Read Divine Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Book 8) Online

Authors: Setta Jay

Tags: #erotic paranormal romance

Divine Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Book 8) (21 page)

BOOK: Divine Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Book 8)
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“I may not even be able to have a baby,” she warned, and a part of her stilled, awaiting his answer to that. Who knew what the future held.

He finally calmed and pulled her down for a kiss.
I’d love another child. But I don’t need anything more than you and my son.
She could feel his mind working.
I suppose Bastian is mine now as well. That means I have two sons, so if we don’t have more children, we still have a family.

She broke the kiss as laughter bubbled free at the image that came with his mental words. He’d been dead serious, and she couldn’t contain the amusement that mixed with the swelling of her heart. Bastian was a fully grown male, and her relationship with her son had grown to a loving friendship, even if she’d always be his mother. To imagine Hades trying to be a father to him was as touching as it was amusing. She could almost imagine the look on Bastian’s face if Hades ever said such a thing.

When she took in his expression, she expected matching amusement, but what she saw sucked the air from her lungs and made her forget her amusement. There wasn’t a good description for it, other than maybe “awe.”

“Your laughter.” His eyes traced over her lips with a smile. “I didn’t think you could be more beautiful, but this…” He touched her lips. “This is enthralling,
agapi mou
.” His love.

Everything changed in that moment. Their need finally boiled over and all thought of talk was gone.

Hades pulled her back down for his kiss, and she got lost in the pleasure somewhere in between the slow glide of his mouth against hers and his hands on her burning skin.

He sucked on her tongue and it pulled a moan from deep within her. She straddled his cock and rolled her hips, getting him slick with her desire. She could already feel him holding back, and she was going to enjoy making him lose all that control. The animal needed to be set free if they had any hope of getting through life without screwing every fifteen minutes. You’d think her beast was a damned rabbit instead of some ancient bird.

He groaned as she grabbed his wrists and lifted his hands from her hips to push them down to the sides of his head. His amusement was short lived when she pulled power until it was like soft licks were trailing over his neck… chest… his thick thighs. All the while she continued kissing him and preventing him from touching her.

This is as close to an orgy as you’ll ever get again
, she whispered the warning into his mind. She knew his proclivities and she was about to show him the error in his ways.

Is it?
he taunted silkily.
I have no desire to feel another female’s hands, but I wouldn’t mind seeing a female make you come. The sight and sounds of your pleasure are addictive, thisavre mou.
And her dirty God meant every word. He’d get off hard watching her come, and she found something incredibly sexy about that.

She moaned. She wasn’t interested in ever feeling anyone else’s touch, but she could fantasize and allow him to do the same. She sent him wicked images, the ones he’d sent as he watched her juices slip from her pussy. At his groan she manipulated the picture to add a masked female bent over lapping up the juices.

He lifted up to her as he grinded his cock against her clit. He’d broken her hold to bring them chest to chest as she let the images change; soon there were delicate fingers slipping into Sacha’s pussy. Her body writhed, pushing her pussy into the imagined touch along with his very real cock.

He growled.
Show me the juices slicking her fingers. There’s nothing more beautiful than your sweet wet pussy.

She was getting so hot she gasped against him, as affected by her own dirty seduction as he was. He lifted her up higher to impale her on his cock as he watched her play the images he demanded.
Now grip her head and make her bury her face in your cunt. Let me see you grind your pussy against her and then show me your beautiful face as you come.

She was caught up in their play when he slammed her down on his cock. She’d been so close that the second he powered inside, she came hard around him. He growled, breathing hard, but the animal demanded more than he was giving it. She broke free of his hold and eyed him as she turned around to her hands and knees.

“No,” he growled. She bent lower so that her head was in soft bedding, but he was struggling because of what she’d said before about being bent over things. He was fighting it even as she widened her thighs so he could see just how wet she was.

Nothing about it brought anything negative. She was in there in the room with her male, nowhere else, and the slight hesitation slipped away. The past something far from her.

He still didn’t move, but a glance back showed his wings rippling out in the wild firelight. He still needed convincing, his control was barely holding, but he refused to let it go. Worried for her no matter that she canted her hips in invitation.

She moved her fingers over her clit and up into the come that slid from her body, the same liquid that marked his cock. He hissed out a breath, and when she dipped her fingers inside her pussy, moaning, she knew he was close.

He bit off a curse as thunder shook the walls and flashes of lightning flickered. She angled her body so she could look back at him as she touched herself. His eyes were focused on her fingers, and she felt the battle waging inside him. He wanted her, wanted to pound into her relentlessly. He needed to hold her down and fuck her hard. His eyes glowed with the sheer force he was expending in holding the instincts back. When she brought her fingers up to lick, she watched his eyes shutter, but he still didn’t move. The beast’s focus was caught between her pussy and her lips.

“If I let go now, I’m not going to be able to stop,” he bit out. She sent the licking sensation over his hard cock and bent lower, pushing the slickness from her pussy to her ass and circling until she heard wild gusts of winds slam into the home as rain pelted the roof.

She pushed that single digit until it slipped through the tight muscles of her ass, making her groan.

That was all it took to snap his hold. His power lashed out until her hands were planted on the bed. Her hips were lifted higher as he slammed deep and hard on a harsh roar. She gasped at being filled so fast and then moaned as he shafted her, thrusting inside her over and over as his own power caressed her breasts and clit. She cried out, coming hard in an instant, but he didn’t stop. His hips battered against her ass, and his power held her down, the beast forcing its dominance. Making her take every inch until she was dizzy with the pleasure of it. Her own beast fluttered inside her as she tried to push back for more. He wouldn’t let her.

He grunted, almost completely taken over by the animalistic needs. “Take it, Sacha. Take every fucking inch.”


“Damn it, Sacha,” he growled, “I’m going to come hard. And I want you to take it all. Grip my cock when I come, hold it deep so not a drop spills free.”

She swallowed and nodded, because she was about to come again and words were beyond her at that moment. She was gone, loving every minute.

“Fuck. The things I want to do to you,” he bit out.

She moaned, “Do it.” He was ruling her body with his power, his cock, and when she felt his thumb circling her ass, she came hard, her pussy clamping around him. She turned her head to bite the blankets as he thrust harder and deeper, and then, holding her hips tight to his body, his cock as deep as it would go, he roared to the ceiling, emptying inside her.

Hot jets filled her up, and something deep inside her preened and stretched to life. She felt incredible, no memories, never had she been anywhere else but with Hades. It had been wild, freeing… incredible.

She smiled when he ported them into the ocean. Rain fell for only a moment as the clouds moved away until moonlight spilled over his hard, beautiful features. He wrapped her legs around his hips in the cool water and held her jaw as he kissed her softly. Their tongues tangled as his wings circled her in their embrace.
Are you okay, agapi mou?

More than okay. Perfect,
she sent and instantly felt his muscles relax under her hands. His palms moved down her body to caress her back and hold her breasts against his chest as the water rocked against her cooling skin. She leaned her head back, looking up at the stars, and felt a sense of wonder and excitement for the world that she’d never truly felt. Power thrummed in her veins and his soul cradled hers.

She looked into his eyes and saw his beautiful smile.

The memories were in the past and he was her future.

Chapter 22


Sacha’s Paris Home, Earth Realm


Hades watched Sacha glance around her home the second they reformed in Paris. His female was frowning as she looked at her floors where the bodies of the possessed had fallen.

He knew she was remembering the invasion, and he took the smallest sense of satisfaction in having destroyed the demons’ souls. It had been worth it. He would kill anyone or anything that posed a threat to Sacha.

She stalked through the living area, watchful as she moved to her bedroom. The bedcovers were still messy from use, and in that moment he wished they were staying.

“We can’t stay in bed all the time.” She sighed.

Whatever they’d been going through seemed to be subsiding. He wouldn’t say it had passed completely, because he had a feeling the beasts weren’t done with them. The beast might not be trying to rule him now, but the attraction still buzzed between them just from being close. Her scent was intoxicating.

“I disagree,” he groused in answer to her comment. “My nephew is more than capable of waiting until we’re ready to see him.”

She turned to him with a perfectly cocked brow. “You don’t need to go with me.”

He growled. She’d said the same thing at the island and it had done something to him. He had a strong aversion to letting her out of his sight. He wasn’t sure why that was, but it was powerful. That meant he was forced to deal with his nephew on Sacha’s time frame.

“Don’t,” he growled. “If you go, I go.”

She only nodded. “Okay. After we’re done at the manor, I want to enter Hell Realm to test my ability.”

What she suggested was smart. His female was a warrior and he couldn’t fault her reasoning, that didn’t mean he had to like being taken from their bed to do it.

thisavre mou
.” He would wield it as well. He’d been powerful before, but was even more so now that they’d soul bonded, and he needed to test the new boundaries of it.

She nodded before turning to her closet.

He felt her amusement as he followed. She tossed the robe aside, and her plaited hair trailed along the delicate curve of her bare back. He stood with his arms crossed as he watched her slip on undergarments that appeared too tiny to be useful in doing anything but making him suffer. He wanted to rip them off with his fucking teeth. She glanced back with a laugh and his cock shot to life at the sound.

He moved to haul her into his arms without a second thought. His lips met hers as he leaned down and kissed her to the point of breathlessness.

When they broke apart, she groaned and glared up at him as she sucked in air. “Why don’t you go get some of P’s fighting leathers? They’re spelled against Hell beast blood.”

He growled as he felt her determination to do this meeting and test their need to see if it would escalate again the way it had before.

“I wouldn’t care if the leather was spelled with the magic of a thousand Gods, I will not wear them.” He felt his cock ache just imagining its captivity in those tight pants.

Her laughter filled the closet, but she’d already turned to pull on black leather pants that hugged her ass in a way that he knew was meant to make him lose his sanity.

He bit back a low groan, and she turned and shook her head.

A second later she was zipping the matching shirt over her big tits, and he cursed the prison she’d wrapped them in. A halter sheath was the next addition, and his cock felt like it would break when she slid a blade inside.

Her eyes sparkled when they landed on his. “If you get through this, I’ll give you a reward.” He’d just pulled her into his arms when she ported them away, and he was disgruntled as hell when they reformed outside of his son’s home so that he could get a blade suitable to his size. Hers were small.

His cock twitched, making its own annoyance known.

“We wouldn’t have left if we’d started,” she said, and he could feel she wasn’t exactly happy about delaying their pleasure, but she’d already contacted Draken and was anxious to get there. He didn’t care.

He stepped over to a massive cabinet and opened it wide to display his son’s collection of blades. He pulled one out, thinking that he really needed Pothos to go into the storage and get Hades’ old blades. Pothos had stored most of the items he’d salvaged from Hades’ old palace, but that also meant he needed to know where they’d end up living.

“I like my home, Hades,” she pointed out, and he turned to her. There was a hint of curiosity as to whether he’d demand to live in a place of his own.

He eyed her for a moment and then nodded. “I’ll have Pothos make arrangements to buy the building. I like space,” he added before asking, “Will that work,
agapi mou

She smiled up at him, and it would have been worth living in a shack to see that look on her face. He pulled her into his chest for a moment, because he was finding it difficult not to touch her all the time.

A second later she asked, “What if everyone doesn’t want to sell?”

“They’re human. If they can’t be bought, we would only have a matter of decades to wait for them to die, and can buy it from their heirs,” he said with a smile.

Problem solved.

She choked out a laugh and he swore he’d never get used to the beauty of her smile and the way her dark eyes lit from within. “This pleases you?” he asked.

“Yes,” she breathed. “I would like that,” she agreed.

BOOK: Divine Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Book 8)
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