Dilemmas (Part 1) (14 page)

Read Dilemmas (Part 1) Online

Authors: Lae'Zriah Justice

BOOK: Dilemmas (Part 1)
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“What the fuck! You’re a filthy bitch!” Aiden said.

Diane still did not say a word.

“Bevelyn, the kids aren’t mine? You’re a conniving snake,” Maurice said.

Bevelyn turned to Maurice, “Maurice—”

“Shut the hell up!” he said. “Your voice makes me sick right now. Walk your ass home.” He jumped up from the table and walked out the door.

Aiden rushed out the door after Maurice. “Maurice, talk to me… Maurice?”

He turned to her and walked back.

“Did you know?” he asked.

“Maurice, I…” she tried to say as he angrily grabbed her by her shoulders.

“DID YOU?” he screamed.

“NO! I didn’t know, Maurice! NO!” she yelled.

He pushed the elevator button.

“You know, I can deal with pretty much anything, but not when it comes to the kids,” he said, slamming his hand against the elevator door. “Just give me some time.” He said as he stepped into the elevator.

Aiden walked down the hallway and began dialing her phone. “I need to leave for a while. I’m in too deep. Get me out of here,” she said as she headed to the stairway.

The family was leaving the room, and everyone was quiet. Diane took the stairs. She reached in her pocket and grabbed her cell phone. She made a call, “Send me somebody,” she said and hung up the phone.

She noticed Aiden a couple of flights down. “Aiden!” she said.

Aiden stopped as Diane walked down the stairs to talk to her.

“Aiden, you have to leave Maurice alone. There is something not right about him, Aiden. You have to be careful, and I do not believe you have been.”

“What makes you think that?” Aiden asked. “Because he got angry?”

“I don’t know. I’ve run him several times, and although I have not found anything, there is something. And your reaction in there was one of a woman in love,” she said.

“I’m headed out. Do you want to go, or are you staying here?” Aiden said, completely ignoring Diane’s comments.

“I have to stay. They’re sending me someone. Let’s see if Bevelyn fucks this one,” Diane said.

“OK. I’ll deliver the information about Joe to our people.”

“Already done,” Diane said.

“Contacting Denetra will be interesting,” Aiden replied.


“I thought everything checked out!” Maurice said into his cell phone while locked in the bathroom. “You assured me that Bevelyn and the kids checked out. How do you explain what I heard last month?” he asked, frustrated.

While he was on the phone, Bevelyn walked into the house and looked around at all the boxes packed up. “Maurice?” she called out. She received no reply. She walked into the bedroom and could hear muffled talking. “I need another DNA test, and FAST!” she heard Maurice say. “Another?” she thought and began to panic. She picked up her cell phone and texted, “I need some results for the kids, and quick. Make them look authentic!”

Bevelyn used the time he spent in the bathroom to search through his belongings. She headed to the closet to see if he had packed his safe. “Damn it, the safe is gone. I need that safe,” she said softly. She noticed pieces of torn paper and kneeled down to pick them up. One piece displayed the letters “Chr” and another the letters “er L.” “What in the hell is this?” she thought as she started to scramble about the closet floor. As she was looking, she could hear Maurice coming out of the bathroom and quickly put the paper in her pocket.

Maurice looked at her with resentment.

“Maurice, look, let’s just go ahead and get a DNA test. They are
Joseph’s children,” she said.

“Well, why did he leave them all that money and name them as his children in his will? Something has to be proven somewhere. And Nedia’s father, Bevelyn?”

“Don’t you mean Aiden? You’ve been fucking her and know how close we are…dreaming about her in our bed, waking up hard as hell over
her. You have no room to talk, Maurice. I know you’re a damn ho, but
?” Bevelyn said.

He completely dismissed her comment and started walking out of the room. “I may be back,” he said as he left.

“Aiden, it’s been a month. Where have you been? Why haven’t you been at work?” he said on her answering machine. He drove by Aiden’s house to see if she was at home. He could see her Jaguar in the driveway but was unsure if her Mercedes was in the garage. He headed to their secluded house to see if she was there. He pulled up, but her car wasn’t in the driveway. He walked into the house and could hear the alarm beeping. “Aiden,” he called, but she did not answer.

Maurice walked through the house room by room. All beds were made, and there were no dishes, paper towels in the bathroom trash cans, and no sign of Aiden being in the house. He pushed speaker on the phone and dialed.

“Where is she?” he asked.

“Her vehicles are at her house; no activity on her cell phones since last month; she has not used her laptop, desktop, or tablet; and no calls to or from Diane. The houses have been monitored, and she has not been seen,” the voice on the phone said.

“Damn it!” he said. “I’ll find her.”

“Just so you know, they sent another one in for Diane,” the voice said.

“I’ll take care of it. I’m sure it will not take another ten years this time,” Maurice said and hung up the phone.

Maurice decided to visit Diane to see if she had heard from Aiden. He stopped by a package store to buy a beer when Sheila walked in.

“Hey there, sexy,” she said.

He was thinking he needed to get a nut to release his stress. “What are you getting into?” he asked.

“I would like to get it
of you,” she said, smiling.

“OK, meet me in the parking lot,” he said in a serious tone.

Maurice placed the beer back into the refrigerator and picked up a bottle of tequila. He paid for it and started to drink some as he walked to his car.

Shelia knocked on the passenger door, and he leaned over to open it for her.

“Where are we going to go?” Sheila asked.

“Right here.”

?” she said as she looked around at the dusk-dark sky. He was parked directly under a lamppost, which she feared may come on.

“Here, have some,” he said while waving the tequila bottle at her.

“No, I’m good,” she said.

“You want to suck my dick, right?” he asked. “Well, I want you to take a sip.”

She looked at him, and she could tell his demeanor had changed. He pulled her by the back of her hair to tilt her head back.

“Open your mouth,” he said.

She opened her mouth, and he poured some of the tequila in and watched it drip out of the side of her mouth. She swallowed the tequila, and he started to unbutton his pants. He pulled out his dick that was not hard.

“I guess your little girlfriend is not available tonight,” she said.

He grabbed her by the hair with force and got directly in her ear.

“Don’t you EVER mention her again, do you hear me?” he said.

“Yes, I hear you, Galvinston,” she said, never taking her eyes off the ceiling of the car.

While still holding her hair, he licked the side of her mouth where the tequila had slid down.

“Now get your ass on this dick like you’ve been saying you want to do,” he demanded.

He used one hand to lift up his limp dick and the other to push her head down toward his dick. “Open your fucking mouth,” he said as he pushed her head down. Shelia began to suck on his dick as he pushed his body upward to her mouth. He grabbed the tequila and began to drink some. His dick began to rise as she sucked on him. He pulled her head up and told her to open her mouth again. When she did, he poured more tequila into her mouth and told her to get back to sucking. She held some of
the tequila in her mouth and used it as lubrication on his dick. He enjoyed the wetness on his dick and the tightness from her sucking his dick.

He was looking around the parking lot as she was sucking him and noticed a female getting out of the car next to him. She wore a pair of tight shorts that showed off the bottom of her ass cheeks. He immediately wanted to fuck her in her ass. She turned around to lock her door and noticed him watching her. She smiled at him, and he licked his lips at her.

She noticed Sheila’s head bobbing and stepped back. Her curiosity got the best of her, though, and she walked over close enough to see if what she thought she saw was really going on. She watched briefly as Sheila was sucking his dick. He lifted Sheila’s head up to show her his dick. Shelia looked at her, and she looked at Sheila. He pushed her head back on his dick and looked down at the woman’s pussy print. The woman then realized she was outside and started to walk away. Maurice stared at her plump ass in her shorts, wanting to fuck her and began to hump Sheila’s face. He pushed her head up and down on his dick until he came. “Eat that nut, eat it!” he said as he came in her mouth. Sheila began to gag as he shot off in her mouth.

Sheila sat up, happy that it was over. It was not at all the way she had expected. His aggression and mood change had her concerned.

“Well, I will talk to you another time,” she said.

“Yeah,” he said.

She looked at him as he stared out of the window while putting his dick back in his pants. He started his car, and Shelia knew it was time for her to get out. She opened the door and stepped out. As she walked to her car, she made a phone call. “He doesn’t know where she is either,” she said and then hung up the phone.

The next day, Bevelyn decided to visit the hospital to spy on Maurice. Sheila greeted her.

“Hello Mrs. Galvinston, how are you?”

“I’m well. Have you seen my husband?”

“He may be in a meeting, but I’m not sure,” Sheila said, snickering.

Bevelyn began to think that it would be good to become friends with Sheila to find out further information on Maurice.

“I’m exhausted,” Bevelyn said, insinuating she needed something to relax.


“Yes, girl, I need a drink,” Bevelyn said, being phony. “Here, take my number. Call me some time. Maybe we can hang out,” she said while handing Sheila her cell phone number.

As Bevelyn was leaving, Dr. Taylor walked up to the receptionist desk. “Here are the codes for the meeting. One will not be there,” he said.

“Codes? That’s what I need,” Bevelyn thought. She looked back at Sheila and waved. “And she is going to be the one to give them to me,” she said under her breath.

Bevelyn walked back to Sheila, “You know what,” she said, “let’s do lunch tomorrow. Give me your number so I can put it in my phone.”

Sheila told her that lunch would be perfect and that she was looking forward to it.

As Bevelyn was leaving, her cell phone started to ring. She looked and saw DNA in the description and answered abruptly.

“Why are you calling me from there? Did you get the paperwork?” she asked.

“Bevelyn, I’m sorry, I thought it was OK to call you from anywhere. I’m not sure about any paperwork, though,” Les said.

Bevelyn tried to clear up her story but was interrupted by Les.

“I would like to take you out for drinks this evening. Will that be OK?” he asked.

“Yes, it would.”

As Bevelyn was leaving, Maurice was coming down the hallway. “What are you doing here, Bevelyn?” he asked.

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