Read Diego: Leatherbacks MC Online

Authors: Heather West

Diego: Leatherbacks MC (11 page)

BOOK: Diego: Leatherbacks MC
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“I don’t think it matters how many guests you have that want to use it.  It’s the matter of who those guests are.”




“Nothing.  Listen, since it took me so long to get to it, I’m going to comp this month’s rent.”




“Yeah.  Seriously.  I have to go.  Make sure you let your friend Dio know I took care of it.”


“Wait.  You are here because Dio asked you to fix it?”


“Asked?  If by ‘asked’ you mean shoved me against a wall and told me that it better be fixed by the end of the week, then yeah.  He asked real nice like.”


“I’m sorry, Mr. Peterson.  I did need it fixed, but I didn’t tell him to do that.  He was visiting and asked to borrow the shower.  I mentioned that it was broken.  I guess he took it upon himself to butt in.”


“Apparently so.  Anyway, I did what he told me to do.  I have to go.”


I watched him as he made a hasty exit from the house.  I almost felt bad for what Dio had done, but then again, Mr. Peterson had been ignoring me instead of fixing something he should have taken care of right away.  I smiled a little to myself.  Perhaps Dio had at least some good qualities.  If pushing my landlord around until he did what he should got results, who was I to argue?  I had a feeling that if I had any further problems with the rental, they would be addressed with much more urgency.


Chapter Fourteen



The following day I returned to work.  I felt incredibly on edge.  Even though I knew that Micah wasn’t an issue I had to be concerned with, there was just this overall feeling of discontent.  People were dying around me, possibly because of me, though I didn’t see what I might have to do with either death.  Something was very wrong in this place and it went well beyond the usual crooked dealings of the motorcycle club.  I believed what Micah had said about Dio not knowing everything and a part of me wanted to tell him that, but I didn’t dare tip my hand so easily. 


If he knew that I was aware of private club business, he might grow more curious about why I was nosing around in things that didn’t really concern me.  I really couldn’t afford any undue curiosity.  At the same time, I had to get back to talking with people who might be able to help me make sense of everything.  There was no doubt that I had to tread lightly here.


“Hey, Ana.  Glad you are back.  You feeling a hundred percent now, right?”


“Of course, Hannibal. You know I wouldn’t dare step foot behind your precious bar with any germs still floating around.”


“Smart girl.  Alright, we’re gonna be slammed tonight and it might not be pretty, so watch yourself at all times.  There might be a few rough knobs running loose.”


“What do you mean?”


“Dio has some boys coming from other branches of the MC and a few associated gangs.  Not all these guys are all sugar and spice like me, ya know.  Just don’t let your guard down, and if you get into any kind of trouble, let me know.”


“Okay, Hannibal.  I am fairly certain I can hold my own, but thanks.”


I looked at him a little suspiciously, wondering if he knew about my episode with Micah.  Would Dio have told him so that he could keep his eye on me while he was busy and not able to do so himself?  I wasn’t sure, but he seemed unusually protective.  It only made sense that his behavior was predicated by Dio revealing the situation with Micah and asking him to watch me.  Of course, that could mean more than just making sure I was safe.  No doubt Dio still had his reservations about me after the deaths of two of his men, with whom I had been associated in some manner. 


At any rate, I was glad to hear about all of the extra people coming in.  It might open up a whole new world of avenues to me as far as getting information regarding my father’s death.  I did my best to chat up as many of the outside guests as I could while I had access to them without it being noticeable.  When my shift was over, I hung around a bit and talked some more of them up, careful to avoid the watchful eyes of either Hannibal or Dio.  Thought I knew they weren’t the only ones who watched, I just had to make sure I didn’t look like I was doing anything out of the ordinary.


Looking across the room, I spotted Scouser talking with the leader of one of the gang factions.  Nearby was Rocko, a fairly new member of the MC.  I had tried to talk to him before and found him very closemouthed.  It was my guess that he would remain that way, but I made my way over to him casually to start a friendly conversation.  I knew I wouldn’t learn anything, but I was hoping to overhear the conversation taking place around him.


“Hey, Rocko.  How are things?  I haven’t seen you in a while.”


“Well, you know how it is.  Dio keeps me busy.”


“I’m sure he does.  How have you been?”


“I’m good, and you?”


“Pretty good.  Just got done with my shift at the bar.”


“Just unwinding a bit, then?”


“Yes.  Thought I’d have a drink or two before I head home.”


“Can’t blame you for that.  Doing the same myself.”


“Mind if I sit with you for a bit?”


“No.  Not at all, but can you excuse me for just a minute.  I really gotta hit the head.”


“Sure.  Sure.  No problem.”


Not only did I not mind, but I was glad.  It gave me an excuse to sit there and eavesdrop without looking suspect.  I toyed with the tiny straw in my drink while I listened to the conversation taking place behind me between Scouser and the gang leader who I wasn’t familiar with.  I made a mental note to try to find out later.  Scouser sounded a bit irritated as he spoke.


“You know bloody well I can’t allow that.  You’d just as well put it right out of your head.”


“Look, I need this.  If I can’t get those boys on board with what we are doing, then there is a good chance they will go with those pissants down on Southside and then we’re fucked for all business in that area.”


“The answer was no.  Cross me and you’ll be drinking your lunch through a straw.”


“You’ve no idea what you are doing to me, man.  I want to talk to Dio about it.”


“Dio will tell you the same, lad.”


“Maybe so, but I’d rather hear it from him if it is all the same to you.”


“Suit yourself, you whingey little twat.  When he tells you the same, you can maybe have some sense about you and not try to go over my head again.  I’ll let you do it once just because I’m such a nice guy.”


“Nice guy.  Right.”


“Fuck off with you before I decide to pull your tongue through your arsehole for a wee bit of fun.”


“You’re some piece of work, you British bastard.”


“You’ve no idea.  Best for you that you never find out.”




The gang leader went strolling past me, leaving Scouser alone at the next table.  I nursed my drink, wondering if I should get up and move away or wait for Rocko to return.  I was still considering my options when I was startled by a voice behind me.


“Ana, right?”


I turned and looked upward to find myself looking at Scouser.  He was an impressive man.  I’d say about six foot four with broad shoulders and handsome, rugged features.  It was easy to see why he was feared as he towered over me.  There was something about him, a presence that instantly put you on your guard.


“Yes, I’m Ana.”


“Frank Matthews.”


“Nice to meet you, Frank.”


“Grand to meet you as well.”


“I don’t usually see you out and about with the little people.”


“Yes, I do try to keep my distance from the general population.  Not really my sort of crowd for socializing.”


“Why is that?”


“Hopelessly American,” he said with a smile.  I couldn’t decide if it was because he was joking or being condescending.  Perhaps it was a bit of both.


“I see.”


I found that I was at a loss as to what more to say and felt like an idiot.  Rocko approaching was a relief.


“Scouser, what’s up?”


“My blood pressure in this bloody hole.  I’m going home,” Frank replied.


“Goodnight, then.”


“Right,” Frank replied to him in a dry tone before turning to me.  “Ana, it was lovely to meet you.  I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening in this cesspool of mediocrity.”


“Um, sure.” I laughed, not entirely sure how I was to respond to that.  “You enjoy the rest of your evening as well.”


He nodded and walked away, making his way through the crowd and toward the exit.  I was once again struck by his physical presence as he towered over most of the other men he passed.  He paused just inside the nearby doors with his back to me.  It took a moment to realize he was speaking to someone due to the fact that his large frame completely obscured them.  When he finally continued on, I realized it was Dio.  Despite his own six foot one frame, Scouser still dwarfed him.


Chapter Fifteen



Dio was looking directly at me with a scowl on his face.  My heart beat a little faster as he made a beeline toward me.  He didn’t look happy and I wasn’t sure why.  Probably just because I was still sitting in the club talking to a member instead of going straight home as he expected me to do.  I prepared myself for his anger, but his scowl seemed to fade as he got closer.  Perhaps I had misread it and it was about something Scouser had said rather than about me.


“There you are, Ana.  I thought you had already gone home.”


“No, not yet, Dio.  I was just having a couple of drinks to wind down and talking to Rocko here.”


“What’s up, Rocko?” Dio asked.


“Not much, Dio.  Just taking it easy.  You know how I do.”


“Yeah, I do.  Listen, I hate to pry away your company, but I’m going to steal Ana from you.”


“No problem, boss.”


“Ana, can you come to my office with me?”


“Okay.  Sure.”


He held out a hand toward me and I took it, allowing him to walk me through the crowd and into his office.  Once inside, he locked the door and turned to me, pulling me close to him and kissing me deeply.  It was completely unexpected, but very welcomed.  I found myself reciprocating the kiss fully as his tongue laced lazily with my own.  His hand slipped beneath my skirt, rubbing my clit softly through the silk material of my panties.  I was instantly wet, ready for him.


I exhaled loudly as his lips moved down to my neck, kissing his way softly down one side and across my collarbone to the tops of my breasts.  His hands fumbled with my buttons, pulling my blouse open to expose more of them to his mouth.  Pushing the cups of my demi bra downward, he circled one nipple with his tongue, teasing it softly as I moaned against his touch.  He pulled at it with his teeth, his hand still creating the most delicious friction against my clit.


He took his time, exploring every inch of me as I relaxed against him, letting him do as he pleased.  I loved the way he took his time teasing my nipples and kissing my breasts, his hot mouth glancing lightly across my stomach before focusing on my already heated thighs.  He moved all the way down my body and then back upward again, his breath now against my ear.


“You are so incredibly beautiful, Ana.  Your body, your face, everything is just perfection.  You could have any man you want and yet you are working in a casino with a lot like us.  Why would such a strong, capable, beautiful woman want to be with someone like me?”




There was no way for me to answer that honestly.  Instead, I kept silent and moaned as he continued his slow tour of my body.  I couldn’t deny how much I enjoyed Dio’s touch, his kisses, his somehow relaxed yet urgent need.  I decided to keep my head out of it and just let my body indulge itself in the way he was making me feel.  There was no doubt that I was putty in his hands.




“That feels so amazing,” I cooed against him.




A low growl escaped his throat as he pulled away, slipping off his pants and boxer briefs to enter me.  I wanted him so much that I could barely wait for him to be inside of me.  His gaze met my own as he began making love to me with long, deep strokes.  They were simultaneously earth shattering and gentle, if that was even a possibility.  I could feel him on a level that I couldn’t recall ever having felt anyone.  It was on much more than just a physical level.  It wasn’t love, but it was…something.  The way he knew instinctively how to touch me was something I couldn’t quite explain without acknowledging a connection on another level.




Dio pushed me back onto his desk, his strokes changing from slow and deliberate, to hard and fast.  He was thrusting into me deeply.  I bit my lip to keep from making too much noise as he fucked me, moaning my name.


“Oh, Ana.  God…”


His sexual prowess was no exaggeration.  He had the stamina of a stallion.  Not only that, but he seemed to know just exactly when to slow, when to speed up, how to hit all the right spots inside me.  His fingers teased my clit as he fucked me in a way I’d never experienced before.  It was missing nothing, utterly complete in its perfection.  There was no denying the natural chemistry between us that only enhanced the actual act.


“Yes, fuck me.  Don’t stop, Dio.  Harder,” I pleaded, wanting more of him, all of him. 


He was all too happy to accommodate, driving into me fiercely as I cooed and cried out beneath him.  There was no doubt who was in charge.  Dio was an alpha male not to be denied.  He made that clear in the way he took control and reduced me to a quivering mass of wantonness.  I couldn’t say that I’d ever been with anyone like him before. He was everything any woman would want in a lover and then some.


I couldn’t hold back any longer, letting out a loud moan of pleasure as I came.  My entire body shuddered with the force of it, clenching and then letting it go.  His continued thrusts only brought smaller climaxes to follow until I wasn’t sure I had anything left to give.  My legs shook as he finally gave into his own desire and came inside of me, collapsing lightly on top of me for a moment before finally gathering himself.  I was barely up from the desk to get my clothes when there was a knock on the door.


“Yeah?” Dio called out.


“Dio, It’s Frank.  We need to talk.”


“Give me a minute.  I’ll find you.”




I heard Scouser’s footsteps moving away from the door and began getting dressed.  I had no doubt that I was a complete mess to look at.


“Ana, there is a private bath right down that hallway there.  Get yourself together and I’ll be back when I’m done with Frank.”


“Okay.  Thanks.”


With Dio out the door, I walked down to the bathroom and cleaned myself up, getting dressed and freshening my makeup.  I looked at myself in the mirror as I brushed my hair and I didn’t like what I saw.  I didn’t know the person who looked back at me.  I didn’t know this woman who had just fucked the leader of the MC responsible for her father’s death, not because I had to in order to obtain information, but because I had wanted to.  I had fucked him for no other reason than I wanted him, and I had enjoyed it immensely.  How could I excuse that in myself?


BOOK: Diego: Leatherbacks MC
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