Devil in Dress Blues (11 page)

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Authors: Karen Foley

BOOK: Devil in Dress Blues
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“Sara,” he interrupted. “I don’t have a girlfriend.”

“Right.” She drew in a deep breath and looked away, afraid he might see her immense relief. “What about family? Do you have any family in the area?”

“Actually, I don’t. My mother lives in Vermont and I have a sister in New York, but nobody in the D.C. area. Unless you count my Marine Corps buddies. They’re pretty much my family both here and when I’m deployed.”

Sara looked at him in surprise. She’d assumed he was from the Virginia area. But if his mother lived in Vermont, there was a likelihood that he’d lived there, too. “Do you see your mother and sister very often?”

He shrugged. “I try to get up there when I can.”

“Is that where you were raised? In Vermont?”

“Yeah. My mom was a single parent and she ran a little shop in downtown Burlington.” He glanced over at her. “I can see why you chose journalism as a career. You ask a lot of questions. What about you? When I first met you, I thought you seemed out of place here. Was I wrong?”

Sara looked down at her hands. “No. I was raised in a small town in central Pennsylvania. My parents were horrified when I told them I was going to live in Washington, D.C.” She gave a small laugh as she recalled her mother’s reaction. “My mom doesn’t trust cities. She’s still convinced that I’ll be taken advantage of in every way possible.”

Rafe slanted her one dark, heated look. “Well, the day is still young,” he said. “One can always hope.”


they reached Rafe’s house. As he pulled into his neighborhood, Sara didn’t miss how he carefully scanned the surrounding streets and his property for any signs that they might have been followed. But after parking the car, he all but dragged her into the house, not even waiting to remove their jackets before he hauled her into his arms.

“Christ, you feel good,” he growled against her throat, his hands smoothing over her body to cup her bottom and pull her against him. His mouth seared a trail along her neck before he took her earlobe between his teeth and bit gently, causing shivers of sensation to chase across Sara’s skin.

“You’re wearing too many layers,” he complained, and began unbuttoning her jacket, pushing the heavy garment from her shoulders to fall to the floor behind her.

Sara laughed unsteadily, but was cut short as he crushed her mouth to his own, angling her head for better access. Her hand slid upward over his arm to the slope of his shoulder, admiring the flex of muscle beneath the supple leather of his jacket. He deepened the kiss, licking at the inside of her mouth even as he began working on the tiny buttons of her blouse.

A heaviness swamped her limbs, and she clutched him around the neck, leaning into him and returning his kiss with equal intensity. She was only vaguely aware of Rafe slipping one hand behind her back to unfasten her bra and push it down, before cool air wafted across her bare skin. Then he dragged his lips from hers and bent his head to draw one nipple into his warm, wet mouth. The combination of heat and moisture sent an electric current to her groin, where she was already damp with need.

“I need— I want—”

Rafe didn’t finish his thought. Instead, he moved her backwards until her bottom came into contact with the oversized arm of the leather sofa. Leaning over her, Rafe continued to torment her breasts with his mouth, laving first one and then the other with his tongue while his free hand deftly worked the snap of her slacks.

“Take these off,” he muttered against her skin.

Sara didn’t have the will to protest, not when his black eyes were so intent and his mouth and hands worked magic on her body. She complied eagerly, kicking her shoes off and helping him work the material over her hips and down the length of her legs until she wore only her panties. Her shirt fell open beneath his hands as he straightened enough to rake his gaze over her.

Sara was only vaguely aware that she felt no self-consciousness. Instead, she felt incredibly sexy as he peeled his leather jacket off and let it fall next to hers on the floor. Boldly, she reached out, caught him by his belt and pulled him toward her. His breathing was ragged.

“Now you’re the one with too many clothes on,” she said. Her voice sounded husky, even to her own ears. She fumbled with his belt. “Take this off.”

His hands covered hers and he helped her to undo the buckle before she pushed his fingers aside, dragging his zipper down and cupping him through the fabric of his boxers. He was hard and hot and pulsing against her palm and Sara felt an answering throb of need between her legs. Sliding her legs to either side of his thighs, she drew him closer, until he was pressed against her center.

“This is where I want you,” she whispered, and emphasized her words with a soft grinding of her hips against his.

Rafe groaned and leaned over her, kissing her deeply as he eased her back so that she reclined at an angle with her hips up on the arm of the sofa.

Rafe straightened and withdrew his wallet from his back pocket. Sara saw his hands were a little unsteady as he pulled a condom out and tore it open with his teeth. Her mouth went dry as he released himself from his boxers and covered his erection.

“You’re so damned gorgeous,” he rasped. “I’m sorry, but I can’t wait…”

“I don’t want you to,” Sara breathed, and watched in fascination as he swiftly drew her panties over her hips and down the length of her legs until she was gloriously bare. She found herself excited by the fact that while she was almost completely naked, he was still semi-clothed. She caught her breath as he deliberately drew his finger along her throbbing flesh.

“Oh,” she gasped and raised her hips, silently inviting more of the delicious contact.

“Soon,” he promised, parting her folds and using his thumb to swirl moisture over her clitoris. “You’re so wet, so responsive.”

“It’s you,” Sara said, panting. “You do this to me.”

The sensation of his fingers against her aroused flesh was almost more than she could take, and she heard herself moan softly. As if he knew she couldn’t hold on much longer, Rafe grasped her ankles and pushed her knees back and then wide, opening her to him.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” he rasped, and nudged himself just inside the entrance to her body. “I can’t go slow.”

Before Sara could tell him it was okay—that she didn’t want him to go slow—he surged forward in one smooth movement and buried himself deeply inside her. Sara gasped and her head fell back against the sofa. He filled her completely, and the sensation of his hard length inside her was almost unbearable. He moved in a series of bone-melting thrusts and stroked his hands over her ribcage to cup her breasts, gently squeezing her nipples until she arched upward with a strangled cry of pleasure.

“That’s it,” he coaxed, his voice deep and sexy.

Sara watched his face grow taut as his movements grew stronger. She could actually feel him swell inside her, and her own flesh clutched at him greedily. But when he slid a hand to where they were joined and then angled his hips for maximum penetration, she couldn’t suppress the orgasm that had been building. Pleasure crashed over her, wracking her body with delicious spasms.

Above her, Rafe’s expression was almost fierce as he watched her. As she climaxed around him, he spread her knees wider and pressed even deeper. Through a haze, Sara watched as he gave a hoarse shout and stiffened, the cords in his strong throat standing out as he thrust one last time. Then he collapsed over her.

Eventually Rafe shifted, drawing her legs around him as he cradled her head into his shoulder. Sara felt his lips trace a tender path across her cheek to her temple, and as she wound her arms around his neck, she could feel him trembling. The knowledge that she had done this to him was both humbling and astonishing, and she tightened her arms around him. They lay together for several long minutes before Rafe finally eased himself upward.

“You okay?”

Cool air caressed her overheated skin, making her feel chilled. She nodded, missing his warmth. Rafe left the room to discreetly dispose of the condom, and Sara was acutely aware that she lay sprawled naked across his sofa in the middle of the day. Rolling to her feet, she realized there wasn’t even a blanket or throw to wrap around herself. Now that the urgency of release had passed, she felt mildly embarrassed by her own uninhibited behavior. She didn’t mind stepping out of her comfort zone, but this was a bit much. She’d stepped so far out that she might as well be in a foreign country. She felt completely out of her element.

Sara heard the toilet in the downstairs bathroom flush, and quickly scrambled for her clothing. By the time Rafe came back into the living room, she had her panties on and her shirt closed. She wasn’t certain, but she thought she detected something like disappointment in Rafe’s expression.

“I was getting cold, and your leather couch isn’t exactly warm and cozy,” she said in explanation. “At least, not without clothing.” Bending over, she reached for her jeans, letting her hair fall forward to hide her face.

“Well, then, let me keep you warm,” he said with an easy smile. “Are you hungry? Can I get you something to drink?”

“No, thanks. I, um, think I’ll go take a shower,” she demurred and reached for her shoes.

“Hey, wait a minute.” Rafe came to stand in front of her, sweeping her hair back with both hands and dipping his head to search her face. “What’s going on? I know that whole thing was ridiculously rushed and unromantic, but I’m pretty sure you wanted me, too.” His eyes were so full of concern that Sara felt her heart constrict.

“I did,” she said quickly. “I do. It’s just that you make me want to do things that two days ago I would never have considered doing, and then afterwards I feel so—so—”

She broke off, unable to verbalize how he made her feel. She wasn’t even sure she could admit it to herself. He made her forget herself—when she was with him, she seemed to become a different person. Had she wanted to have sex with Rafe in the middle of his living room? Hell, yes. But that didn’t keep her from feeling a little unsettled about her own behavior afterwards.

To her dismay, Rafe pulled her roughly into his arms. “I’m sorry,” he muttered against her hair. “I’m an insensitive bastard. My only excuse is that I’ve spent too long in uncivilized parts of the world. I’ve never met a woman like you, and I forget sometimes that you’re not like—” He stopped abruptly.

Sara pulled away from him with a frown. “Like who?” she asked, a little afraid to hear his answer. Had he been hurt by a former girlfriend? Someone he still cared about?

“Nothing,” he replied, and scrubbed a hand across his face. Standing up, he pulled her to her feet. “It’s nothing. Go take your shower.”

Gathering up her discarded clothing, she made her way quickly up the stairs, aware that Rafe’s eyes followed her. Part of her wanted to invite him to join her, to suggest they spend the rest of the day and the coming night in bed together, but then she remembered his last words.
I forget sometimes that you’re not like…


The unknown answer tormented her, and that scared her more than anything.

, silently cursing himself for being such a damned moron. He should go after her. He could see she was upset, and if he had any decency in him at all, he’d follow her and assure her that it wasn’t her; it was him.

He couldn’t stop picturing the incident in the living room, and more than anything, he wanted a repeat performance. Just thinking about Sara spread out on his sofa caused lust to spiral through him. He couldn’t get enough of her. Even as he replayed the erotic scenario, he mentally kicked himself for the way he’d treated her. Christ, he’d been so eager to get inside her that he hadn’t even considered her feelings. She was so obviously not the kind of woman who engaged in casual sex, and yet he’d taken her on the arm of his couch. He hadn’t even bothered to undress completely! He couldn’t recall the last time a woman had made him feel this way—as though he had flames licking beneath his skin that only she could extinguish.

Rafe waited until he heard the water in her shower turn on before he went up the stairs to his own room. Stripping out of his clothing, he decided he could use a shower, too, but a cold one. Even after the intense orgasm he’d just had, he wanted her again. Stepping into his bathroom, he was reaching for the shower handle when he paused, and then let out a curse.

He was completely screwed.

Swiftly wrapping a towel around his hips, he strode across the hallway to Sara’s room. He hesitated only briefly before opening the door and stepping inside. Her discarded clothing lay in a heap on the floor by the bed. Steam misted through the partially open door to the bathroom, and Rafe was helpless to prevent himself from crossing the room and stepping into the humid bathroom. He could just make out her form through the shower enclosure, her body wreathed in steam. Sucking in a deep breath, he opened the glass door.

Sara whirled around, startled. Her hair was slicked back, darkened by the water, and her eyelashes were spiky with moisture as she stared at him.

“Sara.” His voice sounded hoarse. “May I come in?”

She blinked at him, holding a bath scrunchie against her chest that dripped foamy suds over her breasts and stomach. Just when he thought she would refuse, she lowered the scrunchie and stepped back enough to make room for him. Relief surged through him. He let his towel drop to the floor and stepped into the shower, not missing how her gaze dropped to his arousal.

“Rafe…” Her voice was no more than a whisper.

He slid his hands beneath the fall of her wet hair and lifted her face, feeling the slick slide of her body against his. “You said I make you do things that you’d never have considered doing two days ago. Well, I can say the same thing about you.” At her questioning look, he gave her a rueful smile. “Let’s just say that you do things to me that no other woman has ever done. You make me crazy.”

He searched her eyes, watching as her pupils dilated and her breath escaped on a soft sigh. He lowered his head and slid his lips against hers, softly fusing their mouths together as warm water sluiced over them. She opened for him and he pressed forward, sliding his hands to her back to explore the dips and curves of her shoulder blades and spine.

“Oh,” she breathed, dragging her mouth free to press it against his shoulder. “I can’t believe you followed me in here. I thought you regretted what happened downstairs.”

He pulled back to look at her in astonishment. “Are you kidding? Lady, that was every dream I’d ever had come true.” Stepping back, he spread her arms wide and drank his fill of her. Her breasts were full and lush above a narrow waist and slender hips. “Look at you—you’re incredible.”

Sara laughed and drew his hands back around her, sliding sensuously against him. “I’m glad you think so.”

Her body was wet and warm and supple and it was all Rafe could do not to lift her against the tiled wall and bring her down onto his aching shaft. Instead, he took the scrunchie from her hands and worked it gently across her breasts, watching the streams of water trickle clean paths through the suds to expose the dusky tips. Mesmerized, he worked the rough fabric until his hands were filled with soap before he let it drop to his feet. Then, taking his soapy fingers, he smoothed them over her body, reveling in the warm, slippery feel of her beneath his palms.

Sara made a sound of pleasure and when he eased a hand between her thighs, her head fell back and she widened her stance to allow him better access.

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