Read Dirty Secrets Online

Authors: Lonaire Drummond

Dirty Secrets (6 page)

BOOK: Dirty Secrets
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Adele had never been one to watch, but the shock of Ambrogio’s tongue suckling on her propelled her body upward.  Relentless,  Ambrogio alternated between slow licks, grazing her clit with his teeth.

A scream, ripped from the bottom of her belly, tore through her as she rode her orgasm out on his tongue.  Just when Adele thought she would die from the pleasure, he let her clit go.  He reached for her abandoned glass, scavenged an ice cube from it and placed it into his mouth. 

With a smile, he hooked his arms around her thighs and went back to work.  His frosted tongue lapped at Adele’s bud, lifting her off of the table.  She grasped his hair and rode out her first orgasm. 

“More, please.”  She pushed his face deeper into her sex. 

He answered by blowing on her clit, making it plump up even more with desire.  With the aid of another ice cube, Ambrogio spread her legs and proceeded to fuck her tunnel with his cold tongue.  Adele’s limbs went numb.

The only thing securing her to this earth was Ambrogio holding her hand while she came down from another orgasm. 

“Are you alright?” he asked.

“Are we going to fuck now?”

Her legs were still splayed open on the countertop.  He kissed her hand, closed her legs and helped her sit up.

“Animals fuck.  When I make love to you, I will say the words.  You will know it’s coming.” He helped her down from the kitchen counter.

“Oh.”  Adele was disappointed.  

“I have found the one way to stop your incessant chattering.” 

“Very funny.”  Adele laughed too, but mostly out of embarrassment.

“I like it when you laugh.  It should happen more often.”  Ambrogio moved a sweat-drenched strand of hair out of her face.

“So, what now?”

“Let me walk you back to your cottage,” he said

“No, I’m fine.”  She needed to be out of his line of sight.  He had short circuited her neurons. 

“I insist.”  Ambrogio took her hand and linked it with his.  At her cottage, they kissed again, although it lacked the intensity of their kisses before, the touch of his lips against hers weakened her resolve. 

Once she was safely behind her cottage doors, she asked herself, “What did I just do?” 

Chapter 11

Too wired to sleep, Adele lay in bed trying to process what just happened with Ambrogio.  Every time she thought of his head between her legs, she felt his phantom licks against her.  The sex pangs had Adele hornier than she has ever been in her entire life. 

Ambrogio had dangled his penis in front of her, just out of reach.  She was still amazed at just how much she wanted to mount him.
Besides fleeting romances with her battery operated boyfriend, she never saw much action down under.  Alleging abandonment, her vagina had packed up and left without a forwarding address--until tonight.

She gave up on sleep and dialed her friend’s number instead, hoping to post bail on her Robynne-less prison sentence.  Three failed attempts prompted Adele to change her tactics.  This time, Adele left a message she was sure Robynne would respond to.

“I just had a one night stand.”  Adele counted to herself, stopped at the number three, and before she could put her phone down, it rang.

“You popped your one night stand cherry?” Robynne asked.

“So, you’re not mad at me anymore?”

“I’m still mad, but I’m sending my anger on sabbatical so I can get the scoop.  Spill it,” Robynne said.

“Technically, it wasn’t a one night stand.” 

“I knew you concocted this fictional fly-by-night fuck to get me to call you.  The girl who cried one night stand.  I can’t believe you would stoop so low.  I’m hanging up,” Robynne said.

“He went down on me…does that count?”

“I’m listening,” Robynne said.

“It was amazing.” 

“It’s about time.  The sex gods owed you one.  Remember the guy who almost gave you a hysterectomy with his stubble a few years ago?” Robynne said.

“Don’t remind me.  I couldn’t sit straight for days.  This guy is arrogant, demanding, a little rude, but the “I’m Italian” thing, and his GQ model looks make up for it,” Adele said.

“He’s Italian?  You went from batting zero to the major leagues in a matter of hours,” Robynne said.

“What’s with the baseball reference?” Adele knew Robynne hated sports.

“CT took me to a Yankee’s game,” Robynne said.

“You willingly went to a sport event.  You must really be in love.”

‘I am.”

  Adele was happy for her friend.  Robynne’s divorce last year from “The Deadbeat” left her emotionally unavailable and off the market until she met CT at Corentini. 

“So, when are you going to see him again?”

“I’m not.  He’s way too intense for me,” Adele said.

“Getting some tongue play is great, but it’s kind of like going to the movies and leaving after the previews.  You need to get your monies worth.”

“Logically where can this quasi relationship go?  I’m only here for five more days.  I don’t even know where he lives,” Adele said.

“Stop trying to plan everything.  Have some fun.  You’re entitled to it.”

“I guess,” Adele said.

“What’s his name?”

“Ambrogio Argentero.”

“Did you Google him?”

“No computers or TV’s here,” Adele said.

“Don’t worry, Robynne is on the job.”

“Thanks Robynne.  I’m sorry about this St. Lucia thing.”

“Save your apologies.  Let me borrow your black Prada heels.”


The talk with Robynne made Adele feel better.  She would take her advice and just have fun, but at this very moment, Adele needed to take a cold shower.  She washed her herself under the stars, wondering if she could take the open-air shower home with her.  Invigorated, restored and sexy, she decided to let Ambrogio catch her. 

The next morning a more confident Adele emerged from her room in a Tangerine- colored maxi dress.  It made her glow under the sunlight.  She inhaled the fresh sea-side air and prayed she had enough guts to follow through with her plan. 

The white string bikini she bought in the hotel boutique left little to the imagination.  Glad her daily 4:45 a.m. workouts were about to pay off, Adele opted to avoid a belly-bloating breakfast, and sought out to cast her net instead, the earlier the better.  There was no answer at Ambrogio’s, so she walked over to Felicità’s cottage where her intended victim, Ambrogio, answered the door looking edible.

Buon Giorno
, Adele.”  Ambrogio kissed both of Adele’s cheeks.

“I wanted to see if you and Felicità wanted to accompany me to the Anse Chastnet Beach,” Adele asked.

“The black-sand beaches?  I don’t think my grandmother is feeling up to it.”

Adele fixed her mouth to object when Felicità pulled the door open.
“Ci piacerebbe andare la spiagga con te

She wore an ankle length, black and red sun dress.  She was a fit woman.  Her skin still had its elasticity despite her age.  The dress exposed her toned arms and a healthy portion of her décolletage.  Felcità could bring about the envy of women half her age.  Her bouts of forgetfulness were the only indication of her advanced years.

Nonna, non penso che andare la spiaggia sia un buon idea
,” Ambrogio said.   

Smetti trattarmi come una bambina.  Ho settantuno anni, posso rendere le mie decisioni
,” Felicità said.  

Sono spiacente, nonna
,” Ambrogio said.

Adele found his behavior a bit strange, but she chalked it up to a worried grandson trying to protect his grandmother.  She was happy to have witnessed Ambrogio’s verbal spanking.  At seventy-one, she had earned the right to make her own decisions, even though Adele didn’t think she looked a day over forty-five.  Adele took Felicità’s arm and guided her down the pathway towards guest services with Ambrogio, and Marissa, Felicita’s nurse in tow. 

I ordered some snacks for our little trip,” Adele said. 

She hoped her happiness would be infectious, but it did little to change Ambrogio’s mood. 

Adele arranged for Yanice to pick them up.  Felicità insisted on sitting in the front seat next to Yanice, leaving Ambrogio, Adele and the nurse in the back of the cab.  Ambrogio barely said two words to Adele since she greeted him in Felicità’s cottage earlier.

He spent a majority of the car ride either on the phone talking business or staring out the window.  Adele took the opportunity to bathe in his appearance, letting it wash over her.  On one of her many trips down his body, she noticed he had a tattoo of a strange flower on his ankle.  She leaned in for a better look only for Ambrogio to catch her ogling him. 

“I see you took my advice,” Yanice said. 

“Yes, I’m trying to have fun, but some people are making it very hard,” Adele said. 

“You’ve already won the battle.”  Yanice laughed. 

Ambrogio sent Adele several sideways glances when he wasn’t burning a hole in Yanice’s head, his heated stares a sure sign of his jealousy.   

“I want to win the war.”  Adele made sure to look Ambrogio in the eyes. 

“Baby steps, Adele,” Yanice said.  

Most people took water taxis to the Anse beach, but Yanice promised he could get them there safely, using the unpaved side roads.  It was like driving through a confidence course filled with huge rocks, pot holes and other roadside hazards.  Adele began to realize why tourists opted for the worry free travel a water taxi provided. 

The slow hobble to the beach continued to everyone’s chagrin except Felicità’s.  She yelped with joy when Yanice
a hairpin turn.  Felicità raised her hands in the air when they bounced over potholes and other obstacles. 

In Adele’s mind, this adventure was well worth the harrowing ride.  The zebra-colored sand tickled Adele’s toes, tiny beads warming her feet with every step.  Palm trees welcomed them as the group gathered their belongings.

“The sand has quartz in it,”  Yanice said, unloading the car.

A brilliant diamond high in the sky, the sun shined unapologetically.  The lush rainforest served as living bookends on either side of the beach.  Thick long Cousin It umbrellas made from strands of grass served as shade over a set of lounge chairs. 
After a visit to the changing room, Felicità and her nurse settled on one set of loungers, and Ambrogio and Adele settled under another.  She looked back to find a distracted Felicità engrossed in a book.  Adele thought now was a good time to unleash her seduction plan on Ambrogio. 

She did a slow strip-tease out of her sun dress, making sure to bend over directly in Ambrogio’s line of sight.  To her delight, she heard him clear his throat.  She maintained the right combination of muscle tone and curves, which at the moment, were offset by a white bikini.  Adele knew what she brought to the table. 

“Can you help me put sunscreen on my back?”  She laid stomach first on the lounger and waited for him to take the lotion she offered. 

“Of course.” He gave her a curt nod.

She stifled a moan when his warm hands lathered lotion on her back.  Despite the warmth in the air, his touch left goosebumps on her skin.

Che bel tempo oggi
,” Felicità said, her nose still in her book, a pair of chunky sunglasses obstructing her face. 

Facciamo una passiegiata sulla spiaggia
.”  Adele hoped Felicita wouldn’t tag along on her seduction walk. 

“Andate.  Voglio rimanere sotto quest’ombrello e lontano dal sole.” 
Felicità held up her sunglasses and winked in Adele’s direction. 

Adele couldn’t believe her luck.  She wondered if Felicità knew that by staying under the umbrella, she would be aiding and abetting the seduction of her grandson. 

Ambrogio left with Adele after they both exchanged kisses with Felicità.

“Che fai?”

“What am I doing?  I don’t know what you mean,” Adele said.

“You made quite a show of taking off your dress back there.  Why didn’t you go into the changing room with nonna?”

“What for?”

“Your suit, you might as well be naked,”  Ambrogio said.

“You don’t like it?”  The mischief sparked in Adele’s eyes.  

“This vixen isn’t you.”  His eyes narrowed in her direction.

“How do you know what kind of behavior is or isn’t me?  We just met.” 

“This is true but...” 

Adele took off running to the less populated side of the beach before he could finish his sentence. 

“What about nonna?”  He caught up with her effortlessly.  

“It will only be for a while, besides the nurse is with her,” Adele said. 

Ambrogio took off his shirt, revealing his tight abs.  He had the body of a soccer player, lean on top and muscular on the bottom.  A tattoo of a crest with words written in Italian peaked out from the waist of his pants.  The perfect V of his lower obliques made Adele’s mouth water.  Adele wanted to lick the lines they made all the way down to his bulge.  Adele faced forward not wanting to risk a face-plant in front of him. 

BOOK: Dirty Secrets
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