Devour (32 page)

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Authors: Kurt Anderson

BOOK: Devour
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Every novel is a stew of experiences and imagination, mixed with a little craft; this book would not have been possible without the following people who contributed to one or more of those ingredients.
My late father, Bill Anderson, introduced me to the siren call of the water at an early age, piloting us up and down those lonely northern rivers. I never knew what might be around the next bend or under those stained waters; I know a bit more now, but the mystery remains. I can still see you smiling at the tiller, Dad.
My mother, Nita, encouraged my insatiable appetite for reading at an early age, and understood that a good story has power for those who learn to listen. My awesome sisters, Suzie and Becky, joined my mother in teaching me how toughness and graciousness could go hand in hand. Thanks also to Adam Janke and all of my nieces and nephews, who rank among the coolest people in the universe.
Joe Amato, Joe Dierkes, and Willie Janke all took turns introducing me to the thrills of big water and maritime craft; I am indebted to each of you. Justin Neudahl has been one of my biggest supporters throughout my writing career and also blesses my fishing boat each year on Lake Michigan with his, ahem,
, netting skills. Thanks also to Jon Olson, Rick McRae, Tom Diedrich, Corky and Sandy Hemsworth, Gil and Monie Ehnes, and so many others.
This novel would not have seen the light of day without the guidance and support of a particularly fine man in Dallas, Texas: Jim Donovan, you are much more than an agent; you are a mentor and friend of the first degree. Thanks also to Gary Goldstein, Arthur Maisel, and everyone at Pinnacle for their fine work, and for taking a chance on me.
Tyler and Carter, two fine young men, you never fail to cheer and inspire me; I’m blessed to call myself your father. And finally: Tina Lee, my lovely wife, it was you who told me, years ago, to quit thinking so much and start writing. Your advice, support, and love are the bedrock of our family.
PINNACLE BOOKS are published by
Kensington Publishing Corp.
119 West 40th Street
New York, NY 10018
Copyright © 2016 Kurt Anderson
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.
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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
PINNACLE BOOKS and the Pinnacle logo are Reg. U.S. Pat. & TM Off.
ISBN-13: 978-0-7860-3679-0
ISBN-10: 0-7860-3679-6
First electronic edition: June 2016
ISBN: 978-0-7860-3679-0

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