Diary of a Vampeen (25 page)

Read Diary of a Vampeen Online

Authors: Christin Lovell

Tags: #vampire, #paranormal, #teen dating, #teen behavior, #teen chick lit, #teen fantasy, #overweight, #teen adventure, #vampire book for young adults, #teen fiction young adult fiction romance, #romance for teen, #suspense intrigue

BOOK: Diary of a Vampeen
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I turned to Kellan who was standing at
the foot of my bed with his parents. His eyes appeared the same.
The emerald green of his eyes were mesmerizing with my enhanced
vision. They hold varying striations of a grassy green, emerald
green, light brown, and lines of gold with a few specks of blue
surprisingly mixed in. The outer rim of color is a muted hazel
instead of the black or brown I assumed. They gave the impression
of having a shiny clear coating over them that is reflecting a
mirror image of my crystal chandelier overhead.

I became lost in his eyes. Their
beauty exceeded any human visions I’d happened in my life. No
rainbow, no ocean sunset, no field of colorful daisies compared to
what I saw in him now.

Nothing compared to the way I felt.
Energy – I had a supply beyond necessary performance levels. I was
ready to run across the entire nation without shedding a single
bead of sweat. The scent that encompassed my room was of flowers,
cologne and a lingering morsel of my shampoo. Occasionally I would
catch a dusty draft from the A/C vent.

The sounds of nature, life and the
living surrounded me. From the neighbor’s occasional snore to the
other neighbor’s backyard water fountain, I heard the near and
distanced items distinctly. And my eyes, everything was so bright.
I felt like I peered through a frosted glass for sixteen

I looked at everyone
around me observing the tiny details I missed with my human eyes.
Even 20/20 is flawed greatly in comparison. As I was watching each
of them, they were equally concentrated on me.
I must be drastically different physically; why else would
they silently gawk over me…

As if I said it aloud my aunt
interjected, “Let’s stop gawking at Lexi and give her some space.
Open your gift and then we’ll give you some time alone.”

I smiled and lifted the cardboard box
with a smooth white overlay. I pushed the tissue paper aside to
reveal a navy blue velour Juicy Couture crystal embellished jacket.
“It’s gorgeous Aunt Claire,” I gasped holding up the hooded
masterpiece. “And small,” I noted aloud.

“There are matching pants and a white
tank to wear beneath,” she advised with a smile emulating

“I love it! Thank you so much! I know
you must have spent a fortune!” I exclaimed. Without thinking first
I was on my feet hugging her.

“Umm, Lexi… sweetie,” my mother

“Yea Mom?”

“Your pants,” she stated pointing at
the sunken material sliding effortlessly past my hips.

“Sorry! Umm… I guess I need that
minute now,” I bit my bottom lip as I spoke the line. How awkward!
I’d only been up for seven minutes and I’d mooned everyone

“Make sure you look in the mirror!” my
aunt smirked exiting the room with a smug look plastered on

“Love you sweetie,” my mom kissed my
forehead at the same time as my dad before leaving hand in hand
with him.

“You’re perfect Lexi,” Beth
complimented giving me a gentle hug on her way out. Al passed by
and winked prior to following his wife.

“Thanks,” I replied.

I turned back to Kellan. He was still
in the same spot, his face locked in the exact expression he’d held
minutes ago. His lips, full and pout, were shaping a small
exasperated ‘o.’ His features were perfect even with my detailed
magnification. His pores were sized evenly; his skin had not one
blemish, until I noticed one small faint freckle on his left cheek
approximately two millimeters from the bridge of his nose. His
dimple indented ever so slightly setting in a light honey
complexion amidst the light tan of him.

“Kellan,” I spoke, unsure of what to
say or how to react in this moment.

I heard my family downstairs. My dad
was speechless over my looks, my aunt gushing about me inheriting
her figure, and Al saying to look out for Kellan to make a move. I
needed to look in a mirror with all this fuss.

I closed the door, holding my pants up
in case and came to stand beside him. “Kellan?” He just stared at
me with a dumbfounded gaze. “Do I look that bad?” I asked wrinkling
my forehead as doubt seeped in.

“No,” he whispered. He quietly
swallowed, almost in a gulping, nervous way.

I heard whispered steps up the stairs
and a bag rustling along the way getting closer. I opened my door
just as my mother handed me a Victoria Secret bag. I peered in to
see cute panties and a bra.

“You’re a lifesaver; I didn’t even
remember those.” She just smiled coyly and zipped downstairs in
less than three seconds.

I turned back to
statuesque in the position I left him. “Girl stuff,” I
announced holding up the bag to show him. He did nothing to
acknowledge my gesture though.

Feeling frustrated, I grab the box
from my bed and walked towards the bathroom just as Kellan snapped
out of his trance. “Lexi.”

For the first time I felt the carpet
fibers twisted beneath by socks as I rotated back to him.

“I felt it,” he stated. “I felt it, I
felt you; … your soul, the energy. Intense concentrated force,” he
stumbled to blend his thoughts into cohesive words and

“I know,” I whispered. “I heard

“I’ve never felt
so powerful in my life. It’s as if creation manifested the
earth between our souls,” he explained.

“I know,” I said softly as our eyes
locked on each other. Looking in, I saw beyond his exterior to, as
cliché as it sounds, to my destiny; to a love so intense I couldn’t
look away. It radiated, permeated our energy fields.

Kellan closed the gap between us in
one swift movement, never breaking concentration. He extended his
hand in slow motion towards my cheek, all visible in my peripheral
vision. The second our skin touched, the graze of his inner hand
along my cheek down to my jaw released a tingling, magnetic
sensation drawing me to lean into him. Chills ran down my spine as
my heart skipped a few beats; a smile lifted my heart to a novel
experience I’d never known or imagined. His teeth glistened a pure
white as his skin took on the subtle honey glow I noticed in his
dimple moments ago.

His fingertips reaching my temples
were a cool relief amidst the chatter I heard downstairs. I zoned
into him, closed off the distractions. Lost in his eyes of wonder,
I finally stated, “I felt it too.”

“I know,” he replied.

“Wait,” I shook my head breaking the
intensity of the moment. “How?”

“When we connected, we shared
thoughts. I heard you calling for me to tell you I felt it,” he

“O.M.G!” I noted in my best Mel

“Oh my gravy?” he grinned.

I broke into laughter. “Way to ruin
the moment.”

“I think you already did when you
brought Mel into it,” he chuckled in a smooth tone.


“Change clothes here, I want to be
with you when you look in the mirror.”

“Promise not to peek?”

“I’m a gentleman, but not a

“Just say you promise,” I laughed
smacking his arm playfully. He didn’t even flinch. Even with a hulk
gene I couldn’t hurt him.

“Just change!” he smiled, dimple
showcased as he turned his back on me.

My old clothes slid off me with little
effort. I ran my hands along my thighs. “They’re so thin,” I
commented sliding my new size small cheeky panties on.

I held out the pants my aunt bought me
observing their measurements. They were so tiny compared to what I
was wearing yesterday. How was this possible? It’s mind-blowing.
Yesterday I was barely fitting in XL clothes and today I was
wearing small undies and medium pants.

I removed my blanket of a shirt and
bra replacing them quickly with my new items. “Ok. You can look,” I
told Kellan.

“Much better,” he beamed looking me up
and down. “You ready to see how utterly gorgeous you are?” he

“I’m a little nervous actually,” I
confessed, fidgeting with my hands.

“Lexi, trust me when I say no other
woman is as beautiful as you.”

“That’s a lot to live up to,” I noted,
my voice quivering lightly.

“Come on, close your eyes,” Kellan
said taking my hand and leading me into the bathroom. His hand was
still cool to the touch, yet not as cold as I remembered before. I
heard the flicker of the bathroom light switch and felt the heat
that radiated the room the instant the bulb filled with

“You ready?” he asked.

I inhaled a deep breathe, released
slowly and said, “I am.”

“Open your eyes.” I could hear the
suspense in his voice; he’s anticipating my reaction.

I lifted my lids slowly, unsure of
what I would see reflecting back, praying it’s nothing short of my

I gasped, my hands flew over my mouth
cupping the “Oh!” that escaped. Was this really me? Was I that
pretty person staring back? It couldn’t be. This girl belonged in a
magazine, in a fairytale story, not in my bathroom. “Is this really

“Told you,” Kellan whispered from
behind my ear though his eyes were observing my every move
reflected in the mirror.

Standing in the mirror was a curvy,
yet thin woman with brown shining eyes, full lips with a rosy hue,
and long dark brown hair with new golden highlights when the light
reflected certain strands. Her skin was light but clear, not one
spot, not one mole or freckle was visible.

My beauty… I couldn’t believe it was
mine… It’s unfathomable. I lifted my shirt to reveal a smooth, flat
stomach. Though my hips were clearly there, wide in form protruding
to create a perfectly balanced hourglass, not one stretch mark
wrinkled my skin.

I twirled around, peering over my
shoulder in the mirror to see no love handles, and, though it’s
bigger than my mom or aunt’s, I was happy to see an instantly
recognizable round booty – the kind that fills out jeans but
doesn’t leave a huge pucker at the waist. It’s not J.Lo but
certainly not Jessica Simpson.

I spun back around and
held out my arms.
No wave!
There were no fat slabs on my triceps. And my
boobs! They’re fully shaped – voluptuous and perky yet not
overwhelming. They were proportionate to my figure, maybe slightly
smaller by my keen-eyed calculations.

I glanced back up to my face, to my
enhanced features. My eyebrows were arched and primped according to
the exact map of my brow bone. My lashes were thick, long and
naturally curled to frame my big, bright eyes that seemed awake yet
dark and exotic returning my reflection. I turned sideways to see
the little bump I once had from breaking my nose at five was gone.
A flawless profile mirrored back at me. Gone are the days of a
double chin. My skin was pulled, taught along my soft, yet strong

Leaning into the mirror, I saw the
exact outline of my lips was straight, not one jagged edge or
feathered color – think built-in lip liner without the hassle. I
ran my index finger along my softly, filled lips. The color
lightened as I touched them, but returned the moment I pulled

I finally pulled back and
looked at Kellan through the mirror. I saw him watching my every
move as I examined my new self.
I leaned back into the mirror
and smiled. Pearly white teeth all perfectly aligned were revealed.
I clamped up and down a few times smacking my enamel. I pushed my
tongue against my cuspids, but nothing happened.

I turned to Kellan and asked the
ultimate question, “Where are my fangs?”

He burst into laughter. “You really
are charming.”

I projected my bottom lip in a pout.
“Well I don’t know.”

Still laughing he replied, “I guess

Feeling a bit annoyed now, I decided
to force the information out of him. “Kellan, if you don’t stop
laughing and tell me where my fangs are I’m going to tackle you.
I’m just as strong now, remember?”

That only made him laugh harder.
“You’re being silly Lexi.”

“Ugh!” I groaned racing out of the
bathroom and down the stairs in six seconds flat. Apparently I was
still slow. As I reached the bottom, Kellan was grinning smugly up
at me.

“Kellan, why didn’t you tell her?”
Beth scolded from the couch.

“Mom,” he stated seriously, “Did you
hear her?”

Beth just glared at Kellan. She gave
him what I call the ‘mother’s look of death.’ The moment you get
this glare, do as she commands or be prepared to suffer the

He sighed and chuckled to himself once
more before explaining. “You don’t really have fangs that appear or
disappear. Your teeth are sharp against foreign objects even as a
human with enough force. Your perfect health has cemented your
enamel and your increased strength is what allows you to pierce
your victim effortlessly.”

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