Read Disgrace Online

Authors: Dee Palmer

Disgrace (47 page)

BOOK: Disgrace
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“Mine.” His lips cover mine so gently I barely feel the softness, but it is so unbelievably intimate I feel stripped raw and naked. “You are mine, always.” One more tender kiss, and I am undone. “Tonight we make new memories, no more nightmares, only dreams come true.” He kisses my lips and holds me tight in his arms.

“Gay,” Leon snickers but shuts his mouth when Jason fires an evil glare at him. I snake my hand around his neck and tug him back to me. My smile is wide because I feel treasured, loved and above all, like the cat that got the fucking cream.

“Thank you.” I suck my bottom lip into my mouth and hold it back with my teeth, trying to temper my mix of excitement and nerves at this fantasy come true.

“I know you want your life back, beautiful, and I want to be the one to give it to you.” He nods over my head, and I hear the leather of the seat announce Will making to stand up. “And these arseholes want to help, too.” I can feel Will and Leon close in around me, but rather than feeling oppressive with their collective immense frames I feel closeted, protected and safe. “Think you are up to that?” Jason raises a brow as I bite back a wanton moan that is strangled at the back of my throat. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

He swallows and his eyes are on fire with desire so potent I tremble under the intensity. His hand is around my neck, and his lips crush mine in a display so possessive my heart swells. His tongue dives, urgent and demanding. He steals my breath; he already has my heart and soul. When he releases me, I sway but I’m steadied by hands, many hands, strong and firm, on my waist, my hips and threaded in my hair.

My eyes fix on Jason, and he holds my gaze like we are the only two people in the world, but I am acutely aware that is not the case. Will’s hands sweep up my back and down my sides, skimming my backside and slipping his fingers under the suspender straps of my belt, raking his nails lightly along my stocking tops at the back of my legs. Leon has one hand on my side, and the other drifts over the stiff boned corset, tentatively inching up to the swell of my breasts. He pauses when my breath hitches. I haven’t broken my gaze from Jason, and I watch him to check for any flash of jealously. He should see in my eyes he has no reason to feel anything but my love; however, I still haven’t told him, and he needs to know I really do. His eyes flick to Leon and then drop to Leon’s hand as he reaches over the top of my corset and strokes the round flesh of my breasts. Leon groans and steps a little closer. I can feel his rock-hard length on my thigh. Will follows Leon’s lead and pushes his erection against my arse.

I let out a stuttered breath and watch Jason’s smile creep wider across his handsome face.

“You okay, Beautiful?” I nod my response. Not surprised the power of speech has deserted me. He chuckles. “Good.” He reaches behind him and draws something out of his back pocket. He holds up the long black tie and I frown and pull back.

“Why?” I shake my head. I haven’t worn the blindfold since my ordeal.

“When you go to the dark place, I want you to feel us…to only feel us understand?” His voice is heavy with concern.

“Jason, I don’t think I can.” My voice waivers and the hands on my body that had been gently stroking hold still, firm and comforting.

“Trust me?” he asks, and I don’t hesitate.

“I do…I just—”

“Sam.” He swallows slowly, and his brows pinch together with worry. “I’m not sure I can risk you looking at one of these guys the way you look at me. I honestly think I’d lose it if—”

“Jason,” I interrupt and place my hand on his chest. I can feel his heart beating just as fiercely as my own. “Not possible.”

“Sam” His tone is a light reprimand but still a warning.

“Trust me?” I flip his own question.

“Damn it…of course. I still think—” He tries to argue but I interrupt and silence him.

“I love you.” I declare and hold his gaze, which is stunned.


“I love you.” I repeat with a shy smile.

“And this is where you choose to tell me?” he growls playfully.

“Apart from the erections digging into me, I kind of think it’s perfect. Perfect for us at least.” I wiggle my brows and fix my lips with a mischievous grin. He shakes his head lightly, and I relax, my hand stroking the space above his heart. “If you think I need the blindfold to forget, then I will wear it, but you need to know I could never look at another person the way I look at you, because I have never loved anyone the way I love you.”

“Gay…Ow!” Leon slaps his hand over mine as with lightning reflexes I now hold his prize possession in my vise grip.

“You want to play Leon, or do want the ball gag?” I narrow my eyes, and he motions to lock his lips and throw away the key. “Good.” I turn back to Jason.

“Very well, beautiful.” He drops the tie. “I think that’s enough talking, we have a much better use for that smart mouth of yours.” He pushes lightly on my shoulders, and I sink to my knees with no resistance and delicious anticipation making my mouth water. I stroke my hands up Jason and Leon’s legs, just to the edge of the bulge in the material in their jeans. Close enough to feel the heat but not get burned. I shift around and do the same to Leon and Will while turning my head and looking up to Jason’s lust-filled gaze.

“As this is a one-time thing, I am going to suggest we also make it a no regrets night. No waking up tomorrow saying I wished I’d…” Jason adds, his voice deep, gravelly and just holding on to his control by the look in his eyes.

“Agreed.” Leon and Will almost groan out together. Their enthusiasm makes me ache.

“No safe words, beautiful. Tonight is all about your pleasure…your fantasy, but if you want us to stop just say no…okay?” Jason touches my cheek lightly with his finger to get my attention, and I turn to face him.

“I won’t say no.” My tongue darts out to dry my parched lips, and I notice Jason’s eyes widen as Leon moans, and Will mutters something that sounded like ‘fuck yeah’. But Jason has cupped my head covering my ears and has dropped to his haunches. His lips cover mine, but he is smiling wide, which makes me smile, too. He stands abruptly and starts to unbuckle his belt. I kneel up, eager to assist. In my peripheral vision I can see Leon do the same, and I don’t doubt Will is either already naked or very closely behind the others. I tug Jason’s jeans, and they fall to the floor. He kicks them free, his feet bare once he toes off his shoes. No socks. I smile to myself…so keen. His heavy, solid cock is reaching for his taut, flat tummy, and I wrap my right hand tightly around his thick girth. My lips hover, and I flick my tongue over the tip. His breath catches and his thighs tense, but I turn my head to where Leon is slowly fisting himself. My left hand reaches for Will and starts to work him up and down, mirroring the action I am using on his brother. I flash a look at Jason just to check that what I am about to do is okay. He pushes his hips into my tight grip and gives a slight nod—good because I don’t want to stop—I am past that point. I know I am not going to say no, but there is no going back, not now.

I lick my tongue across the velvet tip of Leon’s thick cock and he hisses then curses out loud when I quickly take him in my mouth and swallow him down as deep as I can. He threads his hands in my hair and grips and holds, aiding my movement. I work my tongue up and around, swirling until I let him fall from my lips, replacing my lips with my hand.

I shuffle around as do the men so I now have Will’s beautiful cock poised on my bottom lip. My hands continue to work Jason and now Leon. I peek up through my lashes and can see three pairs of eyes gazing down with lust and adoration. Will throws his head back when I swallow him to the back of my throat, a deep groan rumbles from his chest and his hand is just as quick to guide me or keep me there. I can taste his excitement and I wonder if he would like to come down my throat as much as his brother always does. I pull back and barely draw breath when Jason is pushing his iron hard, extremely engorged cock between my lips. His hands wrap through and pull my hair, and he starts to fuck my face, the force and urgency an indication of his need to dominate this situation. I don’t mind. Hell, I have never been so turned on by his obvious need for me.

I swallow and choke; his thrusts are deep and demanding. It takes all my concentration to time my breathing just right. I have lost my rhythm with the others and I am gripping Jason’s thighs, my nails marking his skin. He is mine.

His thrusts become more urgent, and I am distracted enough that I jump and clench my jaw when I feel a hand dip between my legs. Jason curses out some garbled cry of momentary panic but barely breaks his stride. I don’t know who is now between my legs; it doesn’t matter. I was so engrossed in taking Jason deep and not choking that I had forgotten we had company.

“Holy shit, Sam!” Jason cries out but cups my jaw and strokes his thumb, his concern for me outweighing his near cock-ectomy.

“Sorry…just surprised that’s…ahhh…oh Jesus…” I drop my head to my chest as two fingers slide inside my wetness, scissoring and working in and out. I tip my hips and grind back against the delicious movement.

“We good?” Jason holds my chin and meets my eyes, his question reaching beyond the recent and new activities.

“So good.” I sigh. He makes the most of my lax jaw and slides his full length all the way back inside my mouth. I am just as eager to continue. Fingers are working inside me, hands are sweeping my body, pulling my breasts free and pinching my pert, aching nipples. I am so wet, the sounds fill the room, the aroma of lust and arousal permeates all of my senses, and I can feel my body start to climb.

“Jas, she’s gonna come?” Will’s voice is hoarse, but holds an unanswered question. “You sure you want that now?” I tense at the implication but relax when Jason responds.

“Don’t stop…don’t deny her. It won’t be the only time she comes tonight, and that’s a promise.” Jason groans and pushes until he hits the back of my throat. I take him and swallow, grabbing his balls and tugging just enough…just the way he likes to make him…

“Ah fuck!” He comes with such force I struggle to swallow, some of his essence spilling from my mouth, but the sounds he makes when he loses it like that are enough to set my own climax racing to follow his release. I buck and crumple back onto Will’s hand. Jason collapses onto his knees and draws in some deep, steadying breaths. My face is flushed with colour and alive with pleasure. I take a moment to come back down but barely hit the earth when Leon demands my attention.


“Our turn.” Leon coughs and holds his hand out for me to take. I bite my lip and draw in the last of Jason’s taste, savouring the salty flavour. Leon pulls me into his arms, and I feel Will at my back, arms embracing me, hands exploring my skin, and eyes devouring my body. Leon climbs onto the bed, I follow, and Will follows me. I look back to see Jason stand and pull the chair to the end of the bed, slap bang in the centre.

“You have the director’s chair, Jason…any special requests?” I ask as I pitch up on my elbows, my skin glistens and tingles. I am alive with deviant desires coursing through me like a wildfire. I can barely keep still.

“I like the sound of that.” He sits down, his cock still hard and getting harder. “All fours, beautiful, suck Will while Leon fucks you from behind. No arse, Leon…not yet.”

“The director’s cut is always overrated.” Leon moans, and I snicker, but quickly move into position. I notice Jason take himself in his hand and begin to languidly stroke up and down.

Fuck that looks hot.

I don’t get to look for long. Will strokes the side of my cheek with his cock to get my attention, his fingers under my chin tilting my face to meet his gaze. His smile is almost as breathtaking as his brother’s but it’s the sharp pull on my hips that makes me gasp. Leon drags my panties over my bottom and works them off my legs with a little assistance. Grabbing my arse cheeks firmly he fists the flesh and pulls me back, pushing his own steely hard cock against my entrance. With the slickness from my recent climax he eases himself inside, and I sigh with the pleasure of that first thrust.

Will doesn’t waste the invitation of my dropped jaw. His fingers move from my chin to my hair and he slides his long cock into my open mouth. I am so unbelievably turned on right now I can feel my body start to take over and begin its climb. I would be embarrassed at how easy I am, but right now, I don’t care; this is too good to think about anything else other than how fucking amazing it feels. Leon is setting a comfortable pace and doing this erotic little grind that has me wanting to squeal. Will groans when I try to make any sound. The vibrations in my throat dance along my tongue and around his shaft. He seems to like that. The thrusts in my mouth become a little more frantic, and I can feel Leon’s grip move from my arse cheeks to my hips for more leverage.

Will pulls himself free and helps me up as much as is possible with Leon still buried inside me. The heat our bodies create when flush together like this is borderline explosive, Will presses hard against my front, Leon still slowly working me from behind, hands gliding over my body leaving a blaze where they touch. Will threads his hand behind my neck and tilts my flushed face up to meet his. His lips curl and look so soft, so familiar I can’t help but lean in to close the gap. I close my eyes and relish the anticipation of that touch but there is nothing.

“Not a fucking chance.” Jason growls and is looming where Will was only a moment ago. I look to see Will sprawled on the bed with a wicked grin and a low laugh causing his chest to shudder. I turn back, a little breathless and a little confused. Jason soothes me with his tender touch; his hands cup my face, his lips cover mine, Oh, God, that kiss. Forget everything else, I would die if I ever lost this kiss. He pulls back, his eyes alive with fire and possession. “Mine,” he declares.

BOOK: Disgrace
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