Doc Featherstone's Return (10 page)

Read Doc Featherstone's Return Online

Authors: Stephani Hecht

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Doc Featherstone's Return
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“Wrap your legs around my waist,” Joshua demanded.

Only too happy to comply, Ash did as instructed, his legs going around Joshua. Still kissing Ash, Joshua then began to walk them to the bedroom. When they got there and Ash saw a king sized bed instead of a twin like in his old room, he let out a silent cheer. They would have plenty of room to play around.

Joshua gently laid Ash down on it, as if he were the greatest treasure on Earth. Joshua then stood and looked down on him. “If you only knew how many times I dreamed of this moment. Of you being here in my bed, like this.”

Ash stretched out, giving what he hoped was a good show. “You like it now, wait until I’m naked.

I’ll bet you’ll like it even better.”

Or at least Ash hoped so. While he’d gained a good portion of his weight back, he knew he was still underweight. He hoped his scrawny appearance didn’t disappoint Joshua. After all, as a doctor, Joshua had seen plenty of men naked, and some of them were pretty buff, but Ash was
far from that.

Joshua smiled down at him. “I know I’ll like it better.”

He then crawled on the bed and straddled Ash’s thighs. Taking his time, Joshua slowly lifted the hem of Ash’s shirt, revealing first his stomach and then his chest. Before Ash had a chance to feel self-conscious, Joshua began to pepper small kisses over the exposed flesh.

Ash arched his body up as little sparks of desire shot through him. In between the kisses, Joshua would rub his face over Ash, scenting him more. It shouldn’t have been such a turn-on, but damned if it wasn’t. It had Ash so hard that he felt like he was going to burst through his jeans. Then Joshua took one of Ash’s nipples into his mouth and lightly bit down, causing Ash to nearly come unglued.

“Ah, fuck! That’s so good,” Ash cried out as he threaded his fingers through Joshua’s long hair.

Joshua flicked his tongue over the nub a few times before he moved onto the other nipple, giving it the same attention. Ash had never realized that his nipples could be such an erogenous zone before, but damn if he wasn’t getting a firsthand lesson.

When Joshua moved on, Ash let out a sound of protest, but it soon morphed into a moan of pleasure when Joshua began to massage his cock
through his jeans. Ash found himself rocking into the touch, even as Joshua continued to kiss his way down Ash’s stomach.

When he reached Ash’s waistband, Joshua paused long enough to undo the fly and take off Ash’s pants. There was a moment of

awkwardness, because Ash still had his shoes on, but they worked their way through it with a few chuckles.

Ash fully expected another amazing blowjob, so when Joshua just gave his cock a few licks, he was a bit disappointed. That was until Joshua took Ash’s balls into his mouth and sucked them in one at a time.

“Holy crap! That’s amazing!” Ash yelled as he fisted the bedcovers.

He could have gone on with that activity all day, but Joshua only lingered there for a moment, before he kissed his way down Ash’s legs. He even paid attention to each and every toe.

“Turn over,” Joshua ordered.

Ash did, pinning his hard cock between himself and the mattress. He wiggled some until he managed to find a comfortable position. As soon as he was settled, Joshua began the same routine, only this time to Ash’s back.

He started at Ash’s shoulders and worked his way slowly down his spine, alternating kisses and rubs of his face, leaving no area untouched.
Through it all, Ash let out a series of moans and gasps. No other lover had ever given him such attention—had treated him as if he were so special.

By the time he reached Ash’s ankles, Ash was letting out whispered pleas as he humped the mattress, desperate for some relief. Joshua laughed then reached for his nightstand drawer.

When he pulled out the bottle of lube, Ash thought
All right, now we’ll be getting down to
But instead, Joshua tossed the bottle onto the bed. Ash let out a little whimper as he bit the pillow in frustration.

“Soon, my little Hawk, I promise,” Joshua said.

Ash was about to voice his protest when he felt the cheeks of his ass being separated. Before he could even draw in a breath, he felt the velvet glide of Joshua’s tongue rimming his hole. Ash cried out as pleasure spiked its way through his body.

Joshua swirled his tongue around again before spearing it inside. Ash felt himself thrusting back in a silent plea for more and Joshua answered. It went on for what seemed like forever, but not long enough. Then Ash felt the cool touch of a slick finger probing his entrance. He’d been so caught up in the rim job that he hadn’t even noticed Joshua grabbing the bottle.

Joshua thrust the finger inside. Ash yelled both
in relief and in pleasure. By then, his cock was so hard that he knew it wouldn’t take long and he just prayed that he lasted long enough for Joshua to get inside him. The last thing Ash wanted to do was ruin their first time by creaming the bed before things even got good. Talk about a

Joshua added a second finger, gently working them in and out, stretching Ash. While the intent was all nice and good, Ash was going into red alert mode. “Ah, Joshua, you may want to get to fucking me, now.”

“Why is that?”

“Because if you don’t, I’m going to come before your cock gets into my ass.”

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

A sweat began to build up on Ash’s body.

“Trust me, you’re hurting me
by not fucking me at this point.”

Joshua laughed. “I’d almost forgotten what a brat you are at times.”

He did pull out his fingers, got undressed and slicked up his cock, so Ash decided to let the
comment slide—this time. Grabbing Ash by the hips, Joshua lined up his cock and entered Ash in one fluid thrust.

They both moaned in unison. There was a slight burn, but Ash welcomed it because he knew there would be pleasure following it. Sure enough, as
soon as Joshua began to move, spirals of bliss curled their way up Ash’s body.

“Oh God, just like that, don’t stop,” Ash pleaded.

That seemed to be all the prompting Joshua needed, or maybe it was the overwhelming need to claim his mate, because he pounded into Ash like a man possessed.

“You’re mine now,” Joshua declared.

“I was always yours,” Ash replied, his voice high-pitched from trying to keep control.

Finally, it became too much and he came, completely untouched, his spunk shooting off onto the sheets under them. Joshua continued to thrust into Ash for a few more moments until he finally gave one more push and came, his cum filling Ash’s ass.

Joshua rolled off Ash and collapsed on his back.

Ash fell to the side and basically laid on top of Joshua in order to avoid the dreaded…dum, dum, dum, dum,…wet spot.

Ash snuggled into Joshua. “I smell like you now. How long will it last?”

“Since I plan on us having a lot of sex, for the rest of our lives,” Joshua said.

“I like the sounds of that,” Ash said with a happy sigh.

“So, does this mean you’re really going to move in with me?”
“Are you kidding? I’ll pack up my stuff first thing in the morning.”

“Won’t you miss living with your cast?”

Ash shook his head. “Not if it means I get to be with you.”

They linked fingers and were silent for a while.

“You do know they’re going to send me back in the field as soon as I’m cleared medically,” Ash said.

Joshua sighed, “I know. I don’t like it though. I think you’ve already sacrificed enough for the coalition and cast.”

“But, it’s what I do—it’s what we do, Joshua.

We save lives. I just do mine out there, while you do it here. Besides if we want to get technical, most of the times I got hurt were in the infirmary.

From my standpoint, I’m safer out in the field.”

“I worry about you.”

“I know you do, and I love you for that, but you have to let me do this. It’s my responsibility. If I don’t do it, it’ll make me look weak to the rest of the cast, and I know you don’t want that,” Ash explained patiently.

Joshua groaned. “Why did you have to pick this time to be rational?”

Ash tilted up his head and kissed Joshua’s jaw.

“I promise to always come home to you.”

“That’s a promise you can’t make, and we both know it.”
“Maybe not, but I can do my best. Now that I have you, I have something to live for, so that will only make me fight all the harder.”

Chapter Ten

o you have all your body armor on

“D securely?” Joshua asked for what had to be the millionth time.

Ash sighed, more than happy to indulge him.

He knew how worried his mate was. In the three months that they’d officially been together, the day that Joshua had been dreading the most was finally here. Ash was finally going out in the field, and he could tell that Joshua was a bundle of nerves.

Ash reached up and cupped the back of Joshua’s head, then brought him down for a brief kiss. “I checked and double-checked everything.

Don’t worry.”

Joshua gave him an irritated glare. “How can I not worry? You’re going out into battle, and you could get hurt or worse.”

“I told you I would come back to you,” Ash reminded him.
“Yes, I just want to make sure it’s in one piece.”

“I’ll make sure that I don’t come back as your patient, as your bedside manner really does suck.”

Joshua grunted. “So I’ve been told.”

“You really do need to work on it. Maybe I’ll buy you a book on it. Something like
Chicken Soup
for the Bedside Manner

“I don’t think they have that book out there.”

“Why not?” Ash shrugged. “They have one for everything else.”

“Hey, Ash!” Isaac called. “It’s time to go!”

Ash gave Joshua one last kiss. “See you on the other side.”

“Just make sure to get back here soon. I don’t like to be left worrying about you,” Joshua said as he held Ash in a tight embrace.

Ash detangled himself and ran to join the others in the back of the van. He managed to wedge himself between Isaac and Gregg. This mission was going to be similar to so many others that the teams had been going on lately, go in and rescue small groups of shifters who were being held by slavers.

The thing was, it was a tricky process. Since the place was so heavily guarded on the outside, they had to literally secure the place from the inside out. That way the slavers didn’t kill the captives before the coalition members had time to get inside to rescue them. That’s where the assassins
came into play. They would go inside and kill the guards first, secure the slaves, and then wait while Ash’s team took care of the guards on the outside.

Simple and easy…right? Yeah, if it weren’t for the fact that they had bullets flying their way, and one couldn’t forget those pesky grenades, either.

Wouldn’t want to leave those out.

Just as the van started to leave, Isaac started humming, pretty soon the entire van picked up the tune, and before Ash knew it, they were all singing his signature song, the opening song to the
Flash Gordon
movie. He laughed as he joined in.

He’d almost forgotten how much he loved being on a team like this.

It took about an hour to get to the location, and by the time they arrived, they were all so worked up, they practically burst from the back of the van.

They were immediately met with a hail of enemy gunfire.

Ash took cover with Isaac and Gregg behind a SUV, the fact that they were all laughing showed just how much adrenaline was pumping through their bodies. Not that they were crazy or anything—much.

“It looks like it’s going to be an easy one. They don’t have much muscle out front. Just a few guards. Word is that the assassins have already secured the inside, even though it’s only Shane and Ackley on duty,” Isaac reported in.
So far, Shane hadn’t had any luck finding a sole assassin willing to come work for the coalition. He was still working on it, and Mitchell was standing firm on not letting Shane promote Andrew to the position.

Ash moved out of position and squeezed off a few shots, taking out two of the enemy. When he narrowly avoided getting shot himself, he told the others, “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell Joshua about that.”

The others held up their hands.

“Like I would tell the doc that,” Isaac said. “I like to keep my head on its shoulders, thank you very much.”

“Yeah,” Gregg agreed. “I’m not going to be the one to piss him off. I already do that enough without meaning to.”

All of the sudden, out of nowhere, a Hyena appeared and leapt at them. Reacting out of instinct brought on by hours of training, Ash shot it midair. They all let out cries of protest when they were covered in blood and gore as it came raining down on them.

“Damn, Ash, you mean business, don’t you?”

Isaac said as he wiped some blood off his face.

“I promised Joshua I would come home, and I mean to keep the promise,” Ash said in a determined voice.

“Yeah, but did you have to give us a gore bath.
We look like extras from a horror flick,” Gregg bitched.

“You love it, and you know it. It makes you look badass. The guys will think it makes you look sexy,” Ash said.

“Really?” Gregg asked, brightening up.

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