Devil Ash Disarray (Devil Ash Saga Book 3) (21 page)

BOOK: Devil Ash Disarray (Devil Ash Saga Book 3)
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The devil crowds had no idea who they were cheering on.

After getting way closer to the devils than they ever wanted, the demon team stepped out onto the field opposite another team of a mixed devils. A referee appeared and followed them to the middle of the field where they were joined by one of the devils from the other team.

“Call it, lady,” the ref said. He took a coin out of his pocket and flipped it into the air. He caught it before anyone said anything. All eyes were on the body that Otozek rode in.

Prince Otozek merely stood there, silent, staring at the ref as he held the coin.

“Well, which is it lady? Heads or talons?” the ref asked, growing irritable.

,” Otozek said, imaging how he’d love to rip off the ref’s head and drink the blood the spilled out of it.

The ref looked at the coin in his hand. “It’s talons. Yansy’s team starts.”

The devil man ran back to his team, pleased with the outcome of whatever had just happened. The ref strolled off to the sidelines as well before giving them any clues as to what they were supposed to do next. Otozek didn’t even get to eat his head.

And now what

“I believe we are meant to play this
, my prince,” replied Moskazek.

“Against devils? That’s hardly fair,” said Orkazek. “
For them

I’ve heard of games
,” said Otozek. “
They’re supposed to be
. What are the rules

“It’s all in your host bodies mind already,” replied Moskazek. “But it would seem we are meant to stop the enemy team from moving that boulder past us. I believe the winner is decided by whoever manages to navigate the boulder onto the enemy’s sacred ground at the end of the field.”

“Sounds easy enough,” said Podavek. “Though it’d be way easier with a few more legs!”

The ref started waving and yelling at the demon team. “Get your goal saver in place! Let’s go!” The team realized there was a certain formation they must follow when playing the game, as they’d somewhat observed earlier. Otozek ordered Gnusek to go stand at the end of the field before the large netted goal.

The ref blew his piercing whistle, startling the demon team into taking defensive stances and almost blowing their cover. Prince Otozek quickly realized it was only the signal to start the game and calmed his team. He directed their attention to the other side of the field where the enemy team was. Two of the larger devils were pushing the boulder heading straight for them.

I’ve got this
,” said Otozek. His minions stayed back as the demon prince approached the speeding boulder. In his devil host body he could still use most of his demon strength. He stuck out an arm and waited. The boulder collided with his open palm and stopped. The men pushing slammed into it and toppled to the ground.

With a single step and one thrust using all his power, Otozek pushed the massive stone so hard that it shot back across the field, ran down the other team’s two defenders and flattened the goal saver. After tearing through the net, the boulder rolled into the stands where several devils even had to dive out of the way.

The crowd was silent for half a second. Then everyone simultaneously erupted into ear piercing shouts of joy, amazement, bewilderment, and wonder. Never before had they seen a push ball game ended in a single play by just one player. This was a record-breaking occasion, and the demon team was now in the spotlight.

“It appears you did well,” said Moskazek.

Of course
,” Otozek said.

The demon team was ushered off the field by a mass of adoring fans. They were escorted to a team bench in the shade to sit and watch the next games. They were offered cold drinks and towels to wipe off. Prince Otozek was used to such catering treatment, but the rest of his team was not. They soaked up the glory while they still could, all the while imagining snacking on the very devils that were treating them with kindness.


Chapter Fourteen: A Game Gone Wrong


The day dragged on.

Ash and his friends found themselves on a hot streak at the push ball tournament.  Having three people on the team that could use soul power really made the difference. Most teams were lucky to have just one person who could use their soul as effectively as Ash, Shiva, and Aura. The three rotated positions throughout the day, each one taking a turn at pushing the giant ball. Shiva called it their “extra training”.

Uverstarr’s flawless goal saving was another huge contributor to their success. After going four games without giving up a single goal, Ash got the chance to sit with the talented young goal saver for a while. They were alone for the time being. Shiva and Aura wandered off to check the brackets and buy snacks while Aralia went to the bathroom.  Ash took the opportunity to talk to Uverstarr and try to bond with him. The kid hadn’t been very talkative today, and really only looked alive when the ball came at him.

He didn’t get a lot out of the boy. Uverstarr stuck to one-word answers or said nothing at all. Aralia came back and immediately stole the conversation. Like Aura, she was interested in hearing all about Ash’s life on Earth. All day long she’d come up with strange questions that she’d sneak in during their down time. Ash didn’t mind the questions, but after a while he started to feel homesick. The brightly shining sun and extra heat reminded him even more of home.

Their Q&A session was interrupted by Aura, who rushed to them with great urgency. “Guys,” he said, stopping to catch his breath a little. “You gotta come see this. The other bracket. It’s crazy!”

“What’s going on over there?” asked Ash.

“It’s the last match of their bracket,” Aura replied, still panting heavily. “You won’t believe it till you see it! Come on!”

The death toucher turned and dashed away, and the three bench-warmers raced after him. Aura led them through the crowd, passed the information stand where the giant master bracket was positioned. Ash noticed their team had managed to advance all the way through their bracket, meaning they’d be going up against the winner of the second bracket.

“We made it to the finals?” Ash asked as they fought the crowd.

“Yep!” Aura replied. “The match to decide who we play next is going on right now! Hurry up or we’ll miss it!”

Ash continued to follow after Aura, with Aralia and even Uverstarr chasing behind him. After heading off the main field and climbing a small, steep rocky hill the team found Shiva waiting for them at the top. Not many people were around as Shiva stood with her arms crossed, staring down on the field. Ash was about to question her but the action on the field caught his eye.

Two teams were in the middle of a heated match. The team on the left consisted of all women. Of their opponents, Ash recognized only one. The lead pusher, a dark-skinned man that Ash had had numerous run-ins with in the past. A man that Ash didn’t even like, despite technically being on the same side as him.

The man was Commander Stryd. He and his men, the various Captains, were almost unrecognizable without their armor on. They wore black and red tanktops and shorts instead, and Ash could see how much they were sweating and struggling to resist their opponents, the women.

“They’ve been going at it like this for three rounds now,” Shiva spoke suddenly. “Every time, Stryd’s team loses. These girls are seriously good…”

Ash saw exactly what she meant right away. Though Stryd and a particularly tough looking Captain used their soul power to push, the ball wasn’t moving. Just one of the women stood in opposition, holding the ball back with a single arm.

“No way…” Ash said in amazement. “She’s not even using soul power.” A sharp, stinging headache kicked in. Ash wrinkled his brow in disappointment.

On the field, the team of women all stood around with their arms crossed while just one member held Stryd’s team at bay. The lead woman looked bored, not even breaking a sweat holding the grunting, straining men back. Then with just a step, the woman pushed forward with her arm. Stryd and the Captain fell to the ground and rolled out of the path of the ball, which rolled for several feet before coming to a stop.

The Captains serving as defenders stepped up to challenge the lone lady, but the female defenders finally sprang into action, tackling the Captains to the ground with a single, effortless assault. The Captain’s goal saver knew exactly what was coming. It’d already happened three times. Each time he was powerless to stop it.

The lone lady launched the large boulder ball, blasting it into the opponent’s goal zone. The Captain stationed there didn’t even risk trying to stop it again. He dove out of the way as fast as he could. Good thing too, because the ball blasted through the netting and tore it apart, then continued rolling into the protective barrier wall that stood between the field and the crowd stands. Spectators screamed and rushed to get out of the way as the ball broke the barrier, rolling part way up into the stands, kicking up dust and dirt in its path.

Holy crap
,” said Ash.

“I told you it was crazy,” Aura said with a wink.

“How is that even possible?” asked Aralia. “They had to be using soul power, like you guys, right?”

Everyone held their tongues as the ref’s whistle blew. Stryd’s team looked wrecked. Every member was covered in dark bruises and deep scrapes. Seeing them in such tatters and then their opponents, mere women who were barely damp with sweat standing victorious was a troubling sight.

“How could we lose?!” Commander Stryd screamed. “We’re the top members of the Royal Guard, for
Satan’s sake
! We should be the most powerful devils here!”

The woman controlled by Prince Otozek took notice of the man’s comments, before turning to exit the field with the rest of the team.

“They just won,” Shiva said. “That means they advance to the finals.”

play them next,” added Ash.

The team paced back to the main field, where they’d once thought they stood a chance at winning this whole tournament. The refs announced the final match of the day would be starting soon. Then the team of strong women arrived, taking to the field immediately.

“Alright everyone, listen up,” Shiva said, getting everyone’s attention. “I don’t know how, but these girls are tough. That’s why Ash and I will be pushing this round. Raley and Aura can back us up. Uverstarr can keep on doing what he’s been doing, but for
Satan’s sake
kid, if they send it flying at you as violently as they have been doing all day, get the heck out of the way!”

Uverstarr turned up his nose with an undignified grunt, but said nothing to oppose her. Everyone put their hands together and gave their best cheer, attempting to get psyched up.

With a piercing blow of the ref’s whistle, the final match began. Shiva won the coin toss, and so their team got to start with the ball. She and Ash stood directly behind the enormous round stone, focusing their soul power on their arms and legs. It was taxing work now, as they’d been going at it all day. Aura and Aralia stood beside them, determined to keep the enemy team at bay.

“Let’s do this,” Shiva said, putting her hands on the ball.

“Right,” said Ash, less enthusiastic. He was already sweating before the match even started. It was like the entire day was just now catching up to him. He felt tired.
. His eyes started leaking and his head started pounding, but he wasn’t going to give up. He put on his game face and moved into pushing position.

The duo pushed with their remaining might. The team escorted the ball to center field at top speed. Their enemies didn’t move or show any concern. One woman, controlled by the demon Podavek, stood in the middle of the field awaiting them with her arms crossed. When the ball was close enough, she stretched out her leg and repelled the giant boulder with a single kick.

And that’s with just one leg
,” Podavek said to himself smugly.

Ash and Shiva were expecting this to happen like they’d witnessed before. They reacted quickly and pushed the ball to the side instead of forcing their way forward. They scooted around the demon-controlled player instead, then aimed for the goal and kept moving.

“I guess
have to handle this after all,” said Orkazek. She moved toward the ball only to be blocked by Aura.

The death toucher moved alongside Shiva, keeping his eye on the oncoming threat. Orkazek simply walked straight up to him and with a quick swipe that moved faster than most eyes could see Aura was sprawled out on the ground. The demon charged forward again, this time aiming for Shiva.

What a cheap shot
,” Aura grumbled. “Look out Shiva!”

Orkazek advanced.

Shiva did not look out. She was too focused on steering the ball, and too dependent on Aura to protect her flawlessly. Instead, Aralia moved to intercept the opponent. Orkazek swiped again, this time knocking Aralia aside. This got Shiva’s attention. She stopped pushing the ball and turned around.

“I guess I’ll handle them myself,” she mumbled, staring at her teammates lying on the ground trying weakly to stand up. She turned back to Ash. “I’m leaving it up to you, Ash,” she said. “I’m going to teach these bitches a lesson.”

Shiva put up her fists. The smiling lady that was Orkazek moved in. Behind her was the demon Podavek, also moving in.

Ash continued to push, but without the aid of Shiva he quickly ran out of steam. His condition made using soul power even more difficult, and when he ran out it was basically game over. He tried to keep on pushing, but it was no use. The giant stone wouldn’t budge. His headache worsened as a lone lady stepped around the side of the ball.

It’s useless to keep trying
,” said the woman. The leader of the lady’s team, the demon Prince Otozek glared daggers at Ash through the devil’s eyes. “
You’ll never defeat me

Ash’s sickness spiked. His headache stung ten times stronger, while his knees trembled and shook. His eyes and nose leaked fluids like a cup with a hole in it, and his heartbeat slowed to a snail’s pace.

I can tell you fear me
,” Otozek said. “
You are right to fear me

Ash’s legs finally buckled, and he dropped to the ground. Otozek took a step. The ref’s whistle blew, and a loud voice announced the end of the round. Otozek returned to his side of the field, leaving Ash’s side with a grin. Shiva and Orkazek were about to throw down, but the demon abandoned the pointless fight at once and returned to his master’s side. Aura and Aralia picked themselves up off the ground and joined Ash’s side.

The boy was paler than usual. His shaggy hair looked like a sopping mop head. He stared at the grassy ground trying to recover from his bizarre status ailments.

“Are you okay Ash?” Aralia asked, concerned. “Did she say something to you?”

“No, I’m fine,” said Ash, trying to look strong. “I think my hair is getting too long. It’s making my head so hot…”

“Time out!” Shiva called to the ref, who blew his whistle to signal their break. She started spinning around frantically, scouring the faces in the crowd for a special someone. When she spotted her target, she waved her arms wildly calling for the person to come join them.

With his face down, Ash didn’t see the woman approach. He looked up when he heard her voice, soft and angelic as always.

“You look like you could use a hair-burn, Ash.”

Ash looked up. Standing before him in stunning summer attire and holding a black umbrella was the ever-helpful Yazma Bethilda. Yazma was a teacher at a prestigious school in North Hell, but spent a lot of time working with Ash and his friends on their flame skills.

“Good to see you, Yazma,” Ash said, smiling weakly as he struggled to his feet. The shade cast from Yazma’s umbrella fell on Ash, cooling him. “What’s a

“Sit with your legs crossed and I’ll show you,” Yazma said. Ash did as instructed, happy to be off his legs again. Yazma stood behind the boy with her hands on his shoulders. “Flames can be used for more than just attacking, as you already well know.” Yazma lifted her hands above Ash’s head and gathered some flame. “One use in particular is helping you trim this
dead demon
napping on your scalp.”

Without hesitation Yazma brought her blazing hands down on the top of Ash’s head. His hair smoked and sizzled as the flames burned it away with great ease. Ash kept absolutely still. He didn’t want to do anything that might mess up the process and burn all his hair off. Yazma worked like a surgeon burning at the tips of Ash’s mop-top, slowly whittling his hair down to a much shorter length. She finished after about three minutes, extinguishing all the flames and without burning so much as one follicle on his scalp. The process was completely painless.

Ash looked like a new man with his sleeker, shorter hairstyle. Yazma poured a bottle of water over the boy’s head to cool him off, then ran her hand through his hair to spike his bangs for some extra style.

“How do I look?” Ash asked his teammates.

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