Distant Myles (2 page)

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Authors: Mandee Mae

BOOK: Distant Myles
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Chapter Two



The gulf comes into our view and we are jumping for joy. We made it! We’re here! Now all we have to do is find a hotel. 

We keep our eyes open for some place where we can crash for a few days. I wouldn’t mind spending the entire two weeks here, but I don’t know what Jamie wants to do yet. We stop at the local store to grab a few things and get a newspaper.

After the store, we jump back in the Jeep and head back down the road to a park we saw a mile or so back to rest for a bit and see if there is anything in the paper.

“Did you find anything yet,” Jamie asks while she is flipping through a magazine.

“Well, that depends. Are you wanting to stay in a hotel or do you want to rent a house for a week or two?”


Jamie looks at me while putting her sunglasses back on and says “Why, what do you have?”

“There is a house for rent that‘s in our price range and it's not too far from the beach. It’s also within walking distance from town. I can call and see if we can take a look at it.”

“Sure, sounds good. Give them a call and see what they say. We don’t know until we try.” Jamie said while walking over to throw away some trash.

An hour later we are driving up to the house and can’t believe what we see. This place is amazing. There are trees that line the long driveway up to cottage style house.

If we weren’t paying attention, we would have driven past it. You just don’t notice it. We get out and see that the owner is waiting for us on the porch.

We both look at each other and all we can say is, “Wow!” This guy is HOT. He is at least six feet tall with brown hair that’s long enough to get a nice handful. I can’t see what color his eyes are, but he definitely looks like he works out. He has nice broad shoulders and fills out that suit very nicely. He sounded a lot older on the phone, but he can’t be any older than his early thirties. Heading towards the house, we can’t contain the smile that is on our faces — and the smile that is on his face makes your toes curl. We reach the porch and he extends his hand.

“Hi, I’m Caleb. It’s nice to meet you.” Caleb extends his hand to us.

“Hello, I’m Amelia Martin and this is Jamie Livingston.” We both shake Caleb’s hand and I see Jamie tense a little when she takes his offered hand.


“Well, let me unlock the door so you ladies can look around and see if you’re interested,” Caleb says while unlocking the door so we can go in.

“I’m interested.” Jamie says as she walks past me to go further into the house. I turn a little to see if I heard her correctly.
Yep, I did
. She is eyeing Caleb like there is no tomorrow and I have a feeling I know where this is going to lead.

Walking further into the house is like a breath of fresh air. The open floor plan is amazing. The living room has a large brown leather couch with two wingback chairs.

A large flat screen TV on the opposite wall adds a nice touch. So far, this place has a nice homey feeling. As we go through the living room, there is a nice size kitchen with all stainless steel appliances, a breakfast nook in the corner, and sliding doors that open up to a fairly large deck. Walking outside, Caleb explains there is a private walk that goes down to the beach from the deck.
Well, that grabs our attention!
So far, we love the place. Walking back inside, we finish the tour after seeing all three bedrooms and four bathrooms. Jamie and I look at each other and we both laugh.

We head back into the living room, Caleb reviews the cost for a two-week stay and asks if we have any questions. Jamie and I excuse ourselves so we can discuss our options. We quickly decide this is exactly what we want.

Heading back inside, we let Caleb know we will take it. We take the keys and walk back out to the Jeep to grab our bags. Saying our goodbyes to Caleb, we thank him for the rental and he shakes our hands. He holds on to Jamie’s for a few seconds longer than normal. I grab a few of our bags, and then I realize I am the only one moving. Caleb and Jamie are still talking

and I notice she has a slight blush to her.

“Jamie! Are you going to help with the luggage or stand there talking all day?” Both Jamie and Caleb turn towards me laughing. Jamie grabs her bags and comes into the house. We already know which bedrooms we want, so we unpack and get settled in. An hour later we meet up in the kitchen to figure out what’s next.

“What’s with you and Caleb? Was he hitting on you?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact, he was. He seems really nice and I didn’t see a ring on his finger. We’re on vacation, so I figure why not,” Jamie says blushing a little, which is weird, because Jamie does not blush.

“Did he ask you out? Like you said,
we are here to have fun and relax, so go for it!”

“I am so glad you approve because he is taking us out this evening for dinner. He has a friend he wants to bring along as a date for you.” She says this as she is walking out of the room. She knows that I do not like blind dates.

We have been here all of two hours and already have dates for this evening. Jamie is a lot more confident than I am. She can just walk up to people and start conversations while I am a little more reserved.

Don’t get me wrong, I like to have fun, but I usually have to have a few drinks before I can just go up to people and start talking.
Well, this should be fun.

“Hey Jamie, where are we going
and are we meeting them there?”

“We are going to a restaurant down
by the beach,” Jamie says as she is skipping down the hall towards me. “Caleb said they would pick us up around seven.”

“Okay, so who is this guy tha
t I am supposed

to be meeting?”

“His name is Myles Parker and Caleb thought you guys would hit it off. That’s all he said, so you will have to wait until this evening to find out more.”

“Well, we have a few hours until then do you want to go for
a walk and see what’s around?”

“Yep, let
’s go,” Jamie says heading towards the door.

Chapter Three



Taking a different way home and almost getting lost, we finally make it back home with a couple of hours to spare. I decide to jump in the shower to freshen up before going on this blind date. Washing quickly so I can shave and buff, I start to trim my pubic hair. Then I decide, what the hell and shave myself bald. It actually feels rather nice being bare down there. 

After drying myself off and putting on a nice lingerie set, I dry my hair. Since my hair is very long and thick, it takes a long time to dry and I don’t have a minute to spare.

Finally deciding what to wear, I slip on a nice black dress. It hugs my body and shows off my curves and my favorite asset — my breasts.
Since I have them, I might as well show them off.
My breasts are the only thing that give me the slightest amount of confidence. Jamie doesn’t have that problem. She could walk around in a potato sack and look good.

Walking out of my room, I head towards the kitchen to grab a drink before Caleb and Myles get here. There have been some things I’ve wanted to talk to Jamie about, but seeing the way she is smiling, I don’t think tonight is going to be the night.

I love my job as a traveling nurse and the people I work with, but I have been feeling like something is missing in my life. Now I just need to find out what it is. I would love to find someone to settle down with. Who knows, I might find what I am looking for here in Galveston.

There was a lot of eye candy while we were out on our walk! You never know…it could happen tonight. I’m not expecting anything, but I do want to have some fun.

At seven on the dot, there is a knock at the door. Jamie goes to greet Caleb then he introduces her to Myles. Before I even get into the living room to meet Myles, I can tell this is going to get interesting. Just hearing his laugh makes me tingle — it’s a feeling I haven’t had in a long time and I haven’t even met the guy. Running my hands down the front of my dress to keep my nerves at bay, I gather what little strength I have left and walk into the living room.

“Amelia, it’s nice to see you again. I would like you to meet Myles. Myles this is Amelia,” Caleb says with a big smile on his face.

I walk over to greet Myles and offer my hand. Instead of shaking it, he brings it up to his mouth and kisses my hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Amelia.  You look lovely.” There’s no way in hell I can hide the blush that I feel on my face, heading down my neck. All I can do is stare. I look my fill, from his head to his toes and back again. He has beautiful brown eyes and dark brown hair. Jamie, bumping my elbow, is the only thing that gets my attention. I turn my head to see what she wants, still holding Myles’ hand, and all she does is laugh. Realizing that we still have not separated, I instantly drop his hand and look back at him.

He is just looking at me like he could eat me alive and right now I just might let him. Jamie and I step away to grab our purses and find them waiting patiently by the door for us to return.

“Ready,” I ask looking at Myles. Man, he is good looking. “Yes. Let’s go eat,” Myles says as he opened the door. He puts his hand on the small of my back and leads me to his car. Instantly, I feel heat. It takes over my body and when he removes his hand, I suddenly feel cold.

Like a true gentlemen, he opens my door and waits until I am comfortably seated before he shuts it and walks around to his side.

Thinking that Jamie and Caleb will be joining us, I am a little surprised when Myles starts the car. He must have noticed the look on my face because he asks; “We are taking separate cars to the restaurant, if that is okay with you?” With a weak smile, all I can do is nod.
I‘m not sure how I feel about being alone in a car with a man I had only just met.

Chapter Four



Making small talk on our way to the restaurant, we ask each other the normal first date questions. When I hear the sound of him turning off the car, I realize we’ve arrived at the restaurant.

“Just sit tight,” Myles says as he gets out of the car and makes his way around to my side and opens the door for me. He offers me a hand and helps me out of the car.

“Thank you.”

I notice his eyes are roaming up and down my body. He briefly stops at my breasts, lingering before he looks back up to my eyes. A slow smile spreads across his face when he realizes he was caught staring at me.


Caleb and Jamie head our way as Myles threads his fingers with mine to lead us to the restaurant. Hearing him gasp when he does it gets my attention.
Does he feel it too?
I have never had this reaction to a man, let alone someone I have only known for half an hour. I never even had this reaction to Steve.

Once inside, we are immediately seated at a romantic table for four with a Gulf view. We order our drinks and appetizers. Once the waitress returns with our drinks, we place the rest of our order and resume our conversation.

While taking a sip of my wine, I glance at Jamie just in time to see her look at me. She winks and smiles, then takes a drink of her wine. Jamie looks so confident sitting there. Her hair is perfect. Makeup…perfect. Dress…perfect. She looks hot. Judging by the way Caleb is watching her, I am sure he agrees.


Myles rubs his thigh against mine and captures my attention. He’s easy to talk to and we learn a lot about one another. He is not originally from Texas, but his family moved here when he was 15. Starting over in a large high school wasn’t very easy since he was from a small town in North Carolina. Growing up in IL, I tell him I’m all too familiar with small schools. He is an independent accountant, going where he is needed. Kind of like Jamie and myself.

When our food is brought to us, it doesn’t slow down any of the conversation. The more I learn about Myles, the more I like. Probably more than I should. He flirts in little ways throughout dinner, which makes my heart skip. He leans over and whispers in my ear how beautiful I look, brings my hand up to kiss it, or slides his hand under the table to rub my knee. Just the feel of his hand on my skin makes me heat up.
What is with me tonight?


All the while, Jamie is flirting with Caleb to no end and he is eating it up.

Jamie and I hardly acknowledge each other throughout dinner.

After we finish our entrees, we order coffee and dessert. To my surprise, Myles offers me a bite of cheesecake from his fork. Not being used to having someone feed me, this feels a little intimate. Once we make eye contact, it’s like I can see into his soul. He is looking at me like no one else has; it's almost like he can see the
me. I don’t want to break this spell, but I have to look away to break this hold he has on me.

Once Myles pays for dinner we walk back out to the car. His hand goes to the small of my back and instantly the heat is there again.

Once we are by the car, Jamie comes up and tells me that she and Caleb are going to go

lubbing and asks if we want to go. Glancing over to Myles for my answer, I turn back to Jamie and tell her that we will pass and will see her later. Jamie nods and says, “Okay, but don’t wait up!” All I can do is laugh as I turn to get into Myles’ car.

Once we are in the car, Myles reaches for my hand and says, “I would like to take you back to my place, but if you’re not comfortable with that we can go back to your house.”

“For some strange reason, I feel like I can trust you. We can go to your place.”

As he’s driving toward his house, I grow a little nervous. He must sense this because he says, “We don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with. I just want to spend some more time with you.”

I reach over to grab his hand. “That sounds nice,” and I’m instantly put at ease.

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