Read Devil's Angels Boxed Set: Bikers and Alpha Bad Boy Erotic Romance Online

Authors: Joanna Wilson,Celina Reyer,Evelyn Glass,Emily Stone

Devil's Angels Boxed Set: Bikers and Alpha Bad Boy Erotic Romance (53 page)

BOOK: Devil's Angels Boxed Set: Bikers and Alpha Bad Boy Erotic Romance
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Luke hung out in front of the bar, sitting on his bike and chewing on sun seeds. “Whoa whoa, little lady!” He held up his hand for her to stop and then leaned his head forward. “Oh... Micah's girl. Back for another ride?” He punctuated his question by spitting out the shells, cracked and flecked with saliva.


“Yeah I just... the open sky, the engine, the bike... it was everything he said it'd be. I want more.”


Luke chuckled. “Well get in line, lady, you ain't the first he's shown a good time.” The remark was casual but hit her hard all the same.


She knew a man like Micah probably would have other conquests and she knew she had to take him down anyway, but Luke's words brought out feelings she never knew she had about the man. His allure was undeniable and yet what she felt was more powerful than the irresistible, animalistic pull to couple with him.


It was the ever present hunger to have the wild man in her life. A man as uncompromising and unbending to other men as he was to the law itself. Micah was a dying breed, one of the last renegades. And if she got him behind bars, what would she get? A pat on the back, an 'attagirl!' from the captain? A life filled with the same gray faced, bleary eyed slaves, the very men Micah spoke about the night he made love to her.


Domesticated men. Hideously safe men.
I'm going to gain the trust of one of the world's last great men and betray him all so the cap can give some good numbers to the mayor, who can give some good numbers to the governor? No. The career. The promotion. The justice.
What she stood to gain felt hollow against what she stood to lose, but Mulder was more than clear of what would happen if she followed her heart.
God forgive me.


“Hey lady!” Luke snapped his fingers and brought her attention back to his face. “People come here to
baked, they do not


She sighed and her eyes flared with impatience. “Can I go see him or what?”


Luke's wide grin and sharp chin made him look like some devilish jester. “Yeah, I'm just fuckin' with you. It's ladies night, entry's free.”


She stepped past him and gave a curt nod. “Thanks.” Inside, the bar was loud, bright and smoky. Bikers with golden stripes on their back laughed heartily as they knocked back shots and guzzled down iced beers. She saw many with their girls, scantily clad but still acceptable for walking out in public, grinding on their men.
Hope Micah isn't with a stripper. That would be awkward.


She moved through the leather clad crowd, bumping and nudging and felt a few touches that were more than just a bump or nudge. A lingering graze on her ample bottom made her want to get out of the press as soon as possible.


Where the crowd parted was around the billiard table and there she saw Micah, cigarette in mouth, looming like a mountain over his stick as he hit a red ball across the green. Old Joe sat in a chair across from her and his cheeks rolled and clenched with chew. “Micah.” he said, his voice full of saliva, “She's here.”


“Well how about that. Most don't come back.” he said and aimed for another ball. “Most savor the memory and go back to their shit lives with their shit pay and their shit titles.” He hit the ball perfectly and she watched it roll in the hole. When she looked up, he was grinning ear to ear. “You're something different.”


She smirked. “You convinced me. I quit my job. I'm not a bank teller anymore.”


Micah and his men laughed while he leaned on his stick. “That's a shame. You would've been a shoo-in for robbing it.” More men laughed. “Kidding! We're not common criminals, are we boys?” They all bellowed no.
“So what do you want?”


“You.” She walked up and kissed him on the lips, giving him tongue and wrapped her curvaceous body around him. The mounds of her breasts pushed up into high swells against his chest and sent the beginning pangs of excitement to her needy loins. When she pulled away she licked her lips and rested her hands against his chest. “Just take me with you, wherever you go. No matter what, I'll be there.”


“His cock made outta gold or something?” said one man in the back, followed by a few muted laughs.


Micah looked at her in silence and considered her like he did at the gas station. It made her feel tense and vulnerable. She wanted his approval and his heart. Her eyes drifted over to the knife-happy Pedro as he walked up behind Micah and rested his hand on his shoulder.


“I'd say do it, boss. Sounds like one of those ride or die bitches and how often do those come along?” Sadness welled up in her chest though she hid it well.
If only they knew.


Micah's smile brightened up the room and then he threw up his hands. “I don't see why not! Fuck it!” He grabbed handfuls of her plump ass and brought her against his groin, kissing her so hard her long simmering lusts went from embers to bright flames. Her whimpers and moans of pleasure were drowned out by the collective cheers.


He broke away from her lips and dragged her heaving and panting in desire through the smoke and into his office. The music and harsh laughter was dimmed behind the walls and when he slammed the door, she saw a feral hunger in his eyes that both frightened and excited her.


“Take your fucking pants off.” She did so and reclined back into his seat. “Whoa, no. You're riding me this time. Can't trust a girl who can't.” he said with a grin.


Can't trust a girl who can either.
She smiled gently and buried her anxiety. Micah's spirit was fearless, he lived hard and loved easily. His joy was boundless and it made her tremble all the more.
He is so unsuspecting.
Micah had sank back into his chair while she lowered herself on top of him.


She steadied her hands on his shoulders and lowered herself onto his hard and veined weapon. Gasps shot from her lips when she felt his bulbous head pierce her folds. “Oh god...” she moaned and then Micah pulled her down at once, filling her up to the root.


“Ride me. Show me what you got.” he said and the spirit of lust and competition roiled and mixed within her soul. His hands pawed at her breasts while she sank herself upon his length and bounced. She hissed in pleasure when his palms ran along her smooth flanks and pulled her closer in a crazed series of thrusts.


The music in the bar picked up with a heavy, driving rhythm. The very walls of the office seemed to shake to the symphonic thunder outside while Micah's chair strained and creaked to their ferocious coupling. “Oh Micah! Don't stop!” she gasped, biting her lips as she clenched her pussy with each downward slide on his thick member.


Her pace was so violent she didn't care that her heavy breasts hit Micah's face.
He probably doesn't care either.
  All that mattered was that piece of ultimate pleasure that hung teasingly in reach, entwined with her love's approval. She yowled like a cat in heat when she felt Micah's hand pull down on her hair, sending her into more lustful spasms as she swiveled her hips against his cock.


He pulled harder when he heard her gasp and slapped her gyrating bottom with a loud clap. A husky moan of ecstasy ripped forth from her lips and her back arched. The intense strains of the music outside boomed in her head as much as the beat of her heart. Her body stiffened and white hot euphoria rushed up her spine like a plume of fire. She screamed and slammed herself like a frenzied hell cat down on his rippling tool.


“Goddamn!” grunted Micah as he pulled Abbey down to his chest, rubbing her voluptuous endowments across his muscles as his lusts exploded. She writhed atop him, wracked with convulsions when his cock twitched and unleashed an ocean of his hot seed deep into her silken depths.


She panted as he pumped his spend inside her. They released their manic grips on each other with satisfied sighs. The music outside had also calmed into a more mellow rhythm.


“Ok...” he said, his breath light, “you know how to ride. I trust you.”


Abbey moaned in content and rested her head on his bare chest while his hand traced lazy circles on her back. “Micah...” she said softly, spent and satiated. “Can I trust you? I know the Black Asphalt boys aren't just into charity. Everyone knows that.”


Micah chuckled. “Yeah. Everyone knows but no one can prove it. Funny how that works.”


“Please baby, let's just run away from all this. Get away from the drugs and it'll be the two of us.” For one long moment, she hoped he'd listen. They were the truest words she'd ever spoken. The MPD had no evidence against Micah.
We could run away right now and we wouldn't be breaking the law. MPD hasn't made dropping out in the middle of the investigation illegal.


He sighed and stroked her hair. “I will. I'm getting' tired of this shit anyway but after the 26
, I'll be flush. Just you, me, and the bike.”


Through tears and a smile, Abbey received his secret and did the math.
. That's September 26
She picked up more of his secrets in the coming days and weeks, with each passionate expression of their love a simultaneous step to their ruin, each union a joy yet a harbinger of pain to come.
I'm so sorry. I love you Micah but please forgive me. I have no choice.
Even up to the eve of the exchange, Micah took her sad expressions as the wistful delight of being with the man she belonged to.


Never did it cross his mind that the woman he gave his heart to kept her heart divided, all for what was to come...




“Alright goddammit!” Mulder clapped his hands together in the trailer. “Finally... finally, we're gonna nail this son of a bitch! Let's give a round of applause to Ms. Channing for delivering this asshole on a silver platter!”


Various team leaders in tactical gear clapped but then Mulder shut them up. “Alright alright be quiet. It ain't over yet. Don't wanna spook him before it's time... speaking of which.” He looked straight at Abbey. “Your wire working ok? With the traffic and blindspots around the warehouse we won't know when the exchange has started until they say the magic words.”


She tested it with a few taps on her shirt. “Yep. Good to go, sir.” she said, trying to keep her spirits up and not let any hint of regret seep into her voice. The amount of intel Micah gave her was staggering, so much so she had the Black Asphalt MC's drop points and exchange spots planned out for the next five months.


But none of that mattered. It all came down to tonight.


“Good. Let's do this!” barked Mulder and the various leaders filed out. Abbey followed them and then got back into her car.


Tears formed in her eyes.
I love you Micah. I love you so much, please don't die. Please forgive me.
She started the engine and drove away, to bring her lover to his final fight and enjoy the freedom one last night...




“Why the fuck is she coming along?” said Spider, his voice low and threatening.


Micah didn't lose a step as they entered the warehouse. “It's some asshole from back east, probably from the Hamptons, not some Colombian motherfucker with a machete to grind. She'll be fine, it's all casual.”


Abbey squeezed his hand and kissed him on the cheek.
Please keep it casual, baby. I don't want to see you hurt. Don't die on me.
With each step she felt her Beretta rub against her skin.
Please don't make me use it, Micah.


“East coast." Luke lit a cigarette even though he never smoked a day in his life. "Maybe they can throw in some of that Wall Street blow, a little friendly gesture for meeting way the fuck out here."


“If you want some snow kid, I know some brothers south of the border that can help with that. More pure than the crap they're peddling in New York.” Rick growled while Pedro coughed awkwardly.


The five walked through the place, stepping over tumbled crates and walking through patches of sporadic light. Old Joe stayed outside, guarding the motorcycles. A man in a black suit and tie awaited them with a briefcase in hand; his bodyguards at his side.


“You must be Micah!” he called out and laid his briefcase atop a waist high crate, already snapping open the clasps.

BOOK: Devil's Angels Boxed Set: Bikers and Alpha Bad Boy Erotic Romance
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