Diary of a 6th Grade Girl #1: How to Survive Middle School (2 page)

BOOK: Diary of a 6th Grade Girl #1: How to Survive Middle School
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Day 11

Dear Diary,

I was talking about how bad I am at Science during lunch today, and another girl told me that she’s good at it. She offered to help me with Science if I help her with Math, so we’re going to study together once a week! I’m really excited, because I think she might become my best friend.

Her name is Sharon, and she’s really sweet. She moved here a few years ago, from a completely different country, so she knows what it’s like to be the new girl. She talks with an accent too, but I didn’t know if it was rude to ask where she was from.

I gave her my phone number, and she called around dinner time so that I could ask my mom if it’s okay for me to stay after school tomorrow. We’re going to do our studying together every Thursday, since she has something else to do every other day of the week. She dances, and she takes music lessons, and she even plays sports! I don’t think she likes to, but her mom makes her do it.

I’m really happy to have a new friend, and I have someone who can help me with Science. Our grades and our social lives are getting better at the same time! We’ll invite the other kids at our lunch table to come too, but I don’t know if they’ll want to. They don’t really study very much, and I think that some of them might even end up failing. One of the girls at our table looks like she should be in High School, but she’s only in 8
grade. I’m determined to keep my grades up; I would hate to be held back. It would be embarrassing, and my parents would
kill me

Day 12

Dear Diary,

Today is Friday, and guess what?! I’m having my first ever sleepover tomorrow. Sharon is coming over, and we’re going to have so much fun. It’s going to be really nice. My mom rented some movies for us, and we’re going to order pizza, and have ice cream. We might study, if we have enough time for that.

And some other exciting news is that Kyle taped a note to my locker this morning. It said: “Hi Sarah, I’m not going to eat lunch in the cafeteria today, so I wanted to see if you would come to the library with me. It will just be the two of us. Hope I can see you there! Kyle, xoxoxo”

I had to ask Sharon what the “xoxoxo” part meant. She says it means hugs and kisses! That is really sweet of him. Too bad Kristy didn’t see. She didn’t come to school today, and I heard it was because she was getting her braces put on. Maybe she won’t be so popular with braces.

I did go to see Kyle, and it was really fun. I helped him study for our Social Studies test, because he has trouble with that. He’s really cute, and I like the way he plays with his hair when he’s thinking.

I have to go clean my room so it will be ready for the sleepover tomorrow! I’m really excited. That’s two weeks of Middle School completely done with. It’s been great too, and I think that I’m going to enjoy the rest of the year. I just hope it keeps going this well.

Day 13

Dear Diary,

Sharon just left, and it’s almost time for dinner. The sleepover was a lot of fun! I hardly slept at all. We stayed up all night, just talking.

Anna did our nails for us, and they look really cute. We didn’t get any chance to study, but it was the weekend, so I think that it’ll be okay. I’ll just study extra hard tomorrow. I would study tonight, but since I didn’t get to sleep last night, I’m going to bed early.

I think I’m going to start wearing makeup to school. I want to impress Kyle. I know he said that he thinks I’m pretty, and he said that when I wasn’t wearing makeup, but he might notice me more if I was wearing at least a little bit of eye shadow, some blush, and some lip gloss. Maybe I don’t need the blush though, since I blush a lot around him anyway!

Day 14

Dear Diary,

Today was terrible. I don’t really want to talk about it, but I have to write it down anyway. Kristy fell in the hallway today, and all of her books went flying. Even though I was standing by my locker, and I didn’t do anything, she told everyone that I had tripped her! Can you believe it?

I couldn’t believe it, and people actually thought that she was telling the truth. Sharon stood up for me, and said that she had seen me busy at my locker when Kristy walked by, but no one would listen to her. I got sent to the principal’s office because of it!

I didn’t get in trouble or anything. I’m not suspended, and I don’t have detention. But the principal did call my mom, and everyone thinks that I tripped Kristy. My popularity went down a lot, and no one will even listen to me when I try to tell them that I didn’t do anything.

The only people who believe me are my friends from the lunch table. My mom knows that I would never trip anyone, so she wasn’t mad, but she was disappointed in me for getting myself into that situation. But it’s not like I did it on purpose, or I had a choice; it just happened.

Why can’t Middle School be easier to understand? There are a few things that I really don’t get. Like, Kristy has braces now, and she looks kind of funny with them, but her popularity didn’t get hurt at all. But everyone hates me just because Kristy told them that I did something I didn’t even do. Even if I wear cool clothes, or look good, people will make fun of me for being short or ugly. I don’t think it matters what I do, I’m never going to be popular. But, I’ve seen some of the popular girls in action, and they’re really not nice. I don’t think that I really want to be popular if the only way to get there is to be mean to everyone else.

Day 15

Dear Diary,

Kyle is going to a party this weekend, and he invited me to come as his date! So, I am officially his date. It’s going to be a party with a bunch of people from our Middle School, so I’ll get to show everyone (especially Kristy) that Kyle wanted to go with
. It’s going to be really fun.

I’m surprised that my mom is letting me go, but she said since there are going to be adults there, it’s okay with her. I just have to be back home by 10:00! That’s a lot later than I’m usually allowed out.

She’s met Kyle before though; when she drove me to school a few days ago (I forgot to tell you about that—I missed the bus because I slept in!). She really likes Kyle, and thinks he’s a nice boy, so she trusts me to go to the party with him and come home okay. His parents are driving us, so I’ll have to meet them. I’m just a tiny bit nervous about that.

Day 16

Dear Diary,

I just got home from the party, and I can’t believe how much fun it was. We played games, and we danced, and we hung out, and I actually made a lot more friends. Kyle introduced me to some people who I have seen in classes, but haven’t had the chance to talk to. And we held hands, and Kristy saw, and it didn’t even bother me when she came over to tell me how ugly my dress was, because Kyle was holding my hand and smiling at me.

His parents are really nice. They picked us up at 9:30, and they said that I was welcome to come over to their house any time I wanted to hang out with Kyle. I don’t think I’m ready to go to his house yet though.

But I have some very special, important news to tell you. At the party, I got my very first kiss on the lips. I’ve been kissed on the cheek before, but it’s very different when you get kissed on the lips.

Kyle and I were outside, by the cooler, and it was dark out. We could see the stars, and we were holding hands. It was very romantic. And I turned to look at him and say something, but he was a lot closer than I was expecting. I forgot what I was saying, and I just looked into his eyes, blushing. Then, I can’t even believe that I did it, but I leaned in all the way and kissed him on the lips.

It was really sweet. He kissed me back for a minute, and then we went back inside. I can’t believe how wonderful it is. I guess that kiss made it official, and we’re boyfriend and girlfriend now.

I can’t believe how well Middle School is going. I’ve already learned a lot, and it’s only been a few weeks. I think the most important thing that I learned is that it’s not important to be popular. It just matters if you have friends that you like and get along with. I’m glad that my friends, especially Sharon, like me for who I am. I don’t have to be like Kristy and wear clothes and do things just because it looks good. I can be me. And, even though Kristy is popular, my friends are real, and I have a boyfriend. This is going to be a very good year, I think. I can’t believe I was scared about starting Middle School.


Hope you enjoyed the story! Please carry this with you throughout your middle school career, and let it remind you that Middle school is fun, not scary!

If you girls enjoyed this story, please take a look at these other books! Some are written by me, some by my girlfriends! They will help you succeed, and make middle school less scary.

1. How to Survive Middle School for Girls: Special Edition

By Claudia Lamadre: Everything you must know about Middle school survival!


2. Diary of an Almost Cool Girl:

A great tale of a fellow middle school girl and her troubles at a new school!


3. Middle School Crushes:

A middle school love story!


4. How to Survive Middle School for Girls: Part 2:

The ultimate guide you must need to get through middle school! Covers bullies, boyfriends, etc.


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