Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health (69 page)

BOOK: Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health
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ENGRAM BANK: The storage place in the body where engrams, with all their percepts, are recorded and retained and from which engrams act upon the analytical mind and the body.

ENGRAM COMMAND: Any phrase contained in an engram.

ERASE: To cause an engram to “vanish” entirely by recountings, at which time it is filed as memory and experience.

GROUPER: An engram command which makes the time track or incidents on it become tangled in such a way that the track appears shortened.


HOLDER: Any engram command which makes an individual remain in an engram knowingly or unknowingly.

MEMORY: Anything which, perceived, is filed in the standard memory bank and can be recalled by the analytical mind.

MISDIRECTOR: Any engram command which makes the patient move in a way or direction on the track which is contrary to instructions of the auditor or the desires of the analytical mind of the patient.

PERCEPTIC: Any sense message such as a sight, sound, smell, etc.

PRE-CLEAR: Any person who has been entered into dianetic therapy.

PRE-RELEASE: Any patient who is entered into therapy to accomplish a release from his chief difficulties, psycho-somatic or aberrational.

PSYCHO-SOMATIC: Any physical disorder or ill generated by the mind. Psycho-somatic ills are caused by engrams.

REACTIVE MIND: The cellular level mind which is not “unconscious” but is always conscious -- the hidden mind, hitherto unknown.

REDUCE: To render an engram free from somatic or emotion by recountings.

RELEASE: Any person who has been advanced to a state approximating 1950 normal by dianetic therapy, whether advanced from a psychotic or neurotic condition. The act of releasing by therapy.

SOMATIC: Dianetic neologism for pain, any body condition experienced when contacting an engram; the pain of a psycho-somatic illness.

SONIC: Recall by hearing a past sound with the “mind’s ear.”

STANDARD MEMORY BANK: The storage place in the mind where all consciously perceived data (sight, sound, hearing, smell, organic sensation, kinesthesia, tactile as well as past mental computations) are recorded and retained and from which they are relayed to the analytical mind. Includes all data of a conscious nature from conception to “now.”

SUPPRESSOR: The exterior forces which reduce the chances of the survival of any form.

SYMBIOTE: Any entity of life or energy which assists an individual or Man in his survival.

TIME TRACK: The time span of the individual from conception to present time on which lies the sequence of events of his life.

VISIO: Recall by seeing a past sight with the “mind’s eye.”


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