Devil's Canyon (11 page)

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Authors: Ralph Compton

BOOK: Devil's Canyon
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Chapter 5

The rest of the day passed uneventfully. After supper, before the first watch began, Faro had something to say.

“Collins, I have a plan that requires a case of that dynamite.”

“There's plenty,” Collins said. “What do you have in mind?”

“I want it capped and fused,” Faro said. “With seven- to ten-second fuses. You'll keep a few sticks in your saddlebag, and I want some on every wagon box.”

“There's oilskin in the first wagon,” Collins said.

said Faro. “See that the dynamite is wrapped to stay dry, and each of you had better use a bit of that oilskin to wrap a few matches. We already know we're facing a large number of men, and the time may come when we find ourselves surrounded. A few well-placed sticks of dynamite could even the odds.”

“An ingenious plan,” Collins said, “and I didn't even consider that, while purchasing the dynamite.”

“The important thing is, we have it,” said Faro.
“Since we're on the second watch, I reckon you and me had best fuse and cap that dynamite after supper. It'll cut into sleepin' time a mite, but I'll feel better when it's ready.”

“I'll help, if you like,” Durham said.

“Let the little varmint,” said Odessa. “Maybe he'll blow himself up.”

“I reckon Collins and me can handle it,” Faro said. “We'll need to save the dynamite for Utes and outlaws.”

The others laughed, but Durham did not, and Faro didn't like the look in the gambler's eyes. After supper, Collins broke open a wooden case of dynamite, and with Faro helping, they capped and fused the explosive. Collins dug into the first wagon and came out with the oilskin. With his knife, he cut a section of it into two-foot squares, and in these, sticks of capped and fused dynamite were wrapped. The teamsters watched approvingly, for it was a tactic that might well save their lives. Durham had already taken to his blankets in preparation for the second watch, while Odessa McCutcheon hunkered with the rest of the teamsters, drinking coffee. While Mamie stayed with the first watch, Odessa had remained with the second, if for no other reason than because her continual presence irritated Hal Durham. While the two appeared to hate each other's guts, Faro Duval was not convinced. Odessa had begun spending most of the watch with Levi Collins, and Collins had done nothing to discourage her. In fact, he seemed to relish her attention, and began returning it, with interest. One evening after
supper, before the first watch began, Faro took his suspicions to Mamie McCutcheon.

“Mamie,” Faro said, “I need a woman's advice, and I must ask you not to repeat anything I'm about to say.”

“I am flattered, Mr. Duval,” said Mamie, “and I just love secrets. I presume it somehow involves Odessa and her…ah…activities on the second watch.”

“It does,” Faro said. “Not so much what she's doing, as her reasons for doing it. Am I wrong to doubt that Odessa and Durham don't actually hate each other?”

Mamie laughed. “You are a strange man, Faro Duval. To answer your question, I'd have to say no. I fear Odessa is as much attracted to Durham as ever, and is perhaps using Mr. Collins in an attempt to revive Durham's interest in her.”

“Damn,” said Faro. “Do you think she can?”

“Frankly, I don't know,” Mamie replied. “From what I've seen of Durham, I doubt it. To support my reasoning, I'd have to tell you some unflattering things about Odessa and myself.”

“I won't ask you to do that,” said Faro. “You're entitled to your private lives.”

“That's kind of you,” Mamie said, “but when one's life touches that of a two-legged skunk like Durham, something always gets lost in the stink. There are some women who, although they don't realize it, find a flawed, low-down man most appealing. If they lose one, they'll find another. Odessa and me, if there was any hope for us, should have been married before the war. When it ended, the few men who came home were crippled, sick, and bitter. The last thing any of
them seemed to want was a twenty-five-year-old woman whose best years were behind her. Is it any wonder that a slick-talking, fancy-dressed varmint like Durham could turn a woman's head?”

“One of you, I can understand,” Faro said, “but how…?”

Mamie laughed. “Oh, he spent a week with Odessa, before he came after me.”

“You gave in to him, knowing he'd taken advantage of your sister?”

“He didn't explain it that way,” said Mamie. “He sort of…accused her of taking unfair advantage of

It was Faro's turn to laugh, and Mamie blushed.

“Sorry,” Faro said. “What did Odessa do?”

“She jumped on me,” said Mamie. “She called me a whore, and some other words that I didn't know

“If she blamed you,” Faro said, “then why did she come after Durham with fire in her eye and a Winchester in her hand?”

“Not to kill him,” said Mamie, “despite what she says. She was furious, not because he took the thousand dollars from her, but because he ran out on us. She was counting on going to California with him.”

“That's hard to believe,” Faro said. “Don't you know, when a man's proved he's a sidewinder, he ain't likely to change? If Odessa and Durham
got back together, where would you fit in?”

“I was going to save her from him, if I could,” said Mamie. “I thought if I was there, always around, he'd
leave her for me. How many times must that happen to her, before she gives up on him?”

“You don't believe that,” Faro said. “You already told me there's women who lose one no-account varmint, only to go lookin' for another. So you and Odessa came west, plannin' to share this slick-tongued gambler.”

“Damn you,” Mamie cried, “how dare you…”

“Quiet,” said Faro. “This is a touchy enough situation, without involving all the others in it. So you came west with Odessa, not to even the score with Durham, but to continue what he had started, back in Amarillo.”

“Yes,” Mamie said, refusing to look at him, “but you must understand the terrible predicament in which we found ourselves. We were considered fallen women, disgraced in a town where we had grown up. In the churches, sermons were preached, condemning us as sinners bound for hell-fire. Don't you see? Anything—even a checkered life with a slick-talking gambler—would have been better than what we faced at home.”

“I reckon I can understand that,” said Faro, “but where does that leave you now? Do you still believe Durham will be taking the pair of you to California?”

“Oh, God,” Mamie said, “don't ask me that. I don't know. Odessa and me talked some about taking our teams and wagon and returning with you to Santa Fe, but I don't know that she wasn't just creating false hopes. When we've gone as far as you intend going, I'm not sure Odessa won't try to push Durham into taking us on to California.”

“Do you think that was Durham's only reason for throwing in with us, to escape you and Odessa?”

“I…I don't know what you mean,” said Mamie.

“Then I'll spell it out for you,” Faro said. “I had my doubts about Odessa when she kept insisting we were being followed by outlaws. You've heard her admit that she believes those men are concerned with where we're going, and why. Is it too far-fetched to believe that this Hal Durham has the same ambition?”

“I suppose not,” she replied in a small voice.

“Then maybe Odessa's interest in Levi Collins accounts for more than just stirring up jealousy in Durham,” said Faro. “Suppose Collins tells Odessa where we're going, and why? It appears to me that would get her back in solid with Durham. Would she go that far?”

“Damn it,” Mamie cried, “I don't know. Why don't you ask her?”

She stomped angrily away, and Faro doubted he'd have to say anything to Odessa, for she dropped her tin cup and went after Mamie. The others—especially Collins—looked at him long and hard, but Faro said nothing. If Odessa or Collins took issue with his doubts and suspicions, let them approach him. Almost immediately after the second watch began, Collins did.

“Mr. Duval,” said Collins, “I understand you do not look favorably on my interest in Odessa McCutcheon.”

“Wrong, Collins,” Faro said. “I don't look favorably on her interest in
, because I believe her interest goes considerably beyond what you expect. I think she's still neck-deep in her affair with Hal Durham, and that she aims to swap him something
wants, in the hope of rekindling his interest in her. Have you told her where we're bound, and why?”

“My business arrangement with you does not entitle you to pry into my personal life,” said Collins stiffly.

“It does, when your personal life threatens the lives of us all, and the success of this expedition,” Faro said coldly. “Now answer my question.
Have you told Odessa McCutcheon where we're bound, and why

“No, damn it,” said Collins irritably, “but I can't say that I won't.”

“Collins,” Faro said grimly, “I can't make you shut your mouth, but I can sure as hell make you wish you had. If you breathe a word of our purpose and destination to Odessa or Durham, our deal with you is off. We'll unload four of these wagons, leaving every damn bit of goods and grub on the ground, and return to Santa Fe.”

“By God,” said Collins, his face livid, “you wouldn't…”

“I would, and I will,” Faro replied, his voice dangerously calm. “I want your promise of silence. Do I have it?”

“You have it,” said Collins, choking out the words.

Faro said no more, and Odessa McCutcheon wasted no time in joining Collins. Durham realized something was afoot, and when the gambler laughed, Faro turned on him.

“Come now, Duval,” Durham said, “there's enough of her to go around. Let the man take his pleasure. Tomorrow, he may be shot full of Ute arrows, and missing his scalp.”

“Durham,” said Faro, “one day I'll catch you dealing from the bottom of the deck, and when I do, it'll be your last deal.”

Durham laughed again, but with a little less confidence. Faro turned away.

*   *   *

“I saw Duval talking to Mamie, and then to you,” Odessa McCutcheon said, “and I've a feeling it involves me.”

“No,” said Levi Collins, a little too quickly. “It has to do with Durham. Duval doesn't trust the man.”

“He shouldn't,” Odessa said. “I've told him that from the start.”

“How do
feel about Durham, Odessa?”

For a long moment she said nothing, and even in the starlight, he could see the anger in her eyes. When she finally spoke, her voice dripped with fury.

how it is. Duval believes I'm in cahoots with that snake-in-the-grass, slick-dealing gambler, and he's talkin' against me.”

“Nobody's accused you of anything,” said Collins. “We all know you and Mamie are here because of Durham, and that you once had plans of traveling to California with him. I think all of us are entitled to know what you and Mamie intend to do once these wagons have gone as far as we intend to take them.”

“We intend to return to Santa Fe with Duval and his men,” Odessa said. “Remember you still have our wagon loaded with your goods. Would you prefer to unload it, so that we can return to Santa Fe immediately?”

“Of course not,” said Collins angrily. “You know that's impossible. I suppose I'll have to tell you what's bothering Duval, and what's bothering me.”

“Please do,” Odessa said coldly.

“You're an attractive woman, Odessa McCutcheon,” said Collins, “and I'd be lying if I said I'm not flattered by your attention. But damn it, you were so smitten by this Durham that you followed him here, all the way from Texas. How am I to know that you're free of him, that you aren't out to learn confidential information from me, and pass it on to him?”

“I reckon the confidential information you're referrin' to is where you're takin' these five wagon loads of grub and goods, and your reasons for takin' 'em there,” Odessa said.

“That…that's it,” said Collins uncertainly.

Odessa laughed. “You don't have to tell me nothin', Mr. Collins. Stop me, if I got it all wrong. Somewhere in this godforsaken country, you made a strike. Silver or gold, but I'm bettin' it's gold. Usin' that—or the promise of it—you've convinced Duval and his friends that freightin' in your goods is worth the risk. Am I right, so far?”

Collins was aghast. “How did you…?”

“You have pick-and-shovel hands, Levi,” Odessa said, “and there's enough dynamite on these wagons to level every mountain between Santa Fe and the big water. I ain't told Durham a thing, but you can be sure he knows as much as I do. He's crooked as a sand rattler, but that don't mean he's stupid. Now you and Duval take your suspicions and leave me the hell alone.”

She turned away, leaving him standing there with conflicting emotions, feeling like the fool she apparently thought he was. He was only mildly surprised when Faro Duval spoke to him from the darkness.

“I reckon you heard it all,” said Collins.

“Most of it,” Faro admitted. “I may have underestimated her, and where a woman is concerned, that's the worst possible thing a man can do.”

“Thanks to you,” said Collins, “I played the fool. In spades.”

“Maybe not,” Faro said. “You had the sand to confront her with your suspicions, and she'll respect you for that. Take her advice and shy away from her. You'll have to play out the hand before you'll know if it's you or Durham. If she's interested in you, then she ain't likely to change, but if she throws you down for Durham, then you've been out of the game since the first draw.”

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