Distraction (25 page)

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Authors: Angela McPherson

BOOK: Distraction
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"Do you think Bret's okay?" I couldn't stand the
silence between us.

"Hope so," Eric replied, refusing to say more.

"Maybe Alyssa and Tisha know something." I took out
my cell and dialed her number. On the phone, Alyssa said that Bret had a
sprained ankle, but the doctor's didn't find anything broken–thank goodness. I
relayed the news to Eric hoping to lighten the air.

"So, that's good. Right?"

"Uh huh," Eric mumbled.

Okay, he pissed me off. "Are you going to give anything
more than a one-word reply the rest of the night?" I stopped walking,
waiting for him to answer me. Eric stopped and looked at me with speculation in
his eyes.

"Listen, I know you and Tristan are just friends, but
you should've seen your face when he scored." My phone chimed, alerting me
that I had a text. I looked at my phone. Of course Tristan had to text me right

you see that shit? Coach said I was gonna get in some serious field time while
Bret's recovering from the sprained ankle. This is it Spud. See you soon.

"Who's the text from?" I winced hearing Eric’s
accusing tone. When I looked up, I noticed his shoulders were straighter, his
jaw tight.

"Alyssa," I lied. "Listen, we've had this
discussion. You said you were fine with me and Tristan being friends, but if
this is how you're going to get when I watch Tristan play, then we should
probably end this now. I've known him forever. I've been there for him as a
friend." I stressed the word. "And I'm here with you, but–"

Eric stopped me. Cupping my face in his hands, he gently
rested a kiss over my lips.

"I'm sorry for being a jealous jerk," he said,
pulling away. Eric hung an arm over my shoulder, squeezing me close to his
side. I didn't like how quickly he displaced his trust in me, but in a way, I
understood. I let my irritation go and snuggled closer to his side, letting him
lead me back to his car. Once inside, we drove back to the after party.

We could hear the music before we opened the door and when we
stepped inside the party was in full swing. Alyssa found me as soon we walked
through the door.

"So about what you said earlier." She arched an
eyebrow when I shook my head back at her. "You know, about me liking Bret,"
she whispered, as if liking him was top secret news.

I gave a snort, trying to hold back a full-blown laugh.
Alyssa glared at me. Eric stood beside me, and she turned her glare to him.

"Hey, boyfriend." She placed her hands on her hips
waiting for his full attention. Satisfied, she carried on. "Do you think
you can make yourself busy for like two seconds? I need private girl time with
my best friend."

When Eric didn't move, she shooed him with her hand. "Go
get us some drinks or something." She waited but he didn't move.
"Shit, she isn't going anywhere."

Eric looked down at me and smiled. "You sure you'll be
all right if I leave you with her?" He nodded to Alyssa.

"Yes, but if you stay here any longer I can't promise
you won't walk away without any injuries. She can get pretty fierce."

"I bet I could take her." He looked back at Alyssa,
who did not look amused. "Ouch." He rubbed his arm after Alyssa
reared back and punched him. "Fine, I'll leave."

Satisfied, Alyssa turned back to me and glared.

“Okay, don't kill me," I said. "I think it's great
that you like Bret. And I think you could use a little down time."

"Down time? What in the hell does that mean?"
Alyssa pursed her lips, and tapped her foot waiting for me to explain.

"I mean, I know you're not into the whole boyfriend
thing and you like to date. A lot."

"So, what's the problem with dating?" She frowned.

"You didn't let me finish. As I was saying, I think this
may be good for you. You don't ever let anyone get close because you're afraid
of getting hurt. Of all people, you know how much I get that, but try dating
and see where things go."

"Fine, just don't let this get out. I have a reputation
to maintain," Alyssa said, then screamed as Bret grabbed her from behind.

"As long as that reputation stays between us, I don't
care what you do." Bret leaned Alyssa back and kissed her dramatically. I
left them alone when Alyssa failed her attempt to push him away. Poor Bret, he
had no idea what he was getting into.

"I've been looking for you everywhere. Did you get my
message?" Tristan pulled me in for a bear hug. I pushed him back, ignoring
the stares from a few people around me.

"Yeah, I'm proud of you. You did great tonight." I
smiled. I just couldn't help the way I got around him. He gave off an energy,
and you couldn't help but smile when you were around him.

"So what are you doing tonight? We always celebrate
after a winning game." His smile sent my stomach fluttering, but then Eric
walked up beside me and it dropped.

"Nice game, Daniels." Eric reached out his hand to Tristan.
Tristan looked at me then back at Eric's outreached hand. My mouth dried,
wondering what Tristan would do. Surprising me, he smiled and shook his hand.

"Thanks." Tristan cleared his throat, running his
fingers through his thick, dark hair. I noticed his biceps flexing, and my
breath caught in my suddenly dried throat. "Y'all wanna play a game of

I smiled, trying to keep things light. "Sure, lead the



Chapter 15




Yeah, Elle and Green showed up together tonight. I didn't care...too
much. I'd scored my first Texas Tech touchdown. What a great end to a fucked up
week. I followed Elle up the stairs to play, but people occupied the table at
the moment.

"You wanna do a shot with me?" I looked at Elle and
smiled. She shook her head, but grinned. Her hair fanned around her shoulders.

"You know how well that turned out last time." She
laughed. The sound could rival angels.

"Don't know what you're talking about." I winked
and crossed my arms over my chest. Our freshman year, Elle drove up to watch my
game. I scored my first college touchdown that night and later we headed back
to my dorm. We got shitfaced, and emptied the full bottle of tequila. The next
day we couldn't stand the smell of limes. I'd told her I loved her that night
as soft, cat-like snores came out of her opened mouth. She hadn't heard me, and
I’ve never repeated those words to her again.

Snapping me out of the past, Elle caved. "One shot."
She held up her index finger and cocked her brow. Challenge accepted.

"Fine." I turned away before she could reconsider
my offer. I took the stairs two at a time and pushed open the kitchen door. A
few freshmen were refilling shot glasses. I picked up two and headed back out.
Elle stood outside the door talking to Eric. Fuck, I forgot about him. I headed
over and held her shot out to her.

"Don't know what's in it, but it’s not tequila." I
did my best to ignore the person standing next to her.

"Great. I'll hold these while you grab another for Eric."
So much for ignoring him.

"Right. Be back in a second." I rushed back to the
kitchen. Before I walked out, I downed a shot for good measure, and then took
another shot out.

"Here's to many more touchdowns." Elle smiled. Her
face glowed from the light above her.

"Here, here." I raised my glass, and not being the
dick I wanted to be, I nodded at Green. Together we downed our shots.

Jarred slapped his hand on my shoulder. "Daniels, get
used to the spot light, man." He shook his head. "We're gonna kick
ass on the field."

"Yup." I turned my attention back to Elle.
"You up for another victory shot?"

She shook her head. "Not tonight. I'm supposed to be
keeping an eye on the freshmen."

“All right. You wanna see if the table's open?" Eric
wrapped his arm around Elle's waist. My jaw clenched and my fingers twitched,
ready to break his digits off one by one.

"Maybe in a bit. I think Eric and I are going to dance."

I gave her a tight-lipped smile, which she returned before


I looked over my shoulder at Bret. He held up two shots while
keeping his balance on his crutches. Spraining his ankle tonight gave me the
opening I needed to prove myself. Poor bastard. I headed over to him.

"Don't mind if I do," I said taking the offered

"I heard you did good tonight." Bret smiled, but I
knew he worried about his position. He'd joked about me taking over after our
first practice together during the summer.

I shrugged my shoulder. "Just played the same way I
always do...fucking great."

He smirked.

“How's the ankle?" I looked down at his ace wrapped
ankle. He had to use crutches to keep his weight off his foot.

"Not too bad. Vodka is kicking in."

"Speaking of vodka, let's have another shot."

"Dude, you read my mind."

I shook my head. "Sit your ass down. I'll be back with
another round."

"Hurry the hell up. I don't wanna lose my buzz."

I laughed. When I came back, I lost my shot. Alyssa grabbed
mine and tossed the liquid back before I could stop her.

"Thanks, Shrimp."

She irritated me, but I didn't care. Not tonight.
"Because I'm having a good time, I'm gonna let that slide."

She shrugged her shoulders, not giving a damn.


Glancing over my shoulder, I noticed a few guys holding up a
beer bong.

"Gotta go," I said, ignoring Alyssa's smartass

"Daniels, you kicked ass tonight." James and a few
other guys agreed.

"Boys," I shook my head, "I kick ass every
night." They laughed. I tried not to let my ego roar, but what the hell.
You only live once, right?





The weekend ended with Eric and me becoming more familiar
with each other. I needed to slow down, but my mind refused to listen when his
hands caressed my skin. The way his lips felt against mine tightened my stomach
and the longer we kissed, the more I didn
t want to stop.

Sunday night I dreamt. When I woke up, my entire body felt
hot and quaked with desire. Problem was, Eric hadn’t starred in my erotic
dreamland…Tristan had. As much as I tried to push him out of my mind, he always
seemed to find his way back in. I guess girls needed cold showers, too. After I
had one, I dressed and headed to class.

"Miss Richards, please see me after class," Mr.
Edwards said when he handed back my paper from last week.

I slowly turned my paper over, thinking I failed. Imagine my
surprise to see I aced my assignment instead. I wondered if he thought I
cheated or something, which was ridiculous. All through class I worried what
Mr. Edwards wanted, and when he finally dismissed everyone, my stomach
fluttered nervously. On shaky legs, I walked over to his desk.

"You said you wanted to see me, sir?"

Mr. Edwards looked up from his desk. His glasses slid down
his nose, and he pushed them back up with the tip of his chubby finger.

"Yes, Miss Richards," he said, and sat back in his chair
resting his hands on his round stomach. "I wasn't sure what to think of
you in the beginning, but you've proven yourself these past few weeks. I have a
proposition for you.

"I noticed you've volunteered to write articles for the
school paper." The chair moaned when he shifted in his seat. "I need
someone to fill in for my sports writer. Is that something you'd be interested

I could've sworn I heard him wrong. "Sorry, I'm not
following you?"

Mr. Edwards pulled his bushy brows together and leaned
forward. "I run the student paper and my sports guy is out with a family
emergency. After reading your last paper, I thought you might be up for the
challenge. Of course, if you'd prefer I find someone else, just say so."

I responded without thinking. "I'd love to. What sport
would I be covering?" To be honest, the sport didn't really matter as long
as I could write for the paper.

"Football. You'd be expected to get the facts straight,

"I love football. That'd be great."

"Great, we'll start you off with an interview. If I like
what you get, then we'll go from there. You can start with the new kid, Tristan
Daniels. His transfer from UT to Tech,  he came out of nowhere, and now
everyone’s hungry for his story. This is a big assignment."

"Uh, no problem," I said, already knowing Tristan's

"Good, get started. I want a full interview on my desk
by the end of next week."

"Yes, sir."

I didn't hang around, afraid he'd recant his offer, but also
afraid I'd let him. Tristan and I hadn't spent much time alone with one
another. I wanted this chance, and prayed I wouldn't allow myself to get lost
in my feelings for him while doing so.

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