Discovering Sophie (32 page)

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Authors: Cindy Roland Anderson

BOOK: Discovering Sophie
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Tempted to throw his phone out in frustration, he put it back in the glove box. Then Jack noticed Sophie’s iPhone. It would most certainly have Camille’s number programmed in it. Powering up the device, he felt relief she didn’t have a passcode and that her battery was almost fully charged.

Scrolling through her recent calls, he noted Peter Elliot’s name. Camille’s number was listed right above. Impatiently, Jack waited until the bars appeared, indicating he had cell phone service. Jack quickly scrolled through the list again and tapped on Camille’s name.

“Sophie! Are you back yet?” a man asked before Jack could say a word. It must be Camille’s husband.

“Uh, no. Could I please talk to Camille?”

Who is this?” an angry male voice demanded.

“Who are you?” Jack snapped. He didn’t have the patience to deal with a suspicious or jealous husband.

“I asked first, and why are you using my fiancée’s phone?”

” Jack rubbed his head. “I obviously have the wrong number.”

“This is Peter Elliot, and I want to know where Sophie is!”

. He had pushed the wrong number. But why was the guy referring to Sophie as his fiancée?

“Look, Mr. Elliot, this is Jack Mathison, and I didn’t mean to call you—”

The man cut him off before he could end the call. “Mathison? Aren’t you the guy Sophie hired to help find her father?”

“Yeah, and I’m sorry to bother you, but I really need to talk to Camille.”

“I want to talk to Sophie this instant.”

Jack ground his teeth together. “Mr. Elliot, Sophie is sick, and I need to talk to Camille immediately. I don’t have time to explain anymore right now.”

“That is unacceptable. I want answers immediately!”

“Sorry, but I can’t talk right now. I’m hanging up.”

Jack pushed end, cutting off a very angry Peter Elliot. Finding Camille’s number, Jack was careful and made sure to press the correct line. Almost as soon as it started to ring, an annoying beep cut in. Jack took a quick glance at the screen to see Elliot was trying to call him back. Not that he blamed him, but Jack couldn’t deal with him until he had Sophie’s medical records. He pushed the ignore button and prayed Camille would answer.

“Sophie!” a woman squealed in delight. “I’m so glad you called—”

“Hey, Camille, this is Jack. My phone is dead so I’m using…look, Sophie is really sick, and I need your help.”

“Oh no. How can I help?”

Jack explained the chain of events leading up until Sophie boarded the helicopter. “The doctor here needs her medical records. Do you think you can get those?”

“I’ll get right on it,” Camille said. “As soon as I have the information, should I call you back on Sophie’s phone?”

“Yeah.” The annoying beep started again. Jack pushed ignore, wishing Elliot would just go away.

“Do you need to get that?” Camille asked.

“No,” Jack said. “I accidentally called Elliot first, and now he won’t leave me alone.”

“Elliot? As in Peter Elliot?”

“Yeah. I guess you know him.”

“I know him all right.” Camille sighed. “I can’t believe you called him. He’ll be beside himself with worry.”

“I didn’t mean to call him!” Jack blew out a big breath. “I said I couldn’t talk to him now, but he obviously didn’t believe me.”

“One thing you should know about Peter is that he doesn’t give up.”

Jack snorted. “I kind of got that. The idiot kept referring to Sophie as his fiancée.”

“He bought her a ring. So in his mind, Sophie is his fiancée.”

Jack glowered and held onto the dash with one hand as Hector took a sharp corner. The beeping started up again. “He obviously has a hard time with people telling him no.”

Camille snickered. “Yep, that’s Peter.”

The beeping ended without Jack pushing the ignore button. “So you’ll get her medical records?”

“Yes. Sophie and I go to the same doctor, and I’m sure she’ll help me get her records.”

Jack leaned his head back against the seat of the Jeep. “Thank you. I’ll text you as soon as I get to the hospital.”

“Okay—” Camille’s voice cut out. Then she said, “Crap, Peter’s trying to call me now. I guess I better answer it.”

“Good luck.”

“Thanks.” She cleared her throat. “Out of curiosity, why does it bug you that Peter refers to Sophie as his fiancée?”

“Because,” Jack said in a tight voice. “I’m the one who is going to marry her.”

A loud, girly-squeal pierced Jack’s ear, making him smile. “I knew it!” Camille said with a triumphant laugh. “Please tell me Sophie fell in love with you too.”

Jack let out a slow breath. “Believe it or not, she did.”

Camille squealed again. “This is so great. I need to talk to Peter, and then I’ll get started on the medical records. Talk to you later!”

“Thanks,” Jack said before he ended the call.

,” Hector said.

Jack cast him a sidelong look. “For what?”

“You’re getting married.”

Yeah, he’d actually announced that out loud. As unprepared and as unworthy as he felt, he’d meant every word.

“She still has to say yes.” Jack pictured Sophie the last time he’d seen her—pale and lifeless. “But first she needs to get better.”

The urgency to see her again made his gut clench.

Please, God, just let her be okay

* * *

Leaning over with his head in his hands, Jack sat in the hard plastic chair and waited for word from Dr. Webster. He was tempted to look at his watch again, but guessed only five minutes had passed since the last time he’d checked the time.

Although Jack had been at the hospital for nearly two hours, all he knew was Dr. Webster’s diagnosis had been correct. The update on whether or not Sophie needed a platelet transfusion would be determined by the lab results. In the mean time, Sophie was being treated with IV therapy, and Jack wasn’t allowed to see her yet.

Sophie’s phone alerted him of an incoming text. He sat back and looked at the screen and saw it was from Camille. Tyson’s sister was as funny as her brother. Since Jack had been forbidden visiting rights, Camille had been encouraging him to break the rules and sneak in to see Sophie. Her latest idea was to pose as a doctor.

Despite the severity of the situation, Camille’s message made him smile. He would need a shower, a change of clothes and probably need to shave before passing as a doctor. Hector had gone home to see his family, but had promised to return to the hospital with Jack’s razor and a change of clothes for him. He made a quick reply, telling Camille that he’d just spent the past two weeks in the jungle and that that was exactly what he looked like.

Jack liked Camille, mainly because she liked
better than Peter. It was nice having someone on his side, especially since Peter was supposedly coming to Costa Rica to rescue Sophie and take her home to Colorado.

Another text came in, asking about an update on Sophie. Jack quickly typed in that he was still waiting and would let her know something as soon as he could. Then he asked about an update on Peter.

Peter hasn’t left Colorado yet. Don’t get too excited. He’s still trying to make arrangements, and is probably leaving within the next 24 hours. Do you think you and Sophie could elope by then? They have hospital chaplains there, right?

Jack couldn’t help laughing at Camille’s message. At least she’d provided comic relief for him over the past two hours. Plus, she’d managed to get Sophie’s medical history to Dr. Webster in record time. She would definitely be a good ally in the war for Sophie’s affection.

Slipping the phone back in his pocket, Jack stood up and stretched. He couldn’t sit any longer and was determined to hunt down someone to give him a report. Just as he was about to start his campaign to track down Mark, the doctor’s wife Jane came into view.





Chapter Twenty-Five


rushed to meet her. “How is she? Can I see her?”

Jane took his hand and patted it gently. “She’s actually doing a lot better. Mark is holding off on the blood transfusion for now.” She dropped his hand. “And yes, you can see her.”


 “Yes.” She smiled. “I know how anxious you must be.”

“You have no idea.” Jack let out a shaky laugh. “Is she awake yet?”

“She’s still sleeping.” Jane winked at him. “But she’s mumbled your name more than once.”

“That’s good, right?”

“I don’t know,” she said wryly. “Did you want her to ask for anyone else?”

Jack thought about Peter and scowled. “No.”

“That’s what I thought.”

Jack trailed alongside Jane through a brightly lit hallway to the ICU. They passed by a busy nurses’ station where several of the healthcare workers were talking on telephones in such rapid Spanish even Jack had a hard time following.

As they approached Sophie’s room, Jack heard machines beeping steadily, making him realize how serious the situation was.

Jane paused outside the door, and placed her hand on Jack’s arm. “Don’t be alarmed by all of the equipment. Most of the monitoring is standard for the ICU.”

“Okay.” He nodded his head, more than ready to see Sophie.

Jane crossed the threshold, and Jack followed right behind her. He felt his breath catch at the sight before him. Sophie looked so fragile lying in the hospital bed, her skin so pale in comparison to the deep blue hospital gown she was wearing.

A nasal cannula provided oxygen, and Jane pointed out the machine that flashed the percentage of Sophie’s oxygen saturation. The other numbers on the screen monitored her respiratory rate and heart rate. The IV tubing was connected to an electronic pump that delivered an intermittent drop of fluid every few seconds.

Jack sat down next to Sophie’s bed, his eyes scanning over her again just to make sure she was really okay. He stretched out his hand, wanting to stroke her face, but pulled back. Would touching her be okay?

Jane stepped up beside him. “You can talk to her quietly, and I think it would be all right if you held her hand.”

“Okay. Thanks.” Taking Sophie’s small hand in his, he gently circled his thumb across her palm, basking in the warmth of her skin. She no longer felt cold and clammy.

“Hey, Sophie. I’m here with you. Mark and Jane are taking good care of you. You’re going to get better now, baby.” His voice broke. “I promise.”

Sophie’s hand twitched faintly, and the beeping sound from the heart monitor sped up slightly. The reassuring sound of her vital signs responding to his touch buoyed him up. “Camille said to tell you hi. She’s funny and has been trying to give me ideas about how to sneak in to see you.”

Jack felt it was wise not to mention anything about Peter. Instead, he told her all about Hector’s family, especially his wife who was eager to meet her.

Too soon, Jane placed a hand on his shoulder. “Jack, I promised the nurses we’d keep your visit short.”

Reluctantly, he let go of Sophie’s hand and leaned over to brush a kiss across her forehead. “I’ll be back, love,” he whispered softly.

* * *

A sore muscle in Jack’s neck prevented him from sleeping very soundly—that and the nurse who kept coming in every hour to check on Sophie. He adjusted his body, trying to find a more comfortable position in the small recliner that was positioned next to Sophie’s bed. The chair groaned in protest, and Jack was afraid it would disturb Sophie. He watched her carefully, and tried not to worry when she didn’t make the tiniest indication she’d heard anything.

Although she had only roused briefly over the past forty-eight hours, her prognosis was good. Mark assured Jack her deep sleep provided her body time to heal. After her blood work had showed an improvement in her platelet count, Mark had changed her medical status from critical to serious, but stable. She’d been moved out of ICU, and Jack had been allowed to stay in her room.

Jack shifted in the chair again and thought about getting up and returning to the hotel to take a quick shower. He glanced toward the window and saw the first fingers of dawn lighting the darkened sky. If he hurried, he could go and be back within a half an hour. But in that thirty minutes, Peter might show up.

His eyes moved to the clock on the wall, and he mentally calculated the time. Peter had left Colorado nine hours ago. Depending on layovers, he could show up any minute, and Jack wanted to be here when he did.

Not wanting to risk missing his arrival, Jack leaned back and closed his eyes. Just as he felt himself start to relax, he heard a male voice using horrible Spanish, demanding to see Sophie.

. Peter Elliot had just arrived.

Before Peter could barge into the room, Jack got up and quickly crossed the floor. Making his way out to the nurses’ station, Jack paused to study the frustrated American. Dressed in gray dress pants, a white button-down shirt and conservative tie, Peter stood toe to toe with Yolanda—the grumpy nurse who liked to protect her patients. Jack had just barely gotten the heavy set nurse to warm up to him.

Watching Peter struggle with the language, Jack took a moment to size up the competition. He came to the conclusion he was at least an inch taller and broader in the shoulders than the well dressed, dark-haired attorney. But Peter had come armed with something Jack couldn’t even hope to compete with. Family. Or at least pictures of family.

Yolanda lost her grouchy look as Peter held up the large poster board covered with pictures of what Jack assumed was Peter’s family. There were messages written on every inch of white space. Peter pointed to several of the pictures and tried explaining in Spanish they were Sophie’s family.

Jack’s gut tightened with jealousy at the one thing he could never give Sophie. Even if he did make amends with his brother and parents, it would never amount to this large family.

Yolanda, who spoke both English and Spanish, grinned and said in a perfect American accent, “Such a lovely family. The
will be pleased when she awakes.”

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