Read Devil's Fall: Dust Bowl Devils MC Online

Authors: Britten Thorne

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Military, #New Adult & College, #Romantic Suspense, #Contemporary Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Crime, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

Devil's Fall: Dust Bowl Devils MC (14 page)

BOOK: Devil's Fall: Dust Bowl Devils MC
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"Unrelated." He sighed. "A friend... he shot himself." She cursed softly under her breath. "He was more like a brother, really. More than my own blood ever was."

"Army?" she asked, and felt him nod. She squeezed him tighter. "Gunner, I'm so sorry."

"Sorry." His laugh was bitter as he stepped out of her embrace. "You don't know sorry. You can't even begin to know."

"You're right." She kept her feet planted where they were as he paced before her in the dark. "What can I do?" Her own fears and problems paled and faded into the background.

"You can get out of my head!" he shouted. "I don't have enough shit to deal with?" He stabbed at his temple with a finger. "You've burrowed in there like a fucking parasite. I'm alienated from my club, my friend is dying right this minute, and all I can think about is murdering that fuck that threatened you and then climbing inside that hot little cunt of yours."

She dug her nails into her palms to keep them from shaking. Fear and arousal coursed through her in tandem. "Well. You've got me all fucked up, too."

Maybe it was because she rarely cursed, but it seemed to get through to him. He stopped pacing, at least. "You should go see him if you can," she said softly. "If he's dying right now. I'll go with you if you want me."

He was on her in two strides, lifting her and pressing her back against a tree. He pulled her legs around his waist and growled into her ear before she could even take a breath. "I want you," he said. "As soon as you realize how bad this is for you, you’d better disappear from here. But until that day, I'm taking you. You're mine. Got it?"

He gave her no chance to reply, though she wasn't sure what response to give. Not until his lips crashed onto hers - then the only answer was, "yes, yes."

It had broken her heart to see him so torn up, but she could only think of one way to comfort him.

"Take me," she whispered against his ear. She clasped her thighs tighter around him. "Right here. We don't know what will happen when we reach your home." His lips grazed her neck.

"I won't let anything happen to you."

"I know. But we'll have to face your club. I'll have to face my sister, you'll have to face your friend. Take me while it's still just us."

She felt feverish as they tore at each other's clothes. Though they'd fooled around earlier, they'd never managed to get each other fully undressed. When he pulled her against him, bare skin against hot, bare skin, it was erotic and somehow comforting at the same time. Her head sank against his shoulder and she thought,
I fit here way too well

He seemed to feel similarly, crushing her tight against him and simply holding her there, breathing hard but making no move to rush despite his erection nudging her belly.

His hands warmed her back as they roamed. "Fuck," he muttered, "You feel so fucking good."

She kissed his neck, tasting his skin, salty and simply masculine. It inflamed her desire, and her hand snaked between them as she left a wet trail leading up to his mouth. "Take me," she whispered again. Her fingertips brushed the head of his cock, already damp with his fluids, and she gasped. She didn't think she'd ever needed anything so badly in her life.

He was uncharacteristically silent. With barely a grunt, he wheeled her around and trapped her hands above her head, pressing her into a tree. She squirmed, rubbing her ass against his erection.
Yes, finally.

His free hand curved around her waist and he pulled her bottom half out, lowering her trapped arms as he positioned her, back arched and ass presented. If it were light out, she had no doubt he’d be able to see her pussy this way. It was hot, and vulgar, and she tingled all over. Her breath came out in pants. Moisture seeped from her lower lips as his hand roamed her cheeks and his fingers dug in.

Then his fingers moved lower and traced her slit, delving deeper as she moaned at his touch. The hand around her wrists gripped tighter as she tugged against it. He was hilariously stronger than her - she may as well have tried to push over the tree itself. There was something hot and wild about being so trapped by him, and she moaned his name.

He answered with a hot breath slowly exhaled against her neck as he slid two fingers deep inside her. She cursed as she rocked back against him, drawing him even deeper. Soft, mewling sounds escaped her as he stroked her over and over, expertly rubbing her g-spot, building her pleasure higher and higher. She groaned in frustration when he abruptly withdrew.

“Wider,” he breathed, and she set her feet further apart, her knees weak with anticipation.
Finally, finally.
He probed her wet entrance with the tip of his cock. She briefly wished that she could see him - he did like demanding that she look at him, and though she’d mentally protested at first, she’d begun to love the erotic intimacy of it. It was too dark where they were, anyway, and simply feeling him was more than enough. As he slid himself inside her, she could feel every delicious inch, stretching her, filling her in a way she’d never experienced. She held her breath as he rooted deep - and finally released her wrists.

He groaned, "What the fuck are you doing to me, woman?" One hand held her hips still; the other found a breast and kneaded the soft flesh.
He feels it, too. Whatever madness that's infected me, it has him.

"Use my name, Gunner," she said, her voice strained.

He pulled back and surged inside her once, hard, making her gasp and bringing on a fresh flood of arousal. "I give the orders."

"Please," she said. It took a moment to regain her voice. He withdrew and tortured her with shallow thrusts. "I want to know that you know who you're fucking." This was beyond "fucking," as far as she was concerned. This was a whole different level.

"Senna," he hissed, caressing the word as if he could taste it. "You think I'd forget?" He thrust hard, filling her, angling for her g-spot, and she saw stars. Then again, and again, building her pleasure once more.

She gasped and cried out between her words. "I know you know. I -ah, I just want to hear it."

"Senna," he hissed again. He took up a faster pace as he pinched and tugged her nipples, one and then the other, driving her wild. She felt like all her nerves were on fire; she pushed back against him and lifted onto her toes.

Without pausing, he released his bruising grip on her hip and reached around her waist. She jumped when his finger slicked across her clit. He stroked the sensitive bud with a light touch, but it wasn’t enough, and it was too much, in combination with all the other sensations pulsing and throbbing through her like a drumbeat, accelerating towards her inevitable climax.

"Come for me, Senna," he growled.

Her orgasm sent sparks of pleasure burning and crackling through her limbs. Her pussy clamped down on his cock over and over, making him groan until he hurriedly withdrew. She cried out at the loss, though she still rippled with waves of bliss.
I'm going to fall.
But Gunner was there, sweeping her off her feet and laying her out on her back.

"Oh, God," she groaned, covering her eyes. She must have looked and sounded like a woman possessed by demons.

"Don't," he said, pushing her arm down, "I want to see you."

When she opened her eyes, she found him shining his phone's flash light between them. It cast dark, eerie shadows on his face, but she could see him clearly. The hunger in his eyes made her breath catch.

"Hold it like this," he said, passing it to her.

"What-" She was still recovering, but with him hovering over her, positioned just so and looking at her like that, she was lit afire all over again. "Gunner."

He snaked his arms beneath her, protecting her back from the rocks and twigs littering the ground. Then he surprised her with a soft and tender kiss.

"I'm going to make you come again," he said, then kissed her forehead. "I'm going to make you come every single day that I have you. Keep that light up." His lips found hers once more and attacked. His tongue invaded her mouth and slid against hers, slowly, as his hips rocked against her.

It was too much. His hunger and his passion were overwhelming. Yet even as she whined beneath his assault, her free hand squeezed between them. She found his cock, hot and hard and still slick with her fluids, and guided it to her swollen pussy.

He filled her so perfectly she wanted to weep.

"Oh, fuck," he groaned against her mouth, echoing what she felt.

She locked her ankles around his waist. "Fuck me," she breathed. The angle let him sink even deeper. "Fuck me hard."

Her words set him ablaze. He pounded into her with shocking force, grinding himself against her clit each time he sank deep. The air filled with the sounds of flesh on flesh, his grunts, her cries.

"Come with me," he grated as he picked up speed. He lifted his head to look down into her eyes. "Come with me."

She could only nod, tilting her hips higher and rocking with his thrusts. It took only a few strokes more to send her spiraling into another orgasm, even more intense than the first. Her mouth fell open but she couldn't make a sound - she could only stare up into his darkened gaze as her body quaked and trembled.

She felt him withdraw and spill himself on her thigh. Sated, exhausted, she relaxed against his arms, still shielding her back from the forest floor. Her ass would certainly be filthy with dirt and leaves, but she didn't care.

Somehow she hadn't dropped his phone. She'd wanted to see him just as much as he'd wanted to watch her. Now, though, she released it so she could wrap both arms around his neck.

No words. She had nothing to say. He'd knocked all thought from her head. All she wanted was to lie there the rest of the night.




He was pissed at himself for letting the voicemail rattle him so badly, but when the end result was so sexy and perfect, it was hard to hold onto that anger.

He thought that he'd feel finished with her once they'd had sex, as he so often had with other women before. But that wasn't the case at all. Already he was imagining fucking her again. He wanted to taste every inch of her.

Instead he settled for rolling onto his back and taking her with him, holding her tight against his chest. She exhaled across his neck.

"That was kind of intense," she said.


She chuckled. "That was really fucking intense and I don't think I can stand just yet."

He stroked her hair as he stared up at the dark sky. Maybe he would take her with him to see Alvarez after all. It had been his friend’s mother who’d called and left a tearful message, begging him to say goodbye. Which meant his father had given her his number.
Not cool.
He was allowed to avoid the whole situation if he wanted to. He was allowed to pretend it hadn’t happened, that he and Alvarez were still simply not speaking. What right did they have to drag him into reality?

But maybe, just maybe, with Senna standing at his side as steady as she always was, maybe he could handle it.

And if he couldn’t, well, it seemed far too much to hope that she’d be there to pick him back up. Though something told him she would. The madness of the past few days had forged a connection between them. It would have to break eventually, but there was no use denying that it existed at all.

“I want you to come with me,” he said.

“Okay.” He hadn’t needed to explain what he was referring to; she knew. She traced the ink on his side with a fingertip - an old army tattoo, a scorpion above it. The Dust Bowl Devils’ lettering crossed his lower abdomen, and she traced them, too. “Can I ask you something?”

Please don’t.
“What is it?”

“Are you…” She hesitated but he could guess.

“I haven’t murdered anyone,” he grunted, “What you didn’t see the other day, that was unusual.” He sighed. “We do bad shit, but we’re not
bad. Mostly we’re just transporters.”


“Yeah. Weapons. You know.”

She whispered, “People? Like, women?”

“Fuck no.” He shifted his shoulder, deliberately jostling her. “And that’s a godawful thing to accuse someone of.” The Northern Eagles weren’t innocent of that crime. And now they were in business together. But he wasn’t going to make any assumptions yet.

BOOK: Devil's Fall: Dust Bowl Devils MC
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