Dirty Billions: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance: (A Chicago Suits Second Chance Romance) (16 page)

BOOK: Dirty Billions: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance: (A Chicago Suits Second Chance Romance)
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nable to face the world
, I ordered a club sandwich from room service for lunch. Too painful to sit on the balcony and see all the people enjoying life on the beach, I settled for eating on the sofa in the living area while watching the National Geographic channel. Animals eating other animals, anything not to see people having fun.

A phone rang and for a moment I looked around, confused, before realizing it was the hotel room’s phone.


“Hello, Ms Muller?”


“Hi, this is Judy from the front desk. As a VIP guest of the hotel, we’d like to offer you a complimentary private guided tour of the island this afternoon.”

“I’m okay, but thank you.”
I’d rather wallow in my room

“It’s a wonderful tour, you can see the waterfalls and landscapes of our beautiful island.”

“I have some stuff to do here.”

“Some of Oahu’s coastline is breathtaking, it’s not something you’ll want to miss.”

Only half listening to her, I glanced over to the television. Ugh. Elephants mating. Even the elephants are happy. Everything in the world is happy except me. I had to escape.

“Is the tour completely private? Like, would it only be me?”

“Absolutely. It’s in our luxury car with a driver. If there’s anything specific you want to see just let him know.”

“Okay, I’ll take you up on that.”

“You won’t regret it, you’ll love our private tour.”

“When is it?” The sooner the better. I could sit in privacy in the back of the car, moving too fast to notice happy people.

“As soon as you’re ready. Say, an hour?”

“I can be ready in thirty minutes.”

“Perfect, the car will be waiting for you.”

* * *

t was so freaking
hot out I ditched my shorts and t-shirt in favor of a breezy sun dress. That and I bought a really cute orange one in the Labor Day sales and it would be the only chance I had to wear it before the spring.

The full skirt didn’t even reach mid-thigh. I twirled in front of the mirror, and the skirt flew up, exposing my ass. The open back meant I couldn’t wear a bra, another plus in the heat.

I felt a little better in this dress, and decided to actually slap some make-up on and take my hair out of its ponytail and style it.

A silver Audi waited for me in front of the hotel. It reminded me of the same one that we took from the airport, but I hadn’t been paying close enough attention to know if it was the same car and driver or not.

“Good afternoon,” the driver said holding the back door open for me.

“Afternoon.” I got into the backseat and slid over behind the passenger seat so the driver wouldn’t see me in the rear view mirror.

At least the air conditioning had been on and the car was nice and cool. I took my oversized sunglasses out of my purse and put them on, but the sun was so bright it didn’t even seem like I had them on.

“I’m Mike, is there anything in particular you’d like to see? Pearl Harbor?” God no, I was depressed enough as it is.

“Something cheerful that isn’t crowded with people. Judy mentioned something about the scenic coastline?”

“Sure. I’ll show you some great spots. I’ll take you through some of the Koʻolau Range on the way.”

The car pulled away from the hotel and soon we were out of the city. I relaxed more, not seeing small children on every street corner. Mike didn’t speak, which suited me well. Small talk was the last thing I wanted to do right now.

He drove me around for hours, showing me all sorts of breathtaking scenery. Mountains, rainforests and spectacular coastlines. It put me in a better mood, and there were a couple of times when I was sad to be leaving all this natural beauty the following day.

“This is a great spot to watch the sunset,” he said parking the car.

I got out and sat on a nearby park bench while Mike stayed in the car. Tears rolled down my cheeks at the oranges and pinks lighting up the sky and ocean. How pathetic to be watching something so romantic by myself.

It hadn’t even dropped all the way behind the ocean when I went back to the car. As beautiful as it was, all I couldn’t stop thinking about how pathetic I was.

“Ready to go?” Mike asked, his brow creased.

“Yes, thanks.”

“Okay, onto the last tour stop, dinner on the beach.”

Even though I’d only picked at my club sandwich, I hadn’t much of an appetite. But I supposed I had to eat something.

Mike pulled the car away and I relaxed back into the seat. Now that it was dusk and I couldn’t see much, my mind wandered and I struggled to hold back my tears.

We turned onto a dark lane, making me sit up and notice my surroundings. I hoped Mike didn’t have less than honorable plans for me.


on our way

Mike’s text set me in motion, everything had to be perfect, this might be my only chance. My gut wrenched with nerves.

“Alan, they’re on their way, get ready.”

“Sure thing, Collin.”

I’d arranged for Alan Wong, of the best restauranteurs in Honolulu, along with his top kitchen staff and best waiter to come prepare dinner at my house tonight.

I did a final check of everything, making sure every last tiki light was aflame and the table and flowers looking perfect.

With nothing left to do, I sat and the table and waited.

* * *

e’re here

Mike’s text made my heart pound. This was it. I sprung to my feet and followed the line of tiki lights to the gate Jenny would be coming through. Hopefully she wouldn’t turn on her heels and demand to be taken back to the hotel when she sees me.

“This is a restaurant?” Jenny asked, her voice getting closer.

“It’s on the beach,” Mike said.

I took my position beside the gate, still trying to figure out the best thing to say to her.

Jenny walked through the gate. My breath stopped at the sight of her in her little sundress. I swear she gets more beautiful each time I see her.

“Jenny,” I said emerging from the shadows of the trees and standing directly in her path.

She gasped and flung her hands to her mouth. I stayed motionless in front of her.

“You look beautiful. That dress is stunning on you.”

“I’m sorry,” she said, taking a step toward me.

Her eye shone up at mine, a single tear running down her cheek. I drew her into my arms, and the physical contact with her reduced the tension in my body. We embraced for several minutes, I didn’t ever want to let go of her.

“I was hoping you’d have dinner with me.”

She swallowed and pushed away from me to look into my eyes, “I would like that.”

“I’ve brought in the best chef on the island to make you a series of dishes based on your favorite things.”

“Wow, you didn’t have to do all of that.”

“I wanted to, I wanted you to know I’d do anything for you.”

Jenny went up on her tiptoes and kissed my cheek. “Thank you.”

“Walk with me,” I said taking her hand and leading her through the flaming tiki lights.

Jenny squeezed my hand and moved close against me, her shoulder often came into contact with mine as we walked.

“What is this place?” she asked, her eyes sweeping over all the tiki lights and to the circle of flames around the small dinner table.

I’d had them set it with a crisp white tablecloth and the finest silverware. A large circle of tiki lights surrounded it, with another circle of large tropical flower arrangements between them and the table. A canopy hung over the table, seemingly attached to nothing, and a centerpiece of hibiscus and candles nestled in the middle of the table.

“This is my house, my beach.” I looked at her as I said it. Jenny’s eyes widened and her head moved as she took in another look of my beach.

“Your place is incredible.”

“More now you’re in it.”

She bit her lip and her chin quivered. I put my arm around her and guided her down the beach.

“I’m sorry,” she said again.

“You don’t have anything to be sorry for. It’s me who’s sorry, for not being totally honest with you.”


“Baby, I hope you’ll forgive me, because I can’t imagine going through the rest of my life without you.”

“But I shouldn’t have turned my back on you when you needed me, with the paternity issue and all.” The subject brought the tension back to my body, causing my shoulders to lift halfway up my neck. I’d intended for the night to be all about Jenny.

“Don’t worry, it’s still ongoing, you didn’t miss anything.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Stop saying that.”

“When will it be resolved?”

“Maybe tonight, or else tomorrow morning. It took awhile to get Blake’s DNA sample.”

We walked along my five hundred feet of shoreline, the entire way lined by the burning tiki lights.

“Collin,” Jenny said turning to face me, “What’s the deal with the photos?”

I promised myself I’d tell her everything. I swallowed and grabbed both her hands. “They’re photos of my famous VIP clients doing things. Sex. Drugs. Gambling.”

“Holy shit. You knew all that?”

“I knew all that stuff went on in my clubs. As long as no one got hurt, I always looked the other way, so long as they were buying my overpriced high end booze. That’s the world I operate in.”

“Oh.” Her eyes widened. Fuck, I wanted to be honest her. She deserved to know everything.

“Baby, I want to make everything up to you. Everything. I never should’ve let you go the first time.”

“Why’d you do it? Stop answering my emails?”

I shook my head, in the seven years since I last saw Jenny, I never forgave myself for leaving things hanging the way I did.

“I didn’t think you’d approve of the things that went on in my clubs, you’re too good for it. I didn’t want to lower you to my level. I’m sorry.”

“That’s crazy. And you’re still doing it?” She took a step towards me, holding my gaze.

“I told Daniel yesterday, I’m out once and for all. I’ll still own the company, or at least the bits that I don’t sell off, but I’m having nothing at all to do with the running of it. I moved back to Chicago to settle down, and that’s what I intend to do. I only hope it will be with you. I need you in my life baby.” After the last words, I held my breath waiting for her response.

Jenny looked up at me, the glow of the tiki flame reflecting in the tears in her eyes. Her chest rose and fell rapidly, in stark contrast to my frozen lungs. Too much time passed.

I stroked her cheek with my thumb, wiping away the few tears that had fallen. I looked straight into her amber eyes, not letting her look away.

“I love you Jenny, I’ve always loved you.”


y body trembled
under the weight of Collin’s words. I struggled to understand the situation. An hour ago, hell thirty minutes ago, I thought Collin was gone from my life forever and that I’d sealed the lid on my happiness for good.

And here I was, standing on his beach in the midst of flaming torches and he just told me he loved me. Collin loved me. A surge of heat rushed through me. Nothing else he’d told me mattered.

“I love you too.”

Collin brushed his hand along my cheek and around my neck, pulling me into him when it reached the back of my head.

His mouth connected with mine, his minty tongue probing my mouth and I kissed him back with all my being.

Everything about the moment threatened to overwhelm me: the kiss, his hold on me, the flaming paradise he’d created on his beach. I wanted to scream and jump and cry, but more than anything else I wanted to stay in his arms locked in this kiss for all of time.

Collin broke the kiss and smoothed my hair away from my face.

“Our food will be ready, we should eat.”

He took my hand and led me through the path of torches and to a table that seemed to be straight out of the pages of a fairytale. Orange hibiscus flowers the color of my dress made up the centerpiece of the table.

A man dressed in full waitstaff uniform appeared and pulled my chair back for me before laying a linen napkin across my lap.

“Did you like the tour of the island?”

“Oahu is gorgeous, did you arrange it all?”

“Of course.”

“Thank you. I really wish I could’ve watched the sunset with you. It was kind of pathetic watching it by myself, thinking it should’ve been all romantic and I had no one to share it with.”

“My house is east facing. I thought you’d like to see it before you came.” Collin paused and motioned around, “And the torches would be more impressive in the dark.”

“I like sunrises better anyway.” My heart pounded in my chest as the words left me.

“We can watch the sunrise in the morning, you’ll love it.”

My eyes flared and shifted to my half eaten tilapia. Collin meant it, and that made everything so real. So absolute. So perfect.

“I’d like that.”

We talked through the rest of our five course dinner. Each dish featured my favorite foods. Collin remembered them all, which tasted better than all of the delicious food put together.

The waiter brought Collin a coffee and me a camomile tea.

“Thank you, that will be all,” Collin told him. Almost at once all of the people who had been serving us left. We were alone for the first time that evening.

* * *

the rim of the cup, not wanting to lose the feeling consuming me right now.

“Remember when we first went camping in our final year of college?”

“Do you mean the time we went skinny dipping in the lake?” My cheeks warmed from blushing.

“You know, the water here is a lot warmer.”

He looked from me to the ocean, and I realized his intention. Before waiting, I stood and pulled my dress over my head and tossed it to the side. Collin stood and I took off running to the ocean, not breaking my speed until the water reached my waist.

“You’re crazy,” Collin said, standing at the edge of the water.

“You like crazy,” I said, my voice wavering with my giggles. I hooked my hand in the waistband of my panties, slipped them off and twirled them on my finger. “Aren’t you coming in?”

“I hadn’t planned on it.”

I released the twirling panties and they landed at his feet. Damn, I missed.

“Oh, it’s like that is it?” Collin unbuttoned his shirt and shorts and stripped them off followed by his boxers.

My breath hitched over the sight of him, standing bared before me, his only covering the tattoo on his chest and shoulder. Our eyes locked as he waded into the water. I stood still, the occasional big wave bringing the water to my breasts.

He reached me, the water only coming to his thighs. Collin lifted me with his strong arms and pulled us both deeper into the water. I wrapped my arms and legs around him, ready to go wherever he took me.

“How deep are you taking me?” The water reached the tops of his arms,deep enough that I couldn’t touch the bottom.

“You’re the one who wanted to go swimming.”

“That moment’s passed, I’d rather do something else.” I pressed my body tight against his.

“Oh, and what would that be?” He left a trail of kisses across my cheek, my skin tingling at the contact.

“I don’t know.”

“You want me to make you scream?”

“Maybe.” I shrugged my shoulders though the heat already pooled between my legs.

“‘Cause I want to hear you yell my name loud enough for the neighbors to hear.”

“Your neighbors? They’re so far away,” I said, my voice a breathy whisper.


I gasped as his hand moved up my leg and his finger dove straight into my pussy. My body molded against him and I gripped him harder, holding on with my arms as my legs threaten to lose their strength.

His finger moved in me, curling against my g-spot, my walls drenching it in excitement. Our mouths crashed together, tasting, sucking, licking each other. My chest heaved, each breath more frantic than the last.

Lost in his touch, I vaguely noticed him walking back to shore. The breeze blew cool air across my back, but I was already shivering with lust.

Without the support of the water, my arms and legs gave out, and Collin supported all my weight. His hard cock dug into my thigh, and I stopped fighting the urge to get to it.

Breaking our kiss, I said, “Let me go.”


“Please, let me suck it.”

Collin laughed and let go, I slid down his body and sank to my knees. The water came to the tops of my shoulders, the ends of my hair floated around me.

My hand wrapped around the base of his cock, my tongue licked up the shaft, circling the head. I took the head into my mouth, pausing to circle it with my lips and tongue before taking as much of it into my mouth as I could, his taste flooding me with raw desire.

The coarse sand scraped against my knees as I wiggled and moved and the waves bobbed with my head on his cock, the occasional wave knocking into my head. Collin knotted his fingers through my hair, slowing my speed and pushing his dick deeper until I could take no more.

His balls drew up against his body, and he pulled me away. I protested but he pulled me up by my armpits and half dragged me along as I pawed at his dick. My reluctance to move caused us both to tumble in the shallows, both of us landing with a thud against the edge of the shore.

“It’s like that is it?”

Before I could respond his hands were on mine, our fingers knitted together and he held them beside my head. His lips were on mine, parting my mouth and sucking my bottom lip.

My walls flooded and my pussy was wetter than the whole fucking ocean. I moaned through his mouth, wanting more. He forced my legs wider and pushed his tip against my entrance. I waited, but he held it there, teasing me. I knew what he wanted and I pulled my mouth away from his.


“Please what?”

“Make me scream.” Before I finished saying the last word, his cock drove into my wet pussy.

The ocean waves ebbed and flowed around our bodies. Collin thrust into me, bringing me higher and higher until my body seized with tension and teetered on the edge of the abyss.

Everything washed away, the beach, the island, the world. For that moment we were the only two things in existence.

“Collin!” I screamed and writhed, digging my body deeper into the sand.

Wave after wave of the most intense orgasm I’d ever experienced crashed through my body.

“Collin!” I screamed again, my throat raw from the word ripping through it.

“Fuck,” he said, filling me with his seed.

He rolled off me, and we laid side by side on our backs looking up at the stars.

“That wasn’t how I’d anticipated things would go,” he said.

“Was that bad?”

He laughed. “Fuck no, I’m not complaining.”

We fell into silence but without the distraction of each other, the waves swamping our bodies was too much. Collin stood and took my hand, pulling me up. My legs threatened not to hold me but he put his arm around me for support.

* * *

e grabbed
his clothes from the beach, and we recovered my dress from the dining table. God knows what happened to my panties. Naked, we walked through a gate, giving me the first look of his house.

“This is crazy,” I said.

“What is?”

“The size of your house, it’s insane.”

“It’s not as big as my house in France.”

“You have a house in France?” I blurted.

“I have several houses. But the one in France is the biggest, it’s a chateau in Provence.”

I shook my head and laughed.

We skirted a large pool and Collin opened the near invisible glass sliding door for me. I craned my head to see in the rooms we passed as I followed him.

“Babe, I’ll give you a tour in the morning,” he said.

I followed him into a large bedroom furnished in a modern Scandinavian design. Collin scooped me off my feet and laid me on the bed and flopped down beside me. He laid on his side and pulled me tight against him.

“Baby, this is where I want you. Where I need you.”

“Good, this is exactly where I need to be.”

“I missed you, those whole seven years.”

Before, those words would’ve brought me to tears, to fill me with pain for what we had lost. But now, I don’t know, that wound has healed and the words have lost their power. Now is about right now. About the present and the future. The past is done and gone.

“You never told me the story of your tattoo.”

“There’s no story.”

“Of course there’s a story. You got it in Sydney, but why? And why that design? Just because it’s Irish?”

“It’s a Celtic sailor’s knot.”

“What’s that?”

“Sailors used to make them when they were at sea and missing the woman they loved. It’s two ropes woven together, like the two people.”

My brow creased, struggling to understand his point.

“So who were you missing?”

He gave me a playful shove. “You, baby, I was missing you. And I just kept adding and adding to it over the years, until it got this big.”

I didn’t need to ask him why he didn’t just phone me. All those discussions were done for good. Instead the news warmed my heart. He’d missed me as much as I missed him. That’s all that mattered.

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