Doctor On Toast (18 page)

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Authors: Richard Gordon

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BOOK: Doctor On Toast
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The Private Life of Florence Nightingale
‘She was emotional, she was vain, she was incomparable. She was a passionate cultivator of new ideas on the compost-heap of long rotted ones. She had a genius for rubbing noses into facts right in front of them. She had infinite capability and little tenderness. Her antiseptic ghost today haunts every sickbed in the world, to which she was Britain’s most valuable and useful gift.’
This harsh and gritty story of Florence Nightingale does little to perpetuate the myth of the gentle lady of the lamp. Instead, through the eyes of his impassioned narrator, Richard Gordon lays bare the truth of this complex and chilling character.
‘…shudderingly effective.’ – The Times
The Private Life of Jack the Ripper
In this remarkably shrewd and witty novel, Victorian London is brought to life with a compelling authority. Richard Gordon wonderfully conveys the boisterous, often lusty panorama of life for the very poor – hard, menial work; violence; prostitution; disease. The Private Life of Jack the Ripper is a masterly evocation of the practice of medicine in 1888 – the year of Jack the Ripper. It is also a dark and disturbing medical mystery. Why were his victims so silent? And why was there so little blood?
‘…horribly entertaining…excitement and suspense buttressed with authentic period atmosphere’ – The Daily Telegraph
The Summer of Sir Lancelot
Sir Lancelot Spratt, respected and much feared senior consultant at St Swithan’s has finally taken the plunge and retired to enjoy the quiet life. No longer able to fill his days terrorising staff and patients alike, he turns instead to a new passion – a spot of trout fishing. However his solace and quiet reverie at the fishpond is soon broken by his niece – the mischievous and rather attractive Euphemia. With her engaging smile (and with her glands the way they are) it is not long before a young physician falls madly and helplessly in love with her. And if this wasn’t enough to deal with, Sir Lancelot’s neighbour announces that he alone has fishing rights to the pond.
Surgeon At Arms
Surgeon at Arms continues the story of the much-admired surgeon, Graham Trevose, who first appeared in
The Facemaker
. As the Second World War breaks out and begins to yield its countless casualties, Trevose uses his skills as a plastic surgeon to rebuild burned faces and damaged limbs. For this, his grateful patients name him ‘The Wizard’ and he is hailed a hero. Yet Trevose’s rather unorthodox private life begins to make him enemies which prove as much a challenge as his work in the military hospitals. In the rise and fall of this bold, talented yet fallible surgeon, Richard Gordon presents the achievements and disappointments of the entire nation.
‘Mr Gordon is a very good natural storyteller’ – Daily Telegraph

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