Dimensions of Genesis (12 page)

Read Dimensions of Genesis Online

Authors: Danielle Q. Lee

Tags: #romance, #angels, #spiritual, #paranormal, #demons, #ghost, #heaven

BOOK: Dimensions of Genesis
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Eagerly, they relinquished their fears and
obligations. Letting their passions guide them, they allowed
themselves to explore the unknown.

Gabe kissed Lily’s neck hungrily, trailing
the tip of his tongue from her collarbone to her ear. His hands ran
through her long caramel hair as his mouth found hers again and

Lily’s skin tingled everywhere he touched
her, his warm hands loving every part of her. The straps of her
white sundress slipped rebelliously off her shoulders as she
pressed herself against him.

As she kissed his neck, she suddenly found
herself face to face with his white collar. The moment halted as
she stared hesitantly as it.

Gabe paused to see what had caused her to
stop. Putting his hand to his neck, he touched the collar.

She lowered her eyes, preparing herself for
the onslaught of emotional pain. Gabe’s fingers slowly trailed just
below his collar. Lily, curious, looked up to see him unzipping his
robe. Within a moment, the white collar lie upon the wooden floor
of the tree house, buried amongst the black fabric of the robe.

Shortly thereafter, the rest of their clothes
were added to the pile.

Smiling at Lily, he pulled her body to his.
Facing one another, the candle’s flame danced, creating a mirage of
shadows upon the walls of the tiny tree house. Cupping her tiny
face in his hands and lifting her chin, he leaned in to lightly
kiss her lips.

Lovingly, he brushed the back of his fingers
across her cheek and down her neck. Gliding his hands along her
shoulders, he let the tips of his fingers run softly down her
spine, tracing the curve of her back.

She lightly ran her nails down the back of
his shoulders making him moan. Kissing his chest, she made her way
back up to his neck. Running her fingers through his wet, wavy
hair, she held his face with both hands and pulled it to hers.
Kissing his face, his lips, their tongues met gently.

Laying her gently onto the blanket, their
gazes upon one another, he broke vows he’d made to the church to
make a promise to Lily.

Loving one another long into the night, the
wind gently swayed the tree house like a cradle rocking to a



Swirling into blackness, David felt the
familiar sensations of the dream sweep over him, only he didn’t
remember going to bed. Puzzled, he calmly surveyed his

He could feel pressure attempting to squeeze
him, but felt no panic. If anything, he felt strangely peaceful,
floating in this black void.

Far in the distance, he could hear muffled
voices, telling him not to give up, not to die. It was so peaceful
here. If it was a dream, he didn’t want to wake up.

A warm breeze kissed his face as he smiled up
the white sun.

Wait, David thought, that’s not the sun, it’s
moving towards me.

As bright as this light was, it didn’t hurt
to look at it. It was fascinating as it gravitated towards him.

Though the light intoxicated him, he still
felt a pull, a yearning in his soul.

Tearing his eyes away from the enchanting
light and looking around, he found he was still on the golf course.
David could see people huddled together in the distance. Walking to
the group, he recognized many of them. They were the doctors and
nurses who had been with him at the golf course. On the ground, was
a man, lying on his back. His shirt was torn open from attempts to
resuscitate. The body looked quite pathetic in its lifeless

David leaned in to have a closer look at the
man’s face. Smiling, he realized this was his own body. It
surprised him that he was pleased with this revelation, rather than
horrified, but it was strangely acceptable to him.

Funny, David thought, amused, I thought I was
better looking.

Looking at his hands, he saw a bluish aura
surrounding the translucent skin. The energy around his ghostly
body had more depth than any color he’d seen on his old body.

In the distance, he could see someone

“Ellen.” David said under his breath.

Her face looked pale and stony as she stood
over her dead husband. Alex stood by her, one arm around Ellen’s
shoulder. Both women hovered over his still body.

David waited for a sign of Ellen’s true
feelings about his death. Any show of emotion, but it never came.
She simply retained a stiff posture, hands clenched at her

He wondered what she was thinking. Was she
worried she wouldn’t have her breadwinner to maintain her
lifestyle? Was she worried about Tiffany growing up without a
father? Was she going to miss him?

As he watched Ellen and Alex walk away, he
whispered, “Take care.”




‘The light…David…the light’

The voice, which once stalked his dreams, now
beckoned him.

A light shimmered in the distance. He had no
words to describe its beauty.

The sphere of light gravitated toward him,
and then opened to form an illuminated tunnel.

Within, he could see a human shape emerging.
It approached him with such grace; he wondered how anything could
move so effortlessly.

As the being got closer, David saw a woman
dressed all in white.

Though she appeared at least seven feet tall,
her features were delicate. Her face had the complexion of white
milk. Her eyes, the deepest blue, stared at him with patience.

“Hello David.” Her voice was soft as

It took David a moment to realize she hadn't
spoken out loud, but by telepathy.

“Hello.” He responded, using his thoughts,
hoping she could hear him as well.

“My name is Zophial.”

“Are you an…angel?” He asked, bewildered.

“That is the human term used to describe our
kind.” She answered with a smile. “We consider ourselves more as

“I see…” David responded, unsure as to what
she meant.

“Are you ready to come home, David?”

“Home? You mean Heaven?”

“That is one name for it.”

“Am I still welcome there?” He was pretty
sure being Atheist was high up there on the sins list.

“All souls have a permanent invitation with
the higher dimensions.” Zophial responded kindly.

“Well then,” he said, feeling relatively
relieved, “sounds like an invitation I can't refuse.”

Zophial smiled brightly with David’s

“I’m excited for you to see your true home.”
She commented as she ushered David toward the light tunnel. “After
your life review that is.” She said with a wink.

“Life review?” David repeated, slightly




The sun streamed through the garden window of
the tree house, beams of gold filled the room as the two lovers
slept in each other’s arms. As though dreaming the same beautiful
dream, their faces radiated a peaceful glow.

Gabe woke first and smiled at the morning
sun. Arching as he stretched, he winced when his stiff back
resisted. The tree house floor was certainly not meant for sleeping
on, let alone everything else they did.

Smiling to himself, he recalled their amazing
evening together. He’d always loved Lily, but it surprised him how
their new-found intimacy could make his heart expand even further.
Sharing something so beautiful was so very precious.

Careful not to wake her, Gabe shifted and
propped his head on his hand. Staring at Lily’s face as she slept,
he memorized every contour and freckle. The crescent shaped scar
above her left eyebrow had faded to a soft pink. He chuckled
quietly at her wild morning hair. The springy curls had given way
to the humidity of the previous evening’s rain, her butterscotch
hair bushed out like a lion’s mane.

He realized that nothing would give him
greater pleasure in life than waking up to her every single
morning. Never was he more thankful to God than at this moment. For
giving him this test, this opportunity, to see where his heart
truly belonged.

As though she sensed his gaze, she frowned in
her sleep. Turning onto her side, a tiny snore escaped her causing
Gabe to suppress a laugh.

His stomach complained loudly, demanding
immediate attention. Gabe sat up and looked around the little room
for anything to eat. Finding the bag Lily had packed, he discovered
a juicy red apple begging him to take a bite.

After appeasing his stomach, he decided to
comply with his aching bladder. Kissing Lily lightly on the
forehead, he crawled to his clothes. Seated on the floor, he
struggled to pull up his pants.

Beside him, he noticed his black robes
crumpled on the floor. He waited for a sense of shame to wash over
him. Instead, a feeling of relief flooded through him.

Smiling, he quietly opened the trap door.


Once Gabe was out of sight, a dark snake-like
mist drifted through the tree house window. The creature had
followed Gabe from the exorcism, and was hungry for a new host.

It wafted slowly over Lily’s sleeping figure,
dancing precariously above her aura, searching for a way in. The
shadow yearned for the negative energy only a human could

Floating above her face, it caressed her
thoughts with evil intent, probing her deepest fears. Finally,
finding a weak spot in her aura, the shadow twisted and writhed,
invading her essence. Weaving itself deep into her consciousness,
into her mind and her dreams, it embedded its evil within her.

‘Dream...little blonde princess...dream of
fear and death...’ the dark shadow hissed at Lily’s




Amidst her slumber, Lily suddenly found
herself standing in the center of a dark room, her white gossamer
gown flowing as a cool breeze blew around her.

Before her, she saw a tall bench, carving a
semi-circle into the floor. Whatever it was made of, she didn’t
know, but it was like a giant mirror, as she could see her
reflection in it. Squinting at the top of the bench, she could see
six shadowy figures seated behind it, glaring down at

On floor were hundreds of black shadows
writhing like snakes. They weaved ominously, their slitted eyes
glared as they whispered disgusting things at her.

‘Evil seductress...luring the priest...you
will be judged!’ The snakes taunted in unison.

Staring at her reflection in the mirrored
bench, she saw two images forming on either side of her. Both
shapes were blurry at first, but one was obviously bigger than the
other. As the images cleared, she recognized the taller one.

“Gabe!” She said joyously, her voice echoing.
Unmoving, he stared straight ahead, his face void of expression. He
was in a trance of some kind.

The smaller figure did not come completely
into focus.

Suddenly, the six Judges spoke in unison,
their voices deep. “One must die…choose.”

‘Choose...choose...make right what you made
wrong.’ The black snakes hissed at her.

Confused, she looked back and forth between
Gabe and the smaller, blurry figure.

“Choose!!” The Judges voices boomed.

Panicked, she raised her arm, her hand
shaking. She slowly extended her finger and pointed to the smaller

Lily cringed as the shadow snakes laughed and
mocked her.

Six gavels slammed down onto the bench.
Laughter reverberated around her.

“No!” she screamed, “Noooo!”

‘Wicked...there is no heaven for the
wicked...’ the snakes hissed as the dream swirled into a blurred

Lily woke, sat straight up, her heart
pounding. Rocking back and forth, she held her knees tightly,
trying to erase the images she’d seen in her mind.

Wiping sweat from her brow, she looked around
the tree house and realized Gabe wasn’t there. Taking deep breaths,
she crawled to her clothes and dressed herself.

Still shaky from the dream, she lowered
herself through the trap door and climbed down the stairs.

“Gabe?” She said aloud, scanning the

Tentatively, she walked to the pond, hugging
her sides as she recalled the terrible nightmare.

What on Earth was that all about? She

As she reached the pond, the terror she’d
felt from the dream began to subside. Inhaling deeply, she allowed
the clean scent to fill her lungs. A crisp morning breeze blew
across her legs, giving her goose bumps.

Gazing at the pond, she paused to admire some
tiny white blossoms floating on the water. A nearby tree had
bloomed, sending its flowery babies out into the world.

“Good morning beautiful.” A deep voice said
behind her as she felt big, warm arms wrap around her waist.

“There you are. I thought maybe I scared you
away.” Lily teased, forming a fake pout with her lips.

“Never, you’re stuck with me now.” Gabe said
as he turned her around, lifted her off the ground and kissed her

Sighing, he put her down and looked her in
the eyes.

“I love you.”

Momentarily taken back, she then smiled and
said, “I love you too.” Hugging him tight she added, “So very

They spent the rest of the day talking,
laughing and making love. After the sun began dipping into the
horizon, they decided to sneak to Gabe’s bike and drive to the

Gabe and Lily walked up and down the beach
for hours. The moonlight shone a silver path in the sand, guiding
the lovers through the dark. Finding their way to a nearby hotel,
the couple got a room for the remainder of the night.

“Care to have a shower?” Gabe beckoned her
seductively as he undressed.

Tempted, she gave him a pained look, “Oh, I
want to, but I just need to lie down.” She said as she cuddled up
under the blankets.

Gabe showered quickly and then crawled into
bed with her.

“Lily?” Gabe asked as he spooned himself
around her.

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