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Authors: John Pilger

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hospitals, British

Hammersmith Hospital;

King's College Hospital;

National Health Service

House of Lords: and Broadcasting Bill 83, 84–5, 86

House Un-American Activities Committee 102

housing estates, British 27, 29, 30, 67

housing, council 24, 26

see also
housing estates

Howard, Jim 172, 436
, 455–7, 471

Howard, Michael (historian) 91

Howard, Michael, MP 117, 119

Howe, Sir Geoffrey 434

Hubard, Mark 223–4

Hudson, Rock 334

Hughes, Colin 151

Hughes, Howard 335

Hughes, Robert:
The Fatal Shore

Human Shield, The
(film) 159

Humphreys, Jonathan 321, 568 n155

Hun Sen (and his Government) 427, 448, 460, 462, 473, 474, 476, 477, 487, 490

Hurd, Douglas 87, 203–4, 213, 216, 422 and arms deals with Hussein 137, 172

and British involvement in Cambodia 419, 424–5, 459

and British involvement in East Timor 296, 301, 320

and the Gulf War 128, 138, 176

Hussein, Saddam:

atrocities against Kurds 138, 149, 155, 165, 166, 169

awarded ‘
Gardener's World
award' 3

and Bazoft's murder 354–5

British arms deals with 118, 137–8, 172, 184–5, 355

British support for 355

compared with Hitler 425, 427

and invasion of Kuwait 74, 127, 128, 129, 130, 139, 167, 183, 185

portrayal in media 73–4, 143, 354

Shi'a opposition to 162, 165, 166–7, 168

US support for 162, 165, 185, 341

see also
Gulf War, the

Huu Ngon 493

Hyland, Tom 321

IBA 86

leng Sary 463

Ignatieff, Michael 145, 228

International Monetary Fund

immigration (in Britain) 35–7, 38

imperialism 19, 69

American 88–93, 148–50, 161–2, 166, 168, 194, 228, 229, 337–8, 339, 341–2, 392

‘information' 70, 72–4, 88–9

In Cold Blood
(film) 563 n11


coverage of Cambodia 453, 454, 455, 488

coverage of Gulf War 127–8, 140, 151–2, 162

‘Hurd rejects Pilger's Cambodia allegations' 424–5

Independent on Sunday
65, 86


Indonesia backed by 259

effect of World Bank dams on 211

as UN Security Council member 181

Indo-China Project 469

Indonesia 239, 322–3

America and 245–6, 294–5

Australia and 244–5,
see also under

and Cambodia 474

Japanese investment in 255, 259

East Timor; Suharto, General

Indostar (satellite) 316

‘information imperialism' 70, 72–4, 88–9

Inge, C. D. 34

Institute of Policy Studies, Washington 203

intelligentsia, American:

Chomsky attacks 339, 341–5

Interception of Communications Act 84

International Freedom Foundation (US) 458

International Herald Tribune

International League for Human Rights 257

International Management (Australia) 526–7

International Monetary Fund:

Cambodian debt to 485–6

and Guatemala 200

and ‘structural adjustment' of the Philippines 69–70, 205–6

and Yeltsin's democracy 195

see also
World Bank

International Red Cross:

aid for Cambodia 403, 436, 460

and East Timor 305–6

and Iraqi casualties 141


US and 180, 185, 347, 352, 353, 417

Britain and 180


children in 4, 71, 177, 186

effects of Gulf War on 171, 172–3, 177

effects of sanctions on 159, 172–3

US/British campaign against 186, 187, 188

see also
Gulf War; Hussein, Saddam

Iraqi Red Crescent 141

Irish politicians, interviewing 67, 87


American bribes over UN Resolution 678, 180

and American PR firm 295

American support for 73, 138, 148–9, 165, 213, 227, 339–40, 508

customs officials 364

and Eritrea 517

invasion of Lebanon 138

media coverage of 73, 134

brutality towards Palestinians 138, 148, 149, 180, 509–10

and United Nations resolutions 188


Communist Party 396

and corruption 118

general strike 116

Tuscany 393, 394–5, 396–7

ITN 127, 159

ITV 83, 434, 447
Central Television; Granada Television; Thames Television

Jacaranda Press, Queensland 265

Jackson, J. A. D. 445

Jackson, Sir Robert 442

‘Jaipur limbs' 469, 480, 481


and CIA 200, 353

effect of Gulf War on 173

James, Clive 3, 65

James, Roger 447

Jane's Defence Weekly


and Cambodia 471n, 475, 486

and capitalism 194, 195

and deforestation of Australia 537

and deforestation of the Philippines 70

investment in Indonesia 255, 259

Press agencies in 73

in Second World War 140, 237–8, 243, 244, 283–4, 530


Jarratt, Alex 78

Javanese, the 239

in East Timor 274, 275, 284

Jenkins, Nancy 396

Jennar, Raoul 420, 465–6, 486

John, Elton 69

John Paul II, Pope: visit to East Timor 270, 272, 290

Johnson, Lyndon, US President 13, 157, 170, 346, 351, 511, 533–4

Johnson, Paul 35, 450

Johnson, Dr Samuel: quoted 80

Johnston, Commissioner Elliott 539, 540

Jolliffe, Jill 269, 321

Jones, Jack 356

Jones, Penn 349

Jones, Roderick 73


and Israel 148

effect of Gulf War on 174–5

‘José' (Timorese orderly) 291–2

Press, the

Joxe, Pierre 142

Judge, Paul Quinn 417

‘Julio' (Timorese) 286–7

Kagarlitsky, Boris 194, 195

Kalhoum, Oum 507

Kampong Cham, Cambodia: hospital 404

Kampot, Cambodia 464–5


Kampuchean Emergency Group (KEG) 409–10, 411, 413, 436, 440

Kampuchea Working Group 413, 417

Kandal Stung, Cambodia 405–6

Karnow, Stanley:
Vietnam: A History

Keating, Paul:

and Aboriginal land rights 546, 547

and Australia's independence 530, 531, 533, 534, 537

Death of a Nation

and East Timor 313–14, 315, 317

economic policies 527, 536–7

and Indonesia 12

Kampuchean Emergency Group

Kelly, John 128

Kelly, Paul 317, 318

Kennan, George 88, 340–2

Kenneally, John (‘Paddy') 238, 240

Kennedy, John F. 13, 90–1, 338, 347, 352

assassination of 346–52

see also
Stone, Oliver:

Kennedy, Robert 333

Kenya 223

Kerr, Sir John 532, 543

Kesteven, James
King, Mandy

KGB, the 9, 371, 372–3

Khieu Samphan 408–9, 430, 459, 460, 461–3, 483–4, 493, 494

Khmer Empire 402

Khmer People's National Liberation Front (KPNLF) 412, 414, 416, 446, 460, 466, 470

Khmer Rouge:

American support for 226, 409–10, 411–12, 413–14, 431–2, 436–7, 451–3, 464, 466, 486, 487

atrocities 404–5, 408–9, 454–5, 458, 462, 464–5, 493, 494

and British SAS 414, 415, 416–17, 419–20, 421–5, 437–8, 444–50, 469–71

Chinese support for 409, 411, 412, 413, 426–7, 449, 463, 464, 469, 471

and the KPNLF 412, 414, 416, 446

rehabilitation and return to power 451–5, 473–4, 482–4, 535

and Prince Sihanouk 429–31, 461, 489–92

Margaret Thatcher on 414–15, 437

and United Nations 409, 426–8, 452, 461, 462–6, 471, 484, 485

see also
Pol Pot; Thailand

Kiernan, Ben 409, 412, 427, 451, 453
The Cambodian Genocide, 1975–1979: A Critical Review

Kilgallen, Dorothy 349

Killing Fields, The
(film) 431

Kilusang Mayo Uno
(KMU) 501

Kim Hang, General 491

Kim Il Sung 226

King, Mandy, and Kesteven, James:
Shadow over Timor
(film) 237

King, Tom 133, 425, 446

King's College Hospital, London 39–45

Kinnock, Neil 29, 37, 78, 109, 420

Kissam, Shiraz 74

Kissinger, Henry 5, 136, 163, 193, 228, 248, 250–1, 252, 254–5, 256, 338, 391, 406, 426, 439

Klebanov, Vladimir 372

Klodt, Pyotr: bronze horses 373–4

KMP (Peasant Movement of the Philippines) 501

Kilusang Mayo Uno

knighthoods, selling of 118

Knightley, Phillip 157, 435

Kohen, Arnold 321

Kolko, Gabriel 247

Kompong Som, Cambodia 441

Kompong Speu, Cambodia 407

Kompong Thom, Cambodia 431, 465, 481

Kopkind, Andrew 350, 351

Korea, North 226

Khmer People's National Liberation Front

Kraisak Choonhaven 420, 475, 569 n172

Kraras, East Timor 238–9, 279–80

Krauthammer, Charles 350, 352

Kundera, Milan 68, 337

Kurds, the:

Allied bombing of 165–8

American betrayal of 162–3, 165, 166

Britain and refugees 359

and Hussein's atrocities 138, 149, 155, 165, 166, 169

Turkish persecution of 168, 179

Kurri Kurri, New South Wales329, 375

Kusumaatmadja 578 n113


Allied bombing of 151, 167–8

America and 294, 508

and Britain 135

British arms deals with 120

Hussein's invasion and withdrawal 74, 127–8, 129, 130, 149, 151, 155, 183

Palestinian population 161

Labour Briefing
104, 109

Labour Party, British:

and arms deals 119–20, 189;
see also
Trident (

and British involvement in Cambodia 419–20, 425

and the coal industry 76–7, 111–12

and convergence with Conservative Party 14, 16–17, 32, 97–8, 100, 107, 108–9, 114, 115, 119–20

declining membership of 107, 109

and education 108

election campaign (1992) 97–8

and the Gulf War 110, 127, 145, 189

and the National Health Service 41, 98, 108, 119

the Press and 37, 76, 78–9, 81–2, 99, 120

and racism 37, 108

and Trident 59, 60, 110, 120

and unemployment 29, 110–11

witchhunting in 102–6, 107, 109–10

Labour Party Conference (1993) 119–20

Lambeth, London: suspension of Labour councillors 103

Lamez, Monsieur 365

Lamont, Norman 209

Lane, Max 321, 323

Lang, Jack 536

Laos, American bombing of 91, 132, 352

Lardner, George 348

Large, Don 366, 367

Laurie, Jim 442–3

Lawrence, Roger 486

Laws, John, QC 446–7

Lebanon 148, 179–80

Lee Kuan Yew 413

Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich 371, 374, 378

St Petersburg

Lennon, John 334

Lennon, Peter 183

Lennox-Boyd, Mark 445

Leon, Ramiro de 200

Leros Island, Greece: psychiatric colony 358–9

Levi, Primo 278, 494

Lewis, Anthony 512

Lewis, Arthur 33–4

Leyte, island of: typhoons 69, 497

Li Peng 115, 193

libel laws, British 10, 447–8

Liberia, effect of Gulf War on 173


American/British campaign against 186–8, 225

media coverage of 73

Liechty, C. Philip 235, 297–9

magazine 334, 511

Lilley, Peter 117

Lingiari, Vincent 543

Lippmann, Walter 88

Public Opinion

Live Aid 208

Lloyd George, David 125

Loach, Ken:
Questions of Leadership

Lobato, Nicolau 242

Locke, John 14

Lockerbie bombing, the 186–7, 188

Lon Nol, General 429, 485


abolition of GLC 115

homelessness in 23–6

hospitals 119, 361;
see also
Hammersmith Hospital; King's College Hospital

London Docklands Development Corporation 115

London Housing Unit 26

Long Visalo 578 n104

magazine 511

Lopez, Costa, Bishop of Dili 253

Los Angeles Times

Louis, Joe 334

Louvish, Simon 13

Lowery, Alan 505

Lumby, Catherine 473

Maastricht Treaty 216

Mabo, Eddie 546

‘Mabo judgment', the 546, 547

Macau 319

McCarten, Matt 112

McCarthy, Francis 328

McCarthy, Senator Joseph 102

McCarthy, Mary (
Palmer) 329, 330

McCarthy, Terry 453–4

McCarthyism 65, 66, 109

McCartney, James 128

McClelland, Judge James 532–3, 539

McClelland Royal Commission of Enquiry 532, 533

McCloskey Coal Information Services 53

McConaghy, Brian 472

McCrum, Robert 488

McDonald's, Moscow 377, 379, 380

Macedonians, the 216

McGrath, Rae 467, 470–1

Mackie, Professor J. A. C. 245

McMahon, Will 321

Madrid: Middle East Peace Conference (1991) 507, 508

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