Read Diamonds and Toads: A Modern Fairy Tale Online
Authors: K.E. Saxon
Tags: #romance, #humor, #romantic comedy, #magic, #contemporary, #laughter, #fairies, #fairy tale, #dominatrix, #tattoos, #diamonds, #toads, #magic spells, #gemologist, #frogman, #ke saxon, #house boats, #fifties bombshells, #fashionistas, #ballrooms
She arched. “Ahh—Diamond!”
It took his fogged brain a second to
translate the meaning. He jerked his finger out of her and with his
head resting on the warm cushion of her breast, he gasped in a
breath. “Sorry. I know: Too fast.”
Maybe he hadn’t
gotten any better at this after all.
“It was—it was just too good, is all.”
That made him feel better. He lifted up on
one elbow and looked at her. Her face was flushed and her eyes were
dreamy. “I’ll try to go slower.”
“Or, maybe—maybe faster? I think I’m ready
for the final act.”
The look of innocence and uncertainty on her
face was priceless. Who would have ever guessed that she could be
such a good actor? No wonder becoming a pro-domme had been such an
easy transition for her. He took hold of her hand and kissed her
palm. “May I try one more thing before we get to the ‘final act’,
as you put it?”
Wide-eyed, she shrugged one shoulder. “I—I
“Close your eyes and grab hold of the bedpost
behind your head.”
He saw her throat work as she swallowed, but
she did as he said. After the test of will she’d put him through
earlier, he wasn’t about to give in to her request until she begged
him for it. He pushed a pillow under her rump and settled his head
between her thighs, pressing them wide with his hands. He heard the
harsh intake of breath as she realized what he was about, but she
said nothing to stop him. He breathed in the heady, feminine aroma
of her. It made his mouth water. “God, you’re sexy.” A tremor ran
over her belly as he splayed her labia wide with his fingers and
tickled her inner lips with the tip of his tongue. He continued
this for some time, listening to her breath rasp, watching the
muscles of her belly clench and unclench, feeling her body brace as
love juice seeped from her center. When she started to thrash her
head, mumbling, “please, please,” he knew she was going to say the
safe word again in a second if he didn’t step it up, so he teased
her clit into a hard nub, flicked it in rapid beats with his tongue
until it was as hard as his dick. When she moaned and arched, her
body primed and on the edge, he toppled her with soft suctioning
kisses to it. As her juices flowed more heavily over his chin, as
her moans became wails, as her hands left the bedpost and flew to
his hair, she came at last. It was beautiful. She was
* * *
She couldn’t catch her breath. Couldn’t focus
her eyes.
Now that was an orgasm.
It sure beat the hell out
of a vibrator. And they hadn’t even gotten to the main event yet.
She worried her lip with her teeth and looked at his erection as he
settled next to her once more. “Do—do you want me to, um,
He chuckled and leaned in to give her a soft
kiss on her lips. She tasted her own flavor on his mouth, it
somehow made what just took place between them more vivid,
“Not tonight. I’m already too turned on. Next
Next time.
That sounded promising—and
thrilling. She nodded. “Next time.”
He began to kiss her again, began caressing
her body the way he had earlier, only this time, more gently,
without the rush. She honestly was in awe of how in control he was
of his own body. Most of her clients would have spewed three times
by now. She wondered if that meant the actual act would be brief.
She couldn’t see how it could be anything but, not with all the
foreplay they’d been through so far. But brief might actually be a
good thing for her first time, especially if it was as
uncomfortable as she expected. He lifted her breast in his hand and
gently suckled her, seemingly tugging a string of desire that
linked her breast to her clit. Her womb tightened and her thoughts
His hand trailed down over her stomach until
his fingers reached her mons. As he stroked the curls there a
moment, he turned his attention to her other breast. She arched to
give him better access, opening for him at the same time. His
fingers stroked her labia and inner lips, then found purchase over
her clitoris and strummed the burning ember into a flame once more.
It was at the point where she was sure she was going to fly apart
again that he moved over her and positioned himself at her opening.
She was more than ready to be taken by him. More than ready. She
wouldn’t let him go slow, instead pushing on his hard buttocks with
the palms of her hands, forcing him to enter her quickly. They both
yelled out at once.
Their eyes flew open and their gazes held. A
tick formed in his cheek. “Did I hurt you?” he asked. She saw
confusion and surprise in his eyes. Was it an act or reality? She’d
better quash it quick if it was the latter.
“No,” she lied with a smile and then she
leaned up and kissed him on the mouth.
* * *
His thoughts fled. The urge to move overtook
him. With each new thrust, he went further into the heat of her.
The pillow under her hips allowed for even deeper penetration.
Somewhere in the back of his mind, he realized she wasn’t enjoying
this half as much as he was, but the feel of her hot little box
squeezing him tight was driving him now. She held on to him, hiding
her face in his neck, barely making a sound except for almost
silent little gasps with each new invasion. He grasped her bottom
in his hands and thrust quickly, forcefully, moans bursting forth
with each new entry. “May I come now, Mistress?” he gasped out.
“Yes,” she replied, her voice taut.
In the next instant, he was up on his palms,
his neck and body rigid as he spewed inside her in jerking spasms,
her name torn from his lips.
* * *
A few minutes later, Delilah, lying on her
stomach, facing away from Chas, purred in contentment as he kissed
her shoulder and traced the design of her tattoo with the tip of
his finger. “That wasn’t an act, was it Delilah?”
Her eyes popped open. She froze. “What
“The whole virgin thing. That wasn’t an
He nuzzled her ear. “It’s okay, you don’t
have to lie about it.” The low vibration of his murmured words sent
chills across her heated skin. She shivered. “I just wish I could
have made it better for you.”
Whipping her head around, she looked at him.
“It was wonderful. Everything that I’d hoped it would be—more,
“You didn’t come,” he said, as if that were
proof of the level of her enjoyment and his expertise, “and I hurt
you, I think.”
“I loved it—I love you,”—His eyes dropped
from hers, his lips thinned, so she rushed on as if nothing
significant had been professed— “and it was more uncomfortable than
painful. To tell you the truth, I can’t wait to do it again.
He hauled himself up off the bed and her
heart leapt into her throat.
Was he leaving so soon?
then he took hold of both her hands and hauled her up, too, saying,
“Let’s take a shower.”
He held her hand as he led her into her
bathroom, never releasing it, even while he turned on the water and
adjusted the temperature.
See? He did love her, he just didn’t
like effusive professions of it, was all.
For some reason, now that she was on her
feet, her nakedness made her uncomfortable. It was as if all her
flaws were under a spotlight’s beam. She fought the urge to run to
the closet and get her robe.
He rose up with his hand still under the
shower spray. “There, perfect.” He pulled on her hand, forcing her
into the shower. “Ladies first,” he said, but he was right behind
“Mmm. This is great,” she said.
He nudged her chin up and his eyes penetrated
hers. “Did you lie about being on the pill, too?”
“No! I’m on the pill, I swear. I’ll show them
to you.” She moved to get out of the shower and his arm swung
around her waist, hauling her back inside. “No. No need. I believe
you. It’s just odd is all.”
He held her lightly now, one hand firmly over
her left butt cheek, the tips of her breasts just grazing his
chest. He moved her closer still and the head of his erection
touched her skin. Her heart rate went through the roof. “I guess it
was just wishful thinking on my part.”
He smiled, but there was worry in his
expression, too. He dropped a soft kiss on her lips. “And did
your wish come true?”
She nodded and smiled back at him.
His smile turned into a broad grin. “I’ll
soap your back, if you soap mine.”
But it wasn’t her back that he lathered. It
was her chest. He spent an inordinate amount of time on her
nipples, she noticed with a shudder. After another minute or two,
he moved lower, to the junction between her thighs. “Does this
hurt?” he asked, unmistakable concern in his voice as he lightly
ran his fingers over the lips of her sex.
Was he kidding?
Her head lolled back.
“Nooo. Feels wonderful.”
He wrapped his arms around her, pushing his
fingers through her hair at the base of her skull and kissed her.
There was bridled passion there, but tenderness as well, and she
reveled in it, in the incomparable feel of this man’s hard,
masculine frame crushed relentlessly into her, his erection pushing
against her mons and belly.
As they kissed, she touched him, then, more
boldly, stroked him. In no time, his breathing turned harsh. He
moaned into her mouth and she felt it all the way down to her core.
Before she knew what he was about, he’d turned the tables on her,
loving her in the same way, returning each stroke of her hand with
one of his own.
“Please, I want you inside me,” she told him
between kisses.
He rested his forehead against her brow. “I
think it’s too soon since the last time.”
“I don’t.” She wrapped her arms around his
neck and kissed him, pressing her body snugly against his. He
groaned and lifted her up by her backside so that their groins
melded. She slipped her legs around his waist and he entered her
slowly. It only stung a little on his initial entry this time. He
moved her up and down on his erection in short strokes as he traced
her nipples with his tongue. He positioned her with her back
against the wall of the shower, thrusting deep as he took her
aching peak into his mouth. She bucked and gasped, rotating her
hips so that she ground against him. He strummed her clit with his
thumb, repeating the grinding rotation with his own hips. Each new
surge brought a ripple of promised rapture for both of them. Their
cries of joy merged and echoed off the tiled walls of the shower
stall until at last, her strength gathered and her thighs spread
wide, she exploded around him in a wave of tremors. In the next
instant, Chas’s chest heaved and his body shook with violent
* * *
By the time they got around to eating, their
dinner was cold and coagulated, so they ordered out for pizza. Chas
waited until Delilah had taken a bite out of her second piece
before he broached the subject that, even with all that had
happened between them in the past three hours, still weighed
heavily on his mind and heart: saving his family’s business, the
only legacy he had, the only one he had to someday hand down to his
own children, and more importantly, the mission his father had
given him to do.
* * *
Chas reached across the table and took
Delilah’s hand in his. She chewed and swallowed, switching her gaze
from her food to his eyes as she lay it down on her plate.
“Thank you for tonight,” he said. “Thank you
for the gift you gave me. I’m—I’m honored and humbled, Dee. Honored
and humbled.” Sometime in these last hours of intimacy, he’d begun
calling her by the diminutive. It fit somehow, fit her, fit this
new level to their relationship. But most of all, it sent a warm
tide of euphoria through her veins every time he said it.
She felt her cheeks flush and she moved her
gaze to his shoulder. “I’m glad you liked it.”
I’m glad you
liked it? What a dweeb.
She shifted in her chair.
He chuckled. “Oh, I liked it alright—that was
plain, I think.”
Her hand flew into the pizza box and grabbed
another piece. “Here, have some more! There’s loads left.”
He grinned at her, swept a stray lock of hair
off her cheek with his finger and then took the proffered piece.
“Thanks, don’t mind if I do.” He took a big bite, chewed, then
swallowed loudly before saying, “You know…about this money
management thing. I’m a little worried.”
Thank God! Another subject.
No third
degree about
she’d still been a virgin, as if it weren’t
obvious. She cocked her head to the side. “Worried? How so?”
“I know you want to manage it yourself—and I
applaud you for it. I do. But, Dee, you’ve got little to no
experience handling funds of that size. There are so many pitfalls
and landmines; I can’t even begin to enumerate them. It could all
be lost in a heartbeat—and that’s literal, not even slightly
exaggerated.” With a sweep of his hand, he said, “Hell, you know
this yourself—look at what happened to your father’s fortune! Your
family’s been living with the consequences of that nightmare for a
lot of years now.” He sat forward, his arms on his thighs.
“Reconsider. Let me invest the funds for you. I swear, I won’t lose
a cent of it. In fact, you’ll gain even more wealth under my
Delilah chewed her lip. How was she supposed
to explain why she couldn’t let him have control of her money? Even
with all they’d shared these past hours, she still wasn’t sure
enough of the strength of their bond to tell him about the Perrault
fairy legacy. Even she’d thought it a myth until the creature
showed up in her life. No rational human being truly believed in
magic, charms, and the arcane world of the fey folk. It was the
stuff of legends, that was all. She clenched her hands together in
her lap where he couldn’t see them. “I know you’re right about
everything you’ve said, but try to understand. I need to do this
for me.” She sat forward. “I
be careful with my money,
though. I promise.”