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Authors: Dee Palmer

Disgrace (35 page)

BOOK: Disgrace
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“And you must be Sam.” His voice has the same deep timbre, but he has a soft hint of an American drawl.

“I’m so sorry, Will.” I rush again to apologise. His once white shit now resembles a strawberry coloured Rorschach test as the cocktail I deposited seeps across the fibres. My face heats uncomfortably, and I turn to deflect my embarrassment.

“Why didn’t you tell me your brother was here?” I narrow my eyes.

“What, and miss this?” Jason snickers but backs away with his hands up in surrender. “Hey, hey stand down soldier. I didn’t know. I swear.” He grins and chuckles. “I’m not saying I would’ve told you if I’d thought for a moment I would get this kind of floor show, but I honestly didn’t know.” He pulls me into his own bear hug defusing any rising anger. I’m not angry; I’m just dying of embarrassment. Jason whispers, “I fucking love it when you go all possessive of me, beautiful.” He kisses my hair, and I peek up through my lashes to see his brilliant, heart-stopping smile.

“Not sure your brother would share your view.” I shake my head against his chest, still feeling shamefaced but also a little better.

“Oh, I think my brother would love to
my view.” I snap my head up. His eyes darken, my mouth is instantly dry, and my core is immediately soaked. Jason chuckles at my wide eyes and hitched breath. He wiggles his brow mischievously and grabs my hand to lead me to the now vacant seat next to his brother.

“Will, I am really sorry I thought—” Will lets out a dirty laugh, interrupting me.

“I can imagine what you thought, but from what Jason tells me, there is zero chance of him playing away, darling.” He winks and does this non-verbal code thing with Jason. A series of subtle—well, not so subtle—facial ticks and grins. We take our fresh drinks over to a corner booth and sit, Jason on one side with his arm proprietarily over my shoulder, Will on my other side, his legs stretched so wide one thigh is touching mine. He has also discarded his shirt and is just as gloriously toned as Jason. I can’t help but wonder if the mirror image is reflective all the way down. I take a sip of my drink, which does nothing to wet my parched throat; I doubt any liquid will. He is just as charming as his brother, and I am a little mesmerised.

“Is that okay with you, beautiful?” Jason’s warm breath brushes my neck, and I shiver, but I have no idea what he asked. I actually have no idea what conversation has passed between him and his brother in the half hour we have been sitting here. Christ, it’s like I’ve never sat between two attractive men before. I shake myself.

“Sorry, what was that?” I look up into Jason’s smiling eyes.

“All right, beautiful, I think it’s time I got you home. I think you’ve had enough excitement for one day, don’t you?” His knowing tone makes my face flush and my legs clench. I’m shameless. Jason chuckles and taps my nose. “Will is going to be here
week, Sam, but you have an important day tomorrow, yes?”

“Oh, yes.” I let out a breath I didn’t realise I was holding, and shake my head. What the fuck has gotten into me? I can feel my face burn a little brighter. Jeeze could I be any more obvious? “You’re right, I do.” I push against Jason, moving us closer to the edge of the booth seat and nearer to my escape before I make more of an exhibition of my wantonness than I already have. Jason holds one hand but I offer the other awkwardly to Will when I say goodbye. He grabs it and pulls sharply. I slap my hand on his chest to stop me from head-butting him on the chin. He tips my chin up just like his brother does, and I swallow thickly. His smiles spreads like warm honey lighting his face as his eyes darken. I’ve seen those eyes; I know that look. I fight to hold in the whimper that is just itching to make itself known. He plants a tender kiss on my cheek and helps me to steady myself.

“It’s really nice to meet you, Will, and again, I’m really sorry for earlier.”

“Oh, I’m sure you’ll make it up to me.” He grins.

“Maybe.” Jason’s warning tone surprises me, given all the overt flirting that has been flying unchecked from all directions this evening.

“Your call, brother.” Will shrugs; his smile is affable and wide.

“No, it’s
call.” Jason chuckles as my whole body gives a full-on involuntary shudder.

“What’s with the ice pack on your pussy or is Jason really that hot?” Leon laughs out.

“Please don’t call it that; you know I hate that word.” I scrunch my nose up with distaste. Another throwback piece of baggage I have repugnant Richard to thank for. I get an actual taste of vomit in my mouth thinking about the vile way he would repeatedly insult me with that word. Leon rolls his eyes. He knows I hate it, but I doubt he’ll pander to my sensitivity. He is happy to try and desensitise me with its use. It’s just a word.

“What would you prefer? Foof, nuun, hooha, mini, whim wam or my personal favourite c—”

“Fine!” I screech my interruption. “Fine, pussy is fine.” I bite my lips together at his shit-eating grin.

“Yes it is, mighty fine.” He waggles his brows, his playful grin reaching far and wide, making me laugh. I wince at the sudden muscle movement and carefully move the pack as the ice has started to warm. I really need the numbing qualities of the freezing temperature.

“I treated myself to a full Hollywood wax yesterday but failed to adhere to the golden rule, maybe I am a masochist after all.” I pout.

“Nah, your pussy is too much of a pussy for pain if you’re nursing like that after a simple beauty treatment and a little heavy pounding from lover boy.” He chuckles at my scowl.

“Simple? There is nothing simple about…never mind.” I shake my head at the futility of explaining pain thresholds to a masochist.

He arches his brow and continues to snicker. “It’s no different for a back, sack and crack, babe. No pain no gain.” He waves off my discomfort. “You want a drink to aid the numbing?”

“It’s a little early.” I glance at my watch. It’s mid-morning on a weekday but looking at Leon he looks like it might be hair of the dog time. “Late night or early morning?” I inquire.

“Week off.” He flashes a wolfish smile.

I nod. I’m sure he must have told me but my head has been a little distracted.

“Ah, so hair of the dog then.” He grins and pours himself a shot of whiskey in his espresso. “I’ll have a camomile tea, though. It might help calm me.” He pours some boiling water into a cup and fishes out a bag from one of the many jars lining the back wall of the kitchen. He saunters over and carefully slides to sit next to me.

“I’m sure your
will recover, no need to get antsy.” I take the cup with one hand and nudge him lightly with my shoulder. “Not that idiot. I find out today if I will be gainfully employed as junior solicitor at the Mission.” I beam.

He slides his arm around my shoulder and pulls me in for a side hug. “You definitely don’t need to be worried about that babe. They would be crazy not to bite your arm off, and if they don’t I know my firm would snap you up.”

“Thanks, but I really want to work somewhere that makes a difference.”

“Hey, we do pro bono. It’s not all fat cats and criminals.” He scowls but his words hold no animosity.

“No, I know, honey, I didn’t mean anything by that…It’s just…This place is important to Jason, too. He told me about it on our first date, so it is just a little special that’s all.” I give a light shrug, and he squeezes my shoulder.

“Ah, my baby girl’s fallen in love.” He lightly teases, but his eyes are soft, his voice is full of happiness. I have no smart remark just an incredibly warm feeling radiating from my chest, consuming me from the inside out. “I’m happy for you, babe.” He kisses me roughly on my head and we both let out sap-filled sighs. “So tell…why did you wax yesterday, when the probability of you not doing a round or two with marathon man was always going to be nil.”

“It was our four-month anniversary.” I smile sheepishly.

“And nothing says happy anniversary like a nice, bald pussy,” Leon teases and knocks is liquor laced espresso back in one hit. I snort and nearly spill my own hot drink in my lap.

“Not exactly. I’m hardly pin-up for the nineteen seventies down there as it is. I just wanted to try hair free for our first rope session.” Leon’s smile widens. One hand has slipped down the front of his pants and he shifts his very obvious semihard cock around, a slow massage in the ample room of his loose fitted trousers. “You think you could maybe not masturbate while you are sitting right beside me.” I huff.

“I’m not.” He sounds affronted but his wicked grin is hardly serious. “Not yet,”—he draws in a slow breath holding the pregnant pause—“but please do go on.” His tone drops from higher pitched insulted to low and deviant. I lift the ice pack and dump it hard in his lap. He sits bolt upright, throwing the pack down where it skids across the floor. “Fuck, Sam! I was kidding! Did the waxing rip out your sense of humour, too?” he grumbles, rubbing his injured pride and joy.

“My foof is raw. I’m a nervous wreck about my interview, and my best friend is jacking off at my discomfort. Tell me which bit of that is funny,” I snap, and he has the decency to look a little contrite. He drapes his long arm once more over my shoulders and pulls me more against his chest. He plants a heavy, apologetic kiss on my hair.

“I’m sorry, babe.” I relax into his hold. I didn’t realise how much tension I was holding until I let it go. “Four months and an evening of Shibari,” he muses. “Why it’s almost like you’ve skipped the awkward dating phase and gone straight to white picket fence.” He places his hand on his heart, sighs heavily and bats his long lashes. His light mocking tone makes me smile even as his reference to a happy ending makes my chest ache. These four months have been, without exception, the best of my life.

“So tell me about the ropes. Was playing Tarzan all you hoped?” He winks and I sit back up and shuffle to face him.

“It was more…Oh, God, it was…I cried.” My voice holds a fraction of the wonder I felt yesterday, but he smiles with understanding.

“He hurt you?” His shock is misplaced.

“God no, not at all. But, after, I mean…the aftercare, I just burst out crying. I couldn’t hold it in. I didn’t want to. It felt—” I look to the heavens for inspiration to put words in my head fitting enough to describe the indescribable.

“Cathartic?” he offers with a warm smile.

“Yes.” I grin as the word I had been struggling to articulate fits so perfectly. “Exactly that. I’ve never felt anything like it.” I exhale a deep satisfying breath as a flood of memories wash like a warm wave of pleasure across my mind.

“It’s addictive.” His tone is a light warning.

“I can imagine.” I exhale still holding on to the memory.

“No, seriously, it’s addictive. You think I feel any different when we play?” He raises a good point I hadn’t considered.

“I didn’t think about it. I mean I know I’ve elicited tears before, from clients, but I assumed that was from the pain aspect.” I chew my bottom lip as I mull over these thoughts.

“It can be but if their experience is anything like mine, it’s from the pleasure…the release and yes, you are really
good.” He shakes his head dismissively like I am an idiot for not comprehending this before now. “Surely you must’ve known this?”

“How would I?” My tone is a little defensive. “I’ve fucked other guys, but not many, and there was rarely any kink involved. Even my session with Daniel was more about understanding the Dom/sub role in a play situation. I have just never been brought to that level of…hmm…” I let out a huge sigh.

“Subspace.” He grins.

“Yeah, that. I’ve obviously seen it but never felt it. It’s nice.” My smile is wide at my own understatement. He lets out a laugh and rolls his eyes. “Oh, I’ll tell you what else is nice…Jason’s identical twin. I met him last night.” I wriggle my brows, and he sits to attention.

“Really?” Leon drawls and raises an inquiring brow, silently waiting for me to elaborate.

“Identical.” I repeat and fan myself. His laugh is deep and throaty. I tell Leon about the brief encounter, the misunderstanding, the drinks and the secret codes.

“You think all that nodding and winking was some sort of tag team code for twins?” he asks.

“It wasn’t so much nodding and winking. It was more subtle and much more intense. The sexual tension between us was like a physical thing sitting at the table. It might as well have been a fourth person it was so obvious.”

“If you are accepting applications for a fourth person, baby girl, you better include me in the tag team of a lifetime.” He fixes me with a stare that is perfect mix of playful and absolutely serious.

I cough and splutter, my tea spraying far and wide. “Leon, it’s a fantasy!” I gasp and shake my head as the delicious images of such a fantasy bombard me. “I just got a little carried away last night. I think I was still high on endorphins from the rope play. It’s just a fantasy…and fantasy is very different from reality.”

“Not for people like us, baby girl.” He winks.

“People like us?”

“Card carrying members of the Club.” He waggles his brow conspiratorially. My phone buzzes in my back pocket interrupting my full on chuckle. “A fair point.” My smile fades when I get a message flash up from a number I don’t recognise. I swipe the screen to reveal the full text.

BOOK: Disgrace
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