Divinity: Transcendence: Book Two (The Divinity Saga) (9 page)

BOOK: Divinity: Transcendence: Book Two (The Divinity Saga)
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Why are you here then?” I looked over at him in disgust.

He was taking
joy in the tragedy unfolding in front of us with a smug smile of satisfaction. No one died, but many would be affected emotionally and mentally, possibly long-term.

“I happened to be in the
neighborhood. And you?” He asked, as if making casual conversation.

“I could have made t
hat guess.”

“You know
, I’m getting a little tired of being blamed for things like this. These wretched, ungrateful humans have their own free will. I don’t have to say or do a damned thing for things like this to occur, and I haven’t. They do it to each other.” He then said.

While I knew a part of that was true, he knew the power of his
influence and the weaknesses of mortals all too well.

“You’ve got to be shitting me.
” I gave him a wry look of hatred.

ignored my comment. “I like to get out every once in a while and have a look around just as much as you do. I’m always in the market for a new, scrumptious-looking…and there’s one now.” He trailed off. His attention was diverted to something else on his right.

I reluctantly followed his gaze
out of sheer curiosity.

It was that Logan girl, the one
that Starling didn’t like.

              It angered me, knowing exactly why he was checking her out, and she was clueless about it. All she or any other normal mortal would see, is an unearthly, strikingly handsome, young male. Unless they were a divine chosen, they would never know who, or what he really was.

“Leave her alone.” I stated flatly.
I didn’t even look at him when I said it. My jaw was working as I fought to contain my rage.

“What? I
s this another one that you have become infatuated with? She is juicy—but this is getting to be pathetic, Cam`ael. You never learn. I don’t blame you for moving on though. It is kind of asinine to be lusting after one who has both the ability, and the duty to kill you now, isn’t it?” Morning Star commented, purposefully salting my wounds.

“You tell me.” I simply replied.

He laughed, “Personally, it makes her even more prized. I actually thank you for not fucking her after all.” He then grinned.

I bit my lip, my muscles taut with irritation. The heat of my energy
was beginning to build but he didn’t seem in the least bit concerned. That didn’t mean he wouldn’t be ready for any kind of attack from me though.

He continued to infuriate me.
“I mean, assuming that she did make it after all, right? Classic case of forbidden love never meant to be.” He sighed.

is unnatural, aqua, ice blue eyes were shining with malice. “You’ve probably damned her for eternity somewhere in the oblivion of souls. I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to find her though, especially while you’re wasting your time in the human realm, chasing after more of the same torment. Some demons are addicted to pain, some are addicted to medicinal highs, and you…you’re addicted to virgins— and loving things you can never have. Unique, sweet, but ridiculously stupid.” He then said.

sighed heavily, but remained quiet, more so not to continue giving him ammunition. There were way too many people within close proximity out here right now. I couldn’t allow the reaction that he was trying to coax out of me to happen.

opened the driver side door to get out, when he spoke again. I don’t know why I bothered to linger and await anything else he had to say.

You know Cam`ael, I think I may have been a bit too harsh in our last interaction. I accept your apology. I admit that I was overcome with emotion, and I may have said a few things that I really didn’t mean. After all, we are of the same side here, right? We will both dominate and control Earth, maybe even the entire universe afterwards. I have no problems sharing that goal with you. I even put you above my own children.” He said.

              I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. He was truly insane, and he never ceased to amaze me.

I don’t remember apologizing for anything, you crazy fuck.” I replied point-blankly.

rolled his aqua blue, goat-slit eyes with a snicker. “Give me a break.” He studied me silently for a second. “You know, I think you’re really starting to believe that you are a police officer. On the other hand, maybe perhaps you are really just lamenting no longer being Chief Angel of all Powers. It’s understandable. Sed tantum tam stulte pro omnibus caritas.” He then said clucking his tongue.

My eyes flicked up to meet his
. A half-smile was affixed to the corner of his mouth.

The air in the cruiser was getting hotter
, fogging up the windows— my anger was slowly unfurling.

I’m going to assume that she made it over, no thanks to you. Have you seen your beloved little firecracker yet? Oh, no of course not…you’re still alive.” He laughed, continuing to provoke me.

              I bit my lip. I wasn’t going to sit here and continue to listen to his childish provocations, but I did wonder why he was here. It wasn’t like him to make personal appearances, unless it was something major.

“How much
do you want to bet, that they’re all here because you just broke a few rules in your apprehension of said shooter, hmm?” He then said with a nod towards the convergence of angels above. They were scattering their glittering essences beyond the main courtyard.

I turned to face him.
“I think they may be here to keep me from assassinating your ass.”

silently cast light into the backrest of the passenger seat. I watched his eyes bulge, and his body jerked forward forcefully, leaving foul, black wisps of smoke curling up from behind him.

“You should
really—watch your back.” I simpered with a grin.

Fury ignited a
red flame in his eyes. “And you should really watch what you’ve returned here for.” He said in a calm warning tone. Both of his eyes went completely full onyx.

They shifted when he was provoke
d or enraged, but he was maintaining his rage well, which meant it would be spent in other ways.

Why doesn’t Elohim simply obliterate him from existence?
Better yet, allow me to do it now?

prepared myself for his backhanded retaliation. My fist was aglow with light. He was here for a reason, and it wasn’t just for anything that I was doing, I was sure of that much. Maybe to check on his dark divine investments? I wondered.

A child-like, soft, ethereal whisper of a voice called out from my left.

Morning Star grew rigid
and snarled. A combination of both hatred and fear veiled his face. He could no longer withstand angelic light and glory, no longer allowed to look any angel in the face. Even if he tried to, he wouldn’t be able to endure it without the affliction of both internal pain and mental torture. Ironically, he despised them all for what he chose to rebel against.

              The angel had taken on the image of a child, a small framed little girl of about five or seven with long, blonde hair, and an impossibly narrow face, housing large, blue eyes that were devoid of any pupils. Her skin glittered beneath the surface of her false flesh. She looked so out of place here, but it was obvious that it didn’t matter since we were the only ones who could see and hear her.

The fact that she had addressed me at all
, let alone by name, already had me humbled and at attention.

“Do not do any more that is forbidden.” She said to me
, referring to my brief assault on Morning Star. Then again, it could be over what I had just done with the shooter.

How could hurting
—let alone killing Morning Star be forbidden? I’ve struggled with that universal law every single moment of every single day, since the dawn of human time. I’ve come to figure that maybe Elohim wanted that pleasure all to himself.

Morning Star
grinned smugly through his clenched teeth, stewing in his own tortuous animosity.

Next, s
he raised a skinny, pale arm, and pointed a small finger at Morning Star. “And Morning Star, whatever business or beings that you seek here, has been eradicated. Leave here now, or your pride shall be punished along with your actions.” She ominously warned.

Morning Star offered no protest
, or smart assed response past a growl of annoyance. The vanishing wake of his rage as he ghosted away, left a pop of hot air and a shift in the atmosphere.

I paused and watched the angel
, as her full, blue eyes met mine.

“I a
ccept punishment.” I said.

“I am not here to mete out punishment. What more is there that you seek here?” She asked me
in angelic now.

I was taken by surprise at her question
. Was she asking me this because Starling had already died, and was no longer here? Answering her would only make her remind me that I was no longer Chief Angel of all Powers.

Edanai, thanks a lot!

Being able to still understand
and speak the language was a gift in itself. I still remembered the language well, but it was foreign to Morning Star and his fellow demons, so I knew why she chose to speak it while addressing me personally. I was sure he was still around somewhere, so I would reply in Angelic too.

I cast my eyes down
in reverence. “I don’t know. Accept my humble apology and grant me forgiveness.”

“You apologize for the preservation
of mortal life?”

I hadn’t expected that

For the display of both my powers and identity among mortals.” I clarified, still focusing my eyes on the ground.

They know of, and remember not of what they saw. Use your light and what remains of your authority among your own brethren, wisely. Though you have been shut out of the kingdom, it is no accident that you still possess the gift, and it will be no mistake if it is taken away. It is the only reason that Morning Star will not allow you to be killed by any of his legion, for now. Regardless of how you feel or what you know, do not bring harm upon him in return, as per the laws state.  However, you must stay vigilant and aware, as the time of reckoning will come soon. Remember this, and remember your favor in both the human and the spirit realm. Your reward has not been forgotten, it requires faith.” She said.

              My brows furrowed. Of course. They came to cast cocoons of divine protection over the humans. I should have realized that they were working to shield them from the lingering shadows and dark beings, while distorting the images and memories of what anyone may have seen or heard on my part. However, why did they have to bring in so many? I had no idea just how close they were monitoring my actions. Maybe it was more because of my last battle.

I fought
Drakael, and in the end— he lost, but it wasn’t from the stroke of my sword.

Elohim had annihilated him for
drawing Starling’s blood. He didn’t kill her on purpose but it didn’t matter. Law was law in the human world, and Elohim didn’t play when it came to breaking them.

Angels a
re always cryptic. Her words resonated with me, but I wasn’t sure why she bothered to tell me any of it past the initial warning.

I have no more faith. The one thing that I wanted more than anything in my existence, past forgiveness…is now my enemy.” I whispered in reply.

There was a long pause
so I assumed she was gone. The wall of her powerful energy and the scent of ozone drew closer, as she glided soundlessly towards me. Though I kept my eyes down, I saw that her small feet never touched the ground.

“An enemy?”
She asked, “Why do you continue to save humans?”

I slowly brought my eyes up and
immediately flinched, turning my head to look away. Her light was excessively bright for the darkness in my eyes.

After a long hesitation of thought, I still had no answer
for her.

“I don’t know.
” I finally whispered, refocusing my eyes downward at nothing in particular.

“The fallen will ascend upon Earth. You should prepare. For the light in you will allow you rule.” She then said.

I quirked a brow. That desire and thought didn’t
matter to me. I could have cared less.

“If rule was what I desir
ed, then I would be happy to oblige Morning Star with his disturbing wishes. I would have taken it myself long ago.” I shook my head with a heavy heart.

There was a
nother bout of silence, to which, I risked my eyes slowly traveling up to seek her face for a response.

continued to watch me in wonder. Her full, blue eyes began to emanate a powerful and celestial glow that bore painfully into mine. I closed my eyes and turned away again, but still able to see her light behind my lids.

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