Dizzy Dilemmas (33 page)

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Authors: Mary Beeken

BOOK: Dizzy Dilemmas
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“You look beautiful, my dear,” h
e said, every inch the proud father.

“Thank you, papa,” s
he replied, kissing his cheek. “Has everyone else left for the church?”

He nodded “The carriage is at the door; waiting for us.
So if you are ready, Grace?”

“You have not called me that since I was seven years old!” she said, puzzled that he should use her given name now.

“Today it suits you,” he smiled then added in a stage whisper, “Though I hope Dizzy is not buried too deep beneath all that elegance and poise.”

“No papa, it is all a façade!” she assured him with a laugh. “I only pray it will last as long as the service. I would hate to ruin all of Glenmore’s careful planning. He has invested a lot of time and effort in this murder mystery event.”

              The music could not disguise the collective gasp as everyone turned to watch the bride and her father as they sedately walked up the isle to the waiting groom and his best man. Appreciative whispers floated around the congregation, some of which reached Dizzy’s ears and brought a twinkle of humour to her blue eyes. She saw Ross lean and murmur something to Glenmore who nodded but kept his admiring gaze on her and when she was close enough he bent over and kissed her cheek before whispering; “You are so beautiful, Gherkin; you take my breath away!”

Dizzy was amazed at how closely Glenmore had stuck to a real marriage ceremony and as her father gave her away; placing her hand in that of the Duke, she caught a glance at her mother weeping gently and for a second she wandered if it was real; only to dismiss it immediately as a ludicrous thought. Of course it was not real; it couldn’t be!

Marcus William St John Connaught take thee Grace Amelia Brockton to be my lawfully wedded wife…”

Dizzy’s head snapped up, startled by his use of her name and saw Glenmore grinning at her as he spoke the vows. To hear herself addressed as Grace for the first time in thirteen years
, by her father in private was one thing, but to have him use it in front of a sizable congregation was another thing altogether. He leaned towards her and said so only she could hear. “It has to be authentic and so I could not call you Dizzy.”

“You are taking this much too seriously!” she scowled, but he was not at all perturbed, merely giving her fingers an affectionate squeeze.

              Tradition dictated that the bride and groom, along with the vicar and witnesses retired to the vestry to sign the register but Glenmore had decreed that it should be done in full view of everyone.

“Glenmore, I am beginning to think you are a little obsessive over detail. Surely there is no need for registers to be signed? It is a mystery themed party; for fun!” she said to him as they stood to one side whilst the witnesses signed.

“It is the detail that makes it so much better, Gherkin. The more realistic the more people will enter into the spirit of it,” he replied.

“How realistic do you intend to make the murders? I am getting a trifle worried!”

              The chef and his staff had produced a sumptuous wedding breakfast that took up much of the afternoon and therefore it was early evening before Glenmore could escape with Dizzy into the grounds for a stroll around the well tended gardens.

“Are you ready to be murdered, Gherkin?” he asked.

“It has been a lovely day; bizarre but lovely, and what better way to round it off than to be murdered in the summer house?” she replied then on a thought continued. “You do have a summer house?”

I had one especially built for the occasion. You will find it is ideally suited to a murder scene and I have provided a chaise-long so you can die in comfort!” he informed her.

“That is very reassuring; I would not wish to lie on the cold, dus
ty floor! What are we using for blood?” she asked.

“I had thought of jam but that would attract the wasps so I asked chef to make a tomato sauce. Ross and I gave it a trial run and were very pleased with the results; quite realistic in fact!” he explained.

“Then I now understand why you urged me to change my gown for it is sure to stain and would have ruined it. Also the vivid red will be much more startling against the white of this simple dress; very effective.”

The man playing the vicar was already waiting for them inside the summer house and greeted them excitedly. “All is in readiness your Graces,” he said showing them a bowl of ‘blood’ and a dagger. “I do not mean to make it easy for them to discover my guilt! My motive is that I was raised by my insane mother to believe that I am the rightful heir to the Dukedom and by killing you; the impostor and pinning the blame on your next in line, investigations will show me as being the real Duke all along.”

“That is correct,
” Dizzy confirmed. “You will need to take my bracelet and hide it in Mr Pearson’s room as he is playing the heir.”

“But keep the necklace for yourself as it is your obsession with it and your inability to give it up that leads
to your guilt being discovered,” Glenmore added.

Chapter Fourteen


              It was much later before Dizzy and Glenmore found themselves alone in the summer house. Having taken up their positions it was not long before their ‘bodies’ had been discovered and then a trail of people had come to survey the murder scene and to pick out clues and surmise on the motive and the killer. Now Ross and Erica had shepherded them all back to the house for a light supper and a chance to interrogate their fellow guests in their quest to identify the culprit.

“Do you think it is safe to move?” Dizzy whispered tentatively sitting up and peering out the door to see the last of the straggle
rs making their way across the lawn towards the house. “Being dead is more difficult than I thought!”

“Yes I believe that is the firs
t time anyone has heard a bloodied corpse giggle!” Glenmore replied, standing up and stretching his cramped limbs.

“Fiona’s acting of a hysterical young woman was so fu
nny I could not help but giggle,” Dizzy defended herself. “Besides you were snoring at one point! Ross had to kick you to wake you up!”

“Ah! I have been wondering why my shin feels bruised so
that explains it. Let’s get back to the house. I am heartily sick of the smell of tomatoes.” So saying he took her hand and together they started back, taking the longer route to avoid any lingering guests who might still be dawdling on their way in to supper. Before they had gone too far however the heavens opened and a heavy downpour soaked them to the skin in seconds.

“That has take
n care of the smell of tomatoes,” Dizzy laughed, water running unheeded down her face.

“Come on! We will have to run for it!” Glenmore said pulling her along until they reached a side door and then he signalled for her to be quiet by placing his finger on his lips. Stealthily they crept along corridors and up back stairs until they reached the family wing where he swiftly led her into his room and firmly closed the door behind him; turning the key in the lock for good measure.

              Glenmore turned to look at her and sucked in his breath. The sudden shower had passed and the sun streamed through the windows; bathing her in soft evening light. Unbeknownst to Dizzy, the water had rendered her dress completely see through and he drank in the beauty of her slim body unconsciously displayed before him. Slowly he walked towards her and lightly grasping her shoulders he turned her to face the full length mirror. She gasped when she realised that she was virtually naked to his gaze but made no move to cover herself. She watched as his hands cupped her breasts, weighing them in his palms before rubbing his thumbs over the dusky pink areoles awakening the nipples so they hardened and sent shimmers of desire through her body. While one hand continued to caress her breast, the other touched the curls at the apex of her legs. He cupped her mound and stroked her through the wet material, her soft gasps making his cock harden and strain against the cloth that kept it contained.

“You are so beautiful,” h
e murmured in her ear, before running his tongue around the lobe and nipping her neck. He tugged up her skirts to gain better access and as she watched her parted her folds and slipped his finger inside, exploring her most private of places and making her tremble. “You are so wet, sweetheart; so ready for me,” he said, “I want to taste you.”

Impatient with the buttons he tugged on the sodden material which gave way easily and in a
matter of a few moments, Dizzy stood completely naked before him, her skin flushed with passion. Glenmore shrugged out of his coat and loosened his cravat before kneeling before her. She watched mesmerized as he parted her legs and tasted her nectar, using his tongue to stroke her sensitive area and to bring her almost to the point of release.

Please Glenmore,” she begged “I want to feel you inside me.”

Marcus needed no other invitation and standing he swept her up in his arms and carried her to his bed. Making short work of divesting the rest of his clothing he joined her and, parting her legs with his thigh, he pressed his member into her and made love to her; hard and fast until she screamed out his name as she plunged over the edge. Only then did he withdraw slightly before thrusting into her one more time and filling her hot core with his seed.

Sleep overtook them both but before long Marcus was awoken by her wriggling next to him so he tightened his hold on her waist but kept his eyes closed.

“Glenmore let me go befo
re your valet or Sarah comes up,” she said pushing against his chest.

“We have plenty of time Gherkin,” h
e informed her, capturing her mouth in a searing kiss before lifting her to straddle him and sheathing his cock inside her. He played with her breasts while she rode him and once they had both climaxed she slumped on top of him; out of breath and sated. Whilst they recovered, he released her hair from its bonds and watched it unfurl down her back and this time when she went to get up he let her go.

“Are you hungry Gherkin? I requested an intimate supper for
two to be laid out in your room,” he told her sitting up in bed and watching her as she scrambled around picking up the remnants of her clothes.

Dizzy stopped and looked at him. “Please tell me you did not just say what I thought you said. Please tell me it is my hearing that is at fault and not your sanity!”

“Depends what you think you heard!” he replied. “If you ….”

” she called holding up her hand “Glenmore, is it my reputation you are trying to destroy or do you have a death wish? Gideon may have been persuaded to overlook one transgression but he will very likely skin us alive if he discovers we have been intimate again.”

“Having made love to you four times now, I really think you
could start calling me Marcus,” he said, crossing his arms and giving her a lopsided grin. “As to your reputation; have you forgotten we were married earlier today?”

“Not really! I know you insisted on detail but it was all playacting as part of your murder mystery themed party; remember?”

“It is true that it was part of the theme,” Marcus’ grin turned sheepish “But the wedding was real enough; real vicar, real vows, real register so that makes you my real wife!”

Dizzy o
pened her mouth to speak but only a strangled noise could she emit so she closed it again and an ominous silence reigned as she went back over the events of the last twenty four hours in her head and a dawning realization had her growling.

“Everyone knew apart from me!” she cried. “How could I have been so stupid; so

“Well there were a few times when I thought you may have cottoned on
,” he informed her and ducked when she threw a soggy slipper at his head. “Now, now sweetheart, the dowager would no doubt tell you that young brides do not throw shoes at their husbands on their wedding day.”

The second slipper hit him squarely on his chest but whilst she frantically looked around for something else to throw at his head he leapt from the bed and grabbed her, deftly flinging her over his shoulder and carrying her back to the bed and pinning her beneath him.

“I can understand you being upset Gherkin, but we both know you love me so why not accept it
?” he asked.

“I don’t love you,
” she answered, turning her face away so he would not see her tears.

“Now that is a lie, my darling girl. You do love me, almost as much as I love you; but not quite.”

Dizzy turned back in amazement. “You love me?”

“Yes; this much!” he said holding up his thumb and forefinger about an inch apart.

“Well I love you this much!” Dizzy replied holding up her thumb and finger about an inch and a half apart.

“Well I love you this much!” responded Marcus increasing the gap to two inches and then saying “times infinity!” and then he kissed her, gently this time and pouring all that love into it and leaving her in no doubt of his feelings.

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