Devil Hath Come (an FBI/Romance Thriller ~book 7) (52 page)

BOOK: Devil Hath Come (an FBI/Romance Thriller ~book 7)
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He knew
that he needed it to survive.

Rushing back in, she stared at him. Her heart was aching for the man. It had to be hard to be a pawn in his mother’s life. She was manipulative and calculating, but it wasn’t Cyra’s place to say it. No parent was perfect, but she hated seeing him hurt.
It was just more proof of how kind and gentle of a man he was.

“Okay, how about breakfast for dinner?” she offered, surprising him. It was obvious
that he was day dreaming or lost in thought.

Chris couldn’t focus.
“I need to ask. Why are you being so nice to me?”

She stared at him
incredulously. “Why wouldn’t I be, Christopher?”

That had to be one hell of a miracle run, if it erased her memory of what had just happened.

“My mother? You left and said you couldn’t do it. You walked away from me.”

She was so angry at herself for not being more clear and
unnecessarily wounding him in the process. “Chris, I meant living there. I can’t do it if I have to face Belladonna down day after day. I didn't mean us. I can still date you, care about you, and not live in your home. I have a perfectly nice house of my own.”

He stared at her in shock.
“So, we’re not over?”

“I don’t want your money. When you first
invited me to your Christmas party a year ago, I didn't know you were wealthy. I didn't know you had a house that was an estate. I only knew I felt something for you. I invited you here, still not knowing. So, if I have to stay here to prove to you, your mother, and the world that I don’t give a shit about your bank account, then I will.”

He swallowed.

Cyra moved to him and wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his shoulder. “I didn't mean that I couldn’t do us. I’m sorry if I hurt you.”

The light was back, and it began chasing the shadows.

“I’ll give her all the money back and sell the house. It means nothing to me, Cyra. You do.”

“You don’t have to do that, Christopher. I meant what I said. If you and I ever decide to get married, I’ll sign
a prenup. I won’t even get an attorney, or ever even look at what you put in it. I’ll sign immediately to prove a point. You’re not an asset I’m looking to collect.”

Her words touched him. “I believe you.”

“I hope so. Now, I hope you like eggs. It’s getting late and we do need to sleep.”

He took a leap of faith. “Come back with me.”

“Is your mother there?”

God, he prayed not. “No, I told her to go home, and she took Igor with her.”

Cyra smiled, trusting him with her heart. “Okay. Let me make us something to eat, and then we can head back over and get some sleep.”

Chris released her and took a seat. “I’d offer to help you, but you really don’t want me anywhere near an open flame. I might burn your place down.”

She laughed as she pulled out eggs and cheese. “Then have a seat. Would you like some decaf? I’m not willing to drink caffeine right now for anyone, including you.”

was with her there. “Well, that I can do. Point me at the coffee pot.”

She did just that. When he noticed it was one of those one cup makers that were supposed to be easy, he looked at it like it was the enemy. “Okay, if I can learn the human body inside out, I can surely figure you out,” he stated
as he talked to the machine. Once he found the power button, there was no turning back.

Cyra was laughing. “Do you need
a tutorial, Doctor?”

He shook his head. “No, I’m going to do this on my own.”

She let him have at it as she focused on making scrambled eggs. From her peripheral vision, Cyra kept an eye on him. As the toast popped, Chris had just about mastered it. When she handed him two cups, he had it under control.

When the black brew came out, he grinned triumphantly. “I did it!”

She giggled at the boy-like grin on his face. “I knew you would.”

Chris carried
the mugs to the island, as she did the same with the food. Before sitting, he watched her snip some herbs from the little pot, and then carry them to the plates. It enthralled him as she meticulously sprinkled them over the eggs.

“Shall we?” she asked and then watched
as he pulled out her stool. Cyra’s heart skipped at his gentleman like behavior. Maybe Belladonna did do something right in her life. She raised a good and kind man.

As he
ate the fluffy eggs, he found them to be the best ones that he ever had in his life. “I love these. What did you put in them?”

“Eye of newt and some bat wings,” she answered with a serious look on her face.

He stared at her and then began laughing. “Nice one,” he replied, offering her a fist bump.

She grinned
at him. “I just used some cream cheese and the chives. My mom used to make them that way, and I kept the tradition alive.”

Leaning over, he placed a kiss on her lips. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For seeing the real me
. Oh, and not running for your life when my mother said all those horrible things to you. Any other woman would have broken up with me.”

“I’m not any other woman, Christopher,” she said, staring into his eyes. “I’m going to prove that to you.”

He desperately wanted to tell her he loved her.

“What are you thinking about?” she asked, seeing the emotion in his eyes.

“I love,” he paused and then chickened out, “your coffeepot and little plants in the window. Can we bring them back to the haunted house and put them in our kitchen?”

For a second there, her heart stopped. “Yes, we can. In fact, we better bring all my plants. Since Cannon is pissed, he’ll let them die to be spiteful.”

“I have a cleaning lady that comes in a couple of times a week. I’ll leave her a note to handle it.”

Cyra grabbed their
dishes and loaded them into the dishwasher. Once she turned it on, she was ready to go.

The man she was crazy about was moving around her kitchen and grabbing as many things as he could carry. “Uh, are you trying to move me in right now?” she asked
, laughing.

“Yes,” he answered honestly.

Cyra just followed him outside. Then it hit her. He was driving a different Mercedes. This time it was an SUV. “Another car, Christopher?”

“Yeah, I have a few.”

“A few?”

“Five or eight.”

She started laughing and was unsure if he was kidding or dead serious.

“What? It’s a guy thing. Oh, and I have a boat.”

Cyra shook her head. “I’m not surprised. Let’s just go to your house. We have to leave early in the morning.”

He stopped her
by placing his hand on her arm. “No, Cyra. It’s our home.”

She stared into his eyes, again seeing the pain as he waited for her rejection and expected it. “Yes, Christopher. Hey, want to go skinny dipping before bed?”

That caught him off guard. “Yes, I think I absolutely do.”

She buckled her seatbelt
and stared back at Rex. “Then let’s go home.”



                  *   *   *



When they arrived back a
t the hotel, the men were wild with need. The adrenaline high all night in combination of watching their woman in the gauzy white dress drove them both to a point of madness. They had one goal as they placed her on the bed, and that was to ravage and have their way with her.

The testosterone was bubbling
and needed an outlet. It was a good thing that she was there. Since Elizabeth was part of the cause, she would certainly be the solution.

Lying back
on the bed, she watched them strip out of the gear they were wearing. Elizabeth’s entire body tingled in anticipation. Here stood the two sexiest men in the world, her best friends, and the equal halves of her heart. Now, they both had twin looks of need on their faces, and she knew she was in for one hell of an evening.

Callen was the first to be naked, as he crawled across the bed to her mouth. His plan was to take her lips with his, over and over again. Before he could even place his over hers, she whispered in that seductive voice that turned his body to fire and burned him alive.

“Taste me, Callen.”

He dove in
and was unable to be as gentle as he would have liked to be, but he was struggling to keep his head above water while his mouth made love to hers. When she moaned, he was only driven wilder. Neither believed they could handle more need, until they felt the bed shift and move.

Oh yeah, here came the heat.

Ethan was enthralled by their woman,
as she lie swathed in the gauzy white dress on the bedding. While his brother started high, that meant that he would get low. Sliding his hand up her leg, he pushed the material from his path as his lips left kisses across her flesh. Still higher he went, taking fabric with him, until he’d indeed unveiled the truth. Elizabeth was bare beneath her clothing.

The idea drove him wilder and made him want to have her that much more. It heated his blood and made it boil. Now
, he was starving, and she was their offering and feast. Tonight, he’d devour as much of her as he could, in an effort to satiate his thirst and huger.

Diving in, he knew
that Elizabeth was already on edge, as she arched and offered herself to him. His brain screamed as it was on overload and demanded more and more from her. Using his fingers, tongue and teeth, he drove her wild and could sense when she was close. His instinct was to push on, but instead he backed off slightly to prolong the torture.

When Callen freed her lips, she begged and pleaded with Ethan to
offer her release.

Callen stared down
her torso at his brother, watching as he tortured her and refused to free her into the pleasure.

When he stopped, his eyes met hers. “You were very bad tonight not wearing panties.”

She started laughing, only to have him go right back to causing her exquisite torture. Just as she was about to break, he’d change his rhythm, pattern, and technique.

“I’m with Ethan. You like to provoke us, but are you willing to pay the price?” He roughly pulled down the front of her dress, freeing her breasts to him. As he stroked and touched them, she squirmed for release. “Ethan!”

His laughter filled the room. “No, Elizabeth.” Again, he went back to his delicious wife, finding he was still hungry for more. Her begging was merely an appetizer to this meal.

Callen went from breast to breast, teasing and playing with the already sensitive nipples. He was enjoying
how she writhed beneath them, desperate for release.

“I won’t tease, I promise,” she begged, getting the picture. She poked the Native warriors with the stick a little too much.

They both laughed and continued on with their torment. Their woman was breathing heavy, as each time she came so close to tumbling, only to be denied.


At her begging, Ethan stopped and slid up Elizabeth’s body to stare into her eyes. “This has been fun, but now if you don’t mind, I think I’d like to fuck my wife.”

Callen groaned at the words. He knew Ethan didn't use them lightly. It was proof of how wild and out of control he was.
The storm was coming, and it was going to be a wild one.

buried her nails into his slick shoulders and wanted him in the worst way. When he teased her with the tip of him, she’d had enough. “Damn it! Just do it!”

With that,
Ethan gave her what she wanted as he quickly slid deep into her body to fill her. Elizabeth’s moan filled the room, as Ethan took her with the intent to survive. If he didn't have her immediately, there was no doubt that he would die. Sex with Elizabeth was always amazing, but now it was driven by so much more.

, Ethan doubted that he could satiate the need.

As he filled her, she exploded apart as one man took her and the other continued to lick and bite at her breasts. It was sensory overload at its finest.

“More,” Ethan demanded, building Elizabeth back up just to enjoy how she would beg and fall again.

There was no room to catch her breath, as
Ethan invaded her to the point that she would give him anything that he asked.

Elizabeth’s knees out, he spread her wider and enjoyed the way she pleaded. There was Elizabeth’s moan, the tingle that filled his body, and the shout of each other’s names, as Ethan exploded into her, in wave after wave of mind blowing heat.

Elizabeth muttered as her whole body vibrated.

Ethan dropped to the bed, beside her and watched as his brother dragged
their woman up his body.

“Take it off,” he practically hissed, even more wild now that he
had watched his brother have his way with Elizabeth.

BOOK: Devil Hath Come (an FBI/Romance Thriller ~book 7)
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