DevilishlyHot (9 page)

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Authors: Unknown

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But instead of getting angry, Finola’s expression shifted from confusion to something that looked decidedly like intrigue. “Blue collar? How interesting.”
“Interesting maybe,” Tristan said from beside her, “but I’m sure he will bore you to tears very quickly. He certainly won’t fit into your world.”
Annie blinked at Tristan. Was Finola’s toady actually agreeing with her?
“Of course he will,” Finola said confidently. “But maybe first, I need to learn how to fit into his world.”
“What?” both Annie and Tristan said at the same time.
Finola smiled, turning her full attention on Annie.
“Surely a girl like you comes from blue-collar stock. You can show me how to be the kind of woman Nick Rossi would want.”
Annie gaped at her employer. Was she joking? Finola wanted to be schooled in how to be blue collar? This was—unbelievable.
Finola giggled then, lifting her little dog from her oversized dog tote and cuddling her little dog against her cheek. “This will be perfect. I will learn how to be what he’s comfortable with, and then when he’s besotted with me, I can work on making him what I want.”
Annie opened her mouth to argue, but Tristan spoke first. “Finola, you will never be comfortable being common. You know that.”
Finola frowned at her assistant editor. “I don’t believe this is up for debate.”
Her little dog growled as if agreeing with its owner.
Tristan glanced at Annie and for the first time ever, Annie almost got the feeling the man—the creature—was sympathetic to her. But he didn’t say anything further.
Annie’s heart sank.
“I must go to meet with Ralph Lauren now,” Finola said, “But when I get back I want you to have contacted Nick and set up a date. You will go out with us.”
Annie didn’t respond, still trying to find something to say to bring this awful twist to an end. But what? Finola had made up her mind.
“But Nick will think it’s odd to be on a date with two women,” Tristan pointed out, and again, Annie had the feeling they were on the same side.
Finola was silent for a moment, then shrugged. “Well, we will make it a double date. Nick will think you and Annie are on a date with us.”
Annie’s heart sank even more, like it was dropping to her toes.
“Finola—” Tristan started, but Finola snapped her fingers and he stopped. Annie watched in horror as Tristan’s mouth snapped closed and seemed locked that way.
The demon even touched his lips as if wanting to pry at them.
Finola sighed them. “Now I hate to be this way, but neither of you is listening. I’ve told you what must be done, and that’s that.”
“Yes,” Annie said automatically. If a fellow demon couldn’t fight Finola, then she certainly couldn’t.
Finola glanced toward Tristan. He stood in a position of submission, his gaze barely meeting their boss’s, but he too nodded his assent.
Finola snapped her fingers again, and Tristan’s face noticeably relaxed, his lips parting. He pulled in a deep breath through his mouth.
“Good, I have to leave now. I’m meeting with Ralph Lauren to discuss his Fashion Week show,” Finola said with a sweet smile, and no sign that she’d just done something supernatural to Tristan. No sign that she remotely thought her demands were strange at all.
She removed her dog from her oversized purse, and handed it to Tristan. A small grimace tugged at his mouth as he reached out to accept the beast, but Tristan clearly wasn’t going to deny Finola anything. Not if he didn’t want a worse punishment than his lips being forced shut.
The little white dog growled, which seemed to be about all the creature did, but Finola didn’t seem irritated by its complaints.
“I know, sweet baby,” she crooned to the dog. “I will be back soon.” She wasn’t nearly as sweet sounding as she turned back to Annie and said, “So have a date arranged for tonight by the time I return.”
Annie nodded again, realizing this would probably be the task where she finally failed. How was she going to convince Nick to go out with Finola, then teach Finola White to act like a normal person, while also making Nick believe she was on a date with Tristan?
She should just hand over her immortal soul now.
Finola started to leave the reception area, then paused. “Oh, I almost forgot. Here is the list of things that need to be arranged for my end of Fashion Week party.”
She dug into her non-dog purse and pulled out a piece of paper.
Annie accepted the white sheet, reading down the list written in Finola’s loopy, swirly handwriting.
Six dozen white candles.
White linens with silver overlays
China with silver detailing
Four cases of the German wine (the same vintage I had at my Fall Equinox party)
Use the same caterer as well
12 dozen white lilacs
Annie stared at the list. So she was supposed to find lilacs in the dead of winter, and make Nick fall for Finola. Oh sure, this would all be a piece of cake. Man, she was screwed.
Through her swirling, panicked thoughts, Annie vaguely heard Finola talking to Tristan.
“You stay here and work with Carrie on the layout for the ‘An Orgasm a Day Keeps the Wrinkles Away’ article.”
“Yes,” Tristan said dutifully.
“Good. Now I must go. Ralphie hates to be kept waiting.”
Annie snapped out of her overwhelmed reverie in time to see Finola saunter away, her tall, lithe body in a perfectly fitted, ivory white business suit that would arouse the jealousy of even a supermodel. She seemed completely unconcerned with the fact that she’d just made demands that were impossible.
But Annie was going to have to make them possible somehow. Part of her was desperately afraid for her own soul, but most of her still just didn’t want Nick succumbing to Finola and the dark temptations she offered. The idea depressed Annie and triggered another, sharper, more painful feeling that she didn’t want to explore.
But as usual, Annie had no choice but to do what she was asked. It wasn’t as if she could stop her boss. Nor could she tell Nick the truth. First of all, he’d just think she was crazy.
By the way, Nick, HOT! magazine is run by demons. Flee for your life.
Yeah, that would go over well.
But the truth was, even if he did believe her, what could he do to protect her or himself? Even the NYPD couldn’t stop demons. She was pretty sure of that.
So she had to do what Finola asked.
She sighed, staring down at her list of tasks, more guilt choking her. She felt helpless. Selfish.
You are just trying to survive this, she reminded herself. It was all she could do.
She turned to go to her computer, only to start when she realized that Tristan still leaned in the doorway of Finola’s office, watching her. The little white dog watched her too with small, black eyes.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you,” he said although, as usual, Annie could not read any regret on his face. His strange, vividly blue eyes just studied her, unreadable. Almost empty looking.
He pushed away from the doorframe and sauntered over to her desk, his long legs encased in a pair of designer trousers. His broad shoulders and lean torso were displayed impeccably in a vintage-style button-down shirt, untucked and with the sleeves rolled back over his forearms, making him look expensive, hip and casual all at the same time.
Tristan was beautiful. Annie remembered the first time she saw him. She’d been stunned that any man could be so pretty and masculine at the same time. But even then, three years ago, she’d been wary of him. He was hard and cold, and Annie got the feeling he could be just as dangerous as Finola, even though Tristan had never done anything to substantiate that feeling. At least not that Annie had ever witnessed.
Maybe it was because Finola’s evil was close to the surface. Even though she was unpleasant, Annie usually knew what to expect. Tristan was like trying to read a faded newspaper in a dark room. Impossible.
Annie forced a smile, trying to hide her wariness. “I just didn’t expect you to still be standing there.”
He stopped at the edge of her desk, suddenly seeming to realize he still held the cranky little mutt. He quickly lifted it out of its tote and set it down like something particularly nasty, and it trotted off to sniff around the reception area. When he straightened, he studied her for a moment, his strange sapphire gaze moving over her in the most disconcerting way.
Annie fought the urge to fidget under that intense stare.
“You need to make Finola realize she can’t tolerate being an average person.”
“Excuse me?” she asked, confused by Tristan’s comment. Confused that he was talking to her at all.
He frowned at her, something akin to impatience flashing through his eyes—just a flicker—then emptiness again.
“Finola might lose interest in this detective if she realizes he’s too uncouth for her.”
“But he isn’t uncouth,” Annie said, thinking about how funny and charming Nick was. Finola wouldn’t miss that. She must have seen it already, or why would she be so determined to have him?
“But we can
her think he is. Get in Finola’s head and think of the worst place she would want to go on a date. And we do that.”
Annie blinked at him. Was Tristan actually trying to help her? But why? And could she really trust him?
As if he read her mind, he said, “Her interest in the detective is a bad idea. I’m sure you’d love to hear I’m working with you to sabotage this because I’m concerned for you, or the detective. But that isn’t the case. I’m concerned with what we’ve worked so hard to set up here. Satan has his plans. I can’t let Finola’s sex drive throw a monkeywrench into them. But getting rid of the detective will also keep you safe. It’s a win/win situation.”
Annie stared at him, this beautiful façade before her that hid so much evil. “Well, when you say it like that, how could I not ally myself with you?”
Just for a second, Tristan actually appeared amused.
“Good. I’m glad you realize this is the only way.”
Annie nodded. It was the only way, and even that wasn’t guaranteed to work, but what other options did she have? None.
She also had no choice but to trust that Tristan was really on her side, sort of, in this plan. Again, what choice did she have?
Chapter Eight
ood evening, Master.”
Satan looked none too pleased at the interruption. Perhaps it wasn’t the most opportune time to come to him, while he was in a hot tub with two buxom blondes. But seeing as he was in the tub with them in his natural state, his red skin slick with water, these women, or whatever they were, wouldn’t be shocked by his sudden materialization.
In fact, they were too busy draping themselves over Satan’s body, their hands stroking over his powerful, muscular chest.
“Why are you here?” Satan demanded, making it evident he wasn’t happy with the intrusion.
“I just wanted to let you know that action is being taken to get Finola under control and stop her interest in the human.”
Satan nodded, although he still looked uninterested. “Fine.” He returned his attention to his women and his own pursuit of carnal pleasure.
Perhaps it hadn’t been necessary to report in, but it was his job. And he was very diligent, taking very seriously his mission to keep an eye on things.
Still, he didn’t say anything else, leaving Satan to his hot tub fun.
The phone on Nick’s office desk rang, and he picked it up on the second ring. He’d been waiting for a call from one of the witnesses in a case involving a stabbing in an apartment building.
So he was very surprised when it was Annie’s voice that answered his clipped greeting.
“Hi, Nick. This is Annie.”
He leaned back in his chair, her lovely voice shooting through the line and directly into his body, warming him.
“Annie. I have to admit, I’m surprised to hear from you.”
“I’m surprised to be contacting you.”
“So why are you? Is it too much to hope you missed me?”
“Yes,” she said and he smiled at her frankness.
“So what’s up?”
“I’m actually calling on behalf of Finola. She’s hoping you will go out on a date with her.”
Nick raised an eyebrow. “First she makes you stalk me, and now she’s making you ask me out??for her. You have a pretty odd job, Ms. Riddle.”
There was a moment of silence, then Annie said flatly, “You have no idea.”
“When does your boss want this date to happen?”
“I can’t do tonight. I have some casework that I need to get done.”
“Tomorrow?” she asked, and he could sense the subtle change in her voice as agitation set in.
Finola definitely scared Annie. That was very clear, and he didn’t want to add to her anxiety, or worse, put her at risk in some way, but he didn’t know whether seeing Finola on a social basis was a good idea. He didn’t want to complicate his investigation of her and
Or create any conflicts of interest.
Jokingly he asked, “I don’t know, will you be there?”
“Actually, yes.”
Nick paused, surprised. Finola didn’t seem like the type of woman who would share the limelight with anyone else. Especially on a date.
But the fact he would get to see Annie again definitely made the idea of the date more appealing. He’d done little but think of her since their kiss.
“Will your boyfriend be there?”
“No,” she said.
Hmm, now that was interesting.
Without further thought, he said, “Sure, I’ll go on a date tomorrow.”
Annie gave Nick the details about when and where they would meet him, then quickly ended the call, finding it hard to hear his husky voice without reacting to it. But when she hung up the phone, instead of feeling relief that he’d agreed to go, she felt more dread.
She wanted to believe her plan with Tristan would work, but she wasn’t sure. Finola seemed determined, but she supposed Tristan was right. It was worth a try.
But what she feared even more than Finola at this very moment was the idea of seeing Nick again. And not being able to keep her attraction to him hidden.
This was going to be like making her way through a minefield.
But for today, her work was done, and she was going to head home where, maybe for just a moment, she could feel safe and forget this long and dreadful day.
But she found she didn’t feel much better as she stepped into her apartment and closed the door tightly against the outside world.
She leaned against the door and for just a moment, she recalled how she’d felt in Nick’s arms, his strong body beside hers, his words and demeanor so protective and comforting. Safe. For a brief moment, Annie had remembered what that felt like. And how much she had missed it. Missed everything she’d felt in his arms. Being safe, happy, aroused, sexy. She’d felt none of those things in so long.
Then a sound invaded her thoughts. Bobby’s voice.
Instantly she was ashamed. Ashamed that she was standing here thinking of another man while her boyfriend was in the next room. She sighed, telling herself to get it together. Nick was off limits for so many reasons.
She kicked off her shoes and headed into the living room, only to realize Bobby was in the bedroom. She paused outside the half-closed door, listening.
“Oh yeah? You’d like that, huh?”
Annie frowned, instantly aware of his tone, low, teasing, flirty. She straightened, then leaned a little closer to hear better.
“You want me to come over right now? While no one is home?”
Annie stopped, unable to believe what she was hearing. Who was he talking to?
“If I come over there, you’d better be ready for me. And by ready I mean naked.”
Annie gaped at their bedroom door, shocked. But anger quickly replaced shock, and she no longer remained in her hiding place. She shoved open their bedroom door, standing in the doorway, glaring at Bobby where he lounged on their bed, wearing only jeans. The cordless phone was pressed to his ear.
He startled at Annie’s sudden appearance, clapping a hand to his bare chest.
“Annie,” he said, his voice breathless. “You surprised me.”
“I bet.” She glared at him.
He pushed himself upright, frowning at her. “What’s wrong?”
What’s wrong? She widened her eyes. She knew Bobby wasn’t always the sharpest tool in the shed, but ...
“Do you really need to ask?” she said, shaking her head with disgust. “I just heard everything you said.”
He still looked confused, then looked at the phone still held loosely in the hand resting on the bed. Then he laughed. Actually laughed.
More anger and hurt filled her.
“Annie, I was rehearsing.”
Annie stared at him, sure she couldn’t possibly have heard him right. Then when his words finally sank in, she wasn’t sure if she could believe him.
She’d heard his lines from the play many times, and what he was saying into that phone wasn’t what he’d been practicing for his role as deliveryman.
He saw her disbelief and chuckled again. “Annie, I was practicing lines for a new part I got today. For a horror movie. An actual movie.”
He levered himself off the bed, enthusiasm in his every movement. Then he rushed to her, giving her a big hug.
“An actual movie,” he repeated, his light blue eyes dancing with excitement.
Annie gaped at him a moment longer and finally the news sank in, and along with it shame. She’d been so easily convinced he was doing something bad and now she felt awful for even thinking such a thing about him. Bobby would never do that to her, but she realized her own guilt must have helped her jump to that conclusion.
Her cheeks burned, shame and regret filling her heart. How could she doubt Bobby? How could she have done what she’d done to him?
She threw her arms around Bobby’s neck and hugged him.
“That’s so wonderful,” she said, squeezing him even tighter. “Really wonderful.”
She pulled back from him, happiness and apology in her eyes. “I can’t believe I thought ... that I thought that.”
She couldn’t even say the words aloud. It was too embarrassing, her lack of faith in him, which made her own weakness glaringly awful.
Bobby grinned, blessedly oblivious to why her cheeks were stained deep red and her eyes were a little too bright.
“I can only imagine how it sounded,” he said. “But I bet you could hear it’s a great part. I mean, it’s a horror flick, but it’s a good script, right up there with
and the classics. I play the bad girl’s boyfriend, so that means I get it in about the middle of the film. Really gory, really scary. It’s going to be killer!”
Annie laughed. “Good pun.”
Bobby’s tawny brows drew together as he regarded her quizzically. “What?”
Nick would have gotten the joke, she thought, then instantly berated herself. How awful to compare the two men. “Nothing. I think it’s great you are so excited.”
He nodded, his full grin returning. “It’s a real break for me.”
She smiled, having heard him say that many times before, but this time it really did seem as if his luck was changing. And she planned to support him every step of the way. She did care about Bobby. Maybe they had gotten a little complacent about their relationship because of work and other stresses, but she wasn’t going to let that happen any longer.
Would you ever get complacent about Nick?
Annie caught herself, sick at her own train of thought. That answer did not matter. She’d made a mistake. She wouldn’t do so again.
She smiled at Bobby, focusing all her attention on his handsome face, his golden beauty. He was her first love.
She hugged him again.
“So how did you hear about the role?” she asked, her head resting against his bare chest, hearing his heart beating in a steady rhythm.
“Ally. She’s been such an amazing help.”
Annie lifted her head, a moment of misgiving seizing her, but she simply smiled. “She has. That’s great.”
She was being ridiculous—any niggling mistrust she was having was because of her own behavior. She knew that.
“She is great,” Bobby agreed, pulling away from Annie to go to his dresser and take out a shirt. He held it loosely in his hand as he turned back to her.
“In fact, she got cast in the movie too.”
“Really? That’s fabulous for both of you.”
He nodded. “She’s actually playing my girlfriend. The bad girl.”
Annie had another ripple of unease, but again she told herself she was being ridiculous. She walked over to him, filled with the need to be close to him, to feel the way they had when they first fell in love.
She reached for the shirt, tugging it out of his grasp and tossing it on top of the bureau.
“What are you doing?” he said with a small, knowing smile.
“I was thinking we should celebrate,” she said, pressing a kiss to his collarbone.
He stood still, his arms loosely around her waist as she continued to kiss his neck, along his collarbone, down his chest.
“Mmm?” she answered, smiling against his skin.
“I’d love to take you up on this celebration, but—”
Annie lifted her head, frowning up at him.
He smiled, the gesture sweet, apologetic. “But the director of the movie is taking some of the cast out for drinks to celebrate. And I don’t want to miss a chance to talk with him and the other actors.”
Annie didn’t react for a moment, then she nodded. “Sure. You can’t miss that.”
Bobby grinned again. He released her and grabbed his shirt, tugging it over his head. “You are the best, Annie.”
She nodded, feeling so far from the best it was scary. He started for the door, then paused.
“It would probably be okay if you wanted to come along.”
Annie could hear the reluctance in his voice. Her heart twisted, but she shook her head.

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