explode and then there would be cops and more delays. “His name is Ezra and he’s the bodyguard I hired. Now let’s talk and get this over with. I have a job to do.”

Case set down his bag, but not before looking back at Hutch. The two went through a silent conversation involving frowns and raised brows before Hutch nodded.

Case turned to her, reaching out and putting a hand on her elbow. “I want to talk to you in private.”

“She can be private with me,” Ezra insisted. It looked like he was taking his job seriously.

Mia held up a hand. “It’s fine. He won’t hurt me. He remembers how good I am at defending myself.”

Before there could be more arguments, she let Case lead her toward the plane. The wind whipped at her hair and she shivered a bit.

Case took off the light jacket he was wearing and settled it over her shoulders. “I was a dick earlier tonight and I apologize. You…god, Mia, you have to know what you do to me.”

She wanted to shove his jacket back at him, but the minute he’d put it on her, she’d gotten warm and she could smell the masculine scent of his aftershave. “What I do to you? I’m looking for your brother. I’m trying to do something good.”

“I wasn’t talking about that. I was talking about…it’s hard for me to be around you. I get weird.”

“Well, I wouldn’t want you to get weird.”

“I’m fucking this up. I’m not smooth so let’s just start over.” He took a deep breath and put his hands on her shoulders. “I was a dick and I should have thanked you and asked how I could help. Mia, you did a phenomenal job. You did something the rest of us haven’t been able to do for months. Let me and Hutch and Michael go with you. We’ll lay low, but this is important to me and beyond finding Theo, I want to make sure you’re safe.”

“Why do you care if I’m safe?”

“You know why.”

She totally didn’t. “I don’t understand you at all.”

“I’ve thought about this. Maybe you were right and we should…I don’t know…try it out. I know that I’m not going to be satisfied until I know how good it could be between the two of us.”

Anger flared through her system. “You prick. You have a girlfriend, Case. You can’t expect me to fuck you on the side.”

He flushed. “I don’t. Baby, I lied about that because I was embarrassed and I didn’t want you to think I’d been…I don’t…pathetic and alone.” He turned and yelled out. “Michael, do I have a girlfriend?”

There was a loud snort. “He’s a pathetic, lonely dude, Mia. Not even a hookup in like a year or so.”

He couldn’t possibly be serious. “Why would you lie?”

One big shoulder shrugged. “Why did you kiss me when you had a fiancé?”

It was her turn to flush. He knew about that? “I broke up with him.”

“But you kissed me. You let me think you were single. You put me in a position I can’t stand.”

His words hurt because they were so very true. She hadn’t meant to fall for him, hadn’t meant to do anything but investigate. “I’m sorry. I know that doesn’t make it right, Case. But kissing you that night made me understand I couldn’t marry Jeff. I didn’t even argue it in my head. I knew I was going to end the engagement. I shouldn’t have said yes to him in the first place.”

Case took a step back and she felt the loss of his touch. “Let’s just start again. Thank you for finding that picture. Would you please allow me and my team to escort you down? I haven’t told my brothers. I’m trying to keep it as quiet as I can because you’re right. Ian would take over and we could lose Tony Santos.”

“You found out his last name?” That was fast.

“Hutch is very good. My team is very good. Let us work with you.”

It was dangerous. This helpful Case was infinitely more dangerous than the jerk. This Case was looking at her like he could like her again. Like he could actually start over.

Was she pathetic as hell that she wanted to start over? No lies between them. But in the end, she had to take him along because it was his brother at stake.

“All right. Do you have everything you need? If Hutch is as good as he says, we should be able to take off soon.”

He breathed an obvious sigh of relief. “I’m good to go, but we need to check with maintenance about the fuel. How many passengers did you count on?”

“You and me,” she admitted. That had been the most foolish idea of all. “There’s a pilot and copilot and one flight attendant.”

“Well, now you have to accommodate two more. It should be an easy adjustment. I’ll talk to the pilot.”

“It’s okay. Ezra can do it. And it’s three more.” She wasn’t going to fire the man. He’d come all the way out here. And honestly, it might be good to have her own team. Case’s men would do his bidding and only his bidding.

Case’s lips turned down. “You don’t need him. You have me.”

That was where they would have to agree to disagree. The more she thought about it, the more she liked the idea of having her own guard. If she needed to go somewhere Case didn’t approve of, she wouldn’t have to sneak out alone. “You have your team. I have mine. Let’s get going.”

She slipped off his jacket and handed it to him before heading back inside the small, elegantly appointed terminal.

Case was hard on her heels. “Mia, you do understand that I’m in charge of this operation.”

Yes, she knew he thought he was. “You can be in charge of your team and I’ll deal with mine. Ezra, the McKay-Taggart team will be joining us. Could you inform the pilot for me? And ask the flight attendant to make sure there’s a disgusting amount of candy only a five-year-old would eat on board.”

“You rock, Mia.” Hutch gave her a wink.

Ezra nodded. “Absolutely, boss. Anything you would like? Wine or a special dinner? We could go over what all you’ll expect from me once we get to Colombia. I happen to know that jet has a private dining room.”

“This isn’t a date, asshole. This is a mission and one that doesn’t need dead weight.” Case looked over at Hutch. “Who the fuck is he?”

Hutch took the Red Vine out of his mouth. “Facial recognition tells me he’s Ezra Fain. Super-douchey name for a former Marine. Did they give you hell? I would have. He also works for Ferland. Double douche. Were you the one who almost lost an eye?”

Now she was confused. “Why would he have lost an eye?”

“Because Ian Taggart can be a dick. Literally. I’ll go and handle the pilot.” Ezra stepped away.

She turned on Case. “You’re looking into my bodyguard?”

“You don’t need a bodyguard. You have me.”

“No, you’re here for different reasons. Ezra is only here to watch my back. You have your guys; I have my guy.”

Case loomed over her. “Your guy is a mercenary douchebag.”

“He’s a former Marine who was a member of MARSOC.” She’d gotten a dossier on his qualifications. She wasn’t a complete moron. He’d been a part of a team formerly known as Force Recon. That made him a badass.

“Yes, but his boss is shady. Cut him loose. Pay him if you need to, but he shouldn’t get on that plane.” Case stepped in as though he could force her to do his will with the mere presence of that hot bod of his.

She was made of sterner stuff than that. Mostly. “He’s staying, Case. I need someone who’s here to watch my back and my back alone.”

“I’ll do that,” he insisted.

“You need to concentrate on your mission. Or have you forgotten?” It was the one thing neither one of them could forget. Theo was at stake. Theo and Erin and their son. That family was at stake. She and Case had fucked up anything they might have had, but that didn’t mean Erin and Theo couldn’t be made whole again.

Case’s eyes went stubborn. “I can do both. Originally it was going to be you and me.”

“Now I see that was a mistake.” It had been pure grade A optimism. She had that in spades. Her brothers called her naïve. She liked to think of it as choosing a better reality. Sometimes that reality didn’t show up for her party. “We can start over, but I’m taking Mr. Fain with me. I’m not going to be a slave to your schedule. I’m well aware that you likely won’t let me get a cup of coffee without a bodyguard. I want some freedom.”

He frowned as though he hadn’t thought of that scenario. “All right. When it comes down to meeting Tony…”

“I’ll let you be the one who follows me.” He was the one with the most to lose. She wasn’t trying to cut him out. She simply wanted something of her own.

“You are not locking yourself in a private dining room with that asshole.”

Was he actually jealous? She sighed. “Case, I’m not interested in him personally. He’s not my type. He’s far too personable, gentlemanly, and reasonable to be my type.”

His lips curled up in the sexiest grin. “See it stays that way, darlin’. And I’m keeping an eye on Fain. Just because you insist on bringing that pretty boy Marine along doesn’t mean I’m not still watching your back. I’m going to consider him your stubbornness personified. You’re still my responsibility. Let’s get you on the plane.”

He picked up his bag and settled his jacket over her shoulders again. She found herself walking to the hangar with him, allowing him to open the door and then give her a hand up to the plane. The flight attendant was there in her crisp uniform, a smile on her face. Her eyes widened when she saw Case behind Mia.

The flight attendant was lovely, slender and graceful. Just the type to catch a cowboy’s eye.

“Welcome aboard, Ms. Danvers.” Her voice turned distinctly breathy. “And your friend.”

Mia thought about vomiting, but then a hand slipped into hers.

“It’s Taggart, Case Taggart, and I’m a very good friend of Ms. Danvers. But you should meet Ezra. I would bet he’s just your type.”

Hutch was walking up behind them. “I’m her type, too. Hi, I’m Hutch.”

“Keep walking, buddy. We’ve got work to do,” Michael said. “Keep it in your pants.”

“But Big Tag changed the company motto to We
Keep It In Our Pants,” Hutch complained.

Case’s brother was as crazy as her own.

Case followed her as she moved into the body of the jet. When she took her seat, he sat down beside her. He pointed to the seat in front of them as though forming a phalanx around her with his own men. Case had herded her to the window seat. He’d taken the seat next to her and Hutch and Michael had boxed her in.

Clever Taggart.

No wonder he’d let Ezra go and talk to the front office. He’d managed to make it so she didn’t sit with her own security guard.

“How long is this flight?” Case asked. He seemed perfectly satisfied with the outcome.

“A little over six hours,” Michael said, leaning back in his seat.

Case held out a hand toward the flight attendant. “Could you please get Ms. Danvers a glass of Pinot Noir? The rest of us will have beers. Whatever you have is fine, but she prefers a Sonoma wine.”

He remembered that?

“Of course. We have all of Ms. Danvers’ favorites on board. I’ve had the kitchens send us extra meals. Your choice of filet mignon or a seafood paella.”

She already knew his answer. “He’s going to need both. You should pretend like you’re feeding eight people instead of five.”

“Except when it comes to dessert,” Hutch pointed out. He sat back and seemed to be flirting hard with the flight attendant. “Then add in an extra man because I was denied cake. Don’t worry though. I have a ridiculously high metabolism. Though I do like to work off all that sugar.”

Michael rolled his eyes. “I’m surrounded by men who have no idea how to handle a woman.”

“We’ll definitely need some dessert.” Maybe something chocolate and rich would take her mind off the forbidden fruit sitting beside her.

He’d said he wanted to start over. Was he being honest with her?

“Yes, ma’am. They’ll have us stocked in the next twenty minutes and then we can take off.” The lovely brunette who Case hadn’t looked at with anything but professional courtesy strode to the kitchen area.

Ezra walked on the plane and glanced around, taking in the seating arrangements. “We’ll be leaving in twenty minutes. I don’t suppose I could convince you I need to sit with my employer.”

Case was already leaning back, his whole body relaxed. His hand moved over hers possessively. “Not a chance.”

Ezra sank into a seat across the aisle.

It was going to be an interesting flight.


* * * *


He had to take care of her. That was the key. He’d been right the first time around. Mia Danvers needed a Dom. She craved a man who she couldn’t push around. So much of her life was about the people around her deferring to her every need and want that she deeply desired one who would challenge her and yet who also ensured she got what she needed.

Once he’d decided to take a real look at Mia that went past his butt hurt, he’d seen what he needed to do. He needed to move Mia into a D/s style relationship. Not for the long term, of course. That would never work since he wasn’t exactly her type. But he needed to use her attraction to him to ensure her safety.

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