Dom of Ages (14 page)

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Authors: K.C. Wells & Parker Williams

Tags: #gay romance

BOOK: Dom of Ages
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“In the living room, Jarod.”

I pushed open the door and entered the room, Eli behind me. My mother was sitting in her favorite armchair beside the fire, sipping from a teacup, even though I was fairly sure it wasn’t tea she was drinking. I had to admit, she looked amazing for a woman of seventy-two. Her silver hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and her eyes were still the most shocking blue. The years had been kind to her. Her face was lined but not excessively.

Eli twitched nervously as we approached her. I found it endearing.

“Mother, I would like to introduce you to—”

“So this is the young man who has you on your knees, huh?”

Eli choked back a cough, but I laughed. “Yes, Mother. This is Eli, my Sir. Sir, this is my mother, Margaret.”

Eli extended a hand and gently took my mother’s in his. “I… uh… it’s an honor.”

My mother cackled. “I like him. He blushes ever so nicely.”

I snuck a peek at Eli. His cheeks looked like they were on fire. I gestured toward the couch, and he sat at the opposite end. I joined him, sitting next to her.

“Mother was aware of my life with Master Phillip,” I informed Eli. “In fact, she was the one who sat me down to discuss my submissive tendencies. Though not in those words,” I added.

“Jarod was always trying to take care of someone,” she said in a wistful tone. “After he moved away, he kept trying to get me to move in with him and Phillip, but I’m not an invalid.”

“I never said that. I just wanted… to take care of you.”

She reached out and stroked my cheek. “You’ll never know how much that meant to me. Seeing you happy with Phillip was all I wanted. When the two of you would come to visit, I could tell he was a man in love, and I’d never seen you happier than when you were cuddled up against him on the sofa.” Her eyes shone. Then she peered at Eli. “But now you’ve got a new man. He’s a looker, isn’t he?”

My mother was never one to hold her tongue. She spoke her mind often, much to my chagrin, but now that it was directed at Eli, I could see the humor in the situation.

Eli shifted on the couch and cleared his throat. “Pet…. Jarod, would you like to make us some tea? I think your mother and I could do with some.”

“You know what kind of tea I like,” Mother said with a grin.

I tried not to smirk. “Yes, Mum. One cup of tea with three dashes of rum, coming up.”

I rose to my feet and exited the living room, leaving the two of them whispering to one another. I had the distinct feeling that before the day was over, Eli would know all my childhood stories and use them against me.

I might never hear the last of this.





as Jarod had left the room, I turned to his mother. “Are you really okay with… us?” I asked.

She stared at me. “Of course I am,” she snapped. “Jarod has always needed someone to care for. After Phillip died, I watched him waste away. He was alone and afraid, even though he swore to me he was okay. I tried to talk him into coming back home, but he said he couldn’t leave their house.” She let out a heavy sigh. “I’m glad he found someone.”

“Oh, it isn’t like that,” I assured her quickly. “We’re not together like that. It’s just—”

“Young man, I will tell you this now. If you hurt my son, I will take it out of your hide. Jarod is sensitive. He’s always been that way. And if you don’t care for him, you’d better damn well tell him now, because I won’t have him hurt after he becomes attached to you. Do I make myself clear?” Her sharp blue eyes bored into me.

The last thing I wanted was to upset the one person Jarod was closest to. “Let me explain, please. Jarod and I are getting to know one another. I made a terrible mistake, and I’m doing my very best to correct it. I want Jarod to be happy again, and I hope it will be with me.”

She studied me in silence for a moment, before another sigh rolled out of her. “Jarod has never been able to give half his heart. When he falls in love, he gives it his all. There is no in-between for him. I worried when he and Phillip got together. I thought it was too soon, but when Phillip came and introduced himself, I could see why Jarod was in love. The man had a presence about him, and it covered Jarod like a cloak. I’d never seen anyone that protective before. Phillip would have cut off his left arm before he’d make Jarod unhappy.”

Her words confirmed the impression I’d gained of Jarod and Phillip’s relationship. It wasn’t hard to see why Jarod had been in such a state to lose his master. They’d obviously been meant for each other.

She rose unsteadily to her feet and came to sit next to me on the couch, easing herself onto the cushions with a wince. “I know that might not be the kind of life you’re looking for,” she continued, “but please take care of my son. He needs a firm hand to guide him and to keep him together. If you can’t be the one to do it, you need to step away now before he gets hurt more than he already has been.”

Her stare made me feel as though she was searching my soul, seeking out my intentions. Whatever she saw must have satisfied her, because she took my hand in hers and gave it a small squeeze. “Please be good to him.”

“I have every intention of it, Mrs. Pearce. I don’t intend on letting him go.”

“You can call me Margaret, or Maggie, or Mum. I think you’ll be family before long. Jarod has that effect on people.”

I opened my mouth to reply, not really sure of what I was going to say, but Jarod came back through the door carrying a small tray with three teacups, and some biscuits. His smile warmed my heart, because this was the happiest I’d ever seen him, and I intended to keep my word to his mother.

I would make him as happy as I possibly could. But for now, it was time to exact a little revenge for making me wear a suit. I slipped my hand into my pocket, seeking the remote I’d stuffed in there. I gave the dial a twist. Jarod stiffened and his gaze shot to me. I simply gave him a sweet smile.

He fidgeted on the couch until Maggie asked if something was wrong.

“N-n-no, it’s all good, Mum.”

I barely repressed my snort.
That’s what
I turned the dial to the second setting, and he was nearly bouncing on the couch.

“Sir?” he asked, a touch of panic in his voice.

“Yes?” I gave him as innocent a look as I could muster.

He glanced toward his mother, then back to me. “Nothing,” he squeaked.

Maggie continued to sip her tea and chat about Jarod as a child. He was quite the homebody, trying to cook for his family when he was seven, asking his mum to teach him to sew when he was ten, taking home-ec courses when he was in high school. She knew early on about his need to take care of people, and she’d encouraged that.

Jarod had calmed down, but I could see him squirming, as if he was clenching his arse cheeks.
Oh, we certainly can’t have that.
I upped the dial one more notch and had to bite back a laugh at Jarod’s expression. He twitched and tried to reach for his cheeks, then pulled his hand away.

“You know, if you keep that up he’s going to have an accident in his pants,” Maggie said before taking another sip of tea.

My eyes went wide, and I reached for the remote, intending to turn it off.

“Oh, no, don’t bother. He looks like he’s enjoying it.” She chuckled.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t think—”

“I’m not deaf, you know. I can hear his bum buzzing from here. And if you think I’ve never heard a vibrator before… well, you’d be wrong about that.”

I couldn’t stop the laugh. This woman and her son surprised me on every level. She’d shown me how welcome I was in her family, and Jarod had been so giving of himself.

“You know,” she said, “I think this is going to be a very interesting relationship.”

I couldn’t agree more.

As we left the house, Jarod leaned toward me and said very quietly, “That wasn’t nice.”

I grinned at him. “I told you your arse was mine. And when we get home, we’ll see what else I’m going to do with it.”

He shuddered, and I wrapped an arm around his shoulder, then whispered to him, “I quite like your mum, pet. She’s invited me back again, and I told her I would be delighted.”

“Can we leave the plug at home?” he asked, a bit of urgency in his voice.

“Oh, no. Next time I’m going to add the matching cock ring.”

I laughed to myself, refusing to tell him that his mother had suggested it. I liked the woman. She had some interesting ideas, and I couldn’t wait to pick her brain some more.

Chapter Twelve





the bars of the multigym. It was a small workout room, but he utilized every square inch of space beautifully. He pulled the bar down slowly, inhaling as he did, then released, exhaling. I watched in awe as his muscles strained, and I could feel myself get hard. Eli glanced up and winked at me.

“Want to spot me with the barbells, pet?” He wiped his hands on a towel and walked over to where the barbell was supported on its stands, a long bench beneath it. At each end of the stand was a pile of weights.

I’d never done that, but I’d seen it on TV. “Yes, Sir.”

He smiled. “You need to learn to do this properly. Lie down on the bench and I’ll show you the basics.”

I lay down, my head at the narrow end of the bench, the stands on either side, level with my chest. Eli tugged me around until he was satisfied that I was where I needed to be. Then he stood at my head, so that I had to crane my neck to gaze up at him.

“That’s perfect, pet.” His voice was husky, and I looked up the length of his body, his chest dripping with sweat. He met my gaze. “So, I’d lie where you are, with my hands on the bar, arms bent. Your job would be to stand here, like I’m doing, and be ready to grab hold of the bar if it looks like I can’t manage to lift it back onto the stand.”


“Want to give it a go?”

I smiled. “Yes, why not?” I gripped the bar, my hands at each end of its length. Eli held it in the middle, supporting its weight.

“Okay, pet, now push up, straightening your arms, and then lower the bar to your chest.”

I did as instructed, Eli’s gaze focused on me the whole time. I performed about five lifts and then placed the bar back on its stands, Eli helping.

“That was very good.” He moved closer, and the fabric of his sweat pants brushed against my forehead. “Are you comfortable, pet?”

“Yes, Sir.” I waited for him to give the signal for me to lift some more. He leaned forward a little more, and his crotch grazed my nose. I inhaled his aroma, so strong after his workout. “Please, Sir,” I moaned.

He pulled down on the top of the pants and fished out his hard cock. He slid it along my lips, chuckling when I tried to capture it in my mouth. I groaned in frustration.

“Is this what you want, Jarod? Do you want me to take you like this? In this position I can push deeper than ever before. Will you be able to take it all?”

Just the thought of deep-throating that gorgeous cock had me as hard as nails. “Yes, Sir,” I replied confidently.

Eli angled me where my head was over the edge of the bench, looking up at him and then rubbed along my lips with his dick. I could taste his precome, slightly sweet.

“You ready, pet?”

I grinned up at him. “Yes, Sir.” I cupped his full balls in my left hand, his buttock with my right.

“Open your mouth.”

I opened wide, and he slid his cock into my mouth. This angle was perfect for him to deep-fuck my throat. I heard his groans and moans as his balls slapped against my nose, the fine hairs tickling slightly.

“You’re doing so well, Jarod. I want you to stay perfectly still. Let me do the work.”

He twisted his fingers in my hair, yanking upward. The sting felt so good.

“Take me deeper, pet. All the way, if you can.”

I smiled inwardly and swallowed around his cock. I know he’d instructed otherwise, but I couldn’t help it. I put both hands on his arse, pulling him deep.

“Fucking hell,” he moaned. “Yes, pet. Just like that.”

He gripped the barbell and started thrusting into my mouth, using me for his own pleasure. Words of encouragement fell from his lips as he panted my name. “Oh hell, pet. Jarod… so good.”

His cock had me drooling, dripping down my cheeks. I swirled my tongue around the head each time he pulled back and opened my throat wide each time he pushed in. I sucked for all I was worth, trying to give him as much pleasure as possible.

“Soon, pet. Very soon. I’m going to paint you with it. Your face, your chest. You’ll be wearing me until I let you shower.”

The thought vibrated through my head. I knew that I risked a punishment, but in that moment it was worth it. He started short, quick thrusts, and I knew he was about to spill. I threw my hands around his arse and held him tight, forcing his cock to stay in my mouth as the warm, salty essence spurted onto my tongue. I kept him there as I pulled every last drop, his breathing ragged. He pulled out, his cock softening as it grazed across my face.

“Holy fuck, that was amazing,” he said quietly, rubbing his finger along my cheek. His eyes sparkled. “Still, I did tell you not to move. And don’t think I didn’t notice that you derailed my plans to paint you with come, pet. I think that calls for a punishment. After I get my legs back.” He lifted the barbell out of the way and leaned over to kiss me. I shared with him the taste of his own come, his tongue leisurely exploring my mouth. He pushed a low moan between my lips, and it made my heart sing.

My hard-on ached, but I made no move to touch myself. Eli had gotten his pleasure and that was enough for me. Later I would have to face the consequences of my action, but no matter what they were, it was truly worth it.

“I think we need a nap,” Eli said in a decisive tone.


He grinned. “A nap. You know, curled up in bed, dozing. That sounds like a nice way to spend an afternoon.” He winked. “And there’s still the matter of your punishment, but we can talk about that later. After the nap.”

The penny dropped. Like I’d be able to nap, thinking about what was coming.

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