Divinely Living (Surviving Series) (11 page)

BOOK: Divinely Living (Surviving Series)
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“There’s really is no need to do that,” tears pooled in my eyes. “What the hell is happening with us Charlotte?”

Charlotte’s voice cracked slightly though her face remained firm, “One day you’ll truly open those gorgeous green eyes of yours and see what I’ve had to sit back and watch for months now Ava. When you do, give me a call and apologise.”

Tears soaked my cheeks as the woman who had nurtured me through endless crisis and whose loyalty and love never waivered strode purposefully away from me leaving me stunned and bereft but more importantly feeling more alone than ever.

Chapter Eight

Desperation, anger and instilled shock set in my bones and showed no signs of disappearing anytime soon. Check in, our gate call and even boarding the flight passed without my awareness as the numbness I hoped to have seen the last of, reared its head with a vengeance.

The pained expression and the hardness in Charlotte’s usually warm brown eyes, and her harsh and confusing words echoed around my skull until it ached. Verbal exchanges were far from rare between the pair of us. Our polar opposite personalities, traits and flaws often clashed but never on this scale. I could feel the loss of my best friend more with every second that passed and knew instinctively there was a gulf between us that hadn’t been there when we left for Paris.

I cursed myself for ever bring her here, for leaving Paris to retreat alone to St Tropez which in turn gifted Jonah the perfect opportunity to seek me out. But way down deep, I also knew that whatever had Charlotte so angry went beyond my reconciliation with Jonah. If truth were known something had been eating away at her since she returned from the Caribbean vacation she took with her parents a few months previous. Whatever was pissing her off; Cameron was at the heart of it.

The protectiveness she felt towards her younger brother was evident from the day we first met; it was one of the things I admired about her the most. They had a sibling closeness I envied and craved. She was his fiercest defender and his definitive protector and he loved her for it. I could understand her anger at seeing Jonah quite definitely by my side as we arrived at the airport, knowing Cameron was thousands of miles away fighting my cause. He left London for Chicago without hesitation when asked, dropped his life and simply boarded a plane out there, the day after I asked him to go. And for that I felt like shit. I had no right to rekindle my relationship with the man who was partly responsible for Cameron’s departure.

After so visibly learning of Jonah’s betrayal, anger had driven me to cut all ties with Jacobson and Fitzgerald and leaving me with no idea of my next move or how to handle the enormous inheritance and position I was cursed with the day Alex died. Charlotte rallied the troops without hesitation, involving both her father and brother who offered me unequivocal help and support. How fucking dare I so easily forget all that they gave freely the moment those sapphire blue eyes found me four days ago on the beach? As the events played back in my mind, the sorrier I became and the more desolate I felt. She was right to be so angry, her actions and words wholly justified.

Memories of Alex and the way he used those closest to him to satisfy his own needs and wants without a thought for the repercussions to their lives began to bite at me. He milked human kindness, twisted it then simply discarded the people who offered it, once his goals were realised. There was no way in mother fucking hell I was about to sink to those depths myself even though my rational self was telling me I already had. Panic kicked in, my body trembled with fear. Alex was a monster and I was a victim of his evil. Now it seemed I was also beginning to become a product of his teachings by inflicting his traits on those I cared for the most. Yes, my fear may be irrational but everything about my life to this point made no sense or followed a straight path. I needed a distraction and quick, before I slid backwards into past habits and the new, enlightened, living Ava morphed into the cold, damaged, lifeless Ava I had been for years. My entire life actually until a ray of light, salvation and hope for the future entered my life. Jonah.

“Hey, gorgeous, you’re shaking.” His Irish husk drifted into my line of thought and warmed my blood. The cabin came back into focus as his hand clasped mine tightly. Sat beside me was what I needed. Jonah was my therapy, the best therapy. Fucking him kept me from the darkness and god did I need the light, right at that moment?

“Fuck me, Jonah,” I said in a low voice as I reached for my seat restraint and popped it free. His eyes heated immediately, his lips parting. “I need you to fuck me Jonah, now.”

His hand stopped mine as I grabbed for his restraint. His jaw tightened, “I’m not fucking you so you can forget what happened with Charlotte. What happened to not using sex as a way of plastering over the cracks?”

“Screw that,” I replied, my need rising, “Fuck me because you want to and don’t search for reasons. I need you Jonah, are you honestly going to leave me hanging?”

“Stop,” his hand cupped the side of my face, “I will never leave you hanging sweetheart. If you have needs it’s my job to make sure you’re taken care of and satisfied. I could never refuse you because my need to fuck you drives me constantly, painfully and relentlessly. But you have to be with me body, mind and soul when we fuck and from the look on your face and pain in your eyes the latter two of those requirements are absent.”

I gritted my teeth and clenched my thighs together as hunger stirred within my groin. “I gave you a second chance and lost my best friend in the process. The least you owe me is that huge cock of yours fucking me until I also lose my mind. Make me forget Jonah, I need you too.”

His seat restrain popped loudly as he released it with a growl. Standing abruptly and clutching my hand tightly, arousal swept over my shaky body. Jumping to my feet, his mouth found my ear and my breath hitched. “I’m going to fuck that tight pussy of yours but not to make you forget. I want you to remember every second of my cock inside you, how good it
feels how perfectly your pussy fits around me and holds me in place. We make love because our bodies have to, they can’t function if we don’t. I will never fuck you to forget or because you think I owe you.”

“Jesus.” My legs threatened to give under his words. Grasping the back of the seat in front of me I swayed slightly. A strong arm supported me at the waist, the heat of his flesh scorching my skin through the thin material of my dress. The day’s events weighed heavy on my chest, mixtures of unshed tears and painful emotions lodged in my throat, its intensity almost suffocating. First class travel had its advantages although the journey back to England was a short one. My eyes caught the restroom to the rear of the cabin, perfect. I needed this to be quick which for Jonah and his stamina was way from the norm. But this was about my needs and rough, hard and fast was appealing at that moment.

Moving into the aisle, I avoided the knowing glances from our fellow passengers as we walked towards the restroom. Jonah’s hand rested at my lower back, holding me steady and offering physical support. I didn’t give a shit whoever knew we were about to join the legendary mile high club as I opened the restroom door that showed it was vacant. Before Jonah had time to lock the door behind us, I pounced. “Fuck me hard, Jonah, fast and hard,” I begged as my mouth found his, my kiss verging on desperate. He groaned loudly, his hard body pressing against mine, his tongue plunging into my mouth. Apart from a toilet on one side of the restroom and a wash basin and small vanity area on the other side, the area was spacious with plenty of room to move, yet another perk of travelling first class. My hands were frantic tearing at his shirt with the need to feel him against me, skin to skin. Lifting me effortlessly, his fingers dug into the flesh of my ass as my back hit the coolness of the door. My legs wrapped around his waist urging him closer. Grabbing the hem of my dress I lifted it above my head in one quick movement leaving me naked but for my sandals and white panties. My fingers released the last of his shirt buttons and he moaned in approval as it slid from his shoulders and hit the floor leaving our bare chests pressed flush against the other.

“What is it with you and bathrooms,” he breathed into my mouth as his lips found mine again.

“It’s not the place that does it for me Jonah. It’s you baby, all you.”

His mouth left mine, his tongue descending my throat and landing at my breast. Arching my back, I offered my aching breast to his mouth and moaned loudly as he drew my taut nipple into his mouth and sucked hard before sinking his teeth gently into the sensitive mound. “God, yes,” I groaned, the momentary sting gave way to the pleasure. Between my thighs, his erection dug into the wetness of my open sex, the denim rubbing against my swollen clit with every thrust of Jonah’s hips. His hand slipped beneath my ass and dipped into my
entrance his approving moan as he circled his finger inside me made my inner walls clench around it.

“You’re always so wet for me, always so ready to accept me,” he murmured against my breast, “it’s never enough Ava, and I can never get enough of you.”

“Then do me,” I hissed in reply. A second finger slipped inside me while his thumb lay closely against the tight hole of my ass. I gasped as his thumb crept across the entrance and massaged lightly. The action stirred something within my core, a dark yearning to be claimed in that way I struggled to comprehend. Anal sex was off limits, the one place I was unwilling to travel considering my past. But a slow burn spread through my groin and into my rear and the need to be filled there, have Jonah mark me there became clear. His thumb continued to circle and massage around that area, the pressure almost penetrating me. Fisting soft strands of his hair in both of my hands, he stopped momentarily and assessed my face.

“Too much?” His brows narrowed.

Leaning forward, I sank my teeth into his bottom lip and bit down hard, “It’s not enough.”

Surprise and desire widened his blue eyes, every chiselled inch of his muscular torso tensed against me. “Don’t tease baby, you know how desperate I am to claim that divine rear of yours,” he whispered against my lips.

“Then claim it. It’s yours.”

His forehead rested against mine as he exhaled sharply, “You really want me to do that to you here?”

I reached between my legs and placed my hand across his, urging it to lie between my open cheeks. My tightly wound body required release, a short, sharp burst of Jonah to dampen the numbness of self preservation pumping through my veins. Shutting down and retreating into myself had always served as a well tried and tested coping mechanism when dealing with emotional turmoil. But no more! This wasn’t about confronting demons and moving on, I didn’t believe that necessary and where my past was concerned, I had no intentions of revisiting that time. This was about a raw, primal need that excited me to a point far greater than imaginable. I wanted him inside me in every way possible and this was the final untouched area for him to have me.

“Yes,” I nodded in reply. My heart beating painfully against my ribs as his middle finger pushed into the heat of my puckered hole.

Pushing away from the wall, his mouth plundered mine in a firm, possessive kiss. My feet found the carpeted floor as Jonah released me from his hold. He shuddered under my touch as I swept a hand across the stone slabs of muscle adorning his stomach and chest before palming his hardened cock. Breaking the kiss, he groaned and flexed his groin shoving his cock harder into my hand.

Pressing my lips against the smooth skin of his pectoral, his intake of breath as I took his nipple into my mouth and bit down hard made every muscle inside my core clench deliciously. His hands bunched in my hair and tipped my head backwards, his tongue licked slowly along the curve of my bottom lip. “Turn around Ava and spread your legs. Show me your wet pussy and greedy little behind.”

I willingly obeyed. Placing my sweaty palms on the side of the vanity unit, I bent forward putting my self on offer while spreading my legs wide. Closing my eyes, the hum of the planes engines calmed the pangs of anticipation rolling in my stomach. The sound also served as a reminder of where we were and how short out journey would be. Renewed urgency surged through me as the unzipping of Jonah’s jeans echoed around the room.

“Now, Jonah,” I pleaded with insistence.

“Hush, baby, be patient.”

Jonah’s tongue licking the length of my bared opening removed all fears of time restraints. Arching my back further and opening my legs wider, I shamefully rocked my mound against his lips as he suckled my clit. Slapping a hand over my mouth to mute the moans of pleasure escaping me, welcome stirrings of pulsating ecstasy developed in my groin with every flick of his tongue. Dipping his tongue inside me, he used a finger and thumb, massaging my clit before pinching it firmly. My legs bowed as he lapped at my entrance, his tongue fucking me aggressively.

“Oh God, yes,” I groaned, my hand muffling the sound.

My finger tips clamped around the shelf supporting my weight as the torturous motions continued, my orgasm brewing with each lick and tug. A frustrated scream lodged in my throat as his tongue left my clit and the release I furiously sought relinquished. “Please Jonah,” I whined in pure need.

His tongue pressing against the rim of my ass cut off my plea, anticipation replacing the frustration. I tensed every muscle in my rear clenching as his tongue came enticingly close to entering me. Two fingers slipped inside my sex moving in sync with his tongue. My body relaxed, too lost to the sensations between my thighs and at my rear. His fingers and tongue found a simultaneous rhythm, each pushing me further to the edge of release. I ground against his mouth and thrust against his fingers as the first waves of orgasm began to spill from inside of me “Fuck yes,” I moaned my body shaking under the force, his fingers and tongue continuing to milk the remainder of come from me. I barely registered the movement of Jonah at my back; my mind and body consumed with the sex haze which orgasms always left me in. Leaning over me, his cock hard and hot against my behind, his mouth whispered into my hair. “Prepare yourself Ava, I’m going to be hard and quick and I’m sorry to disappoint you but I will not be fucking your arse for the first time in the restroom of a plane no matter how much it hurts me not to do so.”

BOOK: Divinely Living (Surviving Series)
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