Dom Vs: Domme: The Deluxe Trilogy: A Billionaire Romance (Dom Vs. Domme Book 0) (54 page)

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I want him forever.

His last kiss of the moment sends me over the edge. Between that, my legs spread in the air to take him into me, and his grunt of unfathomed love surrounding me, I break.

“Ian!” I claw his skin, my nails leaving their marks, in case some other woman has the immense privilege of seeing him without his shirt on someday. I want that woman to know that once upon a time, Ian Mathers made love to
“I want you.”

He know what that means.

Ian’s grunts turn into groans of yearning. My inner walls clench down on him, urging him to come as I sit on the precipice of orgasm.

Just as I think there’s no hope of us coming together, he gasps into me, releasing his first shot of seed as immense pleasure hits my body and brain.

He buries himself so deep within me that I barely feel the rest of his orgasm. In there, anyway. I feel it everywhere else as I writhe against him, my brain flooding with every great endorphin it could possibly hold on to.

Every endorphin that says I want nothing else but this for the rest of my life.

We slow our movements until finally… finally I relax into my pillow, this man on top of me, in me, kissing me.

I don’t want to let him go.

Except we can’t stay like this forever. Eventually, Ian has to pull out of me and roll over enough to keep me in his arms. My head rests against his chest. My thigh lays on his leg, my still spread limbs letting his seed make its way down my skin.

It’s a wonderful combination of feeling marked and in love.

Ian isn’t my Dom right now. He’s… I don’t know what he is. My boyfriend. My lover.

“Have I told you that I’m sorry yet?” He kisses my forehead with the tenderness I crave.

I sigh against his skin. “I’d rather hear that other thing again.”

“What? That I think I love you?”

“Yeah. That one.”

He pushes against me, lips dancing on every part of who I am – physically, emotionally. “I want to fall in love with you, Katie, and I want you to fall in love with me.”

“But it’s so much more fun to fight you.”

“Only in games.”

I wrap my arms around him again, my T-shirt the only clothing still on either of our bodies. Maybe I should fix that.

“What happens now?”

His kiss is unexpected in this moment, but I don’t push him away. How can I, when this is the most natural feeling in the world?

“Let’s play it by ear.”

“What about our families?”

“Fuck our families. It’s none of their business.”

I chastise him for saying that, but I can’t help but agree. It’s absolutely none of their business. Not until we decide to take a more serious step beyond exclusivity. I don’t know when that will happen, if ever. Right now I only care about feeling his warmth around me, within me, and consuming every part of my consciousness.

“I love you,” I whisper, testing how he feels now that we’re no longer having sex.

To my surprise, he knocks me over onto the other side of my bed and looms over me. Am I scared? Enamored? I don’t know what this feeling is, only that I’m becoming addicted to it.

“Don’t say those words if you don’t mean them.”

“You said them first.”

“I didn’t say them without meaning them.”

“Neither am I.” I wrap my legs around his waist and feel his strong body pressed upon mine. Soon we’re back in that familiar embrace. “I love you. I just don’t know what to do.”

“For today, for this week, we’re not going to concern ourselves with it. We won’t address the future until we absolutely have to.”

As nice as that sentiment sounds, I can’t help but wonder if that future will come sooner rather than later. I also wonder if I will really care. Will I keep pushing back my identity in favor of a new one? Will I be happy?

Where will we be a year from now? Ten years from now?

Let me tell you. It doesn’t fucking matter. I’m taking things one day at a time.






Chapter 24




“Son, I had no idea that you were somehow involved with that woman.”

That’s the first thing my father says to me when I sit next to him in his favorite Good Ol’ Boys club. The same one we last talked about women in. Cigar smoke is thick, in part to my father puffing away on one of his vices. That and women and booze, like the brandy he’s hucking back like he’ll never have the chance again.

My father knows how to hold his liquor, so I’m not worried about him getting drunk. I am, however, worried about him running his mouth and pissing me off.

“I doubt she brought it up.” Ever since that fateful lunch, I’ve wondered how Stephanie May ended up in my father’s bed – I have no doubt they’ve had sex, as much as I’d rather think about
else. “We didn’t split amicably.”

“Whoa, I figured there was a bit of a witch in her.” My father attempts a hearty chuckle, but it comes out in a wisp of a breath. “She’s a wild one, eh?”

I keep my face straight as I look into my father’s eyes. The host of the club comes by with the scotch I ordered and insists that I bother him should I need anything. What I need is a lobotomy.

“How in the world did you meet her?”

Dominic Mathers isn’t the kind of man to give up his secrets easily, even to his own son. Nevertheless, he winks at me and says, “Your old man has his bag of tricks yet!”

“She happened to show up somewhere you were at and flirt with you, didn’t she?”

“Well, I…”

Now I’m chuckling. “It’s fine. I’m over it. You didn’t know since I never told you about us. I only went on two dates with her anyway.” Plus, my father doesn’t read the scandal rags like my mother does.
knew about Stephanie, but not my father. “Next time, though, maybe ask if they tried getting into the family through me first.”

“Erm, about that…”

I don’t like that tone in my father’s voice. When I look up from my scotch, I see him shifting in his leather chair, belt buckle straining against his abdomen as he changes positions for the third time in ten minutes.

“You’re not… still dating her, are you?”

“Now, son…”

“Fucking hell, Dad.”

“We’re adults, aren’t we? You said so yourself, you only went on two dates with her.”

“Yes, Dad. One of those dates included sex.”

I didn’t want to say it. I didn’t want to bring it up. Surely you ladies have heard of
guy code.
Between fathers and sons, “guy code” includes not talking about having sex with the same woman, even if you know it’s true. For all I know, we have bedded the same woman before. Doesn’t mean we want to know
In fact, thinking about it makes me want to vomit my scotch. It also makes me angry on my mother’s behalf, even though she’s probably out drowning her love sorrows in some young man’s crotch.

We Mathers have a certain way of taking care of personal problems.

“That’s neither here nor there, son.”

“If you say so.”

You couldn’t cut the tension between us with a battleaxe. This is why I dread what my father is going to say next. It can’t be anything good.

“So, about Kathryn…”


“We’ve made up, if that’s what you’re asking.” I know it is. “She sends her apologies for her outburst the other day. Stephanie shook more than a few things up.”

“Ah.” My father relaxes into his chair as if everything is right again in his insular world. “That’s good to hear. The only thing your mother and I could talk about with any friendliness after that debacle was your tiff with Kathryn.”

It was a bit more than a “tiff,” but I’m not going to bring it up.

“I know your mother has been pushy about you and Kathryn, but she does it with a good heart. Spencer’s girl has a good head on her shoulders and, outburst aside, is more refined than most ladies of her background. Not to mention she’s a looker, ain’t she?”

My lips stay taut as I hold back an exasperated sneer. “I do find her beautiful.”

As if the cosmos heard my cue, my phone buzzes with a text. While my father drinks more brandy, I pull it out and see the chimes were from Katie.

“Hello, handsome. How are you today? I’m feeling… restless.”

I hide a smile as I covertly reply that I want more information. Even though I know exactly what she means, since it’s been two days since we… made love.

Made love. I can safely say that’s rarely happened in my life. Lovemaking, that is.

“I want you, Ian. I want you to take me.”


“Anyway, enough about women,” my father interrupts. “We’re all damned by them no matter what, so there’s no point discussing it unless there’s real news.” What a fancy way of brushing off the fact he’s dating Stephanie. “I hauled you here to talk about the restorations beginning on Monday…”

He rambles about the crews, the permits we’re still waiting on, and the budget allocation. It’s all stuff I already know, so I covertly text Katie and tell her I can’t wait to see her ass in the air again. Also, I love how forward she’s getting about her wishes to submit.

Not only submit. Submit to

Every time I think about Katie in that collar I bought her, I shudder in delight. Of course I contain these shudders, but I can’t help but think about her moaning beneath my body, her ass as pink as her lips, my cock driven deep into her as she begs for me to pull her hair and call her the filthiest names I can come up with.

“I look forward to seeing you again, sir. Tell me when and what to wear. I need you.

She needs me.

Did you hear that?

Katie needs

“Damnit, Ian, are you listening to me?”

No, Dad, I’m not. I don’t care about work. I care about that woman taunting me with her heart and body. A part of me wishes that I could tell you all about it, how our relationship isn’t going to work in the long run, how I almost don’t care…

How I want her anyway.

Yet I don’t tell you these things, Dad, because you’ll shut down and pretend you don’t know anything about that. In a way, you don’t. Even though you’re divorced, you have an ex-wife you’re still in love with and who loves you too. If you can’t figure that out, then how can I figure out my own relationship?

We’re human. Mad, crazy humans with too much money and not enough heart to deal.






Chapter 25




“Is this how you want me, sir?” Kathryn bends over the ottoman, one foot on the floor and the other leg kneeling beneath her chest. A stiletto heel taunts me, beckoning me in the air to come touch her. “Because I think you do.”

I meticulously pick my tools a few feet away. Hard to do when Kathryn is so willing for me to dominate her tonight – and dressed like
I’ve got her wearing a baggy pink T-shirt that hangs so enticingly off her body that it’s all I can do to keep from grabbing and fucking her right now. My cock sure is ready, although mind over matter says I don’t feel a thing in my pants. Certainly not the heat building in my groin, demanding the rest of me to sink deep into the skin I see pressed against a pair of dark and sheer pantyhose.

Usually I’m not so captivated by pantyhose, tights, etc. Not like some men I know who center their whole fetishes around them. When I envisioned Kathryn in that T-shirt, however, I dithered between a cute thong and pantyhose. Once I thought of heels, I knew it had to be hose.

Shit, did I make the right decision.

Her collar glistens in candlelight. Blond hair is pulled back into a high ponytail. That was Kathryn’s styling. I forgot to mention what she should do with her hair when I emailed her my plans for the evening.

Dinner at my place.

Drinks at my place.

Sex at my place.

I want tonight to be all about us. Our fantasies, especially since we’re on the same exact page. It’s beyond liberating to see Katie so relaxed in the environment I’ve created. Not once has she seized up, expressed wariness, or come close to saying her warning word. Her body language calls to me. Her voice is sweet and inviting.

She’s mine.

So there’s this gorgeous woman, wearing nothing but a T-shirt, pantyhose, and black stiletto heels, bent over my ottoman and looking coy at me. Her ass wiggles back and forth as I take my time going through crops and floggers I’ve amassed over the years. Some of them I bought purely for aesthetics and should probably display instead of keep hidden away. Others are tried and true favorites. Every time I look up at her, I see her wetness has spread more along her pantyhose. It helps that they’re so tight – but hopefully not too uncomfortable on her – that they’re contouring every crevice of her recently waxed pussy.

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