Dirty Bad Secrets (14 page)

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Authors: Jade West

BOOK: Dirty Bad Secrets
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She was shaking, adrenaline pummelling the shit out of her. I needed her to work some of it off, spring a little of the nerves out of her step. “Playroom two,” I said. “The medical gurney.”

She nodded. “You want that? In here?”

“If you would be so kind.”

I waited until she was well out of earshot before I landed a nice slow kiss at the corner of Andy’s mouth.

“I hope you’re ready for this,” I breathed. “It’s show time, the main act. And you, pretty boy, you filthy little cunt, you’d better be a good fucking boy for me, or it won’t be Topaz that’s riding that shiny pink dildo. It’ll be you.”



Chapter Twelve




My stomach was tied in fucking knots. A tight ball of dread and rage and rancid pissing humiliation. My pulse thumped to the steady beat of anger, and all I really wanted was to burst my way out of those fucking cuffs and show that snotty little bitch who she was playing with. And yet my cock was hard; a throbbing stick of pure fucking betrayal, and there wasn’t shit I could do about it. I was dribbling again, lashings of spit spilling from the corners of my mouth, and there wasn’t shit I could do about that, either. Faye’s tongue was ready, always fucking ready. She lapped up the trail in one long, flat sweep of her tongue, then smacked her dirty fucking lips.

“Your mouth tastes of tight little Topaz pussy,” she whispered. “Isn’t she the sweetest little thing? I can’t wait to see her ride your cock, pretty boy. Just call me a fairy godmother. If you’re lucky, maybe I’ll grant you a wish, too.”

I tried to blank out the truth, the truth that I’d been hard for Topaz’s sweet cunt, that I’d watched her play with that cute little clit and I’d wanted her. The truth that her perky little tits had made my dick throb, that the pressure of her dainty little feet against my thighs had made me want to flip her on her front and pound that fucking snatch until she regretted ever staying. I wanted her in a way I’d never even realised. She’d never even been on my radar, not once in the two years she’d been in front of my face every day, and yet here I was, tied to a chair with the taste of her sweet young cunt in my mouth, and a dick desperate to fuck the shit out of her.

So, what was the difference? Why now? Why at fucking all?

Faye fucking Devere was why. The twisted sparkle in her eyes, the sly little laugh of pure filth, the way she goaded, the way she bargained, the way her eyes glazed over at the thought of making me do the nasty little things she wanted me to do. Faye fucking Devere was a livewire of pure fucking filth. And I wanted her. Even the bits of her that drove me to fucking despair.

She took my cock in her hand and dipped her head. I felt her breath on me, and my balls tightened, my whole fucking cock tightened.

“Not long now, pretty boy. She’ll be right back.” Her tongue teased the tip of my dick for just a moment, she pressed it to the slit, wriggling her way inside until I squirmed. “Such dirty games we play, my sweet little slut. You don’t want to want this, but I know you really do want it. I’m going to make it feel so good for you, I promise. Trust me, you want to trust me, don’t you, pretty boy?”

And that’s when it fucking hit me. I knew this kind of crazy, this kind of sing-song fucking coaxing. I’d been reading it every pissing day that week in Vincent’s shitty little storybook.

I didn’t have long to dwell on it. Topaz burst back through the door with the gurney in tow, and my pulse notched up a gear. Faye would have to let me free to move me. I could use the opportunity to put her in her place and show her once and for all who was really in charge around here. Alternatively, I could play her twisted game a little while longer. Just to see where it went, of course. Call it morbid curiosity.

Topaz wheeled the gurney as close as she could, and her face said it all. She was still goggle-eyed in wonder, still reeling from this Faye-induced madness.

Faye dangled a key in front of me and I knew the moment of truth was close.

“Be good for me,” she hissed.

And it was her eyes. Eyes full of lust with just a hint of nerves, eyes that wanted this, wanted Topaz on my hard fucking prick, wanted this ridiculous fucking gag in my mouth and me bound on a fucking gurney, at her whim, in my own bastard office. Eyes that wanted

“Please, Andy, be good for me,” she whispered. “I really want to watch this. I
to watch this.”

She dropped to the floor and untied my ankles, then pulled my shoes and socks off and wriggled me out of my suit bottoms. The smile on her face when I didn’t fight her was a sight to behold. She was hot, erotic, dazzling. With a deep breath she turned the key in the first lock and my wrist sprung free. I yanked it from her on instinct, reaching straight for the gag in my mouth, but her eyes were fixed on mine before I’d freed myself, and they were horrified.

“Please…” she said. “Andy, don’t…”

I looked from her to Topaz, who’d burned up like a bright red cherry.

“Please,” Faye said again. “This is
week. My
week. Don’t ruin this for me. Don’t ruin this for

I had no idea which fucking
she was talking about, but her voice was so bastard endearing, so bastard needy. I put my hand back on the arm of the chair, and she uncuffed the other in a flash. She lowered the side of the gurney.

“Up here,” she said. “On your back.”

I stared at Topaz, and her eyes were on the floor, shoulders hunched with nerves. Poor little cow, dragged into something totally beyond her, indulging some crazy fantasy simmering away in Faye’s twisted little mind. Topaz’s hands were clasped at her front, fingers twirling together. She had her legs crossed, and they were trembling.

Faye patted the gurney. “Now,” she said. “Let’s go.”

I flashed her a look of pure fucking disdain until she looked away, and then, despite all my common sense, and every scrap of resolve in my horny fucking body, I sat my battered ass on that gurney and swung my legs up. Faye was just a blur then, clipping the cuffs to the rails before I changed my mind. She adjusted my head on the padding like she was some twisted hospital nurse, and spread my shirt away from my chest. I relaxed into the soft mat, steadying my breath, listening to the rancid gurgle of my own spit in my mouth.

“Yes,” she said, and she was smiling. “Oh God, yes. Yes!”

My eyes followed her along the side of the gurney until she was out of sight. She returned with Topaz, holding the younger girl’s hand tight. Topaz hadn’t relaxed any, her cheeks were still flushed pink, eyes looking anywhere but at mine.

“It’s ok,” Faye said. “He wants this, he wants you… look at him.” She squeezed my cock and I groaned and I heard Topaz gasp. “This is your chance… everything you wanted… just take him, he’s yours…”

“I don’t know,” Topaz whispered. “He looks angry…”

“He always looks angry,” Faye said. “He’ll look a lot less angry when he’s got your tight little pussy around his cock, trust me.”

Trust me, trust me, trust me.
Like a fucking mantra. Another one of Vincent cunting Blackthorne’s catchphrases.

Now Faye was loosening the button on Topaz’s pleated skirt. And Topaz wasn’t objecting. The skirt dropped to the floor, and Faye wasted no time in tugging away at Topaz’s pink panties. My balls flourished with tingles at the sight of her sweet little snatch, all puffy and red.

Faye gave Topaz a shunt. “Go on,” she said. “Climb up on him.”

I watched Topaz swallow the lump in her slender throat.

“It’s okay, Topaz, he really wants your pussy. I know him well enough. Look into those pretty-boy eyes and you’ll see it. He’s fucking hot for you. Trust me on that.”

Faye moved in behind Topaz, smiling over her shoulder. Topaz jumped. Faye had grabbed her ass, and just the thought of her little white ass made my dick twitch. A sudden squirt of saliva and I nearly choked on my own spit.

“See what you do to him, Topaz. You made pretty boy’s mouth water. Go fuck him!” She gave Topaz’s ass a playful slap.

Topaz raised a trembling knee and Faye practically gave her a fireman’s lift. The poor little cow toppled over the railings, landing hard across my legs. She recovered quickly, hoisting herself up to straddle my thighs, then pressed her dainty little hands to my hips, inching herself higher.

“Touch him,” Faye said. “Touch him wherever you want.”

Topaz ran her fingers up my stomach, and she was so gentle, like a timid little mouse. She danced around my nipples, teasing with tiny little flicks before she found her confidence. I groaned as she took them between her thumb and forefingers, rolling and pinching and squeezing as she wriggled against my thighs, her pussy lips catching my skin. I could feel how wet she was. I could feel the flutter of her tight little cunt.

“Rub yourself against him,” Faye ordered. “Rub yourself against that gorgeous fat cock. It’s going to feel so good, I promise. Everything you dreamed it would be.”

Topaz began to rock back and forth, and when her pussy finally touched my prick it was like an electric shock. She let out a horny little whimper, and then stifled herself. She had that expression on her face again, the one of concentration I’d seen at the bar. Her tongue was pinched between her teeth, eyes closed. All she needed was a smear of glitter. Shit, I couldn’t wait to fuck her.

“Good girl,” Faye said. “More. Harder.”

Topaz found her groove, grinding against my cock in long strokes, back and forth as she swayed on her sweet fucking hips.

“Stop!” Faye said and Topaz froze. “Sit up!” Topaz sat up. “Good, now, remove your blouse and bra.” Topaz looked down at her trembling hands as they undid the buttons on her blouse. She shrugged it off, dropped it to the floor. The bra followed. Her little tits were beautiful. I wanted this gag off, wanted to give those tits some attention.

“Good. Now play with your tits,” Faye said, “show pretty boy how nice they are.”

Her hands came up to her nipples, and she pulled and tugged at them. She looked fucking delicious, innocence corrupted and good enough to fucking eat.

Faye chose her moment. She appeared at my side with a rubber all ready to roll, and made short, sharp work of sliding it on. She angled my prick under Topaz’s hovering snatch, and pressed a hand onto her shoulder.

“Now,” she said. “Take him.”

Topaz lowered herself, and she was tight. Really fucking tight. She paused with just the head in.

“Oww,” she breathed. “I’m not ready. He’s big.”

I felt Faye’s fingers between us, spreading Topaz’s tight cunt until the girl groaned and shifted lower. “That’s it,” she said. “Think about how much you wanted this. You hoped he’d be big, didn’t you? I know you fucking did. Take him, Topaz.”

Topaz nodded, she nodded and she sucked in her breath, and inched her way down my throbbing shaft. There were stops and starts, torturous little pauses as her pussy strained to take me, but she made it through. Her weight landed on my hips, and her hot little snatch ate me up. She whimpered, and then she shuddered, and her head tipped back as she adjusted to the feeling. Her hips rocked in tiny circles, her hands on my thighs, and she moaned. She moaned and she smiled.

Faye had a big fucking smile on her face, too. “Good girl,” she said. “That’s my good girl.” She appeared at my head, her mouth at my ear. “She feels nice, doesn’t she? Fuck, pretty boy, she’s so fucking wet for you. Her tight little cunt’s taken you all the way in.” Her fingers pushed inside my mouth until I retched, gurgling spit all over my cheek. “Now it’s your turn to take me all the way in. Open wide, my sweet little slut.”

Her laughter was vicious. I saw the pink dildo for just a second before it was in my mouth, and her hand had already clamped around my chin, holding me still.

“Take it,” she said. “Swallow it down, there’s a good fucking boy.”

I didn’t have a choice, she’d already pushed it deep, all the way past my gag reflex, and deep into the back of my fucking throat. My wrists pulled tight on the chains as I gagged and retched and fucking spluttered. I twisted my head, but she’d have none of it, pinning me back into position and jabbing it all the harder.

“Don’t try and pretend you’ve never had a fucking dick down your throat, Andy Morgan,” she laughed. “I know you went to posh-boy school, you should suck dick better than I do.”

She was brutal, on a one-woman mission to fucking choke me. My eyes watered, and bubbles of fucking spit and snot and fuck knows what else phlegmed from my fucking nose.

“Listen to him, Topaz, doesn’t his throat make such beautiful fucking noises.”

If Topaz noticed she didn’t say, she was well into her groove, whimpering and groaning as she milked my fucking cock. My balls were tight, aching to fucking shoot my load, my cock pulsing and twitching inside tight, hot cunt. I stopped straining in the cuffs, gripping at the railings for support as Faye made me take that fucking dildo down my throat. My fight was gone, the whole world gone and there was nothing but the need to come, and the blissful sensation of Topaz’s beautiful snatch. I began to buck in my bonds, rising on the gurney even though the cuffs were cutting into my ankles.

“Take it all in, pretty boy,” Faye hissed, and she pinched my fucking nose, ploughing so deep in my throat that I sicked up streams of fucking spit.

“I’m gonna come…” Topaz’s voice was barely a whisper. “Oh my God, I’m gonna come…”

“Good girl,” Faye said. “Play with that sweet clit for me, show me what feels good.” The dildo disappeared and I was fucking grateful, slamming towards the point of no return without a fucking care for choking. Faye pushed Topaz forward, until her pert tits were tight to my chest, smearing saliva and Faye’s lipstick writing. She wrapped her fingers in Topaz’s green hair, and guided her face to mine.

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