Divine Blood (Vampire Love Story #6)

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Authors: H.T. Night

Tags: #romance, #series, #vampire series, #ht night, #gothic series

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Vampire Love Story #6




H.T. Night




Acclaim for H.T. Night:


Vampire Love Story
is a passionate
story that is told from a refreshing perspective. This book was a
blast. Night invents a brand new world for the Vampire genre. Great

Summer Lee
, author of
Kindred Spirits


Vampire Love Story
is a hip and
timely vampire novel filled with real characters and some of the
coolest vampires since
The Lost Boys
! You’re going to love
Night’s completely original take on the supernatural.”

J.R. Rain
, author of
The Body Departed


“Night is a true story teller.
Sarah’s Heart
is thoughtful and inspirational! I enjoyed the

Elaine Babich
, author
You Never
Called Me Princess
Relatively Normal





The Fourth Sunrise

Romeo and Juliet: A Vampire and Werewolf Love



Vampire Love Story

The Werewolf Whisperer

Forever and Always

Vampires vs. Werewolves

One Love

Divine Blood

Sons of Josiah



Werewolf Love Story: Part One

Werewolf Love Story: Part Two

The Rise of Kyro

Loving Maya

Werewolf Without a Cause



with Elizabeth Basque

Vampire Superhero No. 1

Vampire Superhero No. 2

Vampire Superhero No. 3



1. Episode One: Back to School

2. Episode Two: Boys Being Boys

3. Episode Three: Looking Good, Cody

4. Episode Four: Saying Goodbye

5. Episode Five: Something Special about

6. Episode Six: Junior High

7. Episode Seven: Finding Cody

8. Episode Eight: Lovesick Quarterback

9. Episode Nine: A Very Cody Christmas



Bad Blood



Everlasting Love



Getting Yours





Published by H.T. Night

Copyright © 2012 by H.T. Night


Smashwords.com Edition, License Notes

This ebook is licensed for your personal
enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to
other people. If you would like to share this book with another
person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you
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All characters depicted in this work of fiction
are 18 years of age or older.)




I dedicate this book to my wonderful family
who has been there for me through the good and hard times.



Special thanks to Eve Paludan, J.R. Rain,
Margaret Cervenkas, Alberto Silva, Elizabeth Basque and Liz Jones
for all their help.








Chapter One



Sixteen years was a long

That’s how long we had lived on this
island and in this castle. I wished I could say everything had gone
as planned. I wished I could say that the world was perfect and
that humans, vampires and werewolves all coexisted in peace. But
that couldn’t be any further from the truth. I had realized very
early on that my role in all this was a temporary fix. I also had a
strong feeling that my role wasn’t finished.

I was restless, as if I was preparing
to run a marathon the next day. This was no 5K charity fun run.
This was real life, as real as it got. Memories were screaming in
my head, complete with images of the mechanical crucifix and Krull.
I wished I could forget the agony of it. I knew what I had to go
through to get to where I was today. I had tried to protect my kids
from knowing any of the gruesome details. Tomorrow, I felt I just
might be putting one of them in danger. I rolled over on my stomach
and I accidentally woke Lena.

She stretched. “Are you, okay, Josiah?
You’re moving around a lot.”

Go back to bed, sweetie.
I’m sorry for waking you up.”

You’re not a young man
anymore. You need your sleep, too.”

I’m still pretty

You have sixteen-year-old
boys. Once your kids turn sixteen, you’re officially

Wow, Sunshine...aren’t
you pleasant when you wake up in the middle of the

Maybe I’m grouchy because
I have a grizzly bear rolling around in my bed and stealing the
covers off me.”

Sorry I woke you up,” I
said to her buzz-kill statement. I let go of the covers and she
took back exactly half of them. “Go back to sleep, sweetie. I’m
sorry I woke you up.”

Lena kissed me on the chin. I think
she was aiming for my lips and missed. Then, she rolled over and
zonked out. She was doing her own little version of snoring in
seconds. Her snoring was very cute. It was less of a snore and more
of a squeak.

I didn’t want my restlessness to keep
her up. I sat up on our bed. I was wearing black basketball shorts
and decided to walk over to the closet and put on a t-shirt. I
found a white one and put it on. I smiled to think that my two sons
and I all wore x-large shirts.

My two sons. There was my new
heartbreak. I knew my kids were going to be a struggle. I knew this
because they had divine gifts and a prophecy over their heads.
Eventually, things would start to get weird. It was as if I had
lived the last sixteen years, just waiting for the other shoe to
drop. Don’t get me wrong, my kids had had a great childhood so far.
Lena and I had made our mistakes along the way, but we gave them
both a great upbringing.

Despite our parental learning curve,
they were turning out to be two fantastic kids. One thing that
surprised me, and it nearly knocked me off my feet every day, was
that I wasn’t prepared for the immense love I had for both my boys.
It was a love unlike any other. I think until a person has had a
child, it was impossible to really fathom the unconditional love
you had for them. In a way, it made me sad that most Mani would
never have the opportunity to feel the love for their own child
because they were unable to reproduce. In a weird way, my mortality
was a curse, but also an immense blessing. There was nothing on
this Earth like the feeling when your child tells you they love
you, even at age sixteen.

We were close, my boys and I,
sometimes closer than me and Lena. I knew it and she knew it. She
often felt like the odd man out, which was weird because there were
four of us. I knew she had a special bond with both boys, and that
both boys would lay down their lives for their mother in heartbeat.
I just hoped that it would never come to that.



Chapter Two


I remembered a time back
when the boys were very little, when they started talking and
saying sentences. They were asking funny questions. They were cute
questions like: “Why does everything that tastes good have cheese
on it?”

Their questions were
increasingly cute, and always making me nervous. How much were they
curious about? What if they started asking questions that pertained
to their divine gifts? A lot of things concerned me those days. It
wasn’t just my kids. It was everything in the world, in general.
The world was in chaos and it needed a hero. I had a burning
sensation to be that hero. Vampires and werewolves were being seen
more and more by the Tandra. The myth was becoming the
reality...even to the humans. A Mani hero needed to rise up, one
who would make the world a better place.

I knew I needed to
specifically speak to somebody about the vampire superhero idea. It
had to be somebody I trusted and from whom I had learned wisdom.
Only one person fit that description. I needed to see the

Don’t get me wrong. I
loved my wife and we had great talks. However, the knowledge the
Deity gave was like having a direct hotline to the Triat. My wife
was great on asking her advice on laundry detergents, or what
romance writer was hot right now.

I was the one who asked
the Deity the grand questions, the ones that kept me up at night
and sometimes filled me with terror. Nothing in this world was like
being in the Deity’s presence and seeking her wisdom. It was as
close to a religious experience as it got whenever I had been near

I hadn’t seen her since
the great war with Krull. That was years ago. When dealing with
women, it didn’t matter if one person was around when King Solomon
ruled. There was jealousy on Lena’s part, but not in the way I
anticipated. She got jealous that I looked to the Deity for wisdom.
I know that in her heart of hearts, she wished she could be the one
to give me that wisdom. That is why I loved Lena so much. The only
time she ever showed her competitive juices, it was usually because
of me. Who wouldn’t love his wife for competing for his

We had lived as a family
on the island for about two and a half years. I needed to talk to
Lena and it wasn’t going to be the easiest of conversations. I
needed to talk to her about leaving the island and helping the
places and people who needed it. I was very clear that I would come
back. Sometimes it might take a day, sometimes it might take a
week. But I assured her that I would always come back to

After I mentioned my
vampire superhero plan, she said, “Let me get this straight. You
want to follow the news on the internet and find out where things
are bad and go there and make things right. How? By beating
everyone up?”

By bringing justice to
the situation. It won’t always call for violence. There will be

Not if you can help

What is that supposed to
mean?” I asked.

It’s no secret that you
love to fight. Remember our arguments about your MMA

This is different. I
don’t love to hurt innocent people.”

I know. You just love
kicking the bad guy’s ass.”


You’re being serious
about this vampire superhero stuff?” Lena asked.

I just want your
blessing. Is that so wrong?”

My blessing?”

Yes, I need your blessing
because I plan on visiting someone in the next couple of

The Deity?”


And you want to go

We can’t both go. Our
boys are too young to meet her.”

Where does she even live

Sion located her. She
lives in Pahrump, Nevada.”

Why don’t you take

Why would I need to do

Having numbers is always
a good thing. Either that or have Tommy meet you in Nevada. I’m
sure he is very familiar with the state. After all, they have
sports betting there.”

I smiled. “Are you okay
with this?”

Lena paused. She knew I
was just itching to do some living. Lena understood that I had this
thing in my gut, this urge to constantly help. She wasn’t thrilled
about the idea. But she knew it was my heart’s desire. She finally
said, “Go ahead. Go talk to the Deity. Tell her we all say

Thanks, babe.” I knew I
needed to see the Deity, and draw out some wisdom from her cryptic
compassion. I needed some comfort and some answers. She was the one
who understood me fully. I loved Lena, my wife, but the Deity, she
was beyond the limitations of any sort of relationship love. I
believed that she was love. Personified.

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