Dirty Little Freaks (9 page)

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Authors: Jaden Wilkes

BOOK: Dirty Little Freaks
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Tonight however, I can’t read a fucking thing. The characters on the page swim in front of me, my brain has been taken hostage by my pussy and I am trying to come up with the best reply to Hush that the world has ever known.

Failing. Again.

Fuck. What do I say to the perfect punk who kicked the door to my heart off its hinges and is lying to me about something?

I sit and ponder this, ring in this perv’s dildo purchase, and finally grab my phone.

I type, “Hey, how about soon?”

It’s short, not so sweet and betrays my pussy’s throbbing need for his cock.

Immediately my phone buzzes. “There you are, babe. How about now?”

I read it a few times to make sure I’m seeing this. Perfect Disney prince wants me now, and fuck yes, I want him too.

“Excuse me, do you have any larger jars of Anal Bliss lube?” A well-dressed lawyer type rudely interrupts me. He has a dog collar around his neck and looks like he’s in for a wild Sunday night.

“Yeah, on the same rack you found that, but we keep it on the bottom,” I snicker, he laughs and walks to the back of the store.

I think for a moment and reply to Hush: “at work, u?”

Instant response again: “Jerking it thinking about u babe. ;) where you work?”

I type: “Sex shop on Granville.”

“The Kitten?” Oh shit, this guy knows his stuff.


“The Pink Box?” Oh yuck, he really knows his stuff. I wonder if he has ever been a customer in here, not while I’ve been on shift, I would have remembered him.

“No.” I’m not going to make it easy for him.

“The Drake.” Uh, that’s a strip club. I’m oddly flattered that he thinks I might be a dancer.


“The Pussy Willow.” Shit, I knew it was a matter of time, but that’s me.


“Cool, I’ll see you in a few. You want anything?”

My heart leaps into my throat. Fucking leaps. God I hate this total lack of control, I feel like smoothing my hair and adjusting my skirt, then running to the bathroom to do my makeup. I want to run around the store squealing like a fangirl, hug the perv in the lawyer suit and call all my friends. Well, friend. Tell her all about this. How he’s coming to see me, no games, he knows what he wants.

And he wants me.

“A Chai Latte from Starbucks.”

“Sure thing babe.”

Here’s the thing. I’ve never had a boyfriend. Ever. I know, big shock, but this whole relationshippy thing doesn’t sit well with me. Eva is the only person I’ve ever had a long-term thing with, and that’s not sexual. I mean I even dumped my own mom the moment Eva asked me to move in with her. We were sixteen and her parents had finally had enough. They love her and adore her and throw all kinds of mad money at her, but they’re also older and live in a nice neighborhood. People in their world don’t like the kinds of guys Eva and I were hanging around with. The last straw was the morning Eva pulled up on the back of a Harley hanging onto the back of some Hell’s Angel reject without her shoes or pants. Fuck, that was a wild weekend, but it just so happened their retired heart surgeon neighbor was walking his three thousand dollar French bulldog and caught a good look at it all. It was hard on them at the Point Grey Golf and Country Club as well, fifty grand a year and their precious daughter couldn’t keep her hands off the staff. Eva’s mother couldn’t handle another complaint or scandal, so they decided to rent her the apartment of her choosing and offer her an allowance, as long as she went home for dinner once a week.

Eva’s parents were pushing her towards a condo on False Creek, but Eva and I had found our place in the Georgia Straight classifieds and it was love at first sight. I am not working under any delusions here, I know I’m completely riding on Eva’s coat tails, but I try to contribute any way I can. Generally this means bringing her treats from work, Eva’s got the craziest sex toy collection of anyone I know, well, except for me. Her parents love me though, and they don’t mind footing the bill for both of us really. They see more in me than my own mom ever did, and although I’m grateful for their support, it feels fucked up in a way that mom is fine with me being gone.

The best thing about this arrangement is that I’m able to save my wages, well, most of them, and squirrel them away in mutual funds and investment accounts while I wait for the day for the free ride to end.

I’m not stupid. I know this can’t last forever. I don’t know when or how, but one of us is going to have to move on at some point. I don’t know how she’s going to react when she finds out I’m going to college for example, she might not want to share me with higher learning.

I’ll never be like my mother though. I can’t be. Growing up I don’t know how many times we moved because she couldn’t pay the rent, or her boyfriend of the month got sick of her boozy ways and bratty kid hanging around. Being booted meant moving to a cheap hotel in East Vancouver, or worse, shacking up with her old boyfriend, my pedo “uncle” Albert. I will never allow myself to be in that situation again. I need safety and security, and for me that means money.

I think about all the things that will eventually take Eva from me. She falls in love, she wants to get married, she moves to the country. It’s almost like a game I play, imagining what will end our current situation. I’ve been lucky so far, it’s lasted longer than I ever thought it would.

I suddenly clue in to the fact that lawyer suit hasn’t come back up to the front. Fuck, this never bodes well, when a perv is looking for lube and doesn’t surface in twenty minutes or less. I call out, “Hey, dude, did you ever find the lube?”

Silence greets me. I walk from behind the counter to the lube section, he’s not there but I can see the gap where the giant tub of Anal Bliss was residing until a little while ago. I stop and listen, sometimes I’ll catch one of the pervs jerking off in the aisle, but this time I don’t hear the tell tale squish squish tug tug of a man and his extra large tub of Anal Bliss. I get a sinking feeling in my stomach as I walk towards the booths at the back. If he’s unleashed inside a booth, clean up is going to be a bitch. How many times do I have to point out the fucking “no merchandise beyond this spot” sign to these fucking depraved assholes?

And I hear it…that tell tale squishy sound, the video playing, and his grunt and dirty talk. Sometimes I hate this job because it almost turns me off dirty talk...luckily when I’m in the swing of things, pussy takes over and brain is left shuddering in the back corner of my skull, so dirty talk is good when I’m involved.

It’s not good now. He’s panting and I hear him say, “Oh fuck yes, take it from Daddy, take it you little anal slut, spread your cheeks, feel my cock tear into-”

I knock on the door and break into his little soliloquy. “Excuse me, Sir? You haven’t paid for your Anal Bliss yet.”

He doesn’t answer, fuck, like I don’t know he’s in there.

I knock again. “Sir, you’ll have to pay for that before you can use it.”

“Uh, ok, but I’m not using anything in here,” he replies, sounding really freaked out. That’s good, I want them freaked out, it keeps them on edge and their cocks in their pants.

“If you say so. Either way you’ll have to come to the front. I’ll give you two minutes to clean up and pay for it.”

“Ok Miss, I’ll be right out.”

I head back to the front of the store, to my perch, and wait. Sure enough, a couple of minutes later, lawyer suit comes skulking up to the front like I’ve scolded him. Fuck, I hope he’s not into that. I don’t fancy starring in his wank fest tonight.

“Sorry about that,” he mumbles and looks at his feet. True to his word, the tub of lube doesn’t appear to have been opened. Thank God, it’s so gross when you go to scan a sex product and find a pube hovering on the edge. I ring it in, he pays, and takes the bag I hand him.

He hesitates an looks at me like a sad puppy. The dog collar doesn’t help. “I was supposed to jerk off before I came home,” he said. “I didn’t get to finish, I’ll be in trouble.”

Oh fuck, this is part of some weird sex game.

“I didn’t tell you not to wank it,” I said. “I’m just following store policy, I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok, I kinda like being in trouble,” he smiles and walks out.

As he leaves, Hush comes in, grinning from ear to ear and carrying my hot chai.

“Hey babe, I got your drink,” he says, sounding almost as excited as I feel.

I could kiss him right now, thankfully it’s a Sunday night so the shop is dead, so I do. I take my chai and the brown paper bag of goodies he brought a long, set them on the counter, and lean towards him. With me up behind the register, we’re about eye to eye, my dark green ones staring into those amazing eyes of his. I am so into him it’s gross. I want to fucking strip him naked and suck his cock right now. This is going to be a long night. I grab his shirt and pull him close, his mohawk is still bright green, but he’s got it smoothed back into a ponytail down his back. I smile and say, “Hey” back at him, then take his lower lip in my teeth and suck.

He breathes in sharply and slides his tongue into my mouth when I let go. He wraps his muscular arms around me and holds me against him. I can feel his hard body and bulging muscles. He’s already rock hard and lets me know it by pressing his cock against my body. I reach down and stroke him through his jeans, savouring the length and width of him. I need him inside of me, I need to leave my logical brain in the dust and let my pussy control my body for a while. My pussy, and my heart. I want to let go with him, to ride his bed and his cock, to bite him and suck him and love him.

My God he is perfect. I moan and undulate against his cock, grind my pelvis against him and hear him groan.

“I almost forgot how fucking hot you are,” he says through gritted teeth. “I want to slide my cock into you right now, I can’t wait. I need your cunt.”

“I’m at work, in case you haven’t noticed,” I say but do a quick inventory of places we could fuck. Definitely not the booths. Maybe an aisle because it’s not a busy night. The bathroom? It’s kinda gross, but probably the cleanest place in here because it’s staff only.

“I know but I don’t care. I’ve been thinking about you since I left. I can’t get you out of my mind, it nearly drove me mad when you didn’t get back to me,” he confesses. He’s been thinking of me? I feel a wave of warm satisfaction rush through my body at this.

“Me too,” I say. “I was trying to play it cool.” I laugh.

“Don’t ever play with me,” he says, running his hands all over my body. “There’s no need to. I’m here, I want you, you want me, let’s just enjoy this.”

I’m almost frantic with need. I have to feel his cock ramming into me, so I say, “I know where we can go,” against his crushing lips. I don’t know if he understood me because he keeps kissing me for a moment longer.

He lifts me up, I wrap my legs around him and he steps back.

“Where to, m’lady?” he breaths against my neck. I giggle at this.

“There’s a bathroom down this aisle, that door at the back,” I say, pointing at the back of the store.

“A bathroom?” he growls, “Why don’t I take you right here? I’ll spread your pussy and suck you dry in front of the world,” he says and I wonder if he’s serious. I think he’s serious.

“And in front of the security cameras. I have a pretty good boss but I’m sure he’d fire my horny ass if he saw that.” I reply and laugh at the thought of Jag going over the footage tomorrow morning.

“Bathroom it is then,” he agrees and carries me to it. I jump down when we get there and use my key to gain entrance. Jag is sure to see this on camera, and he’ll know what we were up to, but he can’t prove anything. If there’s one thing I do well, it’s clean up after sex...or masturbation if you want to be technical about it.

I flick the switch and the fluorescent lights flicker on one by one, then hum happily as we enter.

The bathroom is bare, just the toilet and a single sink hanging off the wall. There’s a cracked mirror over the sink and a small cabinet with cleaning products next to this. I don’t know how we’re going to manage this, but I need to feel him inside of me, like five minutes ago.

I grab his zipper and unleash the beast. “Oh, commando again, I like that,” I say and wrap my hand around the shaft, as much as will fit.

“All the better to fuck you with, my dear,” he says, pulling me tight and nibbling my neck. I squeal and push my hands against him, but he won’t let me get far. He pulls me back and kisses me fiercely. I tug on his dick while we kiss, languidly slide my hand up and down his shaft, work the head, and feel him pump against my hand. I am quickly becoming addicted to this instant reaction from him. The more I let my guard down, the more I am rewarded with his attention. This is a dangerous game to play, somewhere I fear I’m going to get burned, but I can’t let go.

I only have one urgent thought, him inside of me at last. I lift one leg up like a fucking gymnast, I hook it around his waist, I pull my thong to the side and open myself fully to him. I feel his cock head at my entrance, demanding to be drawn in. I don’t know which one of us is pulling harder as we grasp at each other’s bodies in a perfect unison of desperate want. I slide down his shaft, I feel it hit the end of me. My cervix will be bruised tomorrow.

We pause for half a heartbeat, I can hear us breathing hard, and I can feel his pulse in his engorged cock. I close my eyes and sigh, I make a small noise, a whimper really, and the action starts.

We are banging in every way possible. He’s grunting and pounding into me while I reach for something to hang onto. My hand falls back onto the wall, I slap it and grasp for support. I find the sink and somehow I end up with my ass on it, my head is bumping against the mirror behind it, and I barely notice a fucking thing. I’m all cock, pussy, fuck, bite, cum at the moment, Godzilla could foot stomp the store outside the bathroom and I wouldn’t hear it.

Which is why I didn’t hear the knocking on the door until Hush and I are coming down off the high of our shared orgasm. My pussy is still shuddering and he has his face buried in my neck when I clue in that there’s somebody on the other side of the door. We pull apart, our needs sated for the time being.

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