Read Diner Impossible (A Rose Strickland Mystery) Online

Authors: Terri L. Austin

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Diner Impossible (A Rose Strickland Mystery) (25 page)

BOOK: Diner Impossible (A Rose Strickland Mystery)
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A week later, on a sunny, spring morning, Andre Thomas moseyed into the diner. He was dressed in khaki Dockers and a plaid shirt. It was freaky deaky to see him out of uniform. Even more so than seeing Sullivan out of a suit. Like when you run into your math teacher at the mall, sorting through sale bras. It throws you.

“Go on,” Roxy said. “I’ll take care of your customers.”

I moved toward him. “Hey. What’s up?”

“Can we talk privately, Miss Strickla…Rose?” He looked very uncomfortable as he rotated his head back and forth, scanning the diner for evildoers.

“Sure.” I led the way to the office and he shut the door behind him.

“I wanted to thank you,” he said.

I hopped up on the dusty desk and swung my legs back and forth. “You’re welcome.”

“I officially requested my lieutenant look into Captain Bentley’s situation.”

“That’s good at least. Maybe he’ll get his pension reinstated. Is it your day off or something?” I tipped my head at his civilian duds.

“No. I quit the force.”

I stopped swinging my legs. “What?”

“I’ve decided to become my own boss. Go private.”

“Wow. Congratulations, I guess.” We remained awkwardly quiet for a moment. “Are you good with this decision?”

He dipped his chin. “Yes.” He shoved his hands into his trouser pockets. “You impressed me with your tenacious attitude.”

I stared at my tennis shoe laces. “Thanks.”

“And while your methods are sloppy, you have much to learn, you’re undisciplined and your methodology requires an overhaul—”

I lifted my eyes to his. “Are you going somewhere with all this?”

“I’d like you to work for me.”

“Work for you?”

“As an apprentice PI. You’d have to work under me for two years in order to obtain your license. I’d be a demanding boss. A hard ass, if you will.” His eyes sparkled just a little.

While the thought of working for Andre on a daily basis didn’t make me do backflips, it was a tempting offer. Truth was, I liked to investigate and solve puzzles. But more than that, I liked helping people and seeking justice for the deserving. Ax would make a superhero reference here, but I was just Rose the waitress. There was nothing super about me, unless you counted my speediness with a coffeepot.

No doubt Andre and I would bump heads. My idea of right and wrong was a little more lax than his—he was a black and white dude in a world of gray. But his straight arrow ways might balance me out. And maybe I could loosen him up. If anyone needed unwinding, he did.

But that would mean leaving Ma and Roxy. And I wasn’t ready to do that. Just the thought of it felt wrong. “I don’t think so. Thanks for the offer, though.”

“You like working here, don’t you?” he asked.

“Yeah, I do. Those crazies out there are like family.”

He grinned, looking years younger. Almost boyish. “We could try it part-time. You could work afternoons, weekends.”

“You know I date a criminal, right?” I asked.

He shrugged. “What you do in your free time doesn’t concern me. And since I’m no longer an officer of the law, I don’t really give a damn.”

“And of course Roxy’s going to want in on this.”

He rolled his eyes like a surly teenager. “Let’s see how you do first.” He held out his hand, palm up. “Do we have a deal?”

I placed my hand in his. “Deal.”

Reader’s Discussion Guide

  1. What do you think of Officer Thomas’ decision to ask Rose for help? 
  1. Rose thinks justice is for the living rather than the dead. Do you agree?
  1. At the beginning of the book, Sullivan says the truth is a matter of perspective. By the end of the book, Rose agrees with him. What do you think?
  1. Why is Rose so surprised by her mother’s loyalty to Annabelle?
  1. Team Dane or Team Sullivan? Discuss.
  1. Rose judges people like David Ashby and Martin Mathers harshly, but she overlooks Sullivan’s criminal behavior. Is she right to do so?
  1. Why is Rose uncomfortable about diving back into her old life?
  1. Note the similarities and differences between Molly and Rose.
  1. Jacks thinks Rose isn’t living up to her potential. Do you agree?
  1. Did Rose make the right decision about Molly?
  1. By the end of the book, did Rose’s relationship with her mother undergo any changes? If so, what were they?      

About Terri L. Austin

As a girl, Terri L. Austin thought she’d outgrow dreaming up stories and creating imaginary friends. Instead, she’s made a career of it. She met her own Prince Charming and together they live in Missouri. She loves to hear from readers!

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BOOK: Diner Impossible (A Rose Strickland Mystery)
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