Dmitry's Closet (7 page)

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Authors: Latrivia S. Nelson

Tags: #Urban Life, #Contemporary, #General, #Romance, #African American, #Fiction

BOOK: Dmitry's Closet
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     When Dmitry heard the door, he smiled and shook his head. "Royal is virgin," he sang aloud, smiling to himself, happy that he had discovered such a treasure.


Chapter 5

     The grand opening of the
Dmitry's Closet
was an undeniable success. Nearly two hundred of Memphis' affluent women came to the opening. The event was complete with the cutting of a splendid red ribbon, a few words from the area councilman and tons of champagne, strawberries, great cheeses and caviar beluga for the guests. And best of all despite the warnings from the local meteorologist, it did not rain giving everyone a clear, not-so-hot August day.

     Royal had used all of her textbook skills to attract the local newspapers and reporters by giving them gift bags full of free but expensive gifts all hand picked by her and her new staff of two. Dmitry was also extremely impressed with the entire event, receiving constant praise from his new patrons, who not only loved the selection but the presentation.

     By seven o'clock when the doors closed, they had made thousands of dollars and a big splash with the new boutique. After counting down the drawer and giving the money to Anatoly as previously discussed, Royal and her team cleaned up the boutique and prepared to head over to the
Mother Russia
restaurant, where Dmitry had arranged for a celebratory dinner.

     It had been an excruciating month for Royal, full of last-minute details to work through, promotions to pull together and fine clothing to inventory, but things had worked out better than her wildest dreams. She was a success. Her hard work had paid off literally. And most of all Dmitry was happy with her.

     "The limo is here to pick us up, Royal," her assistant, Renée said, grabbing her purse. "I can't believe he is sending over a freaking limo!"

     "Yeah, that's pretty sweet," Royal said hurrying.

     Renée was a young, energetic neo soul sister from Atlanta, who rocked a large, very pro-black afro and large gold hoop earrings. She was a dark, short, petite woman with tons of retail experience and new to the city. Royal hired her on the spot during their interview, feeling a strangely familiar kinship with the woman. Her other assistant Cory was young man who had come highly recommended by the councilman, Mr. Avers, who had also spoken at their grand opening.

     Cory was a clean cut, attractive young white man with a very small, but muscular frame. Dmitry had questioned her choice for him, but she knew that it was only because he was a man. Cory was extremely professional and kind and his ultimate goal was to one day own his own shop. She thought his ambitions to be admirable and decided after several days and a few conversations with Dmitry to hire him as well.

     The three of them loaded into the limo quickly and were escorted a few streets over to the restaurant, where a small group of Dmitry's friends and colleagues waited. When they arrived at the restaurant, a traditional Russian band was playing and the entire place was covered in festive crimson decorations. There were tons of expensive wine, fine Russian vodka, traditional Russian food and of course, caviar.

     Once, Royal had inquired why caviar was a staple in Dmitry's life. He explained that he was part-owner of a caviar company near the Caspian Sea.

     Naturally, she said shaking her head when he had informed her of yet another business he owned.

     "Ah, there is my little shop girl," Dmitry said, picking Royal up and whirling her around.

     His festive spirit made Royal light up. She hugged him as tightly as she could, relishing in the moment.

     "Wasn't today, great? I... I couldn't believe it. So many people came to the opening," Royal said as Dmitry sat her down. There eyes were glued to each other. His hands were glued to her tiny waist.

     He finally spoke, breaking out of her spell.
"Dah... dah
today was great... was reflection of you, eh?" He waved at the waiter. "Bring her a big glass of wine. I want to get her as drunk as possible." He gave a wide grin then took Royal to the head table.

     "Did you do all of this for us?" She looked around in amazement.

     "No, I did all of this for you," he whispered in her ear, as he pulled a seat out for her.

     Dmitry had flirted with Royal many times but ultimately kept his sexual ambitions at bay after their date. Royal thought it was because he felt that she was too inexperienced for him, but Dmitry was a business man. He had left her alone to ensure that she would focus on his shop first. He knew that there would plenty of time for his other plans.

     However, they still continued to spend many days and evenings together planning for the grand opening, which Dmitry enjoyed immensely. It gave him an opportunity to get to know her on many levels, something that he found quite refreshing in a woman after many years of dealing with empty vessels.

     Every day, she would always reveal something newer, something brighter to him. He found himself impatient to get to the boutique, to hear her voice and see her face. Royal was fascinating to him in every way that a woman could be fascinating to a man. A hard worker. Honest. Loyal. Pure. He could never have asked for more in whatever she had grown to be to him.

     Royal had also been enslaved by Dmitry. He was not only beautiful but incredibly wise. He gave her so much advice on how to run the business and how to be savvy about all her negotiations with vendors. He explained the market to her and how to stay on top of it. She was his ever-faithful pupil.

     "Could I have your attention, please?" he asked, standing at the head of the long, decorated wooden table. He clinked the gold knife on the crystal glass and cleared his throat.

     As he raised his glass, the room quieted to a dead silence. All the chatter stopped, and the band put down their instruments. Royal looked around, astonished at how people snapped to his command. All eyes were glued to him and his eyes were glued to her. The attention made Royal incredibly self-conscious. She fidgeted a little as she tried to look at him and not at all the people who were now focused on the two of them.

     His voice reverberated throughout the large restaurant like a microphone had been placed below him. Eyes sparkling under the romantic lighting, he turned to Royal. If she had believed in Prince Charming, she would have sworn that he was him.

     "I would like to make toast to Royal Stone and the hard work that she and her team have put into making my newest shop a great success. I am very proud of her and my own decision to keep her so very close. She has truly become... asset," he paused and smiled at Royal. "So, tonight we celebrate a new part of my vision and welcome Royal to the family. She has my blessings, and I'm sure all of yours.

     "Budem!" everyone replied at once, toasting Royal and her staff.

     Instantly, the music began again and the ginger chatter resumed. Royal was happy in that fact. Now all eyes were not on her, but she could still feel a few burning through her back. She turned slightly to observe. Around them sat several men that she had never met before but who were most definitely Russian and wealthy. All of them were adorned in expensive suits, shoes and polished accessories. With them were women of the finest breed—beautiful, exotic beneficiaries of fine living.

     Near the end of the table were Renée and Cory eating and laughing, both enjoying each other's company and their newfound success. Royal observed everyone while she sipped on her wine, feeling a small buzz as she neared the bottom of the glass. She smiled to herself feeling more apart of something than she had ever felt before. Suddenly, a warm hand crept across hers, and she looked over to find Dmitry. His bright eyes were fixed on her.

     "Are you alright?" he asked, concerned.

     "I'm wonderful," she said, holding back tears. She clinched his hand tightly. "Thanks for all of this. It's beautiful. I've never had anything like this done for me before." Her voice was nearly a whisper.

     "Get used to it." He waved over the waiter for more wine. He could see her wide brown eyes start to relax. Her long lashes flopped lazily and the tension had started to come out of her erect posture.

     "You feel relaxed yet?" He ran his large hand over her shoulder and massaged her back.

     "Umm, yes," she said empting her glass. She wiped her lips gently with her finger tips. The wine perfumed her breath and hazed her thoughts.

     Dmitry watched her, still smitten by her small perfect movements. He looked away for a moment and smiled to himself.

     Royal looked over and caught his smirk. She raised her brow and set down her glass. Used to his idiosyncrasies, she knew sex was on his mind.

     "Can you manage to keep that mind of yours out of the gutter, Dmitry?" she asked slurring her words a little but still in control of her thoughts.

     "You've now gone from shop girl to mind reader?" Dmitry laid his long arm around her chair and her exposed back like a boa constrictor and let his thumb rub against the bare skin of her back.

     "It doesn't take much to read your mind." His movements aroused her.

     "If that were true, I'd be out of business." He smirked again showing his long dimples.

     "It's not that. I've just had more time to know how to read you."

     She met his eyes and swallowed hard as he leaned in.

     "What am I thinking right now? Tell me exactly. Each and every word."

     "You're thinking you want to give me a raise," she said smiling.

     He grinned. Her humor continuously renewed him. "You have proven yourself to be quite the remarkable woman," he said softly. "I have watched you transform from this diamond in the rough to...Hope diamond. Irreplaceable. Irresistible. Irritating." He smiled. She laughed.

     "Jeez, don't set the bar so high," she whispered.

     The band played in the background, hand organs bellowing out beautiful Russian music. He smiled. "Dance with me?" he asked, urging her from her seat. His hand caressed her back.

     "Alright." Royal stood, placed her napkin in the chair and followed Dmitry to the quaint, candlelit dance floor. Again she could feel the many eyes burning through her. They all watched her like spectacle she was. It would have driven her crazy if Dmitry had not continued to steal her thoughts.

     He turned to her and bowed gracefully.

     "May I have this dance and every other there after?" He winked at her.

     "Yes, but I have to warn you, I tend to lead."

     "So you've danced with many seven foot men, huh?"

     "A couple," she grinned. "Okay. You're the first, but don't let it go to your head."

     "Too late," he hummed. "If I was foolish enough to omit observation earlier... you look absolutely beautiful tonight."

     "Thank you." Royal smiled. "You do too."

     Dmitry looked regal in his black tailored suit, cut for his large lion frame. As normal, there was nothing out of place. His hair was just the right shade of blonde, his tan just the right shade of bronze, his eyes just the right shade of blue and his lips just the right shade of pink. Even more was his intoxicating cologne—a signature fragrance that she had never smelled before meeting him, but could not forget.

     He dipped his head to greet her, ever so gentle and refined in all of his movements. As he took her small manicured hand in his own, he pulled her close into his towering body. She slipped her hand in between the tailored shirt and satin on the inside of his jacket; gripping his marble body and feeling the heat come from under his clothes. Their bodies fused together.

     Seeing Dmitry swaying softly, the band instantly stopped their upbeat tune and started a more romantic melody. The violins harmonized, tickling her ears with delicious sounds. She smiled at him as he looked down at her.

     "What are you thinking now, Royal?" he asked as they swayed.

     "They don't sound nearly as good as you do, when you play."

     Dmitry grinned.

     Softly, she laid her head against his body and felt his arm tighten around her waist. The guests looked on as the two danced, somehow moving with every step further into their own world, where no one else existed. Her eyes closed as she danced dizzily with the harmony of the music. He nearly hid her from the others with his massive frame. She felt safe in his embrace, protected by his presence.

     The other guests soon began to move to the dance floor as well, partnering up to join in the beautiful moment. Without words, the room spoke in volumes. There was love in the air, contagious, crazy love-even if it was just for as long as the band played.

     "I don't ever want this moment to end," Royal finally said, unsure of how Dmitry would react.

     "Umm… me either, shop girl," Dmitry hummed, holding her tighter.

     Minutes later, Anatoly appeared from the back room, dressed in his normal dark boot cut jeans, black boots and a black t-shirt. Obviously, he had not been invited or not accepted an invitation to the event. His hooded, brooding eyes were menacing and his walk forceful, each pace gaining momentum. Dmitry saw him from a far and stopped dancing. Royal looked over, sensing urgency as Anatoly approached. Her heart sank.

     Not now, she thought.

     "Excuse me for just a moment," Dmitry said, walking away, giving her no time to respond. She stood on the dance floor alone as the others danced. The mood changed quickly. Like a king at court, all eyes followed him as he left the floor, but it was Royal who truly felt like the jester.

     Anatoly spoke to Dmitry under a calm but urgent voice, gesturing something violent with his hands. Dmitry looked towards the front window and then back at the men on the floor and at the table. They all stopped talking and dancing and migrated collectively from their dates to circle around Dmitry and Anatoly.

     Dmitry said something to them, then they quickly dispersed out of the front door without bothering to inform their guests of their departure, then he walked back over to Royal, who stood clueless.

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