Diary of a Vampeen (10 page)

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Authors: Christin Lovell

Tags: #vampire, #paranormal, #teen dating, #teen behavior, #teen chick lit, #teen fantasy, #overweight, #teen adventure, #vampire book for young adults, #teen fiction young adult fiction romance, #romance for teen, #suspense intrigue

BOOK: Diary of a Vampeen
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Not bothering to change or even brush
my teeth, I stomped downstairs to make my presence known. I didn’t
care how I came across; I just wanted him to know that this was not
acceptable. I reached the bottom of the stairs expecting, well, I
don’t know what I was anticipating, but it’s not what I heard. I
heard laughter; Mike and my parents were laughing. This was beyond
my mental capacity in my fuzzy state.

I rounded the corner with hesitation
observing everyone’s body language. My dad sat on the end of the
sectional with his feet up on the chaise lounge, my mother sat
beside him and they both were looking at Mike, who was sitting next
to my mother telling them some story about who knows what. I felt
like I was dreaming. There was no other explanation for the scene
in front of me.

“Good morning sleepy head,” my dad

Mike turned around and looked at me
for a minute before breathlessly stating, “Morning.”

My mother watched the two of us, and,
weary of my expression, felt the need to explain. “Mike hasn’t been
here long sweetie. Did you sleep well?”

I remained frozen in place, staring at
all three of them in disbelief.

“Are you ok sweetie?” my mother asked,
concern dipped in the tiniest and only crease on her

“I’m fine, Mom,” I finally replied.
“Just didn’t expect to entertain a crowd the moment I woke up,” I
grumbled harshly while sneering at Mike. Did I mention that I’m
sometimes a bear when I first wake up? Like just returning to the
world from hibernation, at first I take in the scenery, but can
quickly attack without a moment’s notice if crossed. He was brave.
He got up and walked towards me.

“Sorry babe. I know I should have
waited for you to call, but I couldn’t wait to see you.”

I sighed, ignoring his gesture of
cause, and walked towards the kitchen. I grabbed the ingredients
for my bowl of cereal and sat at the island acting as if he wasn’t
there. He sat beside me, ignoring my signs.

My mind was reeling with the
information Mel gave me. I expected Mike to be aggressive, overly
animated in a creepy way almost, based on Rando’s recollection, but
saw no signs.

“Um, your mom and I are going to run
some errands. We’ll be back later. Will you be ok kiddo?” Dad

“I’ll be fine. Have fun,” I mumbled
dismissively, taking my first bite.

“It was nice seeing you again Mike,”
my mother cited as my parents scurried out the room.

“You too,” he smiled

I couldn’t believe they were doing
this. They were leaving me here alone, with a guy, and not just any
guy, my boyfriend, on purpose. Was Kellan really that bad? They
seemed to love Mike today, yet Kellan was supposed to be like
family to them. I’m an intellectually advanced girl; I’m observant,
analytical to a fault. What was I missing? None of it made sense.
Why did they adore Mike yet despise Kellan in a silent sense? Then
again, why the heck did my mom push me to ask Kellan out somewhere
period? And why the heck was Mike at my house without an open

“What do you want Mike?” I asked
taking another bite and trying to mask my mounting

“I told you. I wanted to see you,” he
replied cheerfully. Wrong attitude to have with a grumpy

“Well, you’ve seen me now.”

“Listen babe, I know I’m not the first
person you wanted to see when you woke up this morning and I know I
should have waited for you to call before I came over. Hell. I
don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’ve never been this way with a
girl before. I like you a lot Lex and can’t help feeling like I’m
losing you after last night, so please try to be understanding over
my sudden insanity,” he begged.

I can’t explain the generosity that
consumed me, but I actually felt compassion for him. Ironically,
Mike was one of my first crushes. Back in sixth grade, when Mel and
I first met him, I was infatuated with him. I liked him probably to
the degree that he did with me now. The only problem was I didn’t
feel the same anymore. I’d come to that conclusion as I fell asleep
the night before.

I looked over at Mike, sitting beside
me with an anxious expression. Some time had passed since he talked
and I knew my lack of response was causing him anxiety, so I
finally spoke. “Did Mel ever tell you that I had a crush on you
back in sixth grade?”

He smiled wide, inspiring a small grin
from me. “No. She didn’t.”

“Well I did, but don’t let it go to
your head,” I warned. “I liked you the entire year,” I continued.
“Ok, like is a little weak. I was obsessed with you. I wouldn’t
shut up about you. Mel used to loathe you because of me,” I

He chuckled. “Really?”

“Yup. I gave up on you though in
eighth grade when I decided you liked Mel,” I admitted. So the bear
could be tamed…

“Ouch. That one stung a bit,” he

“Sorry. Just telling the truth,” I
replied. I finished eating my cereal and got up to place the bowl
in the sink. He got down and followed.

“So what did you think of the movie
last night?” he asked.

“It was ok, kind of cheesy though,” I
shrugged. I walked over toward the sectional. I had no other place
to venture since he was still in the kitchen and I wasn’t quite
ready to show him my room given my attire.

“You screamed quite a bit for someone
who thought the movie was cheesy,” he teased.

“That’s exactly what Kellan said! Ugh.
I was not that bad.”

“Yea, you kind of were,” he

“Ugh. Whatever,” I said throwing a
pillow at him.

“Hey. Watch it!” he warned. He tossed
the pillow back onto the sofa as he came and sat about a foot away
from me.

“Or what?!” I pushed.

“Don’t think I forgot that you’re

“You wouldn’t dare,” I taunted giving
him my best dark look possible.

“That’s what you think,” he said
before reaching across, closing the gap between us to tickle me.
His hands were all over, gently brushing my body in all my weakest
points. I was gasping for air between laughs and cries.

“Stop!” I pleaded still in hysterics
as my body squirmed into a lying position. He huddled over me
without smothering me, but enough so I couldn’t escape his

“What was that? You want more?” he
grinned, still hunched over me. It reminded me of a wrestling match
gone awry. I knew I was cornered so my only chance of survival was
to surrender.

“Ok, okay!” I laughed. “I give up. I
give up!” I writhed still trying to escape his devious

He finally stopped. The moment he did
the atmosphere took a serious turn despite the stupid grin on my
face. He inched further on top of me, and my lips turned down. We
lost all humor in that moment as our eyes met. We stared at each
other for what seemed like eternity. Neither of us moved, locked by
a connection that appeared out of nowhere. Suddenly he wasn’t
hovering over me anymore; rather his body was limb for limb on top
of mine. His left arm supported his upper body while embracing me,
and he brought his right hand up running his fingers across my

I felt a tingling within me. I knew
what was coming and instead of being nervous, I was ready. Rapidly
his lips crushed against mine. They were warm and soft yet urgent
in their touch. His arms slid under my back pulling my chest
against his.

We opened and closed our mouths in
unison. I could feel his breath on my tongue. It felt natural. It
felt like I had suppressed a lifetime of anguish and was finally
releasing it. His right hand slid along my shirt hem, but my arms
remained glued to my sides preventing his entry.

It was becoming too much for me. I
felt the need for more slowly building, but I knew I wasn’t willing
to do more, especially given what I thought had been a revelation
last night. I lightened the touch of my lips to his, pulling away
between locks yet leaving my eyes closed. Our breathing was heavy
as he kissed me one last time gently and then lifted me from under
him onto my side. I now was lying on my left side and he was lying
beside me, holding me so I wouldn’t roll off the couch.

He was the first one to speak.
“Umm..wow. That was, uh.. breathtaking. I’ve kissed you before, but
it was um… well, uh, never like that,” he stuttered between

I blushed as the reality of what
happened set in. “You weren’t too bad yourself.”

Our breathing was still a bit inflated
and my heart still raced despite being able to speak calmly. I was
in awe of this new man before me. I didn’t feel like I was kissing
a boy I was prepared to dump, which had me looking at him in a new
light. My only concern was, was what I felt lust or did I actually
care for Mike in that capacity?

Holding me tight with his right arm he
released his left and began pulling my hair away from my face. I
remained still, gazing at him while I mentally deciphered my
reaction to his touch. Though we weren’t kissing, this silent
moment held the same intimacy. His hand slid down to caress my

Amidst his admiration he whispered,
“You really are beautiful.”

I didn’t respond, still absorbing what
was happening and debating my intentions silently. I heard a
buzzing noise off in the distance. It took me a minute to realize
it was my phone still resting on the island.

“My phone!” I gasped, snapping out of
my trance. I nearly fell jumping up off the couch and stumbling
into the kitchen. I grabbed my phone to my ear without checking the
ID hoping I caught the call in time.

“Hello?!” I asked panting from the

“Hey Lexi. It’s Kellan.” He paused.
“Are you okay?”

“Hey Kellan. I’m fine. Just was trying
to get to the phone in time. What’s up?” I asked as my breath
slowed back to normal. I turned to see Mike watching me intently
from the couch; he had moved to an upright position.

“What does he want?” Mike whispered. I
shrugged my shoulders awaiting Kellan’s response.

“Are you done with your monologue

“Yea. I finished it the other night.
Do you need help with yours?” I offered.

“No. I’m good.”

“Ok. Let me know if you change your
mind.” Though I was talking to Kellan, my mind was entirely focused
on Mike and his intense gaze locked on me. It felt odd to have the
sudden mental switch between the two guys.

“I will. I’ll talk to you later,” he

“Umm… ok,” I responded, closing the
phone in confusion. Was that really all he called for? Why was
everyone acting so strange lately? It’s still one giant puzzle to

“What was that about?” Mike asked
reflecting the same dismay I showcased.

“I’m not really sure,” I replied. I
looked down realizing I was still in my PJs. “Um, you want to hang
out in my room for a bit? I need to shower and change.”

“Sure,” he agreed with a

“Don’t get your hopes up. You’re not
seeing anything,” I warned as we walked up the stairs.

He chuckled. “I suspected

“Oh, well good.”

Once in my room, Mike sprawled across
my bed commenting on how comfortable and big it was while I dug in
my closet for an outfit. I settled on a pair of navy blue yoga
pants, though I’d never actually done yoga, with a plain white
t-shirt. I grabbed panties and a bra, hiding them within my shirt,
and hurried into the bathroom.

I rushed in the shower not wanting
Mike to snoop and brushed my teeth thoroughly in the event of
another make-out session. I folded my pjs neatly leaving them on
the bathroom counter. As I exited, I realized I was right to rush.
Mike was walking around my room analyzing every picture and
accessory. It was strange seeing a guy in my room. Until now, only
Mel and my parents had been in it.

I sat down on my bed prepared to
interrupt his browsing. “So what do you want to do?”

“Anything,” he shrugged happily,
joining me on the bed.

“Um, well I am kind of curious about
something,” I stated slowly.

“What do you want to know?” He was
eager, giving off an exhilarated feeling.

“How long have you liked me?” I

“Liked – since I met you, but as more
than a friend, it’s been a little over two years now,” he answered

“Why did you wait so long to tell me?”
I really was curious to hear his answer.

“Well, you kind of ignored me a lot
when I tried to talk to you and Mel. At one point I thought you
hated me. Mel was the one who set me straight.”

“Oh.” I guess I had been stand-offish
with him, but that’s because I thought he was attracted to Mel. I
didn’t want to be the third wheel in their conversations. Perhaps
that was why I was so unsure of our relationship. I was so sure
that he had liked Mel that when his attention was entirely on me, I
panicked fearing it was another high school prank.

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