Divided Loyalties (12 page)

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Authors: Heather Atkinson

BOOK: Divided Loyalties
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“My daughter’s been left without a father.  I suppose you think that’s entertaining too?” she screamed in his face.

“No, of course not,” he replied, trying to keep his tone reasonable.

She grabbed him by the tie and pulled, causing the knot to dig into his Adam’s apple. 

“Go on you lot, get your cameras.  You can film me strangling this wanker and put it on the six o’clock news.  Your ratings will go through the roof.”

“Mrs Maguire, please,” he croaked, turning purple as the pressure on his throat increased.  He looked at Rachel pleadingly, who glared ferociously back at him, her eyes hellishly black and pitiless.

Two of his male staff, deciding enough was enough, tried to intervene but the big man grabbed them by the scruff of the neck and yanked them backwards.  There was the thunder of footsteps approaching and Ben hoped the police had finally arrived but to his horror two more Maguires burst into the room and his bowels moved violently.

“Rachel, stop,” yelled Alex, racing towards her.

Gently he removed her hands from Ben’s neck and pulled her away.  Ben stumbled backwards and took in a ragged gasp of air.  The ferocity died in Rachel’s eyes as she dissolved into tears in Alex’s big chest.

“I know,” he said softly, cradling her gently.

“The police are on their way.  I’ll see you prosecuted for this,” said Ben, suddenly feeling braver now Rachel was under control.

His bowels moved again when Mikey, Alex and Bruiser all gave him cold stares. 

Mikey thrust his face into Ben’s.  “If you do we’ll finish what Rachel started, I promise you that.”

“He threatened me, you all heard him,” he exclaimed to his staff.

When they all looked back at him blankly he found himself on the verge of tears.  So when Benton and four uniformed officers appeared his tears turn into ones of relief.

“Thank God you’re here,” he cried.  “This woman attacked me.”

Benton looked at Rachel clinging onto Alex, shaking and tearful then back at Ben, who appeared unharmed.

“You look fine to me.”

“She attacked me with my own tie.”

Benton frowned at his dishevelled clothes. 

“Well don’t just stand there, arrest her.”

“You want me to nick her for messing up your tie?”

“No, for strangling me.”

“Is this true?” demanded Benton.

“No,” retorted Alex and Mikey fiercely while Bruiser nodded in agreement.

Benton turned to the assembled staff.  “Well?”

They all looked at the floor, wilting beneath the glares of the Maguires.

“But…but…,” stammered Ben, stunned by this turn of events, “they attacked my security guards.”

“Hazard of the job.  I’m here to talk to you Mr Archer.”

“Me, why?”

“Withholding evidence.  This is a murder enquiry and that footage answers a lot of questions.  If we’d seen it sooner we could have a murderer in custody by now.”

“This is outrageous.  They barged their way in here and attacked me and my staff.”

“If I were you Mr Archer I’d be more concerned about myself.  Where’s your office?”


“Office,” he snapped.

“This way,” he sighed dejectedly.

“Take her back to hospital,” Benton told Alex gently.  “She doesn’t look well.”

With that the officers filed past the Maguires without a second glance.

“Come on, let’s get you back to St Mary’s,” said Alex.

“No, I want to go home.”

“Rach, you need to be in hospital.”

“I am not going back there.  I want to go home and be with my daughter.”  She caught the determination in his eyes.  “If you take me back I’ll only discharge myself again.”

“Fine.  Let’s get out of here.”

They headed downstairs to the lobby where the three security guards were picking themselves up, dazed, watching the Maguires leave with wariness in their eyes.

After settling Rachel in the back seat, Mikey and Alex leapt into the front, Bruiser following in his own car, all of them eager to get her away from this busy street.  They didn’t want to take any chances with a sniper on the loose.

“You sure you want to go home?” said Alex, looking at her through the rear-view mirror.

“Yes,” she sighed, sinking wearily into the seat.

Alex nodded at Mikey, who started the engine.  When they arrived at Rachel’s house Gillian came out to meet them holding Leah.

“What are you doing out already?” she demanded of her daughter.

“I discharged myself.”

Rachel took Leah from her mum, gritting her teeth against the pain in her shoulder.  When she looked into Leah’s eyes, which were so like her father’s, she almost lost control, swallowing down the scream of anguish wanting to erupt from her throat.  Her tenuous grasp on her control threatened to slip again when she stepped inside the house.  Danny was everywhere; his CD’s in the rack, his books on the shelf, his picture in photo frames hung on the wall.  She started to shake, tears forming in her eyes.

“Sit down before you fall down,” said Gillian gently.

She obeyed, cuddling Leah tightly.  At least she would always have Danny in her. 

“You should be in hospital,” Gillian repeated.

“I want to be here.  How’s Leah been?”

“Fine, she’s too young to realise what’s happening.”

“Good,” she said, sinking into the couch, taking comfort in the warmth of her child.

“Gillian, do you mind if we speak with Rachel in private?” said Alex politely.

She regarded him coolly, knowing whatever they were going to discuss would involve illegal activity.

“I need to change Leah’s nappy anyway,” she said, taking the baby upstairs, wanting to get her away from their toxic presence.  She feared for her granddaughter’s future with this lot as family and was already wondering how she could protect her from them.  The last thing she wanted was for Leah to end up like Rachel.

Mikey sat beside Rachel and pulled out his mobile phone.  She watched the footage of Darren Shaw being beaten, her lips curving into a dark smile.

“I’ll put it on the internet when I get home.”

“Thank you,” she said, feeling a little better.

“Listen Rach,” began Alex.  “We want Bruiser to stay here for a while.”


“Just a precaution.”

Rachel’s eyes narrowed.  “Do you think the shooter will try again?”

“It’s a possibility.”

Her eyes widened and she leapt up.  “Mum?”

She appeared at the top of the stairs carrying Leah.  “What is it?”

Rachel rushed up to her.  “I want you and Dad to take Leah back to Devon with you.  Now.”

“What about the funeral?”

“Leah could be in danger if she stays here.”

Gillian looked frightened.  “Why?”

“Don’t panic, it’s just a precaution until Danny’s killer is caught,” she said, realising how much she sounded like Alex. 

Taking Leah from her mother’s arms she carried her into the nursery.

“Rachel what the hell is going on?” demanded Gillian.

“Alex thinks I was a possible target too, which means Leah is in the line of fire should the shooter decide to try again,” she said, putting her daughter in her cot while she pulled a bag out of the wardrobe and started throwing things into it.  “That’s why I can’t have her here until he’s caught.”

“Alex could be wrong, he’s not a police officer.”

“I’m not taking the chance, I’m not losing her too.”

“You see where this life has got you?  A widow with a murderer chasing you.  Since you got mixed up with this family you’ve been threatened, attacked, beaten up and shot.  You used to be a good girl Rachel, you were a nurse, you helped people.  Now you hurt them and don’t even try and deny it because I know.  They’ve turned my beautiful daughter into a criminal and now your lifestyle’s put your own child in danger.”

“Please Mum I don’t need this now,” she sighed, stuffing clothes and toys into a bag.

“Well you’re going to get it because someone has to talk some sense into you.  You have to get out before it’s too late.”

Rachel rounded on her angrily and Gillian took a step back.  Sometimes her own daughter scared her.

“That’s all I’ve thought about since my husband died in my arms.  Do you know what our last conversation was about?  Danny wanted us both to get out of this way of life.  He intended to buy me a spa to run.  He wanted us to build up the legitimate businesses and hand everything else over to Alex.”


“Yes really.  He also…”  She trailed off as she was choked with tears.  “He also wanted us to try for another baby.  Those were his last words to me.”

Rachel sank to the floor and sobbed, burying her face in her hands.  Gillian sat beside her and pulled her into her arms, rocking her gently.  “I’m sorry Sweetheart, the last thing you need is my nagging.”

“But you’re right.  I promise once this is over I’ll get out of this life.  I’ll just run the clubs, perhaps branch out into something else, something legitimate, just like Danny wanted.”

“I really hope you mean that because I don’t want to come back here for your funeral.”

“I do, I swear.  I’m out.”

“Why don’t you come with us to Devon?”

“I’m not missing Danny’s funeral and the killer could follow me down there.  I’m not putting you three in danger too.”

“You’re going to help them hunt down Danny’s killer, aren’t you?”

“Yes,” she replied quietly.

“And what will you do when you find him?”

Rachel didn’t reply.  She got back to her feet, zipped up the bag and carried it downstairs with her good arm just as her dad came through the front door.

Once the situation was explained he hurriedly loaded up his car and hustled Gillian into it.  Then he turned to Rachel, who was holding Leah.

“Be careful, won’t you Love?”

“I will Dad.”

He hugged her tightly then took Leah from her.  Rick carried her to the car and strapped her into the seat.  Rachel let her tears fall as the car set off, trying to catch one last glimpse of her daughter.  As the car disappeared around the corner she released a hoarse sob and fell to her knees, weeping openly, not caring about being strong anymore.

Mikey helped her to her feet.  “Come back inside, you’re too exposed out here.”

Rachel let him lead her back into the house, trembling and shaking.  He sat her on the couch and thrust a brandy into her hands.  After downing the contents she slammed the glass down and wiped away the tears.  The three men watched in amazement as Rachel pulled herself together before their eyes, holding herself tall and proud.  She fixed them with her black gaze.

“So, what’s the first move?”



“How’s the investigation into Danny Maguire’s murder progressing Superintendent?”  May’s voice rang out clipped and clear through the derelict warehouse. 

“Not good,” replied Benton.  “We’ve got sod all to go on.  Now we’ve seen the footage of the shooting we’ve confirmed the spot the sniper chose but they didn‘t leave anything behind.  We’re trawling CCTV but I’m not sure Danny Maguire was the only intended target.”

“Where did that mobile phone footage come from exactly?”

“Darren Shaw, just some little scrote who happened to be there that day.  He saw Danny and Rachel leave the restaurant and, knowing who they were, thought he’d take footage of them kissing to get some internet notoriety for himself.  He got a lot more than he bargained for.  He’s currently recovering in St Mary’s after taking a hell of a beating.  Coincidentally the footage of him being beaten also found it’s way onto the internet.”

“The Maguires?”

“Of course.  His attacker is masked but from his build I’m guessing it was Alex himself.”

“So he’s nothing to do with the murder?”

“No, just a numpty who messed with the wrong people.  He should be out of hospital in a few weeks.”

“Do you think Rachel’s still in danger?”

“Definitely.  Being a Maguire she declined police protection, preferring to rely on her own bodyguards.”

“Any suspects?” said Jeremy.

“Plenty.  The Maguires had a lot of enemies but I can’t see any of them having the balls to take them on.”

“Haven’t they recently got into business with Frankie McVay?” said May.

“Yes but I don’t think it’s him, it’s not his style.  If it had been Frankie they’d have been hacked to death in their beds.  Sniping isn’t his thing, he likes to get up close and personal.  Besides, their joint operations are too lucrative to jeopardise.”

“Makes sense.  Anyone else?”

“The only person I can see with the strength and guts to take out a Maguire is Ryan Law but even he seems to have come to heel recently.  He’s been working with them very harmoniously and I don’t think he’d want to bring the wrath of McVay down on himself.”

“You think Ryan has a thing for Rachel?”

“Yes, which convinces me it’s not him.  He wouldn’t have risked her being killed.”

“So you’ve got nothing?” sighed Jeremy.

“Yes actually,” retorted Benton indignantly.  “We’ve got the bullet we dug out of Danny’s chest for testing and we’ve more CCTV to check, something will crop up.”

“You’d better come up with something fast Superintendent,” said May.  “The Maguires will be unstoppable hunting down Danny’s killer.  Whoever did it could be close to the family, someone with inside information.  It that is the case then it will finally bring down the entire family and we need to make sure that happens.”

Richard, who’d been quiet up until then, finally spoke.  “Aren’t they a spent force with Danny out of the way?”

“The hydra’s head has been cut off but another will take its place,” said May sagely.  “It will be interesting to see who will replace Danny.”

“What do you mean?” replied Richard.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if Rachel herself is a contender, she’s got the brains and the power.”

“Or her husband’s death scared the hell out of her.  She’s got a young child,” said Benton.  “Give Rachel her due, she’s a good mother.  Hopefully it’ll have the opposite effect and push her out of the life.”

“Perhaps,” said May.  “But she’ll not rest until she’s got the head of Danny’s murderer on a platter.”


Rachel stared back at her reflection in the mirror, assessing her appearance.  It was the morning of Danny’s funeral and it was vital she looked strong and in control, even though she was crumbling inside.  She’d selected a sedate knee length black dress with black shrug and a string of pearls about her throat, a present from Danny on their first wedding anniversary.  She’d decided to leave her hair loose so she could use it as a curtain to hide behind if required.  Outwardly she was immaculate and composed but inside she was a raging tempest of anger and pain but it was all about front.  Everyone would be watching them closely and if they were to survive they had to show that Danny’s death hadn’t weakened them.

She buried her face in her hands, wanting to give in to the pressing grief but she swallowed it down.  Not yet.  Instead she headed downstairs to find Mikey making coffee.  He’d stayed with her to support her.  With her parents and daughter in Devon, Martina in a mess and Beth supporting her husband, she needed him.

He handed her a cup of coffee and when she wrapped her hands around the hot mug she realised how cold she was.  She was glad he didn’t ask her how she was, instead he hugged her and kissed the top of her head.

“How long before the car arrives?” she said quietly.

“Fifteen minutes.  Can you stomach anything to eat?”


“You’ve got to keep your strength up.”

“If I try to eat I will throw up.”

Mikey didn’t want to nag her, he could see how shaky she was.  One push and she’d shatter.

She took her coffee into the front room and sat down on the couch, this house she used to love suddenly no longer a home.  All the light and warmth had died with Danny.  She gazed at the photo on the fireplace taken on their wedding day and gripped the mug tighter as she started to shake.  Little did they know back then that barely two years later he’d be dead.  The long future they’d planned together was gone.  She closed her eyes as the sound of the gunshot echoed in her head, coinciding with Mikey letting the kitchen door slam shut behind him and she jumped, slopping hot coffee all over herself.  The scalding liquid brought forth the tears she’d been holding back.

Mikey grabbed a tea towel from the kitchen and hastily mopped it up.

“Did it burn you?”

“No, it’s fine.”

He sat beside her and took her hand.  “It’s okay to cry, you don’t need to put on this front.  No one will think any the less of you.”

“The vultures are circling.  If I show any weakness…”

“Let me and Alex worry about that.  If you don’t let it out it’ll tear you apart.”

“I want to keep it in so it can grow and fester.  Then I’ll be able to avenge Danny properly.”

“We’ll deal with that.”

“Not a chance,” she snapped.  “I’ll find who did it and I will kill them.”

“Rachel, you’re hard but you’re not a killer.”

She fixed him with steady black eyes.  “Yes I am.”

Before he could question her about that statement the hearse pulled up outside.

“Oh God,” she rasped.

Mikey helped her on with her cropped black leather jacket, dressing her like a child as she stared at the coffin, which was visible through the glass sides of the hearse.  Taking her hand he led her out the door and she followed reluctantly, slipping on her sunglasses.  The chief mourner stood holding open the door of the black limo behind the hearse, understanding and solemnity etched on his face, looking smart in a long black coat and top hat.

Noting the press waiting at the bottom of the drive Rachel hurried into the car, Mikey following, then they set off at a crawl, the journalists pressing their cameras up against the windows to take their pictures and she turned her face away, Mikey doing his best to shield her. 

As they hit the street she saw Jez and Ryan in the latter’s black Audi and Battler and Bruiser bringing up the rear in their black BMW.  They pulled out to join on the end of the line and moved in a procession down the street.

They followed the chief mourner as he walked solemnly at the head of the convoy, Rachel wishing they’d hurry up so they could get away from the press and prying eyes of the neighbours who had come out on the street to watch.  Finally the chief mourner got into the front of the hearse and they picked up the pace.

Rachel sighed with relief, sinking into the seat and gazing out of the window so she didn’t have to look at the coffin.  It was so surreal, she couldn’t believe that Danny was in that box, dead and decomposing.

They pulled up outside Martina’s house, where more onlookers had gathered.  The door opened and Rachel was shocked by the state of her mother-in-law, who looked as though she’d aged ten years.  She clung to Alex’s arm, weeping softly, then climbed in beside Rachel and the two women embraced.  Once Alex and Beth were in they continued on their way.  Beth sat opposite Rachel and reached out to hold her hand, maintaining her grip the entire journey.  Alex kept his head down, staring at his shoes, trying to keep everything in just as hard as Rachel.

When the car hit a busy main road they increased their speed slightly but the cortege still crawled its way through the traffic.  It had been all over the news about the funeral and everyone stopped to point and stare, some shaking their heads, no doubt thinking Danny had got what he’d deserved, forgetting he was someone’s son, husband, brother and father, that there were people to mourn him and miss him.

A large crowd was already milling around outside the church when they arrived, which included some of the most powerful and well known faces in the city’s underworld.  Benton was also there with two officers, making a note of everyone who attended.  Rachel studied the crowd, wondering if Danny’s murderer was among them.

As Mikey assisted her out of the car she experienced a twinge of pain in her shoulder, which ran all the way down her arm and she bit her lower lip hard to avoid grimacing.  It felt like her shoulder was on fire but she screwed up the agony and shoved it into that little box deep inside to join the rest of her pain, it would be useful later to do things which would no doubt be unpleasant. 

The reporters called out her name as though she was at some sort of party but she resolutely kept her back turned to them.

“Ignore the fucking jackals,” said a broad Scottish voice.

She turned around and found herself staring up into the face of a tall red headed man with glasses.

“Frankie, thank you for coming.”

He took her hand and kissed it.  “I want to pay my respects, I held Danny in high regard.”  He glanced around before continuing.  “I also want to offer my assistance in finding the bastard who did it but we’ll discuss that later.”

“Thank you,” she replied sincerely, although she knew his motives weren’t entirely altruistic.  No doubt he wanted to punish the offender to teach the world not to fuck with anything that affected him.

He moved away to reveal Ryan, who gave her hand a gentle squeeze. 

“I’m glad you’re here,” she said quietly.  She needed all the support she could get.

“Just let me know what you need,” he replied and she was grateful for the offer.

Rachel stood with Martina and Beth, watching as Alex, Mikey, Battler and Bruiser took the weight of the coffin onto their strong shoulders and bore it into the church.  The three women, all holding hands, followed them inside, Martina sobbing uncontrollably and Rachel feeling as though her legs were going to give way at any moment, grateful when they reached the pew and she practically fell into her seat.

There were so many mourners that it took a while to get them all in and seated.  Benton stood at the back by the door with his men, studying everyone intently.  She tried to see where he was looking, if he had a suspect in mind, but he didn’t appear to pay any particular attention to one single person. 

As the service began Rachel’s resolve snapped and she dissolved into tears, yanking off the sunglasses angrily.  She was mourning her husband and she didn’t give a shit what anyone thought about it.  The grief was so strong her body shook with it and she felt Beth’s arm around her shoulders.

Then the service was over and they had to file out.  Rachel’s shoulder was torture and she felt too weak to stand.  Mikey wrapped his arm around her waist and helped her from the church, all eyes on them. 

“You should have kept the sling on,” said Beth sternly once they were back in the car, the nurse in her kicking in.  Like Rachel, she’d given up that profession when she’d married a Maguire.  “Bugger what anyone says.”

“I’m okay,” she murmured weakly.

“You don’t look it.”

“Please Beth, not now.”

“Okay but after the wake I’m bandaging it up for you.”

Rachel just nodded, too fragile to argue.  By the time they reached the cemetery she was feeling a little physically stronger, not having to put on an act before the family.  Danny was being buried in the plot beside Frank and this reassured Rachel, she liked the idea of them together. 

As they stood around the graveside the sun came out, the warmth dispelling a little of the coldness inside her.  The shadow of mind-numbing grief passed and Rachel was filled with renewed vigour and purpose.  The moment the wake was over they were going to start tracking down Danny’s murderer.  She looked across the grave at Alex and saw the same resolve in his eyes.  Slowly she looked to Mikey then Ryan, Jez, Frankie, Battler and Bruiser and one by one they all silently acknowledge the same.  A bond was formed, one initiated by Rachel herself and suddenly life had meaning again.


The wake was held at Rachel’s house and she was inundated by people wanting to tell her how sorry they were for her loss and she rapidly started to lose patience.  She wanted them to piss off so she could sit down with the men to discuss what they were going to do but she reined in her temper and accepted their condolences with good grace.  Finally they all left and Rachel shut the door behind the last one with a sigh of relief.

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