Devil Hath Come (an FBI/Romance Thriller ~book 7) (18 page)

BOOK: Devil Hath Come (an FBI/Romance Thriller ~book 7)
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They were forever hers.

While Callen stood there, she dropped to her knees and yanked his boxers down. They fell easily, freeing one of the prizes she craved most.

“Oh Christ,” he muttered, as her mouth engulfed him and began
the torturous assault. His hand went into her hair and he shook it loose of the confining twist. “Oh, angel, don’t stop,” he moaned, watching his woman on her knees as she was servicing him wildly.

Ethan took his place beside his brother as the heat built even more in him. God, he wasn’t going to survive this one. When she released his brother, he gasped as he
was next to be pulled into the warmth of her mouth.

It was absolute heaven. Elizabeth had p
erfected her methods of torture, and both men were reaping the rewards quite often.

Callen watched enthralled
, as Elizabeth worked her magic and pleased his brother. From the look on his face, it was just as amazing as it had been for him.

Ethan lost it, he pulled away from her and dragged her towards the couch. “I’m out of control, Lyzee,” he hissed in her ear as she continued to tease him. Leaning her over the side, he positioned himself behind her and waited for Callen to take his place by her mouth.

Both men stared into each other’s eyes, waiting for her to signal
that she was ready.

“Please, I need you both right now,” she begged.

It was all it took. Ethan pushed into the warm wetness and claimed his ultimate prize. The little shocks of electricity skirted up his spine as he buried himself in her warmth.

Callen was lost in his own pleasure, as he
enjoyed the way she greedily devoured him. Using her hair, he slid himself further into her mouth. When she slid her teeth across his erection, he shook violently. “Angel, God!”

Ethan found his rhythm
and began pounding into her body. It caused Elizabeth to take his brother deeper and deeper. It was so hot to watch, and all he wanted to do was to keep going until he could climb inside the warmth and wetness of her body. “Baby, so good!” he muttered in ecstasy, as he changed up the rhythm once more to fill her with long, full strokes.

The heat was bubbling to the top, ready to spill ov
er. Elizabeth was so damn close that she had to remove her mouth from Callen, or she was afraid that she would bite him. Looking back over her shoulder, Elizabeth’s eyes met Ethan’s. “Please come with me,” she begged, only to feel herself rupture apart.

Her words tore at the last shred of his
fraying control. With one last thrust, he exploded. As he poured hotly into his wife, he shouted her name in release.

Callen gave them both a second
to resurface from the pleasure. As his brother fell back onto the couch and away from Elizabeth’s body, he rushed towards her and spun her body until she was facing Ethan. She tumbled into him and immediately their lips met. Callen couldn’t wait any longer and he slid deep into the warmth of her body to experience his own bliss. “Angel, this is heaven,” he whispered as he focused on the hot silky slide. The muscles deep within her body were still quivering, and it was pulling him closer and closer to the edge.

forcefully held her mouth to his, as he plundered the depths. This was one of his favorite parts of their coming together. He could swallow her shouts and reaction as Callen finished taking her. Ethan roughly held her by the hair so her mouth couldn’t escape his. With each thrust into her body, she moaned into his mouth and relished it.

“Almost there,”
Callen muttered as he continued to watch the two people he loved locked in a passionate embrace. “Help her, Ethan,” he hissed, knowing that he was close. He desperately wanted to feel Elizabeth shake around his body.

Ethan barely heard the words, as his body was being assaulted by Elizabeth’s hands
and nails. Finally, it registered, and he ran his fingers over the most sensitive part of her anatomy. She shook beneath his fingers, willingly.

Callen couldn’t hold out any longer. Slamming into her, he prayed
that she would fall with him. With one last slide, the bliss swallowed him whole.

Elizabeth was being stroked, pummeled
, and kissed beyond anything she could handle. Her entire body was one giant nerve, and when Ethan ran his fingers over her, she shattered apart once more. It rocked her body, and she careened into the bright lights and delicious sensation.

Callen fell
forward and sandwiched Elizabeth between them. At first, no one moved or spoke.

“Am I crushing you both?” Callen
finally whispered as he rested his face on Elizabeth’s shoulder.

No, it really feels nice,” Elizabeth whispered, as she enjoyed being the cream in the Native cookie sandwich. “I don’t ever want to move,” she muttered, enjoying the scent of Ethan’s cologne mingling with Callen’s. Her face was tucked into his throat.

In fact, she could sleep just like this.

“No, I’m fine,” Ethan answered as he left kisses across Elizabeth’s forehead.

suddenly found something funny.

Why are you laughing?” Elizabeth questioned, wondering why their afterglow was amusing.

“I was just thinking about how many times we end our night exactly like this or just reversed. Normal couples don’t ever have that conversation.”

Ethan lifted his arm and placed his hand on his brother’s shoulder. “We are normal, Cal. This is just right for us. People that don’t get it, really don’t understand that love is all that means anything in life. It shouldn’t matter who you love, how you love, but only that you put yourself out there to be open to it.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” he said.

“I’ll willingly be the base to this couple stack for the rest of our lives. I don’t mind.”

Elizabeth was at peace and began to giggle. “He does have a point. If anyone walked in
, we do look funny as hell.”

Blackhawk looked over at the door. “Callen’s on top. They get to check out his posterior view
first. We’re literally covered.”

, Callen was laughing again.

Maybe this isn’t the right moment to ask this but, seriously, can I eat dinner now?” she asked. “I know I’m not pregnant, but I still need to consume some sort of caloric intake or my brain is useless.”

Callen climbed off of them and grabbed the
black polo shirt and two pairs of boxers from the floor. “Here, angel,” he offered, “Wear this.” Callen handed her Ethan’s shirt. He tossed his brother his boxers and slipped into his own. “I’d give you mine, but you’re about to eat barbeque sauce. It’s white and well, I’d like to keep it that way.”

Blackhawk laughed as he slipped
into his boxers. “Nice one, Cal. Thanks for that.” Then he glanced over at his wife. “I’ll just buy a new one, baby, so have at it. I like having you in my clothes after sex.”

slipped into his shirt as she walked over to the table to sit down. When both men joined her there was a sense of peace. “So how about we have dinner, call the kids, and then head to bed?” she asked, picking up a rib.

“Works for me,” stated Callen.

“Not me,” answered Ethan. “It seems seeing you with your hair all messed up and wearing my shirt has given me some other plans for the evening,” he answered honestly.

Callen was up for that and gave his brother a fist bump.

“Again, Mr. Blackhawk and Mr. Whitefox?” she purred.

They both answered without hesitation
. “Oh yeah, again.”




Chris had the most amazing night of his life.

Date two had been
nothing less than spectacular. Cyra made him laugh and forget the time. It was almost one in the morning, and they were tipsy from the wine that they had shared during dinner. What he wanted was the night to never come to an end.

In actuality, he knew the truth. They were both borderline drunk and there weren’t enough hours until morning for what he wanted to do in her hotel room.

It would have to wait.

Walking her to the door, he stopped in front of it. “I had an amazing night with you.”

She did too. “I think you’re a pretty spectacular man, Christopher. I can’t wait to do this again some time.”

That was his fondest wish.
That wasn’t true, he had something he wanted even more in mind.

She leaned
into his body and whispered into Chris’s ear. “Maybe tomorrow night?” she asked, using his frame to balance. Yeah, they both had too much to drink.

Oh, most definitely
. “Yeah, I’m free.” Okay, he hoped that he didn't just lie. While working, one could never tell what would be popping up. “May I kiss you goodnight, Cyra?” he asked, staring into her eyes.

“Yes, I’d like that a great deal,” she replied
as she ran her fingers up his cheek to remove his glasses. “I’m ready to be kissed,” she purred in his ear.

Holy crap, his entire body was begging for more
. Leaning in, he took her mouth with his and controlled the kiss. They both fell back against her door, Cyra clung to his ever tightening body.

Talk about torment.

This moment was the pinnacle of his life. He couldn’t remember another thing that could rival it. As tongues met, touched, and slid across one another, his hands had buried themselves in her silky blonde hair. It was so soft and glossy that Chris swore he was going to get lost in it.

Cyra was convinced
that kissing Chris was the most amazing thing in the entire world. She wanted to drag him into her room and spend the night exploring his body. Already, she could tell he was going to be sexy naked. Her hands were freely tracing his solid frame beneath his dress shirt. When he moaned, she pulled away stare into his eyes.

“I don’t have words for that,”
Chris answered as he licked his lower lip. It tasted like wine and Cyra. This was proof that she was his new favorite thing in life. He didn't believe he could ever get enough.

“Can we have
dinner and no wine tomorrow?” she asked hopefully. “I think I’d rather have dessert instead.”

Chris swallowed at the implication. Yeah, screw the booze
. He wanted something so much more sweet and delicious. It was definitely time. Date three was a good number to consummate what was growing between them. “Yes, Cyra,” he replied. “Want to have coffee tomorrow morning?” he tossed in, hoping he’d get to see her before they had to go to work.

She smiled seductively
at him. “Okay, Christopher. It’s a date,” she replied as she slipped the key into her door and stepped inside.

He crossed the hallway and did the same. “If you need me, I’m right here, Cyra.”

“And if I just want you?”

Chris swallowed as he watched her wink and close
the door. His whole body was tight with need.

“Yeah, I’m right here for that too
,” he replied.


If Cyra called, he would definitely come running.















    ~ Chapter Five ~

Tuesday Morning

days until Halloween




Morning came fast, but then it always did.

When the sun began peeking through the curtains in the
ir window, all three were forced from slumber and knew that there was work to be done. Death waited on no one, and it was only a matter of time before the killer was going to strike again.

Sitting at the table in their suite, Elizabeth was once again in Ethan’s shirt
. She was comfortably sitting between the men with her bare legs crossed, and a hand on each of her thighs. Both men were in boxers and sipping coffee as they sat beside her. Their attention was focused on the reports that they had pulled up on their tablets.

There were things
that they would rather be doing at the time, but unfortunately, life screeched to a halt when death came calling.

“I can’t find a single thing,” Callen stated, breaking the
silence of the room.

Elizabeth glanced up. “On what, Cal?”

He was getting frustrated over the dead ends. “Scarlet Red doesn’t exist. She doesn’t have a driver’s license either. I can’t locate an arrest record or fingerprints.”

Ethan stood to get more coffee
and sympathized with his brother. Sometimes, the legwork was more difficult than figuring out the assignment. “How about the IRS database? Did you run a search through there?”

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